Chapter 1:Payback time baby

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Welcome to verse city a place of 'peace','hope' and 'happiness' in this world there are this 'special' people well that's what they say there are Quirks which are people who are born with powers it could be any kind of power there even been some that have change a person looks to a more animal form then there is the ones that have aura those are humans and Faunus which are humans but with animal traits they have something called aura which is the life energy everyone has but only few have the ability to bring it out which they gain a semblance that's like quirk it gives the user a power,then we have sacred gears they are all mighty powerful weapons,objects or anything else that can make a person interesting or powerful,then there's I.S which are just big mechs that only females can use,We also have those who have the skill of ninjas and finally we have magus people who have the ability to use some kind of magic but the other thing they can do is summon historical heroes of the past has servants but only one person has done that and this society people with this abilities have to get license to use them and become heroes,huntsman or I.S pilots the other things here would be the villains people who are against all those who are good

To get the license a person must first gratitude from the 'best' school called Union academy where the next generation come we're only the "good go and only the good" well that's what would like to say about the school about all of verse in truth the city is corrupted and Union the people who go in and then out are only for the fame,the money and the girls we now go see how this all begins with the first part of corruption in this school we see a guy with white hair crash into a wall this is the protagonist


(A/N:Ignore the sword he not using it yet)

He breaths heavily has then struggles to get up only to then be grab by one of his bullies

Yang Xionlong
Behind her we're two other people that bullie Y/N

Weiss Schee


Who is actually part of Y/N team but she thought seen he didn't have any of the other five things not even a light fiver she started to bully him like the others

Y/N:*weakly*ple-please stop

Yang:Sorry no can do

Yang let's go of Y/N but then Weiss use her black glyps to keep him in place has Yang and Ryuko started to beat him to pulp it lasted 4 three minutes has Y/N was on the floor beat up and with some blood on him

Weiss:Such a disappointment

Ryoka:Da*m straight he is

they we're about to continue but the sound of a whip is heard has they turn around and see

Midnight a.k.a Nemuri

She looks at the three girls with a glare of disappointment

Midnight:Class now! or detention for all three of you!

The girls groan Yang turns towards Y/N who was still on the floor

Yang:Be lucky the teacher came

Yang and Weiss started to leave Ryoka spits on Y/N and walks away with the other two girls following behind them Midnight runs quickly towards Y/N she checks him out


Midnight:Don't speak now Y/N we need to get you to Recovery girl


Midnight turns around and sees Y/N only friend the I.S pilots in training


Charlotte:Miss Midnight what happened

Midnight:*sigh*Same has always

Charlotte sigh too and looks at Y/N she goes to other side grabbing his shoulder Midnight understood they both put his arms on there shoulders has they bring him to infirmary

Time Skip brought to you by Y/N and Charlotte on the balcony of Union looking at the night sky

Y/N started to wake up has his eyes open his started slowly getting up has he looks to see his in infirmary

Y/N:*sigh*back here huh

???:Yes back here

He hears a familiar voice he looks to his right and sees the one in charge of the infirmary

Y/N:Recovery girl

Recovery girl:Young man why haven't you told the headmasters of this problem

Y/N:Tsk like I haven't tried before but all they care about is those bullies *sigh* why can't there people like you or midnight

Recovery girl:That I do not know but this has to end

Y/N:On that we can agree on so how many rips did you need to fix this time

Recovery girl brings out some papers

Recovery:We'll today 24 rips broke and they almost broke your arm but good news is I was able to cure them

Y/N:At least good but for how long

He look down sad Recovery girl look at the young boy worried and concerned after that Y/B was excused of class so he didn't have to go to the class that what happening now he left the infirmary and headed towards his room a long the way he got glares and bad talk from other students Y/N just ignored them and arrive at his room he opens it goes in and then closes the door he looks at the room seeing his the right side has the normal academy stuff then he look at the left which was his side there was nothing but a bag,some books and blanket that being his bed

Y/N:I preferred sleeping in nature than sleeping with this a**h***s

he goes to his side and goes in the corner has he curled up

Y/N:*mind*What did I do to deserve this this treatment if they knew that I didn't have what the others have then why keep me here why not let me go or do they just love seeing my suffering bunch of d***ks *sigh* even after all the training I do,how much I push myself,how much I do and study they still bring me down why aren't they suppose to be heroes or is that it's all fake

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The sound the academy bell is heard he looks up at the clock and it says 3:35 combat class

Y/N:Hope recovery girl prepared the bed because I'm gonna need it

He gets up looks to his right and sees his sword

Force edge that's what he calls it he doesn't know where it came from all that he knows is that it belongs to him seen he's had it seen birth that's what he's caretaker at the orphanage said to him he grabs the blade and leaves his room going and goes to the combat room he opens the door and it's greeted by the same thing

???:Mister L/N late always I see that would be two hours of detention after this calls with me

The woman who said that was the one who teaches combat

Glynda Goodwitch

Y/N just sigh and doesn't even question her has he knows the answer and the same excuses so he just sits in the stands far away from all the a**h*** he wishes he could sit beside Charlotte but her friends won't let her the second combat teacher and I.S pilot teacher

Chifuyu Orimura

Chifuyu:Alright let's us begin class so who wants to soar first

Y/N:*mind*Three two one

???:Hey yo teach

The one who spoke raised his hand this was Union academy supposedly best student who is just a pervert who cares about girls breast and has one of the most stupidest dreams which is he harem king

(A/N:yes from this point on he will be called and I'm not changing back to normal)

Shitsei:Me,Yang,Cardin,Bakugo and Ryuko vs Y/N

The students smile and agree to this fight Charlotte doesn't she looks at Y/N worriedly

Glynda:That is acceptable Mister L/N come down to the battlefield and prepare yourself for the fight

Y/N doesn't say anything again and just goes down has he jumps over the fence of the stands and lands on the battlefield the bullies do the same has Y/N sees Yang,Ryuko,Shitsei and the other bullies


Katsuki Bakugo



The bullies smirked at Y/N while he just didn't care and just readied himself for the fight


The first one to charge was Cardin

Cardin:Get ready for another beating loser

He swing down his mace towards Y/N who dodges it by jumping back a little charges at Cardin giving him a nice kick in the face and then spun around to slash him with Force edge which send him back little

Homura:Take this!

