Chapter 35

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It takes about an hour and a half but we finally finish. Marie even gets sidetracked off her original plans by wanting to know more about the rumors going around the school.

"Which ones?"

"You being feral, because that's complete bullshit."

I smile at her even as I slump down. After laying it all out to her as I know it, from when it started and learning who did it, to the trouble it can lead to, she listens intently, frowning the whole time. When I stop, she's quiet for a time as she takes it all in, then asks if there's any way she can help. Having put all jokes aside for now. I shake my head sadly, as there really isn't.

"It got brought up to the Alphas during the full moon, but it's just gotten worse since then, so I'm not sure if they were able to do anything right then. I'm going to have to approach them myself and hope it hasn't gotten too out of hand, but I've a feeling I'll still be called out for not coming to them sooner."

Getting blamed for something that had already been brought up to them... It wouldn't be the first time, but it's sure serious enough to be the last. I sigh, knowing that as soon as I leave here I'm going to have to see to it, as putting it off any more will just make things potentially worse.

"What about the royalty claim? You think that's true?"

I cringe inwardly. I was hoping she wouldn't ask about him. Lying is not my strong suit, let alone to a friend. Furrowing my brows with a frown, I just shrug, then take on a look of disgust as I think of my sibling.

"I really wouldn't be surprised if it was something my sister started to get more attention. While she's never done anything like this before, her rep had taken a hit when I stood up to her. Apparently me being feral wasn't enough as it just ruined me, it didn't do much for her limelight."

How would she have found out though? The way she'd smirked at me today, it was like she knew. She knew and that he'd blame me for it getting out. Did she hear us talking at some point without us knowing? Myth had punished me for just being friends with Markus, but being on talking terms with royalty? I don't get it though, when she's always hanging on him. Isn't that enough to show she's claimed him?


Blinking over at Marie, she'd slumped down not two feet from me, looking annoyed in my stead. I smile at her, elated once again that she's here with me. After a couple minutes she speaks up, seeming unable to contain herself any longer.

"If you could do anything, what would you do?"

"About this or in general?"

She shakes her head.

"In general I mean, with your life."

I think for a second then look at her again.

"We talking in a realistic capacity or fantasy?"

Marie pauses for a second as she thinks on it then smiles and shrugs.


Moving my arms to cross under my head, I look up at her ceiling as I lay back. If I could do anything, what would I do?

"It can be anything?"

Sliding my dark eyes over to her, she smiles and nods, so I look back up. I'm kind of at a loss, because I never really stopped to think about this. The whole concept of dreaming big isn't an option for me, so I've always tried to keep it as realistic as possible.

"Well, I've always wanted to go to college. Since I don't have a position in my Pack, I'd be free to do so where others wouldn't, enabling me to seek fields that could help them better. I don't have the smarts for becoming a doctor or lawyer, let alone the money, but every little bit helps and I like being able to contribute even if it is in a small way."

I pause as my parents' words start filling my head. This move we'll be doing keeps taking on more and more of a foreboding caste than a freedom one. Would I still be allowed to seek a higher education? The way they're making it sound, it's as if it's more like a war camp than anything else.

"If we're going the fantasy route, I...I think I'd like to break away completely. Go to school somewhere and take courses I would want and live a life for myself that doesn't include the Pack at all."

My heart races as the words come out, my lungs burning. I'm nervous and it comes out in a lower tone, but I surprise myself by how honest it sounds. Would I really be willing to go Loner?

"Would that be possible? Don't all wolves have to be in a Pack?"

I'm startled by the voice next to me, forgetting for a split second where I am. Registering her question, I shake my head.

"Wolves don't have to be in a Pack, no. Those in Packs are usually made up of family groups or individuals who grouped together for safety. A Pack provides stability, community, comfort, and peace. Not all seek that though. It isn't common knowledge just so the human populace doesn't freak out, but Loners are quite common. A male or even female will wander until they find a mate then they can petition to join a Pack. From what I've heard, some Packs will push out their males once they hit a certain age, then allow them to return once they've found a suitable mate."

When I look over to Marie, she has such a look on her face I start laughing, but she collects herself.

"You only answered half of it. Would you really be willing?"

I think on it for a few moments, thinking over everything that's happened and what I'd be giving up. Frowning, I shrug, having trouble coming up with anything to make me stay. There are shockingly few reasons for me to, and it's only other people I'd be lingering for. Even those people though, there's no guarantee I'd be able to see them after we get moved, not since their stations would dictate otherwise.

"I...I'm not completely sure. I do know I'd be able to get away with it a whole lot easier than anyone else would."

Marie's brows crinkle in confusion.

"What do you mean? Didn't you say Loners are common? No big deal?"

I chuckle and slide her a smile.

