Chapter 41

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Those three hours had felt like days and left me without a voice. The lashes stayed to my back, but the agony of it radiates outwards to my arms, wrists, waist, and ankles. He'd warned me to stay relaxed, but I couldn't. I pulled at my bonds which he had to reinforce twice before they snapped, which has left my wrists and ankles raw. The time spent redoing my bonds was made up by giving me 'level ten' lashes in succession across my shoulder blades. No matter how I moved, I couldn't get away from it and by the end, the bed looked like a murder scene.

I think I finally passed out at the end, unable to take any more. If he did do anything else to me, I'm unaware of it. I vaguely recall the flash of a camera at some point, but I'm not completely sure if it was an actual thing or something I imagined when trying to distance myself. One thing I did decide for sure on while laying there getting sliced up; I was going to get free and get away and I wasn't going with them. They could label me feral if they wanted, I wasn't going to live like this.

Then again, if Myth has her way anyway, I won't be.

When I next open my eyes, the room is dark. My legs are no longer tied down and my arms have been readjusted. The air doesn't smell so heavily of blood either. Trying to put everything together, I feel the body move next to me. All the air freezes in my lungs as I stiffen which causes my back to scream at me, which in turn causes me to cry out.

"Easy. Don't clench. And don't bend. You're healing, but very slowly. You haven't eaten in days, so you don't have the required energy to heal properly. If it were up to me I'd give you something, but Mythine would have my head if she found out."

His tone is low, near a whisper as I feel him roll. Turning my head, I can't see until he moves my hair, then I see him turned on his side looking at me. Again topless, it looks like he just woke up as well. Registering the cool air on my arms, I look down to see my shirt is completely gone. The feeling of my bra straps are as well. My heart starts racing as I look at him in wide eyed horror.

As if reading my mind, he smirks at me. There's a soft glow coming from somewhere, allowing me to see his features clearly, but I'm not sure where it's coming from.

"Don't worry, I didn't violate you. I removed your top and bra after you passed out since they were drenched in blood. You almost choked yourself with your shirt. While you were out I changed the bedding as well. I'll admit you have a nice set on you, but I like 'em bigger."

Staring at the man before blinking at his complete lack of shame, I have to wonder if he's some kind of sociopath. I've never met one that I know of, so I don't know. I know they're supposedly good at mimicking emotions while not having too many of their own, but what would this be? When several minutes go by with my just staring at him and he at me, he finally speaks up again.

"I cleaned your wounds. Not all of them, just those on your back. I tied you back down then I laid down. No funny business. However, I have to go to class today, so Mythine will have someone else here watching you."

I can't help the whimper that slips out, so I hide my face in the bed between my arms instead. Mumbling through the gag still clenched in my mouth, my face raises back up to look at him. Doing so kills my throat and causes me to wince, which has him raising an eyebrow. He catches on without having to ask as he reaches over and tugs it loose, then off. My mouth feels raw, chapped, my lips cracked. Still manage to get a word squeaked out, though it sounds more like choppy air cut with tongue vibrations.


Dipping his head in acknowledgement, he rolls off the bed and retrieves the small cup. Drinking it proves to be a trial in and of itself, a painful task, but I'm determined. I have a few things I want to ask and say, but my voice refuses to work, which just leaves me in frustrated tears.

I'm assuming it's morning as he gets up and starts getting dressed, stopping to ask if I need to use the restroom after he pauses for a moment. His question sets my heart racing. Have I been conditioned that every time he asks it's in preparation for torture? While I'd love to shake my head, the cold water went straight to my bladder. Even if I wanted to refuse, there's no telling if whoever's coming after him would allow me to go, so after a time, I finally nod. He smiles.

Getting up proves to be a more difficult task than it should be, as my stiff back burns and doesn't want to bend. I stifle the choked whimpers by biting my lip. Jay unbinds my hands and helps me up with my arms. I'm not worried about my nudity, wolves usually aren't in most cases, though this scenario is awkward. He's already made it a point to say he isn't interested, so I'm not going to feel shame about being bare when it wasn't my choice to begin with.

I catch a glimpse of the bruises discoloring my front and it causes me to stumble. There isn't a single place on me that isn't marred by marbling of some various coloring. My heart races as my breathing speeds up, yet the male directing my movements takes no notice, pulling me forward. I could always feel them, but seeing them just really drives it home what's being done to me.

"The slashes are scabbed over yet I doubt you'll want a bra strap over that. I'll give you your shirt when you're finished. Kent should be here soon, then I need to get out of here. If I were you, I'd think about giving your sister those answers she wants so bad. She'll be moving on to breaking your body soon enough."