Homura and Ryoka charge at Y/N from both side he rolls forward dodging there attacks he then quickly stands up and turns around to then block Miyabi attack

Miyabi:You know at this point I'd say give up but it's more pleasing to make you scream

Miyabi was pushing back Y/N was holding on but things got worse has Bakugo can in and fired and explosion at Y/N in pint blank sending him flying to the side he skids on the battlefield until he stabs force edge to ground has he drags a little before he stops Cardin came back but this time with Shitsei following behind him Cardin swings the mace Y/N dodges Shitsei send a punch he dodges that and seen Shitsei basically never trains his fist moves him to side had his fist collided with Cardin's face Y/N took the chance and swing down force edge but then Shitsei gets pushed away has Yang blocks the area i with one of her gauntlets has she uses the other one two punch Y/N in the stomach hard sending him flying which the pain didn't end has Bakugo comes flying behind him and fires a bigger explosion which hit him hard in the back has he spits out saliva but it didn't stop has Ryoka comes up and slashed down at Y/N hitting him in the back has he falls to the ground hitting it pretty hard making a small crater

Y/N:*mind*This is how it always end's mom dad why you have to leave

The bullies all group up celebrating on there success the teachers just smile and the other students except Charlotte cheer the bullies then look at Y/N

Cardin:Pfff why did the school let someone like you in

Shitsei:Yeah your just a useless nobody who
wouldn't even get harem

(A/N:Like if anyone cares about that this days or any other time in the past and now)

Bakugo:Why don't you just die

Homura:Yeah maybe with your death the world could be a better place


Yang:In honestly you should just go to your parents oh wait hold on there dead and even if they we're alive they be disappointed in a piece of s***t like you

After that everyone in the stands started calling him loser,weakling,pathetic and bad mouthing him the teachers didn't do nothing they didn't care they never care

Y/N:*mind*Why why is it like this what did I do

Time then stops for Y/N has everything seen to slow down has he then heard a voice

???:Y/N..........Let go

Y/N started to build up energy unnoticed to the others around him

???:Don't you feel it..........that rage inside.........that power you hold...........the one that has been sealed away from you.........unleash it

Y/N started to glow red has he then place one hand on the ground which he used to push himself up has he slowly started getting up the bullies saw this and just laugh at this

Shitsei:Hey get back to the ground no one said you can get up

He goes for the punch but Y/N catches it which shocked him and the others

???:Release your power Y/N!!!

Y/N:*mumble*Shut up

Ryuko:What was that we didn't hear you

???:UNLEASH IT!!!!


Y/N screams has a pillar of red every surrounds him has the waves of energy push all the bullies sending them flying back has the pillar that covered Y/N started to change him has a shadowing figure is shown holding a sword much longer than force edge has the other thing they could see was red glowing eyes the pillar then died out everyone could see Y/N but different very different

Cardin:What the f-

Cardin couldn't finish his sentence has he was stab through the chest with the long sword Y/N? wielded

Y/N? gets his new sword out of Cardin's corpse has then Homura and Miyabi acted fast but Y/N? Made quick work of them has he dodges all of there swings and then kicks both of them hard in the face sending them flying to walls has they crash right into them knocking them out Bakugo and Yang charge next but Y/N? only send out a red wave slash which hit both of them sending them to the side has the wave slash exploded knocking them both out

Shitsei:Alright it's my tur-

He could finish his sentence has Y/N? Kicks him the balls which he breaks has Shitsei knock out and has no more balls or a d**k

Glynda:Mister L/N

Y/N? turns towards the teachers has Glynda brought out her riding crop and Chifuyu had her I.S sword out

Glynda:Stand down out or I'll use force!!

Y/N?:Like you've never used it on me before

This shocked the two teachers that this new Y/N could speak

Y/N?:No of you two have stop them from hurting me well why stop me is it because I'm different then you all or is it something else stupid

Chifuyu:No it's not that it's just—

Y/N?:Its just what!

Glynda:..........Mister L/N stand down

Y/N?:Huh no answer okay

Y/N? disappears and then reappear in front of Chifuyu has he swinging down his new sword Chifuyu goes for the block buy the new sword breaks the I.S sword which shocks her but didn't react face has Y/N? kicks her in the face and then knees her in the stomach sending her flying back Glynda was about to attack but Y/N? acted faster and grab Glynda head and then slamming it to the ground hard knocking her out has stands his wings fold themselves under his shoulders looking like he has a coat

Y/N?:Finally payback

Y/N? Then feels something coming up behind him has he turn around a block the fist of

All might

All might:I would kindly ask you to stand down young L/N before you get really hurt

Y/N?:Really well let me ask you this first

He points his sword at where All might injury is

Y/N?:This is where all for one hit you right

All might:*shocked*How did you

he didn't get in answer has Y/N? stab his injury with his new sword had All might screams pit of pain but it doesn't stop there has Y/N? Then punches him in the chest sending him flying back has Y/N? then United both of his legs has he double kicks him more has he crashes in the wall Y/N? turns back to normal all better with no injuries and his new sword changed back to force edge he stands there with smirks

Y/N:So who's next

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