Third Dates pt 2

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"They just love having me do this huh?" Finn twisted his mouth as he saw what was about to be their third date.

The six couples were all brought to a lake where they saw six, two seater kayaks lined up for them.

"Don't worry pal, Paige isn't here this time. You won't almost die again." AJ jokingly said to Finn referring to the near death experience he faced two years ago.

VC-Finn-For our date we're going kayaking.....great....I absolutely looove doing this.

The couples all mounted a kayak and set off across the lake waters. Each couple steered their kayak in different routes to avoid collision.

"Have you ever been kayaking before?" Dean asked Nia from the back where he sat.

"Actually, no. First time. And I'm so happy to be doing it with you." she smiled.

"Well you're lucky you're in the hands of a pro."

"You do this often?"

"Just did it once. But I'm classified as a pro."

Nia giggled, "Okay I hear you Mr.Ambrose."

"Man, you got some muscles on you girl." AJ said to Lacey, noticing her biceps as she rowed.

"Some? Darlin' you aint seen nothing yet."

Taynara turned herself around in her seat to face Finn who was sitting behind her.

"So, tell me about yourself, Finn." She said.

"You know, when people ask me to tell them about myself, thats when I usually forget everything about myself."

"So do I." she laughed, "So what do you do for work?"

"Challenges."He said, "Just kidding. Well a few years ago I used to play professional football or as everyone calls it, soccer. I also used to work the front desk at a gym back in Ireland. But now, I'm living off of the money I've won on the first Challenge and Are You The One. Currently, I'm going to school to learn how to do special effects makeup and body art. My goal is to do special effects makeup for big blockbuster films one day."

"Wow. Thats amazing. Have you ever considered being a model?"

"Umm..not really. Why?"

"I think you'd be an amazing model, just saying. You're really good looking."

He blushed, "Well thank you."

"Im serious! You could be making millions with your looks. You should even try being an Instagram model."

He laughed, "I'll think about it."

The couples all kayaked for an hour before they docked. After getting off the kayaks, they paired off and headed their separate ways to get to know each other better.

"Im going to be honest, I was not expecting to be chosen for this date." said Ember as she and Seth strolled through the nearby garden.

"Really? So why did you raise your hand?"

"Because I had nothing else to do." she laughed, "I raised my hand for the hell of it. I never thought id actually get chosen."


"I dunno." she shrugged, "Ive never really been the girl that would get chosen for anything special. Id always be the after thought or the forgotten one. Its what I'm used too."

"I chose you because from day one I thought that you seemed pretty cool. I was immediately interested in getting to know you."

"Hmm.."she nodded, "Well thats a first."

VC-Ember-Seth is an alright guy. Don't get me wrong, he's good looking but I don't think we're each other's types. Right now, the dates going pretty awkward.

Dean and Nia sat on the grass on top of a blanket with a picnic basket between them.

"So, how are you feeling?" she asked.

He propped himself up on his elbows, "Pretty chill. Why?"

"I just know that the past few days has been hard for you. You weren't really in a good mood."

"I know. But I'm over it. Its time for me to start enjoying this whole thing."

"You know, I gotta commend you. You're so in love with Renee and loyal to her that a house filled with beautiful women didn't even phase you."

"Yea just tired of people walking out on me. It didn't phase me because I didn't want to lose what I had.  But I guess its not really up to me. If someone wants to walk out on me then I have no control over that."

"You need to stop surrounding yourself with fake people."

"I guess."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Why are you so into Renee? She's hurt you before. Why keep barking up that tree?"

"Again, I'm tired of people leaving me. Plus, her and I...we have something special. She's what I need to be a better person. She makes me want to be a better person." he said with his eyes fixated on the grass.

There was a moment of silence between the two.

"She's not your last hope Dean. Take this how you want too but, stop fighting for something thats not real. There are women out there who will treat you better than how you're being treated. Don't be afraid to keep looking."

VC-Nia-Its very clear to me that Dean is hanging on to Renee because he thinks that if he lets her go, he won't be able to find someone again and to be honest, that is the most absurd thing ever. There are better women out there. Anybody would be lucky to have Dean as a boyfriend. Just look at how loyal he is. He needs to dump that blonde and let me take him home *laughs*

AJ and Lacey sat around a picnic table. He opened the basket and brought out a bottle of champagne and two glasses.

"Oh honey, dont bother to pour any for me. I'll pass."

"What, you dont like champagne?" he asked.

"I dont drink alcohol."