After our usual bathroom ritual, I'm taken back to the bedroom where my bloodied shirt is grabbed up and slipped back over me. It's still damp where my blood had set into it, but it's better than nothing. The material against my wounds doesn't feel all that great either, but considering everything else, it's minor. Looking up at Jay, all I can manage is a small head shake at his words.

Mimicking writing on my hand, he looks around and finds a pen on the table against the wall. There're papers, but he doesn't grab those, instead giving me his hand instead. My brows furrow at his choice, but whatever. No evidence I guess. My hands shake as I write on his palm.

"She'll see me dead whether I answer her or not, and answering her will just kill me faster."

He sighs as he takes the pen, tossing it back onto the table. Those brown eyes of his then direct down at me intently.

"Fair enough."

It looks like he's about to say something else when his phone goes off. Checking it, he then grabs up the rope and looks at me heatedly. Grabbing my arms, he pulls me towards him suddenly and shoves his face into my neck.

"I will tie your hands in front of you, it will be up to you to get out of them. Later, Kent will get a message that will have him running out of here, that will be your window. I suggest you make use of it."

His voice has deepened he has it lowered so much. He inhales strongly as he plays his teeth over my neck, sending gooseflesh running rampant before biting down, causing me to cry out and jerk back in a panic. Not sure what he's thinking, but I want no part of it. Hearing the door upstairs open, someone's coming down the steps heavily seconds after, complaining the whole way.

"Remind me again why I have to do this shit? I'm all for skipping classes but why this... Oh. Well shit man, did you need a few more minutes? Fuck, haha."

Jay pulls away after licking the new wound he leaves me with.

"Hey, Jay? You claimin' her or something? You know that'll piss Myth off, right? She'll have your balls for this."

I stiffen as my breath catches in my lungs. No. I will not agree to that match. My eyes dart up to his while he smirks at the other male, not looking worried at all.

"I'm not sure yet. She and I have spent a whole lot of time together and I really like playing with her. I'd hate to lose that to someone else, know what I mean?"

I can't see the expression this 'Kent' has, but I hear his snickers.

"Yeah man, I get it, but how you gonna contend with her sister who thinks she's already some kind of Alpha bitch?"

Jay's hands rub down my arms where he goes about tying my wrists together. It's a snug tie but he catches my eye and I see the gleam in his. His words from earlier resonate in my head,

"I will tie your hands in front of you, it will be up to you to get out of them. Later, Kent will get a message that will have him running out of here, that will be your window. I suggest you make use of it."

My breathing halts for a second, but dare I hope? I've been fooled before.

"You let me worry about her. For now just keep it quiet, which means no texting bullshit. I have classes with her today so I'll tell her on my own time, don't need you starting shit that will get blown up."

"Sure man, no problem. What the fuck am I supposed to do here all day then? Since I'm assuming you're not wanting me to touch as Myth has ordered."

The 'ordered' part he says with air quotes and even rolls his eyes. Would seem not all Mythine's followers are too happy. Probably a case of her counting her chickens before they hatch from the sounds of things. I, on the other hand, stay as still and unobtrusive as possible, becoming part of the background as they talk, even while my hands get bound. Sitting still and meek for that wasn't easy.

"There's a TV in the corner over there, though I'd keep it on low just in case the parents show up. Myth assures they won't be a problem, but I'd rather not test that theory. Otherwise, you got your phone and whatever else you brought."

There's a few more grumbles, but I'm still stuck on the part about my parents. I had a feeling they knew, but to hear it first hand still sends a shard of pain through me.

"What about her? Shouldn't she be gagged or something?"

Jay smiles as he looks down at me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and tugging me into him. I wince and gasp, but there's hardly any sound as I stumble into his taller frame.

"No need to worry about that. We had an eventful night, she overworked her vocals. She's quieter than a mouse."

He bends down and tucks his lips next to my ear, his voice low but still within hearing range of the other male.

"But keep your teeth to yourself today, yeah? No more biting. Those are reserved."

I grimace as he stands, Kent laughing as he shakes his head.

"You sure know how to live dangerously my friend. I heard she was wild."

Jay grunts as he forces me down to the floor, ordering me to stay as he walks with Kent back to the stairs after grabbing the rest of his things. They talk a little more, but I block it out as I think over my possible escape. Can I trust his words? Can I trust him? After everything that he's done?

Thinking about it, there was almost always a choice he offered. It could either be bad, yeah, or it could be worse. It's also possible he's been lulling me this whole time. I wouldn't put it past Myth to concoct this whole scheme, but I don't see her having the brains for it. My brother maybe, but not her. Watching as Jay leaves and Kent comes walking back, I guess only time will tell on what my future choices will be; bad or worse?


✰ \(‾▿‾\) 𝔇𝔬𝔫'𝔱 𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔤𝔢𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔳𝔬𝔱𝔢 (/‾▿‾)/ ✰

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