Picking Dates

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VC-Renee-So, the guys left and right now its just us in the villa. The single men havent moved in yet.

The girls were all in the living room just sitting and reflecting. Everyone was silent. They were all consumed by their thoughts as they sported worried looks on their faces.

Renee decided she had enough.

"Guys, snap out of it. Stop being sad. The mood in the room is killing me right now. Lets check this house out. We still gotta claim our bedrooms." she said.

"She has a point." Becky agreed.

"I don't care. I'll figure the house out soon enough. And give me whatever bedroom. If we're sharing rooms then Naomi, you're my roommate. I just need to sit here and be sad for a while." said Sasha.

"Okay you got it." said Renee. Her and Becky took off to begin exploring the house.

"I hope there's wine." Nikki said as she got up from her seat, "Does anybody want a glass?"

Naomi, Alexa and Sasha shook their heads 'no.'

"Suit yourselves." she said before she walked off to go wine hunting.

VC-Alexa-Its going to be a long night tonight.


(Renee's room)

(Naomi's room)

(Becky's room)

(Sasha's room)

(Nikki's room)

(Alexa's room)


The Boys' Villa

"Our house is way cooler than the girls." said Dean as he and the other guys checked out their villa.

"Do you guys see that pool? What the fuuuck."said Jimmy.

"It has a waterfall. Thats pretty cool." said Finn.

"Guess what guys. We're not sharing rooms. We all got our own rooms." Roman announced.

"Thank god." said AJ.

VC-Seth-Its about damn time they give us our own bedroom on these shows. Time after time again im always stuck sharing a room with a bunch of other people. Finally, we all get our own rooms. If it was Hunter running this show, he wouldve made us share a room and he would have chosen our roommates.

They grabbed their luggage and began to claim their bedrooms.

(Dean's room)

(AJ's room)

(Roman's room)

(Seth's room)

(Finn's room)

(Jimmy's room)

VC-Seth-These bedrooms are so nice. Wayyyy nice than my actual bedroom back home. This single bedroom is nice than my entire house. Of course, I had to choose the best bedroom for myself because screw everybody else.

"This is a pretty big bed. Big enough for two." said Roman, throwing a pillow aside.

Their bedrooms had televisions but when they turned it on, all they saw was static. There was no cable provided. They guessed that the same 'no electronic devices and entertainment system' rule applied to this show too because their phones were taken away. They were used to it by now. Plus, they didnt need electronic devices, they had 25 girls to keep them entertained.

However, an amenity that they all got in each of their rooms was their own bathroom.

They continued exploring the house. They saw the rooms that the girls would be staying in. Unlike them, the girls weren't getting their own, individual rooms. There were five rooms, each with two bunk beds and a single, standard sized bed. It was going to be five girls in each room.

VC-Finn-Im getting nervous because in this house there are outdoor showers and bathtubs everywhere. We're going to be living with a bunch of girls.....we're going to be seeing a lot of things that we may not want to see.

Just like the girls on the other side of the island, the guys got settled in pretty early. It was just them 6 in the house at the moment. They were too tired to want to drink or party. They knew there was going to be a whole lot of that in the near future so to prepare for that they decided to get some rest right now.

Before Roman went to bed, he decided to pay Dean a visit. He saw that Dean was sitting on his bed looking out through his window. He used his knuckle to knock on Dean's door that was wide open for some reason.

"Hey man." he said, leaning against the door frame, "You good?"

".....Im fine." he shrugged.

"You need anything?"

He shook his head 'no'.

"Well I just came to check on you. You've been acting really blue lately. If you need anything let me know okay. Goodnight, man."

"Thanks man, goodnight."

Roman shut his door for him.

VC-Roman-Dean just does not want to be here *sigh* Its sucks seeing him so sad all the time.


The Next Day

May 31st, 2019.

9:34 AM

"Baby!"Alexa squealed as she saw AJ and the other guys walking back into their villa. She ran straight into his arms.

VC-Jimmy-Stephanie brings us back to the girls' villa like she said she would last night. Im not sure for what though.

The girls all happily and excitingly greeted their significant others when they saw them. Immediately they all broke off into conversation.

Sasha poured Roman a cup of coffee.

"How'd you sleep last night?" he asked her.

"I cried myself to sleep obviously."

"You think too much. You need to stop doing that. You're stressing yourself out for no reason."

"I'd like to think that im stressing myself out for no reason but I don't know whats to come."

"We just called it a night and went to our rooms." Becky informed Finn.

"We did too. I was drained. Physically and emotionally."

"You girls should see our pool. Your pool is basic compared to ours." Jimmy boasted to the girls.

"It looks like a lagoon." Seth added as he ate a piece of bacon.

"So you guys really planned on coming here and robbing us of our breakfast?" Renee asked,"Who said we were making breakfast for you."

"Yea why couldn't the six of you make your own breakfast. Or make breakfast for each other." Nikki asked.

