Egg Dragoon Attack

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The winged dragon-like appeared arming a machine gun-like hand and a drill.

"Ha, you must the one who caused my creations and my friends to not completely get my monster", laughed  the voice in the machine.

"So your this Robotnik that my friend told me about, now HYDRA will finally be gone and out of my way", said X-23.

"The rumors are true, HYDRA made X-23 and they didn't invite me, let see how good HYDRA did when making you", said Robotnik.

The robots raise it machine gun arm then launch fire bullets  at a rapid past.

X-23 dodge it, perform somersaults, and jump on tree to evade them.

The gun then charge up blue light at the center of the gun then launch it, which made a large ice impact explosion but miss.

Now the mech raise it drill arm and launch it filled with electricity  but still didn't land a hit.

"Come on, Cinos told me you were smart", said X-23.

The mech piloting by Robotnik saw a cabin, "He's right, his genius father is smart, like this!".

The mech raise both of arms then charge up to launch all of it attacks, targeting the log cabin.

"Oh no", said X-23 as she ran toward her home and trying to get Cinos.

"Now fire!", shouted Robotnik as he now launch the fire bullets, ice blast, and electric drill which made the cabin exploded, "My creation will survive this attack, not sure for X-23.

The mech swing it gun arm into the pile of burn wood, there nothing in there.

"No, where are those two brats, they could be here some...", said Robotnik as then saw two something blue and other is black, "You can't escape from me fools".

Cinos run on all fours while X-23 run with him, she saw Cinos is now back to being white as snow.

"The good there I won't up in time and teleport us to safety", said Cinos.

"Man, I still can't believe this guy is your father!", shouted X-23.

"Come back here you crazy kids, Moto Bugs deployed!", shouted Robotnik.

Many ladybug robots with wheel appeared and act like race cars.

"Oh not these ....guys", said Cinos in annoyance then he swing his claws which caused it to not move correct and hit a rock.

"What are we going to do", said X-23.

"I can make another avalanche", said Cinos.

"How about something else, like teleport us to somewhere else", said X-23.

"Sorry but I only teleport in a location that remember, so I can't", said Cinos sadly.

"Is there something else you could do", said X-23.

"Well there is something else but I'm not sure it a good idea", said Cinos.

"Either that or we'll have to fight him", said X-23.

"Okay then, time for snowboarding", said Cinos as he look around for an open hollow tree, "There it is, now get in".

"Is this a good idea, I mean we can still fiiiik...", said X-23 as she sat on front then Cinos push the log then jump in.

"You drive, I'll take care these care", said Cinos he look at many Moto Bugs, he raised him arms then lot of energy appear and throw theme.

"Okay drive it, maybe I'll just tilt just. ...", said X-23 then over a rock which act like a ramp to jump over.

"Ha, you're getting good in this", laughed Cinos.

"Well umm...thank you", said X-23.

"Okay, now time for...", said Cinos then open his mouth to release the beam of energy.

"Man, and I thought you have good aiming", said Robotnik.

"I wasn't aiming at you father", said Cinos.

"Wait don't tell you just. ...", said X-23 in worry.

"Oh yes I did", said Cinos.

The beam cause the mountains to create another avalanche, now it more bigger and pushing large trees and boulders.

"It's doesn't matter, I almost got at the end", said Robotnik then the much boosted up.

"Um Cinos, there a cliff where we heading to", said X-23 in worried.

"Now as part of my plan", said Cinos, "Laura, get one me".

"Plan what plan, you never..", said X-23.

"Hello cliff", said Cinos.

"Huh, okay then", said X-23 as climb on Cinos' back and hold him.

Cinos give Laura a piggyback and saw Robotnik rise from the cliff.

"Come here doggy", said Robotnik then the two are almost near his grasp.

As the near the cliff, Cinos sprout his wing and jump over both Robotnik and the cliff.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that....", said Robotnik then the mech got hit by the avalanche, causing it to fall down to the ground so hard and cover in snow.

Cinos flap his wings to fly down and landed where the Egg Dragoon have fallen.

"Okay, now that was a good plan", said X-23 as she jump off Cinos back.

Cinos went near the dome that cover that the cockpit that Robotnik was riding.

"Now I knew something was wrong here", said Cinos.

"What you, your so-called father might be dead now, why trying to save him", said X-23.

"Oh no is not that, it that this mecha was....", said Cinos then rip out the dome which revealed to be an egg-shaped robot, "...not pilot by my father".

"Wait he wasn't here the whole time", said X-23.

"Rrrr, you may stop my Eggrobo and Egg Dragoon, but I will find you", said Robotnik using a speaker inside the Eggrobo.

"Well now I'll destroy this thing now", said Cinos as went over the snow, dig some snow out, and grab the drill of the arm.

"Wait, before you do that", said X-23 as she throw Cinos' chip into the cockpit, "Okay now!".

Cinos lifted the Egg Dragoon by the drill arm, swinging it, and throw it up to space.

"CHAOS BREATH!", shouted Cinos then use his energy beam from his mouth which pushes it towards the sky then exploded.

"I thought that your strong but I didn't knew you were that strong", said X-23.

"Well now, what are going to do, I hardly know any place to go or live", said Cinos disappointingly.

"Well I know a place that we'll get except", said X-23 as she know something.

Meanwhile in a laboratory, lots of cages filled with creatures.

"Hey let me out, I want my phone call!", shouted a large spider humanoids  with appendages on his head.

"You did this to us, now you're going to pay!", shouted a tall plant humanoid.

"You keep this dog in a cage!", shouted a large humanoid dog with two abnormal arms.

"Come in this bathtub, so you can drown in it", said a large fish in a large aquarium.

"Come on, we are all comrades here", said a large rhino humanoid with a Russian accent.

"That right dog, we have rights", said a skinny pig humanoid wear a neon mechanical outfit.

"Don't worry everyone, you all can be free when the timing is right but if one can grab this creature, you'll  extremely generals to all the mutants", said Robotnik.

Many claws, paws, hooves, and other appendages are coming out of the cages for freedom.

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