Chapter 40

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I'm not allowed to stay out for long. As Jay had said before, Myth had things planned for me. Apparently time spent with him wasn't all he was talking about. With me bound, my dear sister takes a more hands on approach in her beating, getting a lot more hands on than she ever did dared to before.

Slight silver lining that I keep to myself; the reason her kick had hurt so much against my arm? She ended up rolling it back into the socket. It still hurts like hell, especially since they keep aiming for it, so I have to keep the act of it being messed up, but it's nowhere near as bad.

Not only Myth gets her licks in, but her two girlfriends as well. Their kicks hurt more than their hits. I was keeping pretty guarded when they left me on the ground, but once picked up by the one girl's boyfriend, that's when I got opened up to more painful punishments. It went both ways though, as it enabled me to use my legs as well. Getting a solid kick to one girl's hip felt real nice for all of two seconds before the others unleashed hell on me for it.

Jay just stood back and watched with a smirk, not helping them as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. When the male holding me gets a punch into my middle that has me dropping like a stone unable to breathe, lungs burning for oxygen, I wonder when it'll all be over.

"Yo man, you gonna join or what?"

The male sounds a bit disgruntled, but all he gets is a scoff in response. Glancing through my hair as I try to remain as unobtrusive as possible, I see Myth drop into the chair and wave her hand in the air.

"Jay has babysitting duty again tonight, so I'm sure he's planning plenty of stuff to do."

Looking at my sister, I see the slow grin cross her face and it causes my heart to speed up, causing my already painful lungs to labor and shudder.

"You know Jay, I know you haven't been with anyone for some time, I'm sure Wynter won't mind warming your bed, will you, sister dear? Since you're always around Markus and Leilan who are way above your station, I'm sure this wolf here will be willing to show you what your rank really is."

My heart is beating so hard I'm sure it can be heard across the room.

"Damn Mythine, that's cold."

The other girls sound snarky, but underneath it, I can hear their uncertainty. My eyes slide over to Jay, whose face holds a smirk, but his eyes are dark. I can't read them. Is he mad at her ordering him around at all? Presuming he do things? Excited? I'm not sure I want to know as I find my head shaking, directing my gaze back to my sister. My gag was never replaced, and it's blood that moistens my mouth now, yet my voice remains low.

"Mythine, no. That's taking things beyond too far. What do you expect to get from this anyway?"

She bolts out of the chair in anger and storms over to me, her hands clenched into fists as her yellow-blond hair cascades around her loosely. Sapphire blue eyes are hot with hatred as they glare down at me from her five foot seven height, her shoes give her another few inches, but even without them, she'd still be looking down on me. Snapping a hand forward, she grabs my throat and clenches as she pulls me towards her.

"I expect to get the answers I want! You will stay down here and get beaten every day until I get them. I will break you, and once I do, I will leave you in the ditch for the scavengers."

With that parting shot, she thrusts me away, causing me to fall back as I cough from her choking grip. Myth then stomps around me, leading her friends back upstairs, leaving me alone with Jay. I don't bother trying to roll over, I just stare up at the ceiling as tears fill my eyes and silently fall. Not sure how long I lay there for before he comes closer, causing me to flinch.

"Bathroom break, you're going to want to take one."

His voice is hollow as he helps me up, grabbing the arm that, as far as he knows, isn't dislocated. If he'd really been paying attention, he'd know it was fine just from my laying on it the way I was, but hell if I'm going to tell him.

I get led to the bathroom where I'm once again watched the whole time. This time when it comes to getting cleaned up, I stiffen and growl at him, but he ignores it and acts as if I'm genderless. While relieved, I don't relax at all. Especially when I get led to the bedroom. Trying to fight his hold does no good when he just lifts me up and practically throws me in. The rough landing on the bed shows just how firm it is when I bounce, almost landing on the floor.

"Relax, I doubt you want to spend the night in the tub again, do you?"

I'd rather have the damn tub over being next to him all night and I think he sees that in my eyes. He chuckles and shrugs, splaying his hands out in front of him.

"Too bad for you, I have my orders, which I better start doing before she comes down and starts bitching because she doesn't hear anything."

My eyes widen when he jumps on me, sitting on my legs that immediately start kicking as he leans down to retie the gag into my mouth. I scream into it, but the thick cloth muffles the sound to less than half the piercing sound it should be. I thrash around, uncaring that it might reveal that my arm is no longer dislocated. Would be hard to tell anyway as I'm screaming and frantically fighting his hold.

"You keep bucking like that and you'll just succeed in sending me mixed signals. Now wouldn't that be awkward."

He chuckles low in his throat. I'm so frustrated and angry I could cry. He leans lower, putting his face next to mine as his arms hold my upper body still. I can feel his hot breath next to my ear as his voice lowers and I immediately stiffen.

"Listen, this can either go one of two ways. I do what your sister says which I really don't care to do as that's going too far even for me, or I can torture you some more. You will be in pain, I won't hold back, but the screams you make will keep her at bay. As long as you suffer and she hears it, she'll be content to leave it to me and not someone else who might take things further. You good?"

