Y/n has a mission, facing a noble Pokemon

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Y/n and the others have reached Floaroma Town, the site of Dawn's next Pokemon Contest as well as a Poffin cooking class! Poffins are a type of Pokemon snack that Ash has never seen before, and it doesn't take much convincing for him and his friends to join the class. As Y/n finished making his, he fed them to his Pokemon who enjoyed them. 

His Rotom phone suddenly rang,  he picked up to see it was Palutena.

"Y/n, i need you and Iseult at Eterna forest, i found something you two should be familiar with." Palutena siad.

This caused Y/n and Iseult to raise an eyebrow, wondering what they would be need for at Eterna forest but agreed to go. After informing the others, they teleported to the forest with the help of Palutena's Gardervoir.

They met with Palutena at the north of the first, there they saw their teacher in front of a stone tablet. She seems to be solving a puzzle on it, after she was finished, a hidden pathway was revealed.

They walked down the pathway and arrived at a large arena with a large tree at the center, in front of that tree is a wooden Pokeball on a pedestal which looks damaged. The cracks on it began to spread before it broke, releasing the Pokemon inside.

"Um, Y/n? What Pokemon is that?" Iseult asked.

"Let's see, it's says here it's called a Kleavor, the Axe Pokemon. A Bug and Rock Type. A violent creature that fells towering trees with its crude axes and shields itself with hard stone. If one should chance upon this Pokemon in the wilds, one's only recourse is to flee." 

" As i suspected.." Palutena said.

"Of what master Palutena?"

"After searching the records of both the guardian school and the Canalave Library, i learned the Wyrdeer you found at the Solaceon Ruins is the very same one the the pearl clan took care all those centuries ago." Palutena explained. "While it's not fully confirmed, i suspect the two clans placed the ride and noble Pokemon in the Pokeballs of old to seal them away, for what reason is unknown however." 

The axe Pokemon suddenly let out a cry before charging at the guardian trio, Iseult quickly created a shield to block it, but the force of the strike was enough to knock her back a feet. The noble Pokemon kept striking the shield but it held strong.

"It's most likely confused and disoriented from being sealed for so long, we need to calm it down, perhaps a battle?"

Y/n sent out Lucario, once the Axe Pokemon began to slow down, Y/n took the chance to strike.

"Bullet punch!"

Lucario's fists glow light-blue and it repeatedly punches Kleavor before knocking it back, the Axe Pokemon let out cry before it's axes glowed before swing it at Lucario, knocking him back. Y/n noticed some pointed stones are floating around Lucario. 

"If i recall from the scrolls i found, that move is it's signature move stone axe, a rock type attack that leaves stealth rocks on the field after hitting the target." Palutena explained.

"Then switching isn't really a option, if that's the case....." Y/n mumbled before pulling out his keystone. "Lets do this Lucario!"  The aura Pokemon roared in agreement.

"Now let our bonds burn bright! Beyond evolution, mega evolve!"

Neptune: Huh? That isn't his normal mega evolution chant

People find it tedious to read and i began to find it tedious to write, which is why i haven't use mega evolution for a bit

Neptune: So... your just being lazy?

 Oh shush you! And get back to work, not make me call Histoire, again

Neptune: Fine, i don't need Histy going Pisty on me again *She leaves*

Sorry about that,  let's get back to the story

The mega stone on Lucario and Y/n's keystone let out four streams of light that started to connect together as Lucario's body began to glow and change. Soon, his his new form shined as the mega evolution symbol appeared for fading away to reveal his mega form. 

"Power up punch! Then aura sphere!"

Lucario's paw becomes surrounded in an orange aura before striking Kleavor knocking it back, he then created a aura of aura before firing it, sending Kleavor to the tree. It got back up, but was no longer aggressive. Seeing this, Lucario changed back as the guardians went to heal it. Once it was healed, it nodded at Y/n before dropping a item, Y/n picked it up to reveal it's a Insect Plate.

"An Insect Plate..."Palutena said.

"A item that increases the power of bug type moves and is said to be the shard of the powers of the original one." Y/n said. "Like the mind plate, it has something written on it, it says, Where all creation was born, that is the being's place of origin."

"That being is most likely Arceus, both Wyrdeer and Kleavor are two of the ten Pokemon that's been blessed by it. Could the other eight also been sealed and hold a plate? If so, where are the other eight?" Palutena asked. "I suppose we won't know until the time comes, for now let's get Kleavor to the guardian school to find it a new home."

Y/n and Iseult nodded, Palutena then pulled out a unique looking Pokeball, it was mostly light blue with the strap being white. This was a Guardian ball, a Pokeball only a master guardian uses, it can capture a Pokemon even if they belong to another trainer. It then automatically transfers itself to the guardian school.

Master guardians use it if they encounter a abusive trainer or a wild Pokemon that's greatly hurt or is abandoned far from it's natural habitat to be healed or in this case, so it can be relocated to a new location it can call home.

Palutena gently tossed the guardian ball at Kleavor.

1...2...3 and Ping, and with that Kleavor was caught.

The guardian ball then teleported to the guardian school, Palutena then called them to inform them of the situation. She then teleport them to a Pokemon center to rest, as they chatted, Y/n could only wonder what the future holds as the journey continues

Y/n's Pokemon

1) Dialga (male) / Luxury ball

2) Lucario (male) / Ultra ball

3) Starvia * (female) / Great ball

4) Gyarados* ( male) / Dive ball

5)Drapion *(female) / Net ball

6) Celebi (female) / Friend ball

7) Salazze (female) / Ultra ball

8) Salamance (male)/ Ultra ball

9) Tyranitar (male) / Ultra ball

10) Aerodactyl (female) / Ultra ball

11) Lurantis* (female)/ Nest ball

12) Rhyperior (male) / Heavy ball

13) Zoroark (Hisuian) (female)/ Dusk ball

14) Garchomp (Male) / Dusk ball

15) Dragapult (female) / Ultra ball

16) Registeel (Genderless)/ Cherish ball

17) Regirock (Genderless)/ Cherish ball

18)Regice (Genderless)/ Cherish ball

With his parents

1) Cobalion (male)/ Dusk ball

2)Terrakion (male)/ Dusk ball

3) Virizion (female) / Dusk ball

4) Keldo (male)/ Cherish ball

5) Articuno (female) / Ultra ball

6) Zapdos (male) / Ultra ball

7) Moltris (male) / Ultra ball

8) Latias (female)/ Friend ball

9) Latios (male) /Friend ball

10) Kyogre (female) / Dive ball

11) Groudon (male) / Heavy ball

Bea's Pokemon

1) Machamp

2) Riolu

Iseult's Pokemon

1) Metagross

2) Nidoqueen

3) Nidoking

4) Liligant (Hisuian)

Coco's Pokemon

1) Magnazone

Ash's Pokemon

1) Pikachu


3) Staravia

4) Turtwig

Dawn's Pokemon

1) Piplup

2) Buneary

3) Pachirisu

Brock's Pokemon

1) Sudowoodo

2) Crogunk

Done and done, next time Floaroma Town contest will soon begin and Dawn will meet her childhood friend Kenny who will be joining and S/n will make a appearance. What do i mean? Read to find out. If you have a Pokemon you want our heroes to catch, tell me in the comments bellow. Remember the next trail type is fire, fighting or ground. 

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