New Mutant Breed

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The creature woken up from it slumber seeing that he's in a cabin, he was laying on a bed.

The creature look at it wound which have been stitch together then sniff something.

"Oh good, you're alright", said X-23 as she went near the creature, "That bullet wasn't so easy, but I still got it out".

The creature didn't really respond.

"If don't want to talk then it already", said X-23 as head to table which been set, "So are you hungry".

The creature nodded and went near the table, sitting on the chair.

The table have two salmon, a large loaf homemade bread, boiled eggs, and berries mash into jam.

The creature sniff it in curiosity.

"Go on, enjoy it", said X-23.

The creature snatch the salmon and swallow it whole.

"Man, you must have been hungry", said X-23 as she's eating.

A few minate later, they finish eating.

"", said the creature as he finally spoke.

"Good you can talk, so...what your name", said X-23.

"I...don't really have one... but I remember being called Cinos, Cinos The Werehog", said the creature who look sad, "So...what yours".

"I'm X-23, but my name is Laura Logan", said X-23.

"Laura, I like that name", said Cinos.

"So Cinos, what are you doing here and who were those guys chasing us", said X-23.

"I....don't really like to talk about it...I'm sorta...well", said Cinos scaredly.

"I get don't have to tell me", said X-23 as pet his heads.

"Well the one thing I'll tell you that I'm a new breed of mutants, mutants with artificial X-gene base on what something or something touch last", said Cinos.

"So your saying that you're a boy who turned into a dog", said Laura.

"No, I'm a dog who turned into this horrible, disgusting, monstrous form that you now", said Cinos looking at him.

"So that why those guys are after you, you escape", said X-23.

"Yes but I feel that my more dangerous anywhere when I'm around, all because my creator want to cleanse the world from mutants but I don't like violence", said Cinos.

"Are you sure, you seem like a good fighter back there", said X-23.

"I only fight to defend myself, nothing more", said Cinos.

"But when I was in the middle of that fight, you carry me off away from the fight", said X-23.

"Sorry about that, I don't know what came over me but since they saw you with me, now your in trouble", said Cinos.

"You didn't answer the question about who are those guys", said X-23.

"Those skinny robots are Egg Gunners, of my creator's robotic soldiers while those men in suit, I don't know really much", said Cinos sadly.

"Well you seem to know them", said X-23.

"Only a little, these guy are strange alien who help my creator, that all I know", said Cinos.

"So you were created as a living weapon for someone purpose right", said X-23.

"Yes, I was and I regret it, that octopus symbol is one of the thing I know", said Cinos

"You do mean octopus symbol", said X-23.

"This octopus symbol", said Cinos as he carved what he said an octopus symbol which have a skull with tentacles.

"You mean HYDRA!", shouted X-23.

"Yes, that the name my creator uses to work for until they kick him out due to him using robots instead of people to do his work", said Cinos.

"So you and I have lots of thing in common", said X-23.

"What do mean, is it because we both mutant", said Cinos.

"No is not that, we both have bad experience in solitude and been used as weapons", said Laura.

"Then if that so, we're both one of a kind you and I", said Cinos.

"Yes, just one of a kind", said X-23.

"If you took that bullet out of me, can you get something for me", said Cinos.

"Well it depends on what is it", said X-23.

"Pleasant, destroy this chip behind my head", said Cinos as he show X-23 as chip behind his quills, which seems to fused to him.

"Wait, you have it right here but what if...", said X-23.

"Don't worry my wound will heal, and my father won't find me", said Cinos.

"Father, what do mean, you never...", said X-23.

"Father, creator, owner, he's the same", said Cinos.

"You're father is the same guy who did this to you", said X-23.

"Yes, he the one who did this to me", said Cinos.

"Then why remove it, he might come in and you will give a chance for pay back, I did it with those who are involved of my creation", said X-23 angrily and retracting her claws.

"Now there the difference between you and I, I don't seek revenge, it won't solve everything", said Cinos sadly,

"Now that sound just like...", whispered X-23.

"Please, can you please do it for me", said Cinos as he beg like a dog.

"Okay I will, if that me you happy boy", said X-23 then she scratch behind Cinos' ear.

Cinos went to the bed laying on his chest with X-23 next to him, waiting for the time.

"Now I'll be in a trance for 30 minutes, I won't feel or hear anything during this state, now you will", said Cinos then he closed eye and now in a sleep-like

"Okay before I do this, this for sorta savings me back there", said X-23 then went near his head to give him a kiss, "Now I'll do it"

A few minate later, X-23 finally got the chip.

The wound quickly healed up.

"Now I'll dispose of this thing", said X-23 as she head outside to throw the chip away.

"Well well well, look what the cat drag in", said a voice which is coming out of a large robot which almost look like a winged dragon with machine gun hand and drill hand.

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