Chapter 4:Y/N allies/girlfriends

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Previously on "Y/N Sparda vs Union"After months did two or one year later we see that Y/N has built himself his own demon hunting business down in the city of red grave which was attack by the legendary beast called Trihexa the fakes fought hard but lost horribly has many lives were taken that day has the monster almost killed M.T lady only to be saved by Y/N has he fought the best showing his skill in front of Union and his three friends after literally cutting the creature out of existence Union confronted him wanting him back but Y/N rejected and when Ironwood decided to do things by force he was shot by a humanoid version of Trihexa and after that she and Y/N left"
After defeating the now humanoid Trihexa flipping Union off and saying hi to his friends Y/N and the legendary creature teleported to a secluded area in red grave city had things seem to have calm down from the battle that has happened has they were now on top of a building that has not been hit by Trihexa

Y/N:So now mind telling me why the heck your human and why you called me master?

Trihexa:We'll you see master~I had made an oath to my creator that whoever beats me in battle or destroys me I would become there long live servant~

Y/N:*sigh*And that would mean?

Trihexa:I'll be with you forever even if you die I will die with you and be with you until the end's of time~

Y/N eyes open wide hearing this has he didn't knew that it was going to be that serious

Y/N:*shock*Please tell your joking

Trihexa:*smug smiles*Nope~

Y/N puts both his hands on his face has he turns around and walks around while muffling screaming Trihexa tilts her head in confusing Y/N takes his hands of his face and has two fingers in between his eyes

Y/N:*whispers*how I'm I going to explain this ti the girls

But Trihexa hears this and gets a little jealous hearing that her now know master has thoughts on others girls has she walks towards him he notices her walk and she gets in front of him at close ranch has her chest was pressed against his chest


Trihexa:Master what other 'girl' do you mean

He hears the venom in her voice when and started sweating a little bit regains his composure

Y/N:Oh let's just say there like the three people I said goodbye too where we were before they are people that care about me and I care about them very deeply and speaking of them I think there already back home with the pizza I ask for so I say we go there and I could also introduce them to you

Trihexa:That seem like a good idea

Has they we're about to teleport away Y/N stops and says something else

Y/N:Also please refrain from calling master

Trihexa:*confused*mhmm~why may I ask

Y/N:Let's just say you can call me anything else but that okay so just Y/N works okay*smiles*

Trihexa:hmmm okay..then I will call you.....sweaty~

Y/N:*blush*huh?!! what no no no no no not tha-

Trihexa:Nope~you said anything I want so from now on I will call you either by your name or sweaty~okay now let us go to your

Y/N:I-...*sigh in defeat*your right come on

He gives her his hand and she takes it has her uses trickster style and they teleported off the roff has they reappear again in front of Devil May cry Y/N started walking towards the door

Y/N:*smiles*Here we are home sweat home*sniff sniff*Aahh~the pizza here too

Y/N burst the doors open has he walks inside with a smile on his face

Y/N:Everyone I'm home!!!

??? 1:Finally~

??? 2:What took you so long?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(A/N:I have heard many opening songs but this one is by far one the greatest ones I've ever heard)

He smirks has he spotted to of his girls on his desk one was in the chair the other was sitting in his desk has they reveal themselves to be



Y/N:Hehehe sorry girls~ but there were some complications after beating Trihexa

Trish:Oh really mind telling us what were those complications

Y/N:Well I would tell you but I think it's better if I tell everyone this so I don't have problems individually

??? 3:Well hun~you'll have to tell us one by one because everyone doing there on thing Helena and Lucia haven't arrive yet so mind not wasting time~

Y/N turns around and find another one of his girls resting on the couch has it reveals herself to be


Y/N:Gloria hey babe~ so how was the assassination

Gloria:*smirk*easy has eating your box of pizza~

Y/N:....You guys eat everything didn't you


Has she eats the last piece of the last slice Y/N kneels to the ground and fake anime tears fall of his eyes

Y/N:*fake crying*You monster how dare you eat the last slice

Lady:*giggles*Oh quite whining you big baby you can order some tomorrow

She goes to him and kisses him in the check has Y/N stands up and gives her a quick pick in the libs

Y/N:Fine okay

Trish:So who's she?

