Chapter 5:Dealing with a tomato head

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Previously on "Y/N Sparda vs Union" after the battle Y/N and Trihexa decided to have little talk has she reveals to him that now that he has defeated her she will stay with him forever after dealing with that they returned back to Devil May cry there we get to meet Y/N's girlfriend with only some missing has he introduces Trish,Lady,Gloria,Mordred,Artoria lancer,Marie,Jalter,Skadi,Minamoto,Taira,Serenity,Astrea and two Atalanta's Trihexa finds out about why Y/N doesn't like the word master to be used a master slave relationship and ones everyone got introduced to Trihexa and told about Union knowing there existence that now has full flesh rules that if they attack first they attack next and much worse
A week has pass ever seen Y/N made his first appearance into the world only the ones of Union and his friends saw him the girls told what happened to recovery girl who was happy hearing that he is okay the bullies some were thinking about there actions others are angry of how strong he is while his former friends are regretting betraying him and has for the teachers they are now seeing the potential Y/N had and the headmaster they are now in there main office having meeting has two new people seem to have appeared one was a female that is revealed to be


She like the other headmasters and teachers did not care about Y/N if not she actually supported the bullying and even manipulated Gudako and her servants into bullying him telling her bad things about Y/N beside her was her only servant has he was part of the knights of the round table has he reveals himself to be


He isn't like his master he wanted to help Y/N but Olga did not allow him to do it has she used a command seal to force him to not help Y/N has he watch the boy suffer through the school years right now the duo were now watching the video climbs of Y/N fights has she sees him in his Devil trigger killing Cardin,beating up the bullies and beat all might in the matter of seconds and she also watches the events that happened with Trihexa watching him actually hurt the legendary beast plus she saw his Yamato Devil trigger and the power it has Lancelot was in awe and was proud seeing the boy become this strong while Olga was jealous of his power and was not liking it one bit

Ozpin:Gentlemen you know why you are here but before we begin I would like to welcome you back and safe Olga

Olga:It is great to be back Ozpin and it seems I have missed a lot

Nezu:That you have and so what do you think of this seeing mister L/N new form

Lancelot:I'm impressed the boy has come a long way even after*he glared at headmasters*all the pain you put him through

The headmasters except Ironwood and Olga lower there heads in shame

Olga:This power this abilities it makes no sense why he would have them after all he was powerless from the start and the only skills he had were that he knew how to you use swords guns and was a strong and agile so what could have done this

Sirezch:We don't know his power felt the demonic and I've ask my servants to search in the library for clues but no answer or clues were found I'd like this power newly found

Ironwood:Yes a power we must have

Hanzo:*irritated*Oh for god sake James

Nezu:Ironwood we talk about this

Ironwood:Yes! we did I can't believe you don't get the bigger picture with this weapons and his blood we could make soldiers,super soldiers that could win us this war against Salem and all the others bastards in the world

Olga:I agree with Ironwood we must capture him either he comes willingly or by force he has what we need to win

Hanzo:Yes but if I remember correctly the boy hates us with his very being and on like him we couldn't scratch Trihexa while he could simply make it disappear with no trace

Ozpin:Yes but we must try and do this civilized mister Y/N is already angry and filled with hate when he's close to us let us not make another mistake and make him our enemy(A/N:*ghost voice*Foreshadowing)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The sound the alarm turns on has the screen with Y/N's achievements disappear and then show a town being attack by Grimm

Nezu:It would seem we have to cut this meeting short

Sirezch:Yes I will send Rias peerage Irina and Rossweisse

The headmaster nod and they left the main office has with Y/N he was at Devil May cry in his desk seeing things on his phone has things seem to be calm until

*Ring Ring*

He looks at his business phone his puts his own on the desk and grabs the other phone has he puts it in his ear

Y/N:.......alright! Devil May cry how can I help you it I'll be on may way find a safe spot for you and your people and if you have people that can defend you make them watch you and protect you

He hungs up and gets of his chair

Y/N:Okay I need Trish Lady Mordred and Atalanta archer

Has in a matter of seconds they appear

Lady:Whats the word boss

Y/N:Good old friends of ours town is being attack so he called us to go there and exterminate the Grimm so me and you four are coming with

Mordred:Yes!! finally Some action has

Y/N:Right now the rest of you*looks at the girls that were not called* watch the house and don't break anything

Jalter:*irritated*Why do you always say that

Trish:Because every time we leave there's always something that falls of and breaks and some of us are here when that happens just like the time you knocked over his electric guitar and broke it

Jalter blushes in embarrassment remembering that moment and remembering the punishment she got after which was two one was buy him a new one the second one......I'll keep it a secret

Y/N:Yeah so pretty much that so adios amigos!!

