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Blaze:okay in this universe Yn left union after seeing union was corrupted as Yn looked up to find a wolf mask as it gave him power as Yn uses that power to end union and bring back heroes that care about saving people

Batman: what are the laws union has broken in this universe

Blaze:murder,rape,terrorism,making people suicidal,racism,framing,children slavery,child trafficking,child predators

The groups glare at union

Blaze:let's watch the universe

(After leaving union and finding the wolf mask as Yn been saving people and faunes as Yn was about to leave as Yn sees team crdl,Rwby,rias and her perrage

Zen aku:what do you want union

Rias:by order of union want you to surrender and be taken for interrogation

Zen aku:over my dead body

Cardin:then we have no problem taken you dead or alive

As union students ready themselves

Zen aku got his crescent blade ready

Zen aku:let's get crazy

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The battle between zen aku vs union students is crazy zen aku over powering the union students

Zen aku:weak all of you weak I barley put any effort

Issie:your just lucky

Zen aku:not luck it's skill I trained to the point I can put all might in the ground as the battle field be his coffin and tombstone

Yang:you won't win one day you lose

Zen aku:then I'll eliminate you all of you

As zen aku puts three crystals

Zen aku:meet my creatures dark wild zords arise

Zen aku starts playing his dagger flute as zen aku dark wild zords appeared behind him

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Zen aku:meet wolf/hammerhead/alligator zord time to show you union true fear

Zen aku:dark wild zords combine

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Zen Aku inside the predazord

Zen aku:predazord awaken

Ruby:no way

Weiss:how do we stop that thing

Zen aku:you can't the predazord never been defeated and I have more zords in my arsenal

Blake:no way

Zen aku:time for all of you to disappear

The alligator mouth open

Zen aku:predator wave fire!!!

As the predazord fires it's predator wave at the union students as rias and her peerage took Rwby team and magically transported out of the battle leaving team crdl alone

Cardin:wait don't leave-

It was to late team crdl was no more

Zen aku:another team gone

The predazord disappears along with zen aku

As rias and her peerage and team Rwby arrived back to union academy and told the headmasters as they were shock on what the students told them as ironwood wants to find zen aku and take his zords and experiment zen aku as for the other headmaster want to find zen aku and interrogate him)

Blaze:what all of you think

Everyone stay quiet

Blaze:will take a break and the next universe soon

(So yeah sorry the chapter is so quick because my rotten is because I walk in the morning and think of ideas since it was raining this morning I was able to think anything excellent for the book so that's it)

(Next universe )

(Yn totally spies universe)

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