Chapter 36

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A couple days later sees my 18th birthday finding me right on schedule. Before leaving my house, I'd left the gifts I'd gotten weeks prior for my siblings on the kitchen counter for them to find. Would be a waste of money to withhold them and I always get them something. Even if they choose to toss them, it makes me feel good for having made the effort.

I'd gotten them both glass figurines from the shop. While small, they're not as small as the majority in the case that sell. Most range between three to five inches. The rose that doubles as a perfume diffuser I got for Mythine is around eight, while my brother Adolphos is a couple inches longer. I got him a frosted glass dagger that comes with its own stand. To say they weren't cheap is an understatement.

When I got to Marie's house, her mom was already bustling around the house and backyard where Markus and Kal were also waiting. I get hugged so much I have trouble breathing, but I wouldn't alter anything for the world. There's so much laughing and birthday wishes going on I can't help but cry. When everything settles down a bit is when I get asked the serious questions.

"Your parents, will they be kicking you out today or what's going on?"

Markus and Kal look a little taken aback by Marie's question, especially Markus. This is the first time I've seen him since... Since the full moon, I think. With the move coming up, I take it his father has been keeping him busy. I shrug and pass them all a small smile.

"I don't have much and it's all already packed up. I talked to the Alphas the other day about some stuff and it ended up coming up. Since the Packs will be moving really soon anyway, it was agreed to just hold off for now. Should have seen the expression on my sister's face when she found out though. She nor my parents were too thrilled, but hid it well around Alphas Fen and Messina."

Although the not thrilled part was more due to them getting scolded because of Mythine starting problems, the overall blame got shoved onto my shoulders. The last couple days have been spent walking on eggshells whenever home. When not at work or school, I'm out running just to keep as much awkwardness in the house to a minimum.

I catch Marie's scowl as she looks more and more annoyed before she finally bursts out.

"Well damn, move in here then. That way you don't have to deal with your idiot family."

The rest of us laugh, but we know she's serious. My heart warms at her generosity. Then she even gets her mother into it, who's passing out cake pieces she'd just cut up. I didn't even realize she was doing it, otherwise I would have offered to help. Saying as much, she waves me off saying it's my birthday, all I need to worry about is spending time with my friends. While flustered, I get dragged away by Kal who is laughing hard at Markus who has frosting all over his face.

Blinking at him myself, he looks a bit surprised, not to mention confused. I am too until I see Marie nearby about to fall over while looking beat red embarrassed, covering her mouth and eyes wide as saucers.

"Um, what happened?"

Chuckling at them while Markus cocks a smirk, his honey brown eyes are glittering in mischief which just makes him look as handsome as ever, even with the sticky pink icing on his nose.

"Marie! You have to do that again! He didn't get a good enough sniff!"

Kalista is hanging off of me practically busting a gut while the six foot four male standing feet away is handed a napkin by Marie's mom who is trying to hide her own smile with a look of worry and chastisement to her daughter. Doesn't quite come across though. Meanwhile, the poor human girl herself just kind of squeaks as she tries to apologize but it just won't come out.

Markus retreats into the house to wash off the pink stain left on his nose while the rest of us erupt into fits of laughter, Marie looking at us in horror and almost in tears before we can get her to laugh as well. A case of flailing hands having gone wrong when she got too close to the male after he got his plate. Poor guy is going to be smelling cake for days.

"Oh my God I'm going to die of embarrassment."

Kal can't stop laughing, having fallen to her knees as she tries to breathe. Her attempted speech through it is what gets Marie through her terror and joins in. I think we all laugh so hard because we needed to. Stress relief is a wonderful thing.

The three of us collapse on a patch of grass, limbs askew and using each other as a pillow as we get our collective breath back. When Markus comes back out to join us, Marie is finally able to apologize, but he just waves it off with a smile.

"No harm done, though I think I'm going to avoid pink cakes for a while. They pack a punch."

Kal groans and attempts to kick him, but he dodges her to flop next to us. Marie blushes but smiles anyway, looking relieved. The rest of us pick at the cake while we chat about the happenings at school, filling Markus in on the latest gossip. Well, Kal and Marie do, I more or less listen in as well and fill in what I know. When the subject of me gets brought up, I try to change it, but Markus won't be denied.

Since he hasn't been around for a while, there's a bit to catch him up on. His jaw is clenching way before we even get halfway through. When we get to the rumors about Faust, I can tell he stiffens slightly, which has me glancing at him a little longer. He knows something more than most of the others. Then again, he would have the same information that his father would have, most likely.

"There's even a rumor that Wynter and Faust have been seen making out in the halls."

Taking a drink when Kal brings that up, immediately sends me into a coughing fit. The hell? First time I'm hearing about this one and it has my eyes widening and going to hers immediately.

"Uh, sorry."

She winces even as the others are gaping at me. Looking back at them in horror, my head shakes.

"Seriously? No! I wouldn't be caught dead kissing that infernal male, supposed royal or not."

My insides clench as I picture the very wolf they're talking about, but then it's superimposed with that of my sibling and his arm around her. They're welcome to each other.

"Wouldn't that be romantic though? A royal werewolf sweeping a girl off her feet?"

Marie daydreaming out loud next to us has us all chuckling at her as she lays her hand against her forehead as if swooning. Girl has it bad. Shaking my head at her, my gaze catches on Markus watching me, so I'm careful not to meet his eyes. The next few minutes are spent poking fun at the human who daydreams of romantic notions of royal wolves when her mom comes in behind us.

"She's right here, have fun!"

We all turn to see who got brought out to see the older woman retreating back into the house, and the very male we were talking about standing there looking down at me. Faust. 


✰ \(‾▿‾\) 𝔇𝔬𝔫'𝔱 𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔤𝔢𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔳𝔬𝔱𝔢 (/‾▿‾)/ ✰

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