Chapter 3:Unwanted Reunion in battle agaisnt Trihexa

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Previously on "Y/N Sparda vs Union" Y/N has finally left Union sadly leaving the three people he had has friends but grateful in leaving those who hurt him and leaving that place ones he left a voiced called out to him it lead him to abandon house there he find a sword and when touched it he saw his parents they talked and they we're not happy when he told them what happened to him but in other news his sister is alive and walking amongst this world but now after sadly leaving them he return to the real world with now a new objectives let's see how he accomplishes them
Verse city a place where heroeA**H***s are made to protect and save people from the dangers of this worldOR TO JUST HAVE FAME MONEY AND WOMEN no one is sad and everyone always reaches there dream hereSAID DREAMS ARE DESTROYED AND THOSE THAT ARE WEAK ARE HURT AND BULLIED BY THE STRONG so has you can see nothing is happening here oR IS THERE *SIGH* heroes huntsman IS pilots Magus supernatural beings ninjas this are the supposedly saviors of the world the ones who said would do anything to protect and save the citizens of Verse but if only that were true they are just a bunch of fakes that only want attention the only thing they do is live destruction where ever they go people always die in villain attacks and this saviors aren't even there and when they are the destruction they cause kill millions and they don't get punishment only praise but that will all change


Ignore that for now has we now move to another place in verse city one of the towns Redgrave town there religion and the supernatural actions are seen the most but this story isn't about those idiots no this story is of a man that knows the truth about this world he is the one that truly saves people and he is the one that has to clean the mess after this man has suffered in this world but not anymore has we go to alleyway in the town has at the of the alley was one this place businesses and this place is called

Devil May Cry has inside we find the main desk that holds someone very important has he seen sleeping with a magazine on his face

??? 1:*snores*ohz heyzz girlzzz howzz your dayzzz *snores*

*RIGN!!! RIGN!!!

Has then the sound of a phone rigs making the mysterious person wake up has he moves his legs of the desk and tosses his magazine to the ground

??? 1:Huh!? what?! Who's there?!!


??? 1:oh*sigh*I really need to sleep more well let's see who it is

The mysterious person grabs the phone and puts it beside his right ear

??? 1:Password?

??? 2:*through phone*Y/N it's me Morrison

Has the person who just woke up is revealed to be

Y/N Sparda

Y/N smiles hearing the voice a familiar and friendly ally has then puts his legs on the desk again and pulls back his chair getting comfy

Y/N:What's up Morrison how you doing old friend

Morrison:*though phone*Hehe doing good has always my friend question have you looked outside your shop?

Y/N:*confused*Um no why you ask

Morrison:*through phone*You might want to look outside and go to the roof so you can see that thing


Y/N puts the phone on his desk not yet hung up has he gets of his chair he walks towards the front door of the store ones he opens the doors he see nothing

Y/N:The heck I'm I supposed to be seeing

But then the ground started moving rapidly like if an earthquake is happening which did nothing too Y/N

Y/N:*mind*a small earthquakes is that all

But it didn't stop but then except of hearing an earthquake Y/N heard something else


A load and very much heard able stomp was heard which made the ground make again violently had this made Y/N move has well but it didn't move its balance

Y/N:Okay that one I heard

Has he then high jumps in the air and reaches the top or the roof of his building has he got there he started looking around until he spotted what was making all the ruckus

Y/N:I....did not expect this

has miles away from Y/N location there lies the thing that's causing all the destruction a giant monster that could be seen that's over the clouds that seem to have disappeared has this is


It is said that this creature his strong has of even stronger than ophis and great red said to be the destroy of worlds and seem like clouds too the only way to defeated was to seal it away but it seems that the seal is broken and it's free

Y/N:hmm well let's go back with Morrison

Y/N jumps of the roff and lands on the ground below he quickly goes inside his building and walks towards the phone has he picks of the magazine on the floor he puts it on his desk and grabs the phone putting it near his right ear

Y/N:Okay Morrison what the f***k is that thing

Morrison:*through phone*That is Trihexa or beast 666 a legendary creature that was said be strong or even stronger than ophis and great red

Y/N:And you want me to fight that thing

Morrison:*through phone*Yes I mean after all those bastards that hurt you are there has well I believe it's time for you to show them who the really hero is.....wouldn't you agree?

Y/N:.......................*smirk*Now you pick my interest don't worry I'll handle her?he? does this thing have a gender

Morrison:*through phone*I don't know

has then outside of the building

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(A/N:You guys choose which sound you want)

the sound of motorcycle is heard and doors of devil may cry burst open has Y/N comes riding his bike that is also a weapon

The cavalier has Y/N smirks has he spots Trihexa

Y/N:Alright LETS ROCK!!!Woooohhhooo!!