They all turn towards Trihexa who is entering the shop now has she enters the girls looks at her suspiciously has Y/N walks towards her

Y/N:Well everyone this is...let's say are new recruit


Trihexa:*smiles*greeting everyone

Trish:Babe who is she

Y/N:Well that's the reason why I want everyone here so I can tell you so if you excuse me I'm going to get everyone else and you guys get along and please....don't destroy the shop like the time you guys meet Skadi and Jalter

Gloria:Depends on what she*points at Trihexa*says that is how her fate will be decided

Y/N:.........okay! well I'm off

He kisses Trish and Gloria and walks away to look around the house has Lady walks pass Trihexa and closes the door Trish gets off the chair and walks towards Trihexa

Trish:*looks suspiciously*Alright let's talk

Back with Y/N his walking around his shop/house to find the rest of his girlfriends/allies has he walks in the kitchen his meet with six familiar and beautiful faces

Y/N:*smiles*hey everyone~

the familiar face turn around and smile seeing who it is has one of them stands up and goes towards Y/N

??? 4:*smirks*Y/N! finally your back it was getting boring without you

The first one is revealed to be

Mordred Pendragon/Saber

??? 5:Boring you say Mordred then what do you call the previous eight minutes

has another one of the six approaches the two has it revealed to be

Artoria Pendragon/Lancer

Mordred:*sweating*I have no idea what your talking about father

Artoria:*smirks*Really then you wouldn't mind me telling Y/N the games we played

Y/N:Games~what type of games Artoria~

Artoria:Oh you should have seen her in them it wa—

Mordred who was now blushing with embarrassment uses both of her hands and blocks Artoria's mouth

Mordred:*blush*Don't worry master just go say hi to everyone


Y/N walks away from them Mordred and Artoria started arguing has he got to the table he got to see three other of his servants one was eating cake while the other two were in the conversation

Y/N:Well good to see you guys anything happen while I was gone

The one who was eating cake stood and looks at Y/N with a smile has she reveals herself to be

Marie Antoinette/Rider

Marie:No nothing interesting has happened all I can say is that are missions have been successful love

Y/N:Good to hear Marie what about you two anything interesting happened

??? 6:Well if you count that silly game those two played with Marie over here something interesting then that would be it

??? 7:But if your speaking of the mission well those go the same has always


Skadi or Scathach/Caster

The avenger and caster smile at him he nods and then kisses Marie in the check has he goes towards the two he kisses Skadi in the libs and was going to kiss Jalter in the check only for her to put a finger in front of him

Jalter:Nope~do it properly lover boy~


Has they both kiss passionately they separated and then felt someone hugging him from behind

??? 8:Now~where's my kiss Y/N

Y/N smirks and turns around to see his berserker

Minamoto no Raikou/Berserker

Y/N:is good to see you Raikou

Minamoto:You two Y/N~now give momma a kiss~

Has Minamoto places her libs on his has they kiss for a few more seconds until they stop and separate from the tongue war

Y/N:Now does anyone know where the other four are

Jalter:The goddes is in her room has also the assassin and the two cats are in*giggles*your room

Y/N:*confused by the giggle*Okay?...I'll like for you guys to got downstairs and meet our...guest


Y/N:Just go down and you'll see also don't destroy the our house when you interact with her and don't want another cat fight

Speaking of downstairs the girls are actually enjoying there time has they are laughing and talking like Highschool girls

Trish:*laugh*you just squashed him after all that hero speech and everything

Trihexa:*giggles*yes quite the fool he was

has they stop laughing Trihexa wanted to ask something



Trihexa:Do you know why sweaty doesn't like to be called master?

Lady:Oh...that you called him master didn't you

Trihexa:Yes is there problem

Lady:Well not completely but it's kinda of a problem for him seen unlike pervert a**holes who define the word master to be over someone and have full control over them Y/N doesn't like to see it that way

Trish:Yes he sees it has a mastery of a skill or art something like that he doesn't see himself a master of someone

Gloria:and that's how he's gonna keep seeing it has but I wouldn't say that's the only thing why

Trihexa:Really there's more?

