The Last Night

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8:37 pm

Stephanie led the couples to a private area where a fancy, elegant dinner was set up for them.

They all sat around a large table, including Stephanie. They were given glasses of wine and their meals.

"So....we've come down to it. The final moments of you all being together. In a short amount of time all of you couples will be separated. Guys, you will be on the other side of the island. Ladies, you will remain right here. Whats going through your minds right now?"

"How surreal this is." said Alexa, "Its such a crazy thing we've gotten ourselves into. Its much more serious than I thought it would be."

"Taking the opportunity to come here indeed was a gutsy decision. But after all, if you all had a perfect, happy, relationship then the choice to come on this show would be an absolute no brainer. You would have said no. But each of you are searching for answers. You will find those answers here." said Stephanie, "Naomi, Jimmy, you guys are married. What if someone were to come in between that? What if one of you were to fall in love all over again with a different person? Where does that leave the relationship?"

The couple looked at each other.

"I don't think there's a possibility of that happening if im honest with you." said Jimmy, "Her and I, we have a lot to lose. She's my number one. Its going to take a lot for someone to make me forget about her. I don't think any of those girls there have what it takes."

"I agree with Jimmy. We're married you know. We've been in each other's lives for six years now. He's my best friend. I think if one of us were to fall in love with someone else then it would show that  we didn't really care as much about the other person. It would reveal our true colors. It will reveal how shallow the marriage really was. But I don't see that happening."

"Well, if that is the case between you two....whats going to be the next step in the marriage?"

Naomi sighed, "We'll need to have a long serious discussion first before we make any serious decisions. We're not just dating. We're married. We cant just up and decide that we're through."

"All in all, im just here to have fun man." said Jimmy, "I have my cousin here with me so I know im going to be having a good time. I think having Roman here with me is a great thing because he's going to be my rock through out this month. God forbid, if I end up losing my way I know he'll be there to talk some sense into me and bring me back to reality."

"Well that's great that you know you have that person to lean on if you start straying. So, what do you all think of the singles?" said Stephanie.

"Some of those girls were full of attitude and really catty. What kind of impression were they trying to make?" Finn said.

"True." Seth agreed,

Stephanie chuckled, "I honestly don't know what impression they were trying to give off but I think once you get to know them you'll see that they're all sweethearts. Ladies, what do you think of the guys?"

"Obviously there are some questionable characters. But id say the majority of them seem cool." said Becky.

"I think a major thing in this whole situation is that we know some of these singles. A lot of us here have history with some of these singles. Both the men and the women." said Alexa, "Some of them know us personally you know so....I think that's a big deal."

"You got a point Alexa." said Stephanie, "Some of you have friends who are here as singles. Its very easy to get influenced or tempted by someone who you consider a close friend or by someone you've had feelings for in the past. It makes the situation a bit more tricky. Maybe that's a good thing. You guys like challenges right?" She laughed, " Consider this the ultimate challenge for your relationships."

VC-Alexa-The atmosphere is so tense right now. I feel like we're getting ready to go off to war. I have no idea what im getting myself into.

"Well couples," Stephanie stood up from the table, "I'll leave you guys to talk a bit. When I get, you'll be leaving with me to go to your villa. This is your final moment together. For some of may be your final moment as a couple. When you guys reunite in a month....maybe things might be different. I advise you to say everything you have to say to your partner. Spend this moment like its the last time ever you'll see each other. Let it all out. Say what you have to say. Let the other person know truly how you feel. For some of you....this could be it. This could be your last kiss. This could be your last goodbye. I'll be back in 10 minutes to take you to your villa guys. See you soon."

The couples all branched off to separate parts of the room where they could be alone to spend quality time.

When he first arrived on the island, Dean was pretty sulky. Through out the day however, he managed to forget about the situation he was dealing with and lighten up a bit. But now knowing that this was his last ten minutes with Renee before they go their separate ways for a month, he was back to feeling down.

Renee sat across his lap as he was sitting on a couch. She repeatedly brushed her thumb against his cheek as he stared at floor.

"Please stop being so sad. You're making me sad." she said to him. He didn't respond.

"Look. I know you don't want to do this. I know you don't want to be here. But its honestly not a big deal. Stop thinking that the worst is going to happen."

"What else do you want me to think about Renee? How can I be positive in a situation like this?"

"Do you not trust me?" she asked.

"I don't trust anyone. I have before and it sucked. Im always on edge."

"Everything is going to be okay. I love you. And I always will. I want you to have fun. I want you to learn new things about yourself Dean. Im trusting you to do that. You need to trust me to do the same."

"You got a lot of things to offer. Me on the other hand, I got nothing."

"Stop. Stop bringing yourself down." she kissed him, "Just be positive okay. I love you."

"Renee...before our time runs out..I just want you to know that you are the greatest thing in my life right now. I lose you and I lose everything that made me happy. That's all I want you to know." he seriously said with his eyes still looking at the floor.

Her heart broke a little.

VC-Renee-Ugh Dean, you're killing me here!


"You know nobody can replace you. You are my number one. You are my everything. You are my happiness. Even though you're a pain in the ass, you're still the only one I want to grow old with. You're still the only one I want to wake up next to every morning." Alexa said to AJ, "Nobody can take your place AJ. I love you to infinity and beyond."

He laughed. He grabbed her face and then kissed her passionately.