Tears slip my eyes as I whimper. I can't believe it's come to this; having to choose between the most painful torture I've ever known or rape. Ordered by my own sister. When he licks up the salty tracks marking my face, I shiver and look at him in misery. They're the same shade they were the last time he tortured me. A brown so rich it could melt in your mouth.

I finally nod slowly, my heart racing even as I scream in my head, but I will take as much of his torture as I can before I'll let him or anyone else rape me. His smile is slow and seems wrong on his handsome features and I instantly get the urge to vomit. Who the hell gets a choice like this? Jay pets my face and kisses my forehead before lifting me off the bed and walking me to the end of it.

The next several hours are spent screaming. He was honest when he said I'd be in pain, that he wouldn't hold back. He stopped for a period of time to text someone, which heralded half an hour later someone dropping off a whip to him. He'd opened the door to show me on the floor, but I didn't see who it was, didn't hear them either. Just the door as it opened, closed, then him walking around to show it to me.

It wasn't a long one, only about four feet, which he said was plenty for this size room. He then gave me another choice, I could surrender to it for the three hours, or I could get naked and get in bed with him. When I adamantly shook my head to the getting naked, he said he had to change up my bonds. I didn't mean to, but my eyes must have flickered because he'd grabbed my jaw and warned about doing anything foolish.

So the next ten minutes is spent watching him change things around in the room slightly, allowing him the space he needs as well as the position he wants to put me in. I look at it disparagingly, my fists clenching behind me, but if he's wanting to move me in the position I'm thinking, that means my arms no longer being behind me.

"Alright, lay face down, head at that end, legs to either side."

I'd be more worried about the positioning, but I'm still wearing my pants, scuffed up that they are, they still cover me and would be hard to do anything with my legs apart with them on. The pillows had been removed, so my head gets laid pretty much right where they would be while my feet stretch towards either corner of the end of the bed. The head and foot boards are metal rods, perfect for what I imagine he's about to do.

Feeling Jay's weight settle on my rump, I grunt. He ignores me and starts untying my arms, unwinding the rope from my elbows down to my wrists. I cry out as blood rushes back to them, pushing my face into the mattress and biting the gag as the feeling of millions of fire ants eat away at the inside of my arms. He rubs them, which hurts like hell, but he murmurs will help the circulation. Just makes me want to punch him all the more.

"Mythine managed to pop your arm back into place I see."

I freeze for a second, realizing he'd moved my arms above my head and I hadn't even noticed. He chuckles but doesn't say any more. My wrists are tied to the headboard followed by each foot to a corner of the footboard. My lower limbs don't reach the end of the mattress so there's a length of rope that attaches me to the rods. When I again feel the heavy male sitting on my rump, I attempt to roll him off, but I barely turn my hip, so instead I make a noise of discontent.

"Calm yourself."

Growling, I feel his hands lifting my shirt, which has my breath hitching in my throat. He lifts it all the way up and hooks it around my head so it's around my neck, baring my whole back to him. His fingers then go to my bra where he unclasps it as efficiently as if he were the one wearing it. Tucking the edges to either side, he slides his hand down the length of my spine, causing the hair to rise with gooseflesh.

"Virgin flesh."

Raising and turning my head to glare at him, my nose flares. I could shift shape in this position. He must see me think of that very thing as he leans forward to stick his face into mine, his lips touching my cheek.

"Remember your choices here, Wynter. They can be taken from you. Things can always be worse. Remember that."

Whimpering as he kisses my cheek, he follows it with a long lick that has me dropping my face back to the bed in resignation. Jay spends another minute groping the skin of my back before he finally gets off me and moves to the foot of the bed.

"I suggest you stay as relaxed as possible. The more you clench, the more this will hurt."

I hear the whistle first, then the snap. The pain comes seconds later as a fiery burn across my shoulder blades. The sharp startle to my system has my back bowing and very single muscle in my body clenching as I gasp.

"On the pain scale, that would be measured as a three. I didn't even break your skin. We're going to work up to that."

I whimper, but remember his words earlier. He said he'd only do this for three hours. Surely I can do this for 3 hours? Another sharp crack has me bowing again, all oxygen gone for several seconds before a scream finally comes out, straining at my bonds as I feel my heartbeat pulse in my neck and back.

"That is a six. You welt so beautifully with your milky skin. The bruising from yesterday is still there which mars it, but the blood being so close to the surface was just too irresistible. A six won't scar on a werewolf, even tens normally won't, but your skin is so fair..."

His trailed off thought has me again whirling with despair. The lashes come quicker after that, all while I keep up a mantra in my head;

"Only three hours. Only three hours..."


✰ \(‾▿‾\) 𝔇𝔬𝔫'𝔱 𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔤𝔢𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔳𝔬𝔱𝔢 (/‾▿‾)/ ✰

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