Main Character #3 Reina Norbell

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Reina NorBell s the one of the main protagonists of the series XenTerra: Mystic Arts. She is a adventure, a member of XenTerra and one of the founding members of Team Z. Although initially uninterested at first, she eventually chose to travel to the City of Magic, following her fight with Zuke Ukashi.

Alias: Rei, Thunder Goddess (herself), Valkyrie

Origin:  (Formerly), XenTerra

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Birthday: June 21

Classification: Mage, 

Height: (5'6")

Appearance: Reina is a toned, yet curvy young woman with an ample bust. She has large marron-colored eyes and visibly long eyelashes with long, green-colored hair which she rarely lets down, usually wearing it in a side ponytail, with two shoulder-length strands of hair frame her face.

Her signature outfits consists of a sleeveless and short purple tunic with a black collar, a pair of black fingerless gloves, black biker shorts, black socks, and a pair of black, knee-length combat boots. She also carries a green waist-bag, wearsa metal bracelets adorning her right bicep.

Personality: Reina is fiercely independent, foul-mouthed, sarcastic, direct, stubborn, and confrontational. She appears to have the same carefree and adventurous personality as Zuke and was very tomboyish in the way she acted and dressed. Reina loves battling and takes great pride in her magic skills. She's eagered to prove that she was as strong as anyone who could see and prove that she's "the greatest Thunder Mage in the world"

She has a frightening temper, especially towards her enemies. She reacts to those who harm her or her loved ones by attacking them with extreme prejudice, no matter how understandable or sympathetic their reasons are. She's also prone to teasing others, including her closest friends and crewmates. Furthermore, she enjoys high-adrenaline situations, showing that she's very much of a thrill-seeker. In spite of her harsh and bullying attitude, however, Reina is compassionate and considers her crewmates to be like members of her family

Magic and Abilities

Thunder Arts: Reina uses this attribute to manipulate lightning, though it takes on a greenish-blue color. She concentrates the lightning around her body to assault her opponents. She can attack with a single or both hands to generate electrical discharges at a distance or at close-range. The effects of the blast depends on the user's own ability; Reina, with her great mastery of Thunder Arts, has proven herself capable of conjuring bolts of electricity that has either frail, hot enough to heat a or devastating power to inflict damage. Through its use, Reina can not only generate lightning from her body, but also make it appear from almost anywhere to strike her opponents, taking them by surprise.

Thunder Arts: Tempest Charge - Reina charges forward and punches her opponent with a lightning imbued fist which releases a large amount of lightning upon impacting with the intended target, heavily damaging and electrocuting the target, whilst also pushing them away with immense force.

Thunder Arts: Spark Dive - Reina wraps her body in a layer of to increase their physical parameters, with more lightning causing greater increases. As users coat more lightning chakra around themselves, the more her hair sticks up. It quickly boosts both her offence and defense by sending electrical surges to one of her limbs and jolting it to either act faster than normal or boost the physical properties of her body.

Thunder Arts: Shiden - Reina is allowed to change her physical structure into that of a living thunderbolt, being able to move as fast as lightning is but a simple matter for Reina who has invented a technique to maximize its effectiveness. When using the Shiden, Reina will usually crouch down and plant her lightning charged feet into the ground. With a foothold, Reina will use a great deal of her superior leg strength and take off the ground, her body moving so fast that it will leave nothing but a few sparks of lightning as an indicator that she was standing there before. She then uses her increased speed to blitz a target, ricocheting around an area. Her momentum also increases the strength of her strikes.

Thunder Arts: Voltage Spear - Reina gathers lightning in her hand and creates a high concentration of electricity which he then releases in the form of an lightning spear extending from her hand.