"Im positive than when we come back from this, we're going to be stronger than ever baby" he said to her, "I love you."

"I love you too." she said, looking up to him and kissing him once more with her arms wrapped around his body.

"Im sorry for all those times I yelled at you and lost my cool. I treated you badly in the past and you dont deserve that."

"Im sorry for all those times I yelled at you too. I just cant wait for this month to be up."

"I'll be thinking about you all the time." he gave her another kiss.

The feeling in the room was quite heavy. Each couple were all having their heart to heart conversations and moments of passion.

Seth kept slowly running his hands up and down Nikki's sides as they kissed, occasionally grabbing her butt. Finn had his arms wrapped around Becky as she had her back to him. He buried his face in her neck as she gazed out into the night sky.

"Just don't forget about me while you're there." she said.

"How on earth can I?"

"You're going to have all those pretty girls around you."

"Im not worried at all about them. You're the one im going to be worried about. I'll just be wondering all day about what you're doing. Who you're talking to, you know."

"I wont be doing anything to make you worried at all. I'll never want to hurt you."

VC-Finn-Sometimes....I wonder if theres something more to Becky and I's relationship. I feel as though there's a part we havent unlocked yet for some reason. I love her to death but I feel as though....something's missing.

"I love you." He said to her.

"I love you too."

"Im not ready for this." Sasha said as she wiped a tear from her eye. She was seen sitting on Roman's lap.

"Come here." he said as he pulled her in for a kiss. After they kissed, they were faced, nose to nose.

" We're going to be fine okay. Im not worried and you shouldn't be worried. All we gotta do is keep each other in our hearts and take one day at a time."

"Can you just keep kissing me until Stephanie comes back?"

"Gladly." he said as he replaced his lips onto hers.

"You better not let anyone touch you,you hear me?" Jimmy said to his wife.

"No ones going to touch me Jim."

" Some smart ass is gonna try to get his hands on that butt of yours."

"That's all you're worried about? Really?"

"I know how guys are. They're gonna be watching you. I don't like that shit."

"Well you better not be watching any girls' ass either."

"I wont."

"I hear you. I know you all too well Jimmy."

"Im tellin you babe. You're all im going to be thinking about. You're going to be the first thing I think about when I get up and the last thing I think about before I go to bed at night."

"I better be." she said as she kissed him.

"Im gonna miss you." he said as his lips were pressed against hers.

"Dont do anything foolish okay. Don't drink too much."

"Dont dance to much." he said to her, "As soon as you start dancing all eyes are gonna be on you. And don't wear your booty shorts."

"Oh my god you should have given me a damn rule book."

The couples made sure to spend every last second with each other letting their emotions out, and expressing how much they loved each other. They did exactly as Stephanie wanted to and that was use the 10 minutes as if they were never  going to see each other again.

"Im not going to lie, im worried." said Nikki with her arms around Seth's neck. He had his hands on her hips.

"Im worried to. But just know im going to be fighting for us. As long as you're fighting then im fighting. If I see that you're not then....whats the point. I know how you feel about John and that's my biggest concern."

"Its the same with you and Paige."

"Well we have a lot of things to prove to each other then. In the end, I just want us to be happy. Whether it be happy together or happy apart. As long as we're happy."

She looked into his eyes and pouted.

"I wish I can have one more night with you." she said.

"Trust me, I do too." he smiled.

"Dont get in any trouble okay. I don't know what im worried the most about? You with the girls or you with the guys. Try not to get in any fights."

"I'll try."

"Okay guys." Stephanie stepped back into the room. Everyone's heart sank upon seeing her.

"This is it. You will be seeing each other again in the morning but for a very brief moment. Say your goodbyes and come with me gentlemen. Your journey begins now."

The couples began saying their final goodbyes.

"Dont leave me here." Alexa said, holding AJ's face as tears streamed down her cheeks.

He wiped her tears with his thumb, "Its gonna be okay darlin. I love you." he kissed her, "I'll be thinking about you all the time."

She buried her face on his chest. He rubbed her back.

Sasha was also a complete mess, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Stop crying Sash. Its not the end of the world." Roman comforted her.

VC-Sasha-Just the thought of him going out with another girl makes me sick. I don't like it. I don't.

Before the girls knew it, they were watching the men that they loved be led away by Stephanie. They kept their eyes locked on them until they were out of sight.

VC-Renee-I think Dean was more angry than he was sad. We didnt really talk a lot. He didnt even say bye or give me a goodbye kiss. *sigh*.....I dont know what else to say to comfort him. Hopefully he snaps out of it and loosens up a bit.

Dean's eyes were red and glossy as he walked.

VC-Dean-At the end of the month when I reunite with Renee....I don't know what our position is going to be like. I don't know if I'll still have her. I don't know if im leaving this island alone. Everyone is going to get back together. Watch me be the only bastard to leave this island by myself because thats just my luck. I know coming here was a mistake but its too late to back out of it now.

Then men boarded a sail boat. Soon, they were off to the other side of the island, the place where they'll be calling home for the next couple of weeks.


A/N-Alrighty! So you, my lovely readers, will get the opportunity to pick who gets to go on a date with who. You guys are only going to get this opportunity once so be creative with your choices. The most requested pairings will be chosen. All six men and women will be going on the dates. In case you forgot who they were:



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