Chapter 22

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Edited with Grammarly: 5/21/2020

All the scars along his body make sense now, sort of. Being royalty does come with its own share of dangers, let alone werewolf royalty. But a naturally born Alpha as well?

The title of Alpha is one passed down or fought for, but a natural born Alpha is a whole different league. Not only rare but greatly feared due to their power and influence. Add in his pedigree and it's no wonder so many want him...well...dead. Pretty sure his sparkling personality hardly helps with that either.

His movements had bared his lower hip, revealing the birthmark baring his birthright, both as a true Alpha and royal blood. I've only heard stories of the symbols, tales of marks passed down. Similar to that of the markings on our pelts when in wolf form, with its tribal-like appearance. One set of symbols to show bloodline, the other shows what he is. I've never heard of them being paired like that, but there was no mistaking it.

This also explains how he's in his human form right now and not wolf-shape like everyone else. Only those of royal blood have the power to resist the moon's call when it's full. Those and the born Alphas of course.

I've heard that the royals like to claim they're all as such, but it's never been proven. Not till the one in front of me now.

My heart had sped up as the knowledge of just who he courses through it, and it does scare me, but he himself, doesn't. I haven't known the male long, true, but long enough to know that he aggravates me far more than he could ever scare me. As that thought sinks in, it calms me. Calms me enough that I look back up at him.

Faust has moved to his feet, sort of. He's crouching feet from me with a warning clear in his eyes and body coiled for action. Wounds are still bleeding and he's a little pale and drawn, but stubbornly determined.

"You will speak of nothing of what you just saw, do you understand?"

My ears lay back as my spine stiffens. Sitting where I am, he could probably get to me before I could stand to bolt..if I felt the need.

I don't.

Lips raise in a sneer before snorting at him, and he looks taken aback.

"Or you'll what? Bleed on me? Seriously, all you have to do is ask, you don't need to threaten."

The warning that had been in his green eyes turns to confusion, then wariness. Perking my ears forward, my head cocks as I silently laugh at his expression. When he tries to look at me in seriousness again, I just roll my eyes.

"Faust, you have nothing to fear from me. Your secret is safe, I promise."

Howls sound in the distance, miles away, but it has us both facing in their direction. One of the hunting parties has taken down their prey. A pang squeezes my heart at the thought of my not being there with them all, but it only lasts a moment before I push it aside. Wasn't fast enough judging by the look on the males face when I turn back to him, the trace of pity in his eyes.

Seeing it there sets fire to something within me, has my jaw clenching.

"You were pushed away, that's why you're here."

I stand abruptly, his muscles clench, but otherwise, he doesn't move. Turning, I step away and have to control the level of ire my mental voice holds.

"Not that it's any of your business, but no, actually, I wasn't. They went one way, I went a different one. It was my bad luck that I happened upon you instead of any game."

The sound of his chuckling is not only irritating, it makes me antsy, causing a need to move. I just can't bring myself to care that I witnessed who he really is and treat him due his station, it's just not possible.

"You're telling me you can hunt?"

Just the very assumption that he thinks I can't has me turning with an icy glare. His smile has my heart skipping a beat before it turns cocky and self-assured. He changed position, having lowered to sitting on his rump with his legs up, arms loosely crossed over his knees.

I have no trouble keeping eye contact from his nonchalant posing, though he does look less bloody. Seeing his trying to get a rise out of me, I take a calming breath and slip my tongue out, licking across my jaws.

"Why? Can't you?"

His eyes flicker as he grins, flipping wet hair off his face. I keep at it though, warmth filling me at the sight.

"Have your injuries made you lame? Or is that what they were from in the first place? Little bunnies fighting back and kicked your butt?"

My maw has parted in a canine grin. It's obvious his wounds came from another wolf, several I would bet, but teasing him has just become really fun. His jaw ticks and his brow cocks, emerald eyes darkening with my challenge while my dark blue laugh at him.

"Aww, it's okay Faust, I'll let you hunt with me. I'll watch your back so no rabbits can sneak up on you this time."

He abruptly stands, my chuckle echoing in his head even as I dip down in a bow. Rear-end goes up with tail waving in the air playfully as I eye him, coiling to dart away if need be. Green eyes try to glare at me, even succeed for the first few moments, then they narrow at me. Once whines mimicking laughs slip from my parted jaws, he shifts his skin, falling to all fours as a very large brunette-colored wolf.

A nervous shiver slips down my spine even as my heart picks up its excited beat. His black tribal markings cover his shoulders, totally skip his back, then adorn his hips and legs. Don't get a chance to see much more before he's heading for me, his much larger size bearing down fast and hard.

Instead of trying to turn and waste time, I jump over him and bolt for the trees. I started this, now it's time to own up to my actions. Just what is it that I've done here, exactly?

~  ~  ~

Author's Note:

Alright guys, the symbols at the top are a couple I put together, I just couldn't decide which one I wanted to use for sure - which is why the mark doesn't have a definitive description in the story yet. 

I'm not sure how I want to do this, whether putting it to a vote will work or just having each reader picture the symbol they like best. 

So, I would like to hear your what you guys think on the matter, as I got so much going on right now that trying to figure it out is taking too much brain power on my part lol 

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