After that the girls touch Y/N and he uses trickster and teleported out of the building

Time Skip brought to you by Y/N teasing Jalter about the punishment he did to her for breaking his guitar she was blushing and her face was even more red than Rias's hair

Has in said town it look destroyed and on fire has few dead people are seen on the street and Grimm seem to be patrolling the area has two sets of Grimm type one of them is a beowolve

The second one are Ursa

They seem to be looking for prey but can't seem to find any a Beowolves is walking around the destroyed town has he started smelling something near him below a car was a little girl hiding from them the Beowolve could feel his fear and started going towards him until he was right in front of the car but before he could try anything the beowolve was shot in the head killing it the little girl heard the shot and was getting even more scared until she heard a boys

??? 1:*calmly*Don't worry little girl everything fine

The little girl opens her eyes and sees Atalanta giving her a warm smile

Atalanta:*calmly*Take my hand don't worry the monsters are being taken care of

The little girl was skeptical and hesitant but she reach out her hand and Atalanta grab it has she slowly help the girl get out from the below the car has she brought her out she hold the child in her arms

Atalanta:Are you okay did the monster ever hurt you

The little girl shakes her head saying no

Atalanta:Good now do you know where your parents are

Little girl:Mama told me we were going to a safe place but I lost her when does monster came

Atalanta:*mind*so in the shelter*out loud*Alright I will take you to her but hold on tight I'm very....quick when I'm running

The little girl nods and hugs Atalanta which melts her heart so she ran towards the shelter which was close to her on the other parts of the town Lady is seen electrocuting all the Grimm in front of her one Ursa was going jump at her but she takes out one of her guns and fired at the Ursa giving it three shots in the head killing it close to her on the roof was Lady shooting Grimm that were approaching her one tried to slash at her but she jump back dodging the attack then fires at the Grimm killing it two were going to attack her from behind but she reacted faster and turn around and shot the two Grimm killing them has well another Beowolve when to jump at her from behind but was killed by Atalanta who was on top of the shelter has she fires and arrow from king ranch she jumps down and started going there direction Lady jumps down and joins Trish

Lady:Something seems off about this

Trish:You felt that too huh

Lady:Yeah like I know Grimm like to kill people but didn't we put something in this town that prevent that

Trish:Yes we should go check on that

Lady nods and they run off to check on something in another part of town Y/N and Mordred were both killing Grimm and rounding up the last ones has Y/N uses one of his other demonic weapons but this sword was very long has he was using Merciless

Y/N cuts three Grimm in haft has they disappeared into Ashe

Y/N:and that's twenty come on Mordred you got to do better than that!!

Mordred:Oh really is that challenge!!!

Mordred turn around to one street and she sees eight Grimm she powers up her sword has a red burst of energy appears on it and raises her blade

Mordred:Take this you bastards!!!!!

She moves her blade down and the blast annihilated the Grimm has she turns around towards her master and smirks has she places her sword on her armors right shoulder

Mordred:*smirk*Now we're even

Y/ off


They hear a roar has they turn around and see a different type has they turn and see a Tsuchigumo

The giant monster fires acid at them Y/N easily uses merciless to cut destroy it

Atalanta:*telepathic*Y/N I'm ready

Y/N:*telepathic*Good you have my permission to nuke this ugly son of b****h

Atalanta:*telepathic serious*With pleasure

With Atalantasge was on top of a three story house has she sees her allies and the monster going towards she takes out one of her arrows an places it on her bow she pulls back the string and the arrow lights up green

Atalanta:Die you monster! PHOEBUS CATASTROPHE!!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(A/N:Go to the time 1:57 there the noble phantasm and let me say that this is by far my favorite noble phantasm)

A bunch of arrows fall from the sky has the Grimm was getting closer to them that is until the arrows came a the Grimm was impaled by every single one of them has it stop him from moving has it stands there dead

Y/N:*whistles*Nice work Atalanta!!!!

Mordred:That was very anticlimactic

Y/N:Yes now let us figure out why this place turn into nuke town

Trish:Because the things broken

They both turn around and see Trish and Lasy approaching them Lady drops the devices that was supposed to make sure this didn't happened

Mordred:Who could have done this

??? 2:Y/N!!!