Thunder Arts: Smite of Thora - This one of Reina's more standard techniques that is considered one of her "staples" or "go-to" moves in the middle of battle which involves summoning a powerful thunderbolt from the sky to smite her foes with. The activation of this spell consists of Reina raising his free arm into the sky, channeling her lightning magic through her body. Once her magic has finished gathering, Reina is able to use her arm as a sort of "transceiver" to attract a bolt of thunder from nearby thunder clouds that are in the area. The clouds will usually separate themselves in order for the spell continue and once that's done, the spell becomes complete and the lightning bolt is summoned forth onto the ground

Thunder Arts: Static Bullet - This spell lets Reina conjure forth a rapid barrage of lightning bullets. To activate the spell, Reina must first run her lightning magic through the tips of his fingers, storing a concentrated amount of lightning within them. Once she has done so, the tips of her fingers will begin to glow with a blue luminous that will emit a spark of electricity sparingly. Following that, Reina can now fire that stored electricity by swiping her arm, shooting forth a barrage of lightning particles that take the form of sharp needles.

Thunder Arts: Discharge -  This is Reina's defensive oriented spell that can also act as an offensive spell given the right conditions. The spell involves Reina utilizing her magic in a more unconventional way as she discharges a stream of lightning from her body that makes a full circle around her figure for a near impenetrable defense. To activate this spell, Reina will bring both her forearms into her armpits as she channels his lightning through her own body. The circulating lightning will cover her from top to bottom, leaving no weak spots as she then throws both her arms outwards, invoking the spell as a shockwave of lightning will emit from the center of her body.

Thunder Arts: Ikazuchi - This is unquestionably the most powerful pure lightning spell that Reina has in her arsenal. However, unlike all of Reina's previous spells that can be activated at any time as long as Reina has sufficient magic power to cast them, this spell can only be used under specific conditions. The conditions are that there must be thunder clouds floating in the sky above for this spell to take shape as Reina does not possess anywhere near enough magic power to supplement the amount of lightning required to maintain the monstrous form of this spell. If the condition is met and there are thunder clouds in the sky, Reina can invoke this spell by raising one of her arms into the air and by channeling her magic, Reina will mold the lightning that is gathering up above into the shape of a powerful thunder bird called 'Ikazuchi'. Because the amount of lightning that composes of the bird's shape is so astronomical, Reina has great difficulty controlling it and it requires all of her focus just to make sure the bird's shape doesn't shatter under the sheer pressure of lightning that has gone into the beast. Once the beast's shape has been completed however, Reina can use her magic to direct Ikazuchi downwards and slam her enemies with the full force of the thunder bird that is entirely composed of natural thunder. Needless to say, the destruction caused by this technique is jaw breaking and it is considered a one hit kill move that has enough power to level an entire forest.

Immense Speed and Reflexes: One of Reina's most noteworthy abilities is her tremendously skillful speed seemingly instantaneous reflexes, being able to move excessively fast in and out of combat. So great is her skill with spells and her raw speed that it seems as if she is undergoing some form of teleportation rather than actually moving, moving in the blink of an eye and simply appearing solidly at her destination. Her reflexes have been trained to such an extent that she can time her movements to avoid attacks by the smallest of margins and thus dodge attack with the least amount of physical exertion.

Enhanced Durability: On more than one occasion Reina has shown that she possesses a very high level of durability, being able to push herself on and continue fighting even after receiving a decent amount of physical punishment. In a fight with Zuke, he was able to able to take a full power Morning Deus from him, and keep fighting afterwards.

Enhanced Strength: Despite her slim figure, Reina possesses a large amount of physical strength, being capable of lifting and carrying objects many times her own size and weight. A testament of her physical strength is the fact that she has been known to punch through walls with his bare fists and throw boulders over large distances with apparent ease.

Hand to Hand Combatant: Physically speaking — Reina is in top condition, allowing for her to perform in close combat quarters almost flawlessly. She is a far more capable hand to hand specialist than people give her credit for. Having fought against enemies since childhood, Reina has built a solid foundation of versatile techniques and uses her intuitive mind alongside her natural talent to surprise her enemies with unpredictable moves. With no formal instructor, everything that Reina has learned has been self taught and as a result, you could say that she has created her own original style of fighting — without the fancy sounding name.

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