Main Character# 2: Alice Bluelight

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Alice Bluelight is the one of the main protagonists of the series XenTerra: Mystic Arts. She is a mage of Holy Arts, a member of the Magic City and one of the founding members of Team Z. She is the Princess of an extremely royal family who, with the help of Zuke, ran away from home to join XenTerra.

Alias: Ally, Princess, Angel (by Dimir), Light of Team Z

Origin: Bluelight Kingdom (Formerly), XenTerra

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Birthday: Apirl 10

Classification: Mage, Princess of Bluelight Kingdom

Height: 158 (5'3")

Weight: 47kg (103.6 lb.)

Appearance: Alice a beautiful and curvy young woman of average height, slightly shorter than Zuke, with blue eyes, fair skin, and wavy yellow-blonde hair that has a wavy, wild look, with more locks hanging down the sides of her face, tied up with a orange bandana around her head.

Her outfit consists of a blue and white accented, sleeveless top that reveals a part of her breasts from the sides and her back is exposed, with a small golden bow was just below her neck. A white mini skirt and a pair of knee-length boots with black leggings. On her left arm, she wears a sliver bracelet.

Personality: Alice is a spirited, smart, clever, kind, playful, and a very adventurous girl in her mid teens, though a bit naive. However, she is not afraid to stand up for herself or others when the situation calls for bravery. She has no problems with fighting and would happily stand up to danger, even if she ends up getting herself hurt, for her friends and city.

Alice is passionate for magic and hopes to see all types in her adventures with XenTerra. Aside from her interest in mystical stjings, she also likes shopping, cooking and assertive men. Her favorite colors are blue and white. She is the Princess of the Bluelight Kingdom, once one of the wealthiest and most riyal families in Thelea. However, due to her estranged relationship with her father and the death of her mother, she left home to follow her own path, which displays an ambition for independence.

While her powers are not fully awaken, Alice has proven to be a capable combatant herself, often using her cleverness to her advantage, and thinking outside the box during battle.

Before she met Zuke, she was rarely interested in romantic relationships, not even with any of the suitors that her father tried to get her to marry. However, after meeting Zuke, Alice is revealed to be a romantic, holds a lot of interest over the love lives of other people, even her own.

Magic and Abilites: 

Holy Arts: Alice is able to utilizes the holy attribute of the element of light. This magic allows for her the ability to manipulate and utilize light in various ways. It allows Alice to produce, control and manipulate light at her will. Light can also be emitted from her body;  it can be capable enough to blind an enemy or cause the surroundings to explode. Holys Arts can also be manifested for multiple usage in defense that in her takes the form of a light barrier. It also allows her to heal people with the gravest of injuries, even those caused by a powerful beings. Her proficiency in healing allows her to use her hand, of even just a kiss to heal other people. Alice has been described by Angelica as a prodigy in Holy Arts, having unlocked early abilities such as using light to cause holographic illusions while in combat to fool enemies and shaping her light magic energy into various constructs.

Holy Arts: Holy Nova - Alice gathers light magic energy in her hands and unleashes a torrent of piercing and explosive light beams.

Holy Arts: Sanctuary - Alice's only defensive spell. She channels magic energy in her hands, which she holds out to the sides to form a barrier of light that offers protection for others from attacks.

Holy Arts: Heaven's Light - Alice summons halos around herself or others, to perform various feats, such as reviving people that are in a near-death state and restore their stamina.

Holy Arts: Corona Arrow - Alice begins by clapping her hands and gathering magic energy between them and once they part, a bow of holy light is created and by pulling the string back, an arrow is created that once fired, it travels at practically unavoidable speed while also being able pierce through anything and causing an explosion, with those hit feelling a great burning sensation. Alternatively, she can make the arrow split into numerous smaller ones that home into the target(s) , pierce and then explode.

Holy Arts: Heavenly Wings - A spell with which Alice manipulates her energy to create angel wings made of golden light.

Holy Arts: Salvation Arc - Alice  cloaks one of her legs in holy magic, thrusting it at her target.

Holy Arts: Radiant Dance - Alice attacks in a graceful combination of kicks and punches cloaked with holy magic

Holy Arts: Luminous Trick -  A more advanced Light spell which Alice uses to throw off her enemies. By manipulating her magic, Alice can create optic illusions in order to gain advantage over her opponents, with said illusions mostly having her staying in a place and be struck by the enemy only for them to realize it was a hologram like clone and she herself is ready to strike. However, this spell is useless on mages that are good on sensing magic energy or don't rely solely on their sense of sight.

Enhanced Durability: Despite her tendency to avoid combat, Alice has proven herself to be quite resilient: she was able to survive the assault of a sadistic Arkanis, while she was still unconscious and somehow get back up; withstand a barrage of kicks from No. 3 Stella, an cybernatic individual capable of breaking down trees and rocks through sheer physical power, without incapacitating damage, and also endure Wyzor trying to crush her head with his massive arms.

Enhanced Endurance: Alice has been shown to have great physical stamina. When having to protecte a large group of people for a long while, she hasn't shown to have any fatigue at all. After being heavily injured by Lust of the Sinners 7, she was able to hold herself against the girl. 

Enhanced Speed: Alice has shown remarkable speed, being capable of evading most of Reina's attacks while in her Thora state, which is known for having quick movements and attacks.

Keen Intellect: Alice has proven herself to be a very intelligent, logical and intuitive Mage. She was able to figure out that had Dimir slipped a sleeping drug in her drink without tasting it. Being an avid reader, she has also shown to be adept at solving words-related puzzles and riddles.

Magic Sensor: Alice has shown to be able to sense Magic to a certain extent. This was first seen when she felt Zuke show a hint of his power against Dhailia, despite holding back.

Hand to Hand Combatant: While not as proficient as the other members of Team Z, Alice possesses some skill in melee combat.

Adaptation: Alice has shown a high level of adaptability, as she was able to adjust quickly to the outside world, despite being isolated in her palace for most of her life. 

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