The group turn around and see Atalanta walking towards them with a group of people who surivive the chaos and there seem to be a good number of them a young Faunus adult runs towards them and goes towards Y/N has they both shake hands

Y/N:It's good to see your okay Jack

Jack:Yeah thank you for saving my people

Y/N:Yes just wish we would have arrived sooner

Jack:It is alright my friend you did your best and you save us so it's a win right

Y/N:*smiles*Yeah it is

He then felt someone touching his shoulder he turns his head to the right and sees Lady

Y/N:What's wrong

Lady:We got in coming and it's not Grimm it's something worse

Y/N nods his head and telepathically tells his servants the same has they all turn towards the new enemy the demon hunters take out the guns and aim at them with Y/N not taking out Ebony and  Ivory  has he takes out two smg's

Modred readies her sword and Atalanta pulls back the string and two arrows appear

Y/N:What the he*l are you doing here Tomato head

Has twelve feet away from him was the group of people who either hurt Y/N or ignored him or were ones friends with him



Rias:*smiles*Oh hello Y/N quite the coincidence finding you here

Y/N:*glare*yeah a very weird coincidence finding you dumba**es here

Rossweisse:Watch your tongue mister L/N

Y/N:Tsk really single woman maybe if you stop talking and stop being a Odin simp maybe you actually get a boyfriend seen your main choice is well

He looks at Shitsei and gives him an unamused look has he sees him drooling has he has his pervert face on looking at Lady's and Trish's chest 

Y/N:Is pathetic hey pervert this girls already got someone!!

This brought the pervert back to his senses has he glared at Y/N

Shitsei:Oh yeah and whose the weakling that has this*looks lustfully at the two*Sexy hot ladies

Trish/Lady:*unamused*You know babe when you said he was pathetic I didn't expect him to be this pathetic

Y/N:Yeah what's more disappointing if that he's the red dragon emperor

Shitsei:Hey shut up you weakling and that's what you'll always be!!! so how about you two leave this loser and come with real man*smirk*

Trish and Lady look at each other and then at the pervert has they fired at him Kiba got in the way and block the shots

Trish and Lady:No chance

Rias then notices Mordred and Atalanta and feels there mana

Rias:Servants but how?

Y/N:Oh so you noticed them yes this are two of my servants Saber and Archer

Xenovia:That should be impossible you didn't have any mana nor aura to even do that so it's not possible for weak soul like yours to summon servants

Y/N:Well slut I did so I have only two choices for you turn around and leave or stay and face one heck of a beating

Koneko:Or we stay and beat you

Rias:Right I have a something to ask you Y/N

Y/N:*raises a brow*Oh and what is that

Rias:I would like you to join me and my peerage

This surprised everyone except Y/N who only started at her he lowers his guns and looks at them serious

Y/ way I'm I joining your dumba** group

Rias:What!! but—

Y/N:Why would I ever want to you join you idiots more importantly why would I ever like to be Devil if*smirk*I'm something better than that

Shitsei:Tsk like that's true what could you be that's better than us

Y/N:Well for starters I'm not L/N that is just a made up last name has my real last name is......Sparda

This shocked Rias and her peerage except Asia and Shitsei

Asia:President who is Sparda

Shitsei:Yeah whats this weakling talking about

Kiba:....Sparda is a hero he was the only demon with a heart has he sealed the gate away for demons to enter our world after that he disappeared with no trace left but...that's impossible he can't be his child

Y/N:Oh it is and now*telepathic*Skadi come to me*out loud*now that you won't leave looks like I'll have to deal with you

Skadi then appears beside Y/N has it surprises the Union fools

Irina:Another servant?!

Skadi:I have arrive has you ask Y/N

Y/N:Good teleport everyone away from here and make a force filled so it's just me and them

Skadi:Your wish is my command*she bows*

Skadi then turn towards the group of Faunus citizens and his girls has they teleported out of there and then a purple dome was made has the only ones there were Y/N and Union

Rias:*giggle*What you think you can fight all of us you even more a fool I thought you were

Y/N:hehehehehahahahahahahahahaha!!!!me the fool I don't think you remember what happed last week and two years ago so......*readies himself*fight

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Asia:Please Y/N!!! stan—

Has the healers words did not finish has in the blink of eye Y/N appears in front of Asia and kicks her in the face and also shoots the trap vampire knocking him out and sending her flying Y/N lands behind the group and points his smg's at the group who are shocked

Xenovia/Shitsei:Asia Gasper!!!

Y/N:Healers down time for the rest

He opens fire at the group the jump out of the way dodging the bullets Xenovia very pissed charges at Y/N

Xenovia:Your dead!!!

She swings her giant sword Y/N makes a clone that takes the hit has he goes over the sword and lands on it he then kicks Xenovia in the fast the attack makes her drop her weapon and move back Y/N jumps and goes over Xenovia has he aims his SMG over her and started spinning in the air has she gets hit multiple times by the bullets he falls to the ground and Y/N lands on top of her has he hits her with one of his guns knocking her out has then he puts them in his holster


Y/N looks to the side and see Irina Koneko and Kiba charging at him Y/N appears merciless again and blocks Kiba attack

Kiba:You'll pay for that weakling!!