"Just because they're common doesn't mean they're 'no big deal'. They're often looked on with mistrust because amongst those that choose to be on their own are those who've been kicked out of their Packs. Rogues. Unless they're marked in some way, there's no way to tell them apart. Those that get banished will be marked and are obvious, but if they run before the mark can be given, then they look like everyone else."

Looking over to Marie, she's soaking everything up like a sponge. Some of the info I'm giving her could potentially be damaging, but I trust her.

"For wolves who want to leave their Packs for whatever reason, they have to petition their Alphas and the request can be denied. If they leave without permission, it can be grounds for punishment. It'd be easier for me, however, because I'm a runt."

Sitting up, I reach for my pen to have something in my hands, needing to fiddle with something.

"What's that have to do with anything? You're not that small."

Smiling over at her, I'm amazed how angry she seems to be getting in my defense. Chuckling softly, I tap my pen on my leg and answer her a little absently, staring off to the side.

"With my siblings and I turning 18 soon it wouldn't be too much of a surprise. Since everyone is planning on moving soon anyway and the rumors that Mythine has going around, my leaving would probably be a boon to them. A chance at a fresh start. Clean slate as it were."

Shrugging again, I look back over to the young woman next to me to find her blue eyes have widened in shock. Mentally kicking myself, I take in her hurt expression as my heart thumps a little painfully in my chest.

"What do you mean?"

Inhaling deeply to keep from wincing too badly, I start with an apology, forgetting all about having not telling her anything about it. Never having had such a close human friend before, I keep forgetting there are things she does and doesn't know. It's a learning experience for us both.

"I'm so sorry Marie. Please forgive me. With it being wolf stuff I couldn't go around talking about it. This is way more important than the stuff I was just telling you, so you have to promise not to say anything as it affects Kal and Markus as well."

While my friend still looks hurt, it takes on more of a worried cast as she moves closer, unable to hide her earnest curiosity either. I take her hands in mine, hoping to show her my sincere feelings by touch even if I can't manage to get it across in words. She grips them firmly, giving a squeeze before I start my explanation.

"This past full moon, we learned our Alphas have a plan on moving our Packs elsewhere..."

Marie looks confused, interrupting me about us having just moved here. I nod and explain that as well.

"I think the purpose of that was to meet up with Markus' Pack while plans finalized then we all move together, make sure we for-sure all got along and such. Also makes things easier if we all know one another before getting there, I think."

Pausing for a moment as I think of some of the stuff that got brought up at home before coming over, how Nightsbane was brought up, but I don't want to mention that. That might be revealing too much. As if reading my mind though, she's the one who brings it up.

"What about those rumors about Faust being royal? Do you think they're true? Could that have anything to do with why the Packs are moving?"

My brows furrow as my heart picks up. Finding myself in a situation I don't want to be in. How do I not lie to my friend but keep a promise as well as not reveal too much about other matters? I hate this. My voice lowers when I finally answer.

"I don't know. I only know things that are shared with us all and he was never mentioned, let alone as being a royal. There was mention of another Pack, but nothing about royals."

I can see that Marie wants to ask and talk about anything revolving around werewolf royalty, but I'm glad when a serious expression takes over as she seems to fade off into space. Not only would I not have any answers for her, I don't really feel up to her daydream romances. Not with him.

I lean back down until on my back once more while she stays upright, tossing the pen to the side as I watch her face. She's thinking about something really hard, her face scrunched as she focuses on something in her head. I've seen her do this before. She's playing out scenarios in her head. Of what though, is what has me worried. I'm about to ask when she finally speaks up, sounding almost as if she's talking to herself.

"Would you be worried about being on your own?"

I think about it for a good minute before answering, making sure I put thought into it before admitting I would.

"But, I'd ideally have a friend or two with me."

I smile at said friend. If we're going to be talking fantasy, then I wouldn't go anywhere without a friend close to me. Marie is looking back, she blinks before returning my smile tenfold.

"So if I heard or knew about colleges offering early enrollment for summer courses for those who qualify, would you be interested?"

I can feel my face go slack for a second before my face splits into a smile so wide I feel like it'll split. Then reality again slaps me, reminding me neither of us factored in money to this equation. My dropped excitement swings into a wistful smile instead.

"That sounds like an amazing dream, but I don't have that kind of money saved up."

Marie pouts at me, blowing loose strands of her auburn hair out of her face. The pulled back ponytail loose and practically nonexistent.

"Why you gotta ruin the fun of it?"

She sticks her tongue out at me while making a face so I chuckle at her. I apologize but wonder if it's something I would actually do if the opportunity rose. Could I, or would I be too afraid?


✰ \(‾▿‾\) 𝔇𝔬𝔫'𝔱 𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔤𝔢𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔳𝔬𝔱𝔢 (/‾▿‾)/ ✰

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