Preparing for a contest, aiding a master guardian

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With one day before the Floaroma Town Pokemon Contest, Dawn is training hard. Pikachu demonstrates to Pachirisu how to store electricity in order to gain more appeal. Pachirisu follows suit, releasing its stored electricity and creates a sparkle show similar to Pikachu. Pachirisu begs for Dawn's Poffin, and she gives it and Piplup some. Both Pokemon want more Poffin, and Dawn refuses until they train some more. Pachirisu gets angry and uses Discharge on all of them. Pikachu stops Pachirisu with Thunderbolt, though Dawn's hair is left frizzled

Someone calls out "Dee-Dee", and Dawn realizes that it is her childhood friend Kenny. Back at the Pokemon Center, Kenny sits down with the group and sends out his Prinplup, the first Pokemon he obtained on his journey. While Ash checks his Pokedex, Piplup walks up to Prinplup, and Prinplup slaps it away. Kenny apologizes and explains that Prinplup does not like when others get too close. As Piplup and Prinplup attempt a stare-down rivalry, Kenny reveals he too is a Pokemon Coordinator, and tells Dawn that he watched the Jubilife Contest on television. Dawn is surprised to hear that Kenny has become a Coordinator, as she does not remember him being interested in Pokemon Contests when they were younger. Kenny tells Dawn that he made it to the final round of his very first Pokemon Contest, but lost to Zoey and her Glameow.

Kenny began to bring up embarrassing stories from their childhood, causing Dawn to lose it and challenge Kenny to a battle which he refuses her for a battle against Ash's Pikachu, mainly for experience. But before Ash could accept, S/n entered the Pokemon center and told him to challenge her instead, which he agreed, thinking it was easy. Soon, they were out at the battlefield.

"Hey Y/n, why S/n challenged Kenny like that?" Dawn questioned.

"Sis never liked it when someone bullies another, so if she sees it happening, she won't hesitate to step in and put said bullies in their place" Y/n explained. "What happened is close enough to bullying, and even if it isn't, she always looks forward to knocking someone full of themselves down from their pedestal."

"A common trait of the L/n siblings." Coco commented.

"Prinplup, let's go!"

"Froslass, battle dance!"

Dawn scanned Froslass with her Pokedex.

"Froslass, the Snow Land Pokemon and an evolved form of Snorunt. It freezes its opponents to temperatures nearly minus sixty degrees." Her Pokedex beeped.

"Metal claw!"

"Shadow ball!"

The light blue parts of Prinplup's flippers glow white before chargin, but Froslass puts her hands together and forms a black and purple ball of energy in between them. She then fires the ball at Prinplup's feet, knocking it to the air, Froslass fired more shadow balls, knocking Prinplup into the air which each hit, the attacks exploding like purple fireworks as it did.

"Now thunderbolt!"

Froslass's body becomes surrounded in yellow electricity and she fires multiple beams of yellow electricity from her body at Prinplup, it hit it's mark before sending the penguin Pokemon to the ground, down and out, the remains of the thunderbolt showered down like glitter.

"Wow, she took Kenny down with style." Dawn said in awe.

"She is a top Coordinator after all."

"Wait, What?!" Dawn turned to Y/n stunned.

"Oh right, i never mentioned it before, S/n is a top Coordinator, and the rival of a fellow top Coordinator named Lisia."

"Wow, do you think she can give me some tips?"

"Sure i can, i see potential in you." S/n said.

"Alright!" Dawn cheered.

"Before i do, Y/n, i came to tell you your needed at Nimbasa city."

"Nimbasa city? Does Elesa need something?" 

"I'm not sure, you better get going before she gets too busy with her modeling career or her gym leader duties."

Requesting Palutena's help, Y/n arrived in Nimbass City thanks to his teachers Gardervoir. There, he saw his older sister with Pneuma. Another thing he noticed was the fact Nimbasa was having a thunderstorm, but it doesn't feel... natural.

"Little brother!" Was all Y/n heard before Elesa tackled him to a bearhug

"Good to see you too big sis, why'd you call me?"