Y/N:I'm not weak anymore failed experiment

Y/N pushes him back and jumps back dodging Irina circular blast Koneko takes this chance to hit him but ones Y/N lands he grabs her fist blocking it he then thrust Merciless in her stomach sending her flying back Kiba and Irina were going to attack with there swords Y/N sees this and blocks both swords with his long sword

Y/N:Whoa you guys need to seriously need to train you know that

He makes another clone and he summons Force edge has he attacks the two from behind landing the slash has they both scream they fall and he was about to knock him out but then senses something coming so he used Royal guard and block the spear that was thrown to him he sees Rossweisse summon a bunch of circles has then she fires multiple spears fired at him he then stops time with quick silver has he stops everything he goes towards the injured duo and moves there bodies were he ones was and then started running towards Rossweisse has time seen to be coming back has the spears go pass him and hits Kiba and Irina he jumps towards the Valkyrie she sees him and summons her spear he goes for the strike and she blocks


Y/N:I will not know before you said that I had no potential that I didn't have chance on being a hero well look at me now a hero and unlike you guys I at least do the right things

Rossweisse:I know we did the wrong things!!but please!! return we will changes and be better

Y/N:Sorry but I don't give second chances to people like you

Y/N Teleports six feet away from her bad he summons ten red glowing swords he points them at her and fires them she manages to block three but the rest hit her has she falls to the ground and Y/N dives towards her she sees him but it was too late Y/N smashes his fist on her stomach a bone crack is heard she screams in pain Y/N stands up and looks at her with no emotions he feels another thing coming so he blocks another hit from Koneko

Y/N:Oh your still awake

Koneko:Just stand down can't you see we're trying to make things right!!!

(a/n:😑are you sure about that)

Y/N:hmmm~nope I don't see that what do see is a—

He twisted her arm making her scream in pain and then elbows it breaking her left arm then he goes to her right arm and breaks that one too has in the end he kicks her

Y/N:-Is a cat with only two legs

He un summons merciless and then out of nowhere was hit by electricity has Rias Shitsei and Akeno stand a few feet away from him

Shitsei:You got him Akeno!!

Rias:Good work

Akeno:It was my pleasure...I missed his screams~


(A/N:Music ends here and here comes a new one)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

They are shocked has they looked to see the smoke
disappear and Y/N there un harmed but with a new weapon the Nevan

Rias:A guitar?

Shitsei:Hahaha whats a simply guitar gonna do I got this!!

Shitsei runs towards the hybrid with a cocky smirk on his face has he summons his boost gear on the other hand Y/N started playing Nevan and sparks of electricity appear on the guitar

Rias:Issei wait!!(A/N:Question do you want me to make everyone call him Shitsei or only me,Y/N and his girls call him that)

Shitsei:Take this!!

Has he jumps forward to hit him Y/N smirks has he hits all of the strings an a electric bolt of energy fires and hits the pervert electrocuting him sending him flying back

Rias:Issei!! Akeno let's us deal with this pest!


Both girls appear there wings and fly has Akeno fires and electric blast and Rias fires three balls of the power of destruction Y/N continues too play his guitar like his in a concert has he dodged the attack with some dance moves and then fires multiple bolts of lightning at them they dodge it and Akeno flew down towards Y/N has she continues to fire bolts of electricity at him he dodged them easily and send back his own hitting her

Akeno:Come now dear Y/N~let me hear you scream~you know like the old days~

Y/N:Yeah how about I give you a taste of your own medicine

Y/N plays Nevan faster has electricity goes over his body and it started flowing he puts the guitar behind his head and keeps playing has multiple bolts of purple lightning come flying down and they hit Akeno Making her scream


Y/N body glowed purple and ones it died down he appears with a new form his Nevan Devil tigger

Y/N(Nevan D.T):Come on is that all you got!!!

He keeps bombarding Akeno with electric attacks Rias seeing this goes to help her but is then hit by a bolt of lightning has well but this one seem to not stop has it continues to shock her making her scream in pain

Y/N(Nevan D.T):You stay right there tomato head~ let me finish up with your masochist friend

Has Y/N began to speed up the process while also walking towards Akeno has she's screamed in pain but she also screams in pleasure has Y/N was close enough he hits three strings and three continues bolts of lightning hit her for 10 seconds ones it stop she falls to the ground with a pervert look on her face Y/N puts Nevan behind him and walks towards Akeno he looks down at her

Akeno:Please more~

Y/N(Nevan D.T):For Christ sake how she this perverted and still a virgin I'm surprised she didn't rape me? or even have sex with random person?