On the battlefield Union seeing this sends everything they have the headmaster,teachers,students,pro heroes,supernatural heroes,huntsman,IS pilots and there only Magus with her five servants(A/N:yes Gudako got two new servants)has they all go to battles against Trihexa but being so cocky and ignoring the lives of citizens there lose by a lot heroes died without even scratching the thing citizens crossed in the crossfire get either killed by Trihexa or killed by one Unions a**h***s all hope seem to be lost has we see a little boy running around the destroyed city

Little boy:MOM!! DAD!! WHERE ARE YOU!!???

But then the boy hears a noise of something breaking he looks behind him and sees a building falling down and it's going his direction the boy in fear tries to run away but trips on a rock and falls to the ground has he curled himself into a ball and hope for the best but the load sound of something crashing is heard has the kid cries waiting for the building to fall on him

??? 3:Hey! kid you okay?

The little kid shocked hearing a voice opens his eyes and looks up has he sees(A/N:well in this story)a hero who reveals herself to be

M.T Lady

M.T lady is seen bruised up hurt her suit almost turn off on the left side she smiles down at the kid to see if that calms him down has the kid with tears still on him looks up at M.T lady in awe

M.T lady:You okay kid?

The kid nods and M.T lady nods back has she then uses all her strength to move the building to the side has it falls to the ground and M.T lady then started shrinking down to her normal size has she on her knees breathing heavily the kid runs towards her too see if she's okay

Kid:Are you okay miss?

M.T lady:*smiles*Yeah I'm okay but why are you doing here kid why aren't you with your parents

Kid:*looks down sad*I lost them when this amores men cane towards us with guns they were taking us to a safe place but that monster came and attacked us it separated me from them and now I don't know where they are

M.T lady looks at the kid with sympathy has she places her hand on his shoulder and confronts him

M.T lady:Don't worry I'm sure your parents are okay maybe they already reach the shelter and there waiting for you there

The kid moves his head up looking at M.T lady with hope in his eyes

Kid:You think so

M.T lady:Yes now come on let me tak—


The moment is ruined has they turn around and see Trihexa and it stomping his way towards them M.T Lady seeing this moves the kid behind him

M.T Lady:Alright kid this is what I want you to do I want you to go that way

She points behind her a little to the right

M.T lady:That's where the shelter is and maybe your parents are there

Kid:*concerned*But what about you

M.T Lady:Don't worry about me okay this what heroes suppose to do and that's protect people like you so go there and be safe okay


The kid quickly runs the direction he was told to go has M.T lady tries to go big but struggles

M.T Lady:*mind*Da*m it I'm to tired to go big now and I can't obviously fight this thing the size I I'm now*sigh*sorry Y/N looks like we won't be seeing each other for while

Trihexa keeps stomping towards her until she was at the right ranch to stomp in her M.T lady closes her eyes to accept her fate but out of nowhere something or someone pick her up saving her from Trihexa

??? 1:Come on Lady don't say that you still owe me that date you promised

M.T lady opens her eyes hearing the familiar voice has she looks down and sees and arm rap around her waist has she looks to the side and sees a very familiar white hair man

M.T lady:Y/N?


Y/N moves Cavilier side meats has hs stops driving and let's go of M.T lady who was able to stands has she quickly hugs Y/N

M.T Lady:Oohhh~ I miss you so much where have you been I've been looking for you all over verse hoping to see you

Y/N:You could say I e been busy dealing with other things most importantly how are you

M.T lady:Well right now I'm beat up exhausted from fighting that thing and saving people seen all the others are just trying to be heroes

Y/N:Still a**h***s huh?

M.T Lady:Yep


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The both look at where the sound came from and see Trihexa there stomping his way towards them

Y/N:Stay here I'll handle this

M.T lady:*shocked*What!? Are you crazy that thing will kill you!!

Y/N:Eh it ain't the biggest thing I've fought

M.T Lady:*concern*But are you sure you can do this I-I just don't want to lose you again

Y/N smiles at M.T lady has he then kisses her in the head surprising her making her blush

Y/N:Don't worry big girl I'll be okay~

Y/N turns Cavaliere to the side aiming at Trihexa direction has he then charges towards it Trihexa raises its foot to stomp on him Y/N looks to left and sees a very coincidental ramp there so he had and idea he moves the bike to left to get in the Ramos position has he then rides over it and goes in the air towards the monster has he changes Cavaliere form from a bike to two saw blades has he stabs them deep into into the monsters right leg has it roars in pain

Y/N:Let's go for joy ride!!!

He twisted the handle and then started literally riding on the monsters body has on the ride he started cutting up the monster making cuts all over its body M.T lady on the ground sees this and is amazed by what's happening

M.T lady:He damaged it but how?

??? 4/5:Mount lady!!

