Chapter 25

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Edited with Grammarly: 7/1/2020

Fearing my thoughts and what they could possibly lead to or even mean, I can do nothing but stare as I'm frozen in place. I can't even think to share with Kalista...what would she think of me then? I couldn't bear to see the mistrust in her eyes at the thought of a betrayal from my Pack.

Their words are lost this far away, let alone among all the other chatter going on. I fairly start dancing in place before I whirl around and head for the rocky ledge leading down. The female next to me jumps back, eyes wide with a yip with my abrupt motion, but I don't stop.

Climbing down should be done carefully, but I'm too anxious and move too fast to worry about falling and injuring myself. I leap from ledge to ledge, feet barely touching down before I'm off to the next jump. The bottom is reached within seconds and has me twisting to the side where I take off, running for the group, not thinking of just what I'll do when I get there, just knowing it imperative.

I have to skirt around those who snap at me, jump over others who're lounging in the way, and get barked at several times. My eyes search the crowd for where I'd seen the small group, but they aren't standing in the same spot they'd been when I was at a higher elevation looking down. My heart leaps in my chest as I dart around looking, nearing a panic state before I collide into someone's side.

Bodies tangle as they flip head over tail, both of us yipping in surprise before landing hard in a heap. Shaking my head as I rise, I get a split second to hear the growl before I get kicked by clawed feet. It succeeds in pushing me further away from the one I'd crashed into, theirs being the paws that struck out at me. Back legs act as tightly coiled springs as they launch their attack.

The blow hurts, but not that bad. It's a younger wolf I'd run into, sadly it's one I go to school with. One of Mythine's clique, Jasper. A female belonging to my own Pack, the brown and blond wolf shakes herself off and stands, glaring at me.

"What the hell is your problem, Runt?"

While there are so many answers I could give to that question, I snort and shake my head. She bares her teeth at me, ears going back, but I just curl my lip and scoff. Her eyes widen a bit, taken aback.

"I don't have time for this. I'm sorry, alright? It was an accident. Do you know where my sister and brother went?"

A growl rumbles in her throat as her blue eyes glare daggers at me. My stomach sinks when it becomes apparent that she isn't going to answer me. Lashing my tail, I turn and run off, once more searching for them. Trying to track them by scent would be hopeless here, as they've been all over the camp, but I try anyway.

I catch myself before I run into the next body that ends up in front of me suddenly, but this time it's Kalista that's giving me worried looks.

"Wynter? What's wrong?"

What do I say?

Standing there like a deer in headlights, I look at my best friend and worry about what she'll think of me if she knew that my siblings might be planning something nefarious. Swallowing hard, I think up something quick.

My mind remains blank.

The insides of my stomach tighten and twist, then loud voices have us looking over to where the young Alphas are making their way back, a large moose bull being carried between the two of them. Recently killed, there are shouts and praises being thrown as many rush forward. Almost getting trampled, I hightail it off to the side away from the crowd.

Kalista follows me, but her attention is also on the unfolding celebration. Looking around, my siblings are among the others in the crowd, happy faces and cheerful vibes. I swallow hard in an attempt to get my wayward mind under control, guilt filling me at the direction my thoughts had gone.

My friend's mother calls for her, and I'm glad for the chance to slip away. After she nuzzles my snout, she turns tail and heads for her family, while I take steps backward till I'm out of the main gathering area. I'm not allowed to go that far though, not when I get shoved from the side and rolled into the trees.

The smell of fur fills my nose, the scent of the other wolves my age. A brown and blond pelt pushes close before I feel teeth in my shoulder. Before I can even attempt to retaliate, more teeth and sharp nips are felt at my flank and a sharp tug is given to my tail.

Jasper has gathered her group, and now getting her revenge for my having run into her. This is going to be a long few days.

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