AJ seemed shocked yet impressed.

"Well i'll be damned. I thought the house was filled with wild party girls. On shows like these, girls that dont drink are rare." He said

"Why be a party girl when you can be a classy lady?" she tipped the brim of her hat.

" I like it." AJ chuckled, "Can I ask why you dont drink?"

"Its a personal choice. Ive grown up seeing how substance abuse can ruin people. Ive seen how it can ruin families. It ruined my family. As a result, ive vowed to never ever indulge in it."

"Are you a part of that straight edge thing too?"

"Im not sure what you're talking about but to make it simple, i've never had alcohol, i've never smoked or done a drug and I never will." she sternly said.

"Well that is truly admirable. I can relate to you to an extent. My dad was an alcoholic. It was bad. It really affected how my siblings and I grew up."

"Im so sorry to hear that."

AJ put the bottle of champagne back in the basket.

"You can drink it if you want AJ. I wont judge you."

"Thats alright. Ive had enough champagne since ive been here anyway." He said.

VC-AJ-So far, I'm really liking Lacey. I can tell her and I would have a lot in common.

They rummaged through the basket and began eating their lunch.

"So what brought you here to Temptation Island anyway? I can already tell you're very different than the other girls. You dont drink, you dont party, this whole thing doesnt really seem like something you'd want to be a part of."

"And you're right. This isnt really my type of thing with the wild parties and the drinking and the trashy behaviour. But when I got offered the opportunity I said, you know what, I never do anything for myself. Its always work work work. I dont do these kinds of things. I dont take vacations, I dont hang out with friends, I dont even get the chance to watch tv. I never take any time for myself at all so when the opportunity came for me to be a part of this show I said-screw it. Let me treat myself. I didn't necessarily come here to find love, I came here to blow off some steam."

"What do you do for work?"

"Well after retiring from the military, I opened my own cement company."

AJ's eyes lit up "You were in the military?"

"Yup. I was a marine. I also was a part of the swat team"

".....W-wow. I would have never guessed that. Thats incredible. I come from a military family myself. As a matter of fact, I was born on a military base."

"Oh really?"

"Yea my dad was a marine."

"Well look at that. We already have something in common."

VC-AJ-Im liking her the more I get to know her.

"What made you want to be a part of the military?"

"My life...growing up...was so hard. The environment I was growing up in was just so toxic. I knew that I needed to get away from that. Joining the military was the best option I had. It took me out of that toxicity. It made me into a better woman. I needed to escape my reality and that helped me. If I hadn't gone off to the military, god alone knows where I would have ended up. It saved me."

"Do you have any siblings?"

"Looord do I. I have 6 other siblings. Five sisters, 1 brother."

AJ gave an amused laugh, " Ive got 3 other brothers myself."

"Where are you from again."

"Gainesville Georgia."

"South Carolina."

"I was actually born in North Carolina. I lived there for a year before we moved to Georgia."

"We arent too far apart from each other." She giggled.

"You know, you say you own a cement company, I actually work for a cement company at the moment."

" No way. Well heres what, quit your job. I'll hire you instead."

"Im thinking about it!" AJ laughed

"So, do you have your eye on anyone in the house yet?" Mandy asked Jimmy as they sat on the grass looking out into the lake.

"If I did I wouldn't dare admit to it."

"Why not?" she batted her eyelashes.

"You want my wife to show up and super kick me back to Florida? Aint no chance I'm gonna admit to something like that."

"Soo...that means you do have your eyes on someone." she smiled.

"I never said I did I never said I didn't."

"So if you didn't then you would have flat out deny that you had your eyes on someone. You said you wouldn't admit to it which means that you do."

"Look, I'm in a house full of beautiful women, all of you have my eyes okay."

"Bullshit." she nudged him, "Tell me who's the lucky girl thats on your mind."

"Yo, all you girls just wanna get me in trouble." Jimmy chuckled, "Ya'll are dangerous."

"Fine. If you don't want to admit anything then let me. Out of all the guys here, I'm really drawn to you."

"Pft, you just sayin' that because I picked you for the date girl, stop playing. You aint foolin' me."

"Im being one hundred percent honest with you." she seriously said.

".....Really?" he asked, surprised.

"Yea." she smiled, "You seem like the total package. You're funny, you got style, you're hot, overall you seem like a good man. Naomi's a lucky girl."

He took a deep breath in and laughed.

"Well...thanks for letting me know that. I also think you're very attractive." he awkwardly said.

