Chapter 21

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Edited with Grammarly: 5/21/2020

Faust scoffs as he looks around warily, nose working. I can't help but smile internally, but at the same time, it does bring a pang of irritation.

"You don't have to worry, I'm alone."

The remark, even said telepathically, comes out sounding sharp. The male's brows rise as he turns back to me, his tightened muscles twitching. Getting a better look, it's claw rakes and bites along his body that are seeping blood.

"What happened to you?"

He doesn't answer except to clench his jaw, the emeralds on his face hardening in distrust. I grit my own teeth in annoyance, getting the urge to get up and leave. Even turn my head about to rise and do so, but the thought of just leaving him here in the shape he's in doesn't sit very well with my conscience. Do need that drink though.

So, instead of wandering off, which he seems to expect, I go past him, staying at a safe distance, and head for the water basin. The scuffs and smears of blood on the rocks and ground show he'd gone near it, following the small trail shows just where from the trees he'd come through at. The opposite direction I came in.

Turning my eyes away from the forest, I head for the water again and get that cool, refreshing drink. The cold liquid touching my tongue brings relief to a dry mouth near instantly. Looking down into the water, the full moon reflecting off of it helps light up the small semi-clearing.

The sound of movement has my ears quirking back before my head turns, eyes searching out the male who's once again shifted position to keep watch on me. His leery scrutiny is getting tiring... Wait. Glancing back to the water to see the vague outline of my pale wolfish face, my heart thuds in my chest. Why isn't he in his wolf shape?

My cobalt eyes direct to his green in surprise as my body raises back up.

"Wynter, what are you doing here?"

His voice plays across my senses, the pitch low, barely above a growl.

"Where is the rest of your Pack?"

The edge to his tone has the guard hairs along my spine raising and my eyes narrowing. His body is stretched out, propped up on his arms with a leg cocked while facing me. Tanned skin covered in drops of moisture and streaks of blood from healing wounds glistens as it moves over rigid muscles.

I can feel the blush under my skin even as I fight the rise of belligerence. My friends' influence of pushing me to come out of my shell as well as Alpha Kristos's words haven't done me too many favors lately. If anything, they seemed to have awoken my rebellious side to a whole new level.

The intended threat of his words had the desired effect, striking fear into my head and heart, but it's pushed right back out by my anger and malcontent. It gets tossed back to him by way of a glare, my tail whipping from side to side behind me as my legs turn stiff.

"Obviously not here. You send out a call and I'm sure my sister will make it to your side with all haste though. It might take a while as she's at least three miles away, but I'm sure you'll live. Maybe you should use your head next time instead of...whatever it was that clearly failed you. Not such a 'Big Badass' as you thought, huh?"

It's not till I'm just a few feet away that I realize I'd been moving closer while growling into his head. Once I notice, I halt abruptly, heart thumping at my actions. My ears go back and I want to take those steps back, but in doing so, I would lose...what? What would I lose? I didn't gain anything by doing this.

My mind finally registers the look on his face. The amused smirk playing along his barely parted lips, the glint of laughter in his emerald eyes, and the tick in his cheek as he fights not to smile wider. My seeming bravado wilts in the wake of his humor, the tightening my body had done in preparation of being hit slowly softens but stays tense in fear of this unknown and confusing male.

The breath that I had been holding is slowly released, then I take another few steps back, head lowering from its upright position. I've never done that anyone. My head is always held lower when being approached or going up to someone. Going up to him like that...

My heart is thundering under my breast as my haunches lower. There's a small bit of pride there, but it's mostly hidden under the layers of panic and years of training and tradition. Not to mention the submissive instinct, that for once, isn't screaming so loudly at me.

"Well now, isn't that interesting."

I'm jogged loose from my thoughts by Faust's voice, blinking over at him shows him to be openly grinning. He'd lowered himself to his elbow, twisting more onto his side yet keeping his right leg over his groin. Thank the Goddess for small favors.

My ears flick back even as I internally frown. The chestnut-colored hair around his head has been darkened with moisture, sweat having strands stick to the sides of his face. Ignoring his body as much as possible isn't all that hard, but it is distracting when he keeps making motions to catch the eye towards different parts of his anatomy.

"What are you talking about?"

He chuckles, the sound deep, causing the muscles in his abdomen to move. It's during one of his shifting movements that something else catches my eye, causing them to widen. From the corner of my eye I can see him smirk and follow the path of my eyes, but then he starts swearing and shifts his leg back into place.

Blinking rapidly, my eyes drop and stay focused on the ground for a few minutes before rising back to his. He looks back at me with a face that keeps flipping back and forth between anger and irritation. Blinking at him, my voice is near feather-light as it goes through his head.

"That's a bit more interesting, I think." 

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