He kicks her in the face knocking her out he then walks over to Rias and sees her craws king away he walks over to her and steps on her head she screams

Y/N(Nevan D.T):Look at you Rias beaten down and on the ground weak hopeless and with no one here to save you—

???? 2:I don't think so!!!

Y/N turns his head and Rias looks up and sees Shitsei but in his Balance breaker mode

Shitsei(B.B):I'll save her!!

Y/N(Nevan D.T):.....So has I was saying no one here to save you so either you stop here and now and I won't torture your supposed family

Shitsei(B.B):Get off her!!!

Shitsei brings out ascalon and charges at him Y/N grabs Nevan and turns her from guitar to a scythe and blocks the sword attack he then pushes the idiot back and fires and electric blast the sends him back Y/N gets his foot out of Rias head and walks towards Shitsei

Y/N(Nevan D.T):Alright you Wanna go bro then let's see if you've improved

Shitsei(B.B);I have and I'll beat you with the training I've gone through

Both boys charge towards each other has there weapons collided until they push each other back and clash again has Y/N dodges Shitsei attack while the pervert is getting hit by all his scythe swings until he jumps back and summons a giant red ball

Shitsei(B.B):Dragon shot!!!!

He fires the blast but thinks quick has he transforms Nevan back to guitar and plays with it has he forms an electric force field blocking the attack had the dust disappears Shitsei sees this and is shocked


Y/N sends out and electric blast that hits him he goes scythe mode and charges at him Shitsei gets back up and sees him charging at him Y/N spun around and then fires and electric saw that hits Shitsei left side shoulder craving his amid open there and getting a cut has blood cones out the wound he screams in pain Y/N dashed towards him has he becomes the purple lightning and does one final slash at Shitsei has the slash destroys his Amor but that's not all he goes guitar mode and hits all the strings and lightning cones from the sky and hits the pervert shocking him one last time has he screams and falls to the ground

(A/N:Music stops her)

Rias sees this and was going to go check on him but was to weak to get up Y/N still in his Nevan Devil trigger walks over the defeated devil he sees that the Hau let's is still out and gets an idea

Y/N(Nevan D.T):I think it's time I save someone else*telepathic*Skadi come towards me it's time we start plan "save the dragon"

Skadi:I'm already here

Skadi teleports beside him and sees the defeated pervert who's knock out Y/N kneels down close to the gauntlet

Y/N(Nevan D.T):Yo Ddraig can you hear me

Ddraig:Yes I can it has been a long time Y/N

Y/N(Nevan D.T):Yes it has been now question are you ready because I'm ready to do my promise I made years ago

Ddraig:Really*Y/N nods*Yes!! Finally I can be free from this pervert!!

Y/N transforms back to normal and then grabs then grabs the gauntlet has then Skadi summons ribbons that tie up Y/N left hand and the boost gear

Skadi:Are you too ready?

Y/N-Ddraig:Yes/very ready

Skadi:Good and fare warning this will hurt


A burst of light consumed the three has all three them started screaming Rias can only watch has her love was being done something and her friends and ally are knock out has the light show continues inside the bubble the boost gears seem to moving itself onto to Y/N Shitsei is not awake yet but also screams in pain this continued for at least 5 minutes and ones the light show died down and the bubble exploded Shitsei body fell to the ground and a new figure stood over him it's armor was of a dark red,it has lines and horns colored gold it gems shined both green and red and his wings spread open with Black showing them Y/N and Ddraig have become one

Y/N/Ddraig:This feels amazing whoa! why does our voice sound like two people talking through a microphone

Skadi:It would seem that Ddraig did not just fused with your body but has fused with your soul


Ddraig:*in Y/N mind*You truly are a worthy host Y/N

Y/N:*in mind* Thanks Ddraig now shall we go

Ddraig:*in Y/n mind*Yes let us see were fate will take us now

after that Y/N/Ddraig and Skadi were about to leave only to be stoped by a power of destruction ball which Y/N simply just hit it with his have destroying it

Rias:You think you can leave!!! After everything you've do—

Rias is hit in the back of her head knocking her out has two figures come from behind revealing themselves to be



Helena:*smiles*Looks likes we missed the party

Y/N transforms back to normal and smiles at the two who smile back

Y/N:*sniles*You think*chuckles*

returned with the others and to say that there were shocked was just a simply word ones saying goodbye to Jack and making sure there place is safe they left the town has for Rias and her peerage they were picked up by Union after not hearing from them for awhile and Y/N he was now in bed with his girls beside him all sleeping together

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