"Why do that when we know we can get it here." said Seth.

"You guys are something else." Naomi said as she was beating some eggs. The eggs she had already made were demolished by the guys so she had to make some more.

"I like my eggs sunny side up Naomi. Not scrambled." Seth joked.

"Boy-" she turned to him. He laughed.

They all got a few minutes to talk and catch up before Stephanie arrived.

"Well good morning everyone!" Stephanie greeted the couples, "You all look refreshed and ready to go. How was last night?"

They all responded variously.

"Well that's great to hear. Naomi, why don't you put down the whisk for a bit and everyone follow me out to the backyard."

They all dropped what they were doing and followed behind Stephanie. They made it out into the backyard where they saw 12 chairs lined up with six on one side and six on the other.

"I want all the girls to sit on one side and all the guys to sit on one side." Stephanie instructed. They did as they were told.

VC-Becky-Uh oh, what are we in for now.

VC-Jimmy-Are we getting more singles? I mean, 25 is enough.

"So guys, let me tell you why you're here today. Today...you all will be selecting your first dates." Stephanie broke the news.

"Thought so." said Seth.

"Singles! Come on out." Stephanie called out. The singles began filing out, one by one. The single men stood on one side in front of the couples and the single women stood on one side.

VC-Alexa-I am in no mood to see any singles right now. Just-just get out of my face. All I want to see is my boyfriend.

VC-Sasha-Wait so...we're going to be choosing our dates in front of our boyfriends? Thats just messed up.

"You guys remember the singles right? Of course you do." said Stephanie, "Now, here's how the date selection is going to go down. We know that choosing dates in front of your significant other may be a little awkward. Thats why we've decided to make it easy on you guys. Your dates...will be selected randomly by you. I have two baskets, one with all the single guys' names in them and one with all the single girls' names in them. What you guys are going to do is dip your hand into these baskets, pull out a name and whoever's name you pulled out will be the one going on the date with you. Its a great way to create new friendships and break the ice a little bit. So without further ado, Becky, we'll start with you."

"Why me." Becky whined.

Stephanie brought the basket to her and she dipped her hand inside it. She then brought out a piece of paper with a name on it.

"Drew." she read.

"Okay Drew, you're the lucky man getting to go on a date with Becky this week. Come on over." Stephanie said.

"Score." Nikki said to Becky.

He smiled as he made his way over to Becky and stood behind her chair.

VC-Becky- I mean, he's a very handsome lad. He's gigantic. He seems really nice.

VC-Finn-Good looking guy for sure. Im not really worried about him if im honest. I don't see Becky being attracted to him.

"Okay next we have Renee. Go on and make your pick." Stephanie brought the basket to her.

She dipped her hand inside and brought out a piece of paper.

"Oooo Cesaro!"

"Alright." Cesaro clapped as he made his way to her.

VC-Renee-This is great! Cesaro is a wonderful man. I know im going to have a good time on the date with him.

VC-Cesaro-I know Dean and I respect him so im not going to be making any type of advances towards Renee. We get along great but im not going to be flirting with her or anything like that. I respect their relationship too much. As a matter of fact, I respect everyone's relationship so I dont know why im here.

Dean side eyed Renee and Cesaro.

"Okay next is Nikki." Stephanie announced.

She brought a piece of paper from the basket. She seemed speechless as she saw the name.

"Um...John." she nervously smiled.

VC-Nikki-What a coincidence right?

Seth gave a fake laugh and rolled his eyes.

VC-Seth-Are you kidding me? Why couldn't she get Otis?

"Hi John." she smiled as he walked towards her.

"Nikki." he nodded.

"Okay, next is Alexa." said Stephanie.

Alexa dug her hand into the names and brought one out.

"Dash." she read.

AJ had a look of defeat on his face.

VC-AJ-God I knew I should have blocked him.

Dash walked up to her and shook her hand, "Nice to meet you."

Alexa smiled, "Nice to meet you too."

VC-Dash-Ive been hearing that Alexa's boyfriend is kind of a jackass so, Im going to let her know how a real man should be treating her.

"Okay next is Naomi."

Naomi brought out a piece of paper.

"Uh oh. Randy." she said, halfheartedly.

VC-Naomi-Ive known Randy for some time and I know that the guy is a player. I don't really like him too much so....its going to be a pretty awkward first date with him and im not looking forward to it.

Jimmy death stared Randy as he made his way over to Naomi.

"You better watch yourself bro." Jimmy warned.

Randy ignored him and stood behind Naomi's chair with a proud smile.

"Okay last but not least, Sasha."

VC-Sasha-Im kind of relieved that Naomi got Randy so I dont have the chance to pick him.

"Mustafa." Sasha said, reading from her paper,

He smiled and began walking towards her.

VC-Mustafa-Im excited but kind of nervous to be going on this date. I don't really date around. The last date I had was when I was 21. so yea, im not too experienced with dating and relationships. Plus, Sasha seems wayy out of my league.

