Chapter 26

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First day back to school, and I'm almost looking forward to it. Days spent with people that aren't all fangs and claws will be kind of nice. All the rebelliousness I had been showing, I had paid dearly for those nights of the full moon.

Kalista's parents had been doing some training with her and Markus had his own thing going on, so I was on my own quite a bit after that first night. Even running off to the area that I'd been in with Faust didn't save me, as it just made things all the worse, for then no one was around to tell them to lay off. Never did see the other wolf again, which was probably a good thing, all things considering.

It's way too warm to wear long sleeves, so all bruises, cuts, and scrapes that haven't healed and visible are clear as day with the light T-shirt I'm wearing. The multiple bite wounds around my neck have mostly healed, but they're still red. More or less looks like I'd been in a very abusive relationship, only the other guy doesn't look worse, sadly enough. Any fighting back I did just made things that much worse.

I haven't seen Kal or Marie yet and if I heard right Markus didn't come in today. He was going with his father to check out some land or something, but that's just what I heard from secondhand gossiping from the other girls. Everyone knows how reliable that can be.

The bell is about to ring and I'm getting the last books I need from my locker when I feel eyes on me. Just as I turn to see who it is, an elbow finds its way into my ribs. The abrupt surprise of it has a gasp slipping from me, then I cut off all sound, even though my body starts screeching as I twist away.

"You're in the way, Runt. You should take your pathetic ass back out into those woods and bury yourself where you belong."

Jasper seems to have taken serious offense to what I'd done, even though I'd apologized I don't even know how many times for it. She's developed a real hatred for me, more so than what my sister seems to have.

Keeping my eyes cast downward as I try to breathe through painful lungs, I ignore the laughter from the rest of those in the hallway. The bell rings, getting everyone's full attention and moving them to their destination, all while I stand against the lockers and relearn how to take in oxygen. Once the halls are mostly clear, I'm able to move and make my way to class, walking itself proving painful as it jars other injuries.

I keep my head down throughout the day, even when feeling as though someone is staring holes into my back. Glancing up never shows who it is specifically, as there'll be several that are looking at any given time. Seeing my sister draped on Faust between classes proved to be a couple of pairs at one time, she with a smirk and his unreadable. Couldn't even get myself to meet his eyes, just read his face, the part of it that I saw.

Kalista and Marie catch up with me at lunch, and both turn in to mother hens, which has me laughing and near crying at the same time. Marie's outrage and willingness to go to war on my behalf is heartwarming, even if it is really silly. It's also when Kal confronts me on hearing about a small celebration-gathering happening in a few days at my house.

"It's your birthday! How come you didn't tell us?"

I give a small shrug, a little confused.

"It's not mine that's being celebrated, so it's just another day for me. Much of the celebration already happened during the full moon when the whole Pack was gathered, so this is just mainly for their friends and them to party."

Mythine, Adolphos, and I will be turning eighteen. Before school ends I'll have to be looking for a new place to live. While the others can stay, my welcome will be worn out quickly. Getting pushed out of the den isn't uncommon for wolves.

"You don't celebrate your birthday?"

Blinking over to a frowning Marie, I give her a smile. Kalista had retreated, looking guilty at even having brought it up.

"No, not really. I stay long enough to wish my siblings well and give any gifts I was able to get them, then I slip away and go on a run before things get too hectic."

Both give me scowls when I mention giving them anything, their shared looks so alike that it has me laughing.

"Well then, how about you come to my place? We'll have our own little party."

Marie's offer takes me aback, blinking at her in near dumbfoundedness. Kalista smiles wide and agrees, jumping on board and near wiggling in her seat from her overflow of energy. Heat suffuses my cheeks as I stutter out their unnecessary actions and an attempted excuse, but neither have any of it as plans get made while I sit there with my head spinning.

Heat has filled my face so much and raised my temperature to the point that I twist and raise the hair off my neck without even thinking. My friends are animatedly talking to each other too much to notice, but someone does as I once again feel eyes on me. This time, before I can turn to see who it is, a shiver goes up my spine as the deep undertones of a growl reach my ears.

Stiffening my spine, I drop my hair to cover my injuries once more. The bruising of teeth marks apparent all around the back of my neck and shoulders once more hidden behind the near-white curtain. Fading purple, green, and that murky yellow are what mostly remains, but there are still a few spots where punctures had been made, so teeth impressions are visible.

Looking around, no one else seems to have heard it, as no one looks any different. Turning my head slowly, many of the current groups are starting to dissipate due to the lunch near ending, new ones impatiently taking their place. My sister and her gaggle have gone, but there's still a menacing shadow where they'd been.

On the pillar with arms crossed, leans a tall muscled male that exudes an aura that keeps other males away naturally. Black jeans encase long legs, a dark blue form-fitting long-sleeved shirt hugs his upper body, and a sardonic smirk graces his tanned face. Emerald eyes glitter out from under naturally thicker, arched brows, my gaze meets them for a split second before falling back down, regretfully stopping at his mouth.

The smirk turns into a grin, baring white teeth that appear almost sharp. They're there for a second before his tongue slides over them, my heartbeat speeding up. Tearing my gaze away seconds before Kal calls for my attention in moving for class, I have to work at slowing my heart rate and regulating my breathing before giving myself away.

I can just imagine Faust's smug laughter in my head, and that alone annoys me enough to be able to get myself under some semblance of control. Kalista and Marie start out ahead of me, so I look back to the male who's still standing there, this time holding a finger up to his lips even as he grins at me.

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