Trish:Yes the people who hurt him punished him for no reason and so he had to be the servant for someone and he had no will to deny anything they say and that's not all one of his former teammates used him has a slave and always told him that she was his master*shakes her head*Ones I meet this b****h I swear I'm shooting her with a full mag

Gloria:It took him a month to get the others girls to stop calling him master and call him Y/N or give him a nickname

Trihexa now understand nods her head and they continue talking has then footsteps were heard and the girls turn towards the sound has they see Mordred Artoria Marie Jalter Skadi and Minamoto

Mordred:Who the he*l is this

(A/N:And there you that answer a question a few or many had in previous chapter l)

back with Y/N continues to walk towards his girlfriends rooms has then a blur came dashing towards him he summons force edge and blocks the attack

Y/N:Really Taira I thought you were done testing me

He looks at the person holding a katana has it reveals herself to be

Taira no Kagekiyo/Avenger

Taira:Come one Y/N~let me have my fun the people I was sent to kill were just a bunch of pervert weakling demons

Y/N:*chuckles*I know I know will spar sometime don't worry now I would like you to go downstairs there guest here and I need to tell you guys something


After a quick kiss she walks pass him and goes towards where she told him he continues walking has he was going to open me door

??? 9:Y/N!

Someone lunches at him and hugs him from the side has the person knocks him and her over to the ground Y/N looks on his chest and sees the person that tackled him revealing herself to be

Hassan of Serenity/Assassin

Y/N:Oh hey Serenity miss me~


Y/N:Miss you too~

Has crawls her way to his face the two kiss passionately has a few seconds pass they separated and they stood up again

Serenity:Don't worry I heard you I'll meet with the others downstairs

Y/N:Good I'll see you guys later

Serenity walks pass him and goes downstairs has he turns towards the door he was going to open before he opens it and goes inside seeing another one of his beautiful servants


Said servant turns around from the window and spotted Y/N has she smiles at him


Astrea:Y/N~you have family arrive have you come here to join me in the bed~

Y/N:Has much has I would want to do that I have some news to tell you guys

Astrea:News~that's is fine

She gets off the bed and walks towards him has she brought him into another passionate kiss and after another seconds they separated

Y/N:So you want to accompany me to get the cats or you'll go with the others

Astrea:I'll go with you~

They both hold hands and leave her room has they continue to walk through the halls they reach his room and ones he opens it what he sees was not expect has he sees his last two servants there


Alter Atalanta/Berserker

But they we're sitting on his bed tied up together

Y/N:*dumbfounded*Why did you guys bet


Alter Atalanta:You see—

Astrea:They bet it with Mordred to see who would win in a race that was shown live and the guy they betted on lost

Both Atalanta:*look down*Yeah that's about it

Y/N:And why are you tied up together

Atalanta:I....don't remember


He walks over to them grab them both and put them on his shoulder which made both of them blush

Both Atalanta:Y/N!

Y/N:I don't care I'm taking you down like this and that's final now let's us go downstairs love


Has she opens the door for him they walk out of the room has they go downstairs they see the girls talking amongst each other has they then spotted him

Lady:I don't know where you found this one but I like her

Y/N:Good having fun with your new friends Trihexa

Trihexa:Oh most definitely sweaty~

He puts the two Atalanta down and separated them has the girls all got together and turn towards Y/N

Y/N:okay so to start things of let me introduce you all to Trihexa*he points at her*she will be with us for very long long time seen she's now hook up to me seen I defeated her in battle


Jalter:....Your joking right

Y/N:Nope she said it herself and now adding to that Union now knows of my existence and a little bit of my power

The girls except Trihexa:What?!!

Y/N:Yep so if we get a visit in one of our mission by one of them if they treat you know what to do

He smirks which makes the girls smirk and Trihexa is confused

Trihexa:We do what exactly?

Y/N:*smirk*give them pain now.......who wants a drink


And after that talk they keep chatting and drinking has Y/N and his girls life were about to get serious now

Some Preview words for chapter 5
Ozpin:Gentlemen you know what we are here to talk about

Atalanta:Phoebus Catastrophe!!

Rias:Y/N L/N I demand you to be apart of my peerage this instant

Shitsei:Your nothing but weakling and that's what you'll always be!!!!

Y/N:*serious*Skadi do it

Draig:You are truly a worthy host Y/N

A bright red light shines has it started to die down it showed a small part of an armor

??? 1/??? 2:Get ready for a world of pain pervert

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