Chapter 4

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Edited with Grammarly: 4/26/2020

Luckily, I wasn't allowed to get that far, not since a perky female pops up in front of me seemingly out of nowhere. My yelp has her giggling, but it isn't in a rude or mean way, the others around us on the other hand, different story. I can feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment, and in seeing this, she wraps an arm around me and ushers me closer to the wall.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you. You're one of the new wolves, aren't you? You're the last one in, all the others have already checked in. I saw you enter, but you started off before I could stop you."

Her kind smile goes a long way in smoothing down my ire, and I hope that I haven't gotten to the point that I'm so needy for attention that I start falling for pranks. A few inches taller than me, her pale green eyes are soft in their attempt to ease the fumble of etiquette. Dark brown hair hangs down one side of her face, the other side is shaved.

My eyes widen, since it's pretty rare to see a female wolf without a full head of hair, or at least it is in my Pack. She chuckles, turning so I can get a better look. Shaved nearly to the scalp, there are thinner shaved strips that stretch horizontally towards the back of her head. It's actually really neat.

Smiling, I hold out my hand, she takes it without preamble and the incident is forgotten.

"My name's Kalista, and who might you be?"


Her whole face lights up like the sun as she warmly takes me under her wing. She leads me back and through the right way to the front office to get my class schedule. To my luck she's in five out of seven of my classes, the first one included.

On the way to it she gives me a rundown of the place, a basic map on how to get where and how the rooms are set up. It's a two-story building, lots of metal and glass, lots of open space once you get past those first hallways. We get held up at the library, mostly because I have to stop and drool.

She laughs and tugs at my arm, a warning bell sounding. Kalista explains that it sounds to let everyone know the five-minute mark before classes start. Grinning, I run after her as we take off for the class we need, even managing to find a couple of seats next to each other before the next bell sounds.

Running a hand through my hair, I wince, getting it caught in tangles. Having run out of the house with it wet and not getting a chance to brush it, I can just imagine how I look. While the teacher takes his time getting settled and doing a role-call, I finger comb through it the best I can, ignoring the snickers from those around me.

When my name is called, he pronounces it wrong, saying in as 'whine-ter' instead of 'winter'. Granted he's not the first to do so, but it's still disheartening.

"It's pronounced as the season, sir."

He grunts as an apology and keeps going, more snickers playing throughout the room. Kalista looks apologetic, but I know it's not her fault, and there's not a whole hell of a lot she can do without incurring their wrath too. I can already tell this year is going to be quite a ride.

The teacher turns out to be pretty boring, very bland, like he doesn't even want to be there. My next class, I don't have with Kalista, then one I do, then lunch. I didn't have time to pack one, nor do I have the money, so I don't bother with any of the lines and just go straight in.

While parts of it are a room, it turns out it's more a courtyard. Spying an open ledge between two pillars holding flowering bushes, I claim it before anyone else. Still have some sun with the perfect amount of shade to go with it.

Seeing my new friend with her burdened arms full of food, I hale her over, chuckling at the chip bag in her face.

"Hungry much?"

"Always, but it's not all mine."

Lifting a brow in question, expecting her to call someone over, she tosses a bottle of water at me. My eyes widen, and I'm about to tell her I can't when my stomach practically roars. The smug look on her face has my tongue flashing out at her.

"First she's a frog hopper then she tiger roars from her belly. Wonder what else she can do?"

Kalista squeaks as she spins around, her hair creating an unfinished like movement without the other half to complete it. Looking over, short golden-brown hair shines as a sunbeam hits it while eyes the color of honey glitter in laughter. Giving an undignified snort, I uncap the water and take my fill.

Meanwhile, the riled female next to me is threatening the tall male with an unwrapped honey bun. He's at least four inches over six feet, which makes me feel tiny, but I'm also up on something that makes me feel just a little bit taller.

"Markus so help me you're going to find this so far up your..."

"Markus? Alpha in training Markus?"

My heart nearly stops, hearing my sister nearby. My eyes drop immediately and I push into the pillar, trying to become one with it. Both Kalista and Markus see my reaction before turning. My sister is beautiful, there's no denying that.

With waist-length yellow blond hair that has gentle waves to it, blue gem-colored eyes, a model figure, and golden tanned skin, she's almost my opposite in looks. She always seems to be waiting to have her picture taken, and she doesn't even have to work for it.

Kalista moves closer to me, not understanding what's going on, but she's about to, and I'm about to lose my one friend. My stomach cramps as my sibling comes closer.


"Hello, Mythine."

"You can leave Runt, scamper off now."

With my 'secret' out, I grab up my bag, keeping my head down, trying to ignore all the talking going on. No one's even bothering to whisper at this point. Tears burn behind my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. I start out walking, but when I hear Mythine laughing, I start running.

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