"Alright, now its time for the guys to take their pick. We'll start with Roman." Stephanie said as she brought the basket to him. He dipped his hand inside and brought out a piece of paper.

"Bianca." he read.

She smiled confidently and walked over to Roman.

"Hi Roman." she smiled and put her hand out for a handshake.

"Hey." he smiled back and shook her hand.

Sasha tried not to seem bothered by it.

"You can tell Sasha's salty." Paige whispered to the girl standing next to her which was Kaitlyn.

VC-Bianca-Im happy im the one that was chosen because im mostly attracted to Roman out of all the guys and let me tell you something, whatever I put my mind to, I end up getting.

VC-Sasha-I just hate that these girls are walking around with their noses in the air thinking that they're better than us. Like...no...slow your roll sis.

"Okay Dean, take your pick."

Unwillingly, he put his hand into the basket and took out a piece of paper.

He exhaled deeply and then said, "AJ."

"Uh oh." said Paige.

She happily skipped towards him and stood at the back of his chair.

VC-AJ-I know what I want and I what I want is Dean.....So im going to get him. No one is going to stop me.

VC-TJ-It was kind of shocking seeing my ex, AJ, here. I thought she was in love with CM Punk, what happened to that? I came here to hopefully start fresh. I dont know why she's here to be honest. Also, I have another ex on this island, Dakota.

VC-Dakota-This AJ girl.....I have to give her a piece of my mind. Just wait until we get to the house.

"Okay Finn, your turn."

He brought out a name from the basket.


She gasped, "Yay!"

She ran towards him and greeted him with a hand shake.

"Hello!" she said.

"Hey there." he responded.

VC-Liv-Okay Finn is super hot! He looks like a freaking model! I think we'd be cute together.

VC-Finn-She seems like the crazy type so I think we'll have a lot of fun.

"Jimmy, you're next."

He brought out a piece of paper and read from it.

"Vanessa. Who's that again? I cant remember."

Vanessa smiled and began walking towards him ,"Its me."

Jimmy shook his head. He was clearly liking what he was seeing.His mouth was hanging open as he watched her walk towards him in her bikini.

"Boy if you don't close your mouth imma come there and close it for you." Naomi threatened.

"Okay, next is Seth. Go on and take your pick."

He stuck his hand in the basket and shuffled around before choosing a piece of paper.

"Oh wow..... Paige." he said.

VC-Seth-I think this thing is rigged.

Nikki threateningly glared at her as she walked towards Seth, trying to send a non verbal message through her facial expression to 'beware'.

VC-Paige-Seth and I.....I don't know what our status is. I don't know if we're friends or just cast mates or what. Its such an awkward relationship we have.

She glanced over to her ex boyfriend Elias who seemed to be un-bothered.

VC-Elias-I don't really care. I don't want her back. Paige and Seth are two peas in a pod. They're both screw ups. I don't understand why they wont be together. Clearly there's something between them. If there wasn't then they wont keep going back to each other. Im not even bothered by it anymore. She's not the one for me.

"Okay lastly, AJ, take your pick."

He dipped his hand in and brought out a name.

"What a coincidence.I got Mickie."

Alexa rolled her eyes.

"Looks like its you and I again pal." Mickie said as she walked towards him.

"Strange, isnt it?" he responded.

VC-Mickie-No, im not going to try to make AJ fall in love with me. Im past that. What I want to do is have a serious talk with him. I want to help him understand what he wants and what he needs. I want to help him open his eyes a bit and see how toxic his relationship really is.

"Well couples, there you have it. These are your dates for tomorrow. As of right now, the singles will all be moving in with you. Couples, this is officially the last time you will be seeing each other until the the end of the month. To respect this process, you will be having no contact what so ever from now until the end of June. So guys, let the single ladies escort you back to the yacht. All of you have some catching up to do."

The singles ladies all gathered around the six men, preventing them from even seeing their girlfriends. They pulled them up from their chairs and took off with them towards the yacht.

"How rude." said Nikki.

VC-Nikki-We didn't even get the chance to talk to our guys before they left because all the girls basically just swarmed in and took them away. They did that on purpose. Thats just really disrespectful.

VC-Naomi-Seeing Jimmy walk away with all those girls is an image I wont ever be able to forget.

The single men also came and offered their hands to the six women and took them into the house.

VC-Renee-We have all these guys surrounding us and making us feel special and...its nice. We are the center of attention right now and its a nice feeling.

From here, the party had just begun. The experience for the couples had just kicked off. They were officially separated and in a house full of singles. They had no clue how their relationship would be at the end of this. They knew fully well that even though they left on good terms, when they reunite things could be different. And that scared them. What scared them even more was not knowing. Not knowing whats going to happen to them, to their other half, to their relationship. Not knowing whats going on on the other side of the island. Not knowing who their other half was taking an interest in. Not knowing what their other half was doing. It killed them inside but they knew they had to rely heavily on one thing and that one thing was trust.

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