"Y/n, as you can probably tell, this thunderstorm is not natural. " Pneuma spoke as she walked up to them. "That is because it the work of the legendary Pokemon Thundurus"

"Thundurus? Shouldn't it be roaming the region?"

"Yes, but a young naive trainer irritated it and fled, it had followed him back here to Nimbasa, causing this mess." Pneuma explained.

"And i wanted to spend my day off with you to..." Elesa grumbled.

"Master Pneuma, shouldn't you be able to handle it?"

"I was about to, but since now that your here, i wanted to see how much you have grown since guardian school."

Y/n nodded and sent out Rhyperior.

"Rhyperior , smackdown at my signal."

The horn Pokemon nodded, charging the attack and waited for his trainer's signal.

Y/n focused, concentrating on Thundurus's aura to locate it. Soon, Y/n got a lock on it. " Rhyperior! Two o clock!"

The drill Pokemon fired the attack at the clouds, a roar of pain was heard as the attack hit it's mark, the bolt strike Pokemon crashed down near them, grounding it.

It roared before firing a focus blast.


Rhyperior's drill spun before digging into the ground, causing the attack to miss and fortunately not hitting anything before it faded. Rhyperior then struck Thundurus from bellow, knocking it to the air.

"Rock wreaker!"

Rhyperior puts its hands together, and small chunks of gray stones come out of the holes on Rhyperior's hands and form together into a large gray rock with a red aura around it. The red aura then fades and Rhyperior throws the rock at the bolt strike Pokemon, knocking it into a wall. Seeing Pneuma nod, Y/n threw a Dusk ball at it.

1...2...3 and Ping. And with that, Thundurus was caught.

Elesa hugged Y/n tightly. "Not only did you catch Thundurus, but you also saved my day off from being ruined! And there's still plenty of time left to hang out with you." Elesa cheered.

Y/n hugged his sister back, happy to spend time with her as well since she's normally pretty busy with her gym leader and modeling duties, as they spent the rest of the day together, Y/n could only wonder what the future holds as the journey continues.

Y/n's Pokemon

1) Dialga (male) / Luxury ball

2) Lucario (male) / Ultra ball

3) Starvia * (female) / Great ball

4) Gyarados* ( male) / Dive ball

5)Drapion *(female) / Net ball

6) Celebi (female) / Friend ball

7) Salazze (female) / Ultra ball

8) Salamance (male)/ Ultra ball

9) Tyranitar (male) / Ultra ball

10) Aerodactyl (female) / Ultra ball

11) Lurantis* (female)/ Nest ball

12) Rhyperior (male) / Heavy ball

13) Zoroark (Hisuian) (female)/ Dusk ball

14) Garchomp (Male) / Dusk ball

15) Dragapult (female) / Ultra ball

16) Registeel (Genderless)/ Cherish ball

17) Regirock (Genderless)/ Cherish ball

18)Regice (Genderless)/ Cherish ball

With his parents

1) Cobalion (male)/ Dusk ball

2)Terrakion (male)/ Dusk ball

3) Virizion (female) / Dusk ball

4) Keldo (male)/ Cherish ball

5) Articuno (female) / Ultra ball

6) Zapdos (male) / Ultra ball

7) Moltris (male) / Ultra ball

8) Latias (female)/ Friend ball

9) Latios (male) /Friend ball

10) Kyogre (female) / Dive ball

11) Groudon (male) / Heavy ball

12) Thundurus (male)/ Dusk ball

Bea's Pokemon

1) Machamp

2) Riolu

Iseult's Pokemon

1) Metagross

2) Nidoqueen

3) Nidoking

4) Liligant (Hisuian)

Coco's Pokemon

1) Magnazone

Ash's Pokemon

1) Pikachu


3) Staravia

4) Turtwig

Dawn's Pokemon

1) Piplup

2) Buneary

3) Pachirisu

Brock's Pokemon

1) Sudowoodo

2) Crogunk

Done and done, next time Dawn's contest will begin and another Pokemon from Hisui will be discovered. What do i mean? Read to find out. If you have a Pokemon you want our heroes to catch, tell me in the comments bellow. Remember the next trail type is fire, fighting or ground.

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