VC-Mandy-Its not that I want to be a home wrecker or anything like that but....I know what I want and I'm going to pursue it.

6:15 PM

VC-Zelina-So we were supposed to be heading back to the house already but the guys begged production to give us a few more minutes because everyones hanging out and just having a good time. We weren't in a rush to leave.

All the couples sat together in a circle on the grass, drinking and conversing.

"I won't be surprised if Finn is the first guy to hook up with someone in the house." said Seth, "The guy's quiet but he's dangerous."

"Yea on Are You The One, Finn got non stop action."said Roman.

Taynara giggled.

"Yea he even got action from Sasha. I witnessed it first hand." Dean said.

"Oof." Zelina covered her mouth.

"Thanks for reminding me Dean." Roman sarcastically said.

Finn's face was red, "No no no, I'm not going to be getting action until I'm reunited with Becky."

"We'll see about that." Taynara cheekily said.

Everyone began ooing.

The cameras panned over to Mandy and Jimmy. It showed Mandy sitting on Jimmy's lap. His arm was around her waist as they conversed with the group.

"All of ya'll girls are just horny aren't ya?" Jimmy asked, "Ya'll just can't wait to get your paws on us."

"Not all of us." said Ember, "Some of us can wait. Like me."

"I think its pretty clear who are the good girls and who are the bad girls in the house." said AJ.

"Im a good girl. Right Jim?" Mandy seductively said, making eye contact with him.

"I...hope that you are..."

"You'll find out soon enough." she bit her lip.


"Come with me for a minute, Nia."Dean said as he rose from the grass. He had a bottle of wine and two wine glasses in hand.

He began walking towards the lake and Nia followed. The scenery was perfect. The sun was beginning to set behind the clouds, painting the sky in a beautiful orange-yellow colour. The lake waters mirrored the sunset. The breeze was gentle. The sound of rustling leaves and laughter was all that could have been heard.

They stood at the bank of the lake. Dean handed her a wine glass which he then filled with the wine. He filled his as well before he set the bottle down on the grass.

"Cheers to this date." he said and bent his glass. She smiled and touched her glass to his.

"Cheers to finding love even though you already think you've found it."

"That too."

They both took a sip of their wine.

VC-Nia-God, I want to kiss him so badly. Do I just go for it or...wait for him? This is agonising.

"Why did you pull me aside to do this? We could have toasted with everyone there?" she asked.

" I wanted to have this special moment with you, not everyone else. I saw it as a nice way to end the date."

"Well...thank you for an amazing date Dean. I enjoyed this one."

"Again, let me apologise for the last date. I hadn't come to my senses yet."

"Its alright. I forgive you." she said, "When we go back to the are things going to be between us?"

"What do you mean?"

VC-Nia-Is it too early to ask 'what are we?'

"I don't know like...You and it just a date? Is that all its going to end up being?" Nia asked, realising how desperate she may have sounded and hating herself for it.

He shrugged, "I really can't say for sure Nia. Ive gotten my head into the game but I still feel really lost in this whole thing."

She nodded, "I understand. You're still figuring your shit out. Take your time. Its fine."

"Mhm."he also nodded.

The two stood in silence for a brief moment, gazing out into the sunset.

"Say what, lets chug this wine and head back to the group.I think we're about to leave soon."

"Chugging drinks is my favourite past time." he said as he quickly downed the wine. As soon as he finished, Nia pulled the glass from his hand, threw it on the grass, grabbed his face and kissed him. His eyebrows perked up.

VC-Nia-Ya know ya girl wasn't leaving this lake until she got something outta Dean haha. You gotta make moves, what can I say.

Finally she pulled away and looked at him. Needless to say, he was a bit caught off guard.

She giggled, "Now that was a perfect way to end the date."

He began rubbing his chin as a smirk formed across his face.

"You're trying to get me to break the rules huh?" he asked.

"You can break the rules baby, i'll keep it my dirty little secret. Our dirty little secret."

He smiled at her in a wicked way. For some reason, when Nia kissed Dean, a feeling of freedom washed over him. It made him get instant nostalgia of the days when he was single. The days when he didn't even know who Renee was.

VC-Dean-Fuck it, lets have a good time.

He placed a hand on her hip and one at her jawline and pulled her back in for a kiss.


She was taken aback by how intense yet passionate he was. Clearly she sparked something inside him.

In the distance they heard someone whistle at them, cheering them on.

VC-Nia-Renee....sorry girl. I think I just took your man *shrugs*

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