M.T lady turns around sees her friend Midnight running towards her with and IS pilot that being Charlotte who is in her suit

has behind the two girls where the a**h***s of Union from the bullies Shitsei Yang Cardin Ryuko Bakugo Weiss Miyabi Homura Gudako and her servants Y/N former friends Ruby Asuka Pyrrha Jirou Mina to the headmaster and teachers and finally the others who hurt Y/N or were a former friend of his abs they are

Ichika Houki Laura

Blake Belladonna

The rest of team JNPR which are Jaune Nora and Ren

The Tomato heads peerage which I will not say name because there all failures especially the one with the black circle

Eraserhead a.k.a Aisawa

The rest of Class 1-A Izuku Ida Shoto Kirishima Momo Ochako Tsuyu Kaminari Mineta Tokoyami Shoji Kouji Mina Ojiro Hagakure Satou Sero Yuuga

The res of team hanzo,crimson squad and Hebijo Ikagura Katsuragi Yagyuu Hibari Yomi Hikage Mirai haruka murasaki Imu Ryubi Ryuña

Team new Hanzo

They look bruised up hurt with scars all over them some of the girls almost don't have any clothes has Midnight and Charlotte go towards M.T lady to see if she's okay

Charlotte:Are you okay M.T Lady

M.T Lady:*smiles*Don't worry I'm fine I'm just here enjoying the show

Midnight:What show?


They all turn towards the noise and see a very scar Trihexa and see someone moving very fast towards its face while also making a line on the creature

Katsuki:Who the he*l is that extra!!

M.T lady:That 'extra' is Y/N L/N


Shitsei:That's impossible that weakling could let even scratch a tree!!

Yang:Yeah what the pervert said!!

Trihexa:*Pain ROAR!!!*

They all turn around and see Y/N spinning like a tornado rapidly slashing at Trihexa eye has the monster moves his left hand to stop him Y/N sees this and stabs his tow saws on the creatures face has he started the riding down Trihexa slams his hand into its face close to where his eye hurts it screams in pain Y/N goes down it's body has it was reaching its right foot he jump of the creature taken of his saw bikes out of it has he transforms Cavaliere into its bike form has he rides away from the monster Y/N looks back at it and sees that it's slowly healing

Y/N:Healing factor hmph! no wonder this things hard to kill

Y/N looks had where he left M.T lady and sees her with his two friends Midnight and Charlotte and also the ones who hurt him are there but there not important he stops his bike eight feet away from them has he sits up and glares at them his bullies glare at him his former friend are happy to see him Midnight and Charlotte are in the verge of tears and the headmaster and teachers look at him with a serious look


Ozpin:Mister L/N what do you think your doing

Y/N:Doing my job you know keep the people safe and beat that thing

He points behind at Trihexa who is slowly healing its wounds

Eraserhead:But your no hero you don't have license

The headmaster and teachers agree but Y/N M.T lady Midnight Charlotte look at them with the"are you serious look"

Y/N:If you think a f***king license is more important than saving the innocent which is what you should be doing right now then I believe it's time for you to leave seen you seem to be more focused on that then stoping this thing which by looking at you seems like you failed

Imu:And you need to start seeing that you're not needed here!!!

Weiss:Yeah! let the real heroes handle this

Y/N look around which confusing everyone except his friend who only snicker

Rias:What are you doing?

Y/N:Well I'm looking for real heroes but I can't seem to find them and the only two heroes are see are injured right now

has the last part he looks at Midnight and M.T lady with a smile and they smile back at him the bullies are angry at what he said and were about to fight him until


They turn towards Trihexa and see that it's all healed up

Y/N:He or she is very stubborn monster isn't it


Y/N:Well then looks like I'll have to finish this quick my pizza should be arriving soon

Charlotte:You order pizza at a time like this?*giggles*

Y/N:Hey~ you know me when it comes to pizza also I don't know this was happening

Y/N gets off his bike and it disappears has a new weapon started appearing on his hand has reveals itself to be

Yamato the sword that can cut through anything has he started walking towards the monster

Sirezch:Y/N get back here now!!!

Y/N:I don't listen to you falls king!! so just stand there and watch me be a badass

But then a giant sword appeared in front of he looks to his left and sees Ichika there

Ichika:Please Y/N I ask you to turn around and leave this to us just go home you'll just be in the away

Y/N:In the way you say hmm


Y/N disappeared and then repaired six feet away from the dense guy has Ichika's suit disappears and he falls to ground unconscious


The three of them go check on Ichika

Charlotte:*impressed*So fast

Y/N:Out of my way deadmeat

Everyone looks at Y/N surprised has he did not take out his sword or did he? Y/N walks towards Trihexa who is now charging up and attack

Y/N:Finally getting serious are you well—

A red light started covering Y/N has he's figure is also changing

Y/N:—I won't let you

Y/N shines bright and the light exploded has Y/N stands there with a new look which shocks and makes the ones of Union except his friends have a look of fear has Y/N goes into his Devil trigger Yamato

(A/N:This form looks awesome even do it's fan made I love it)

All might:*scared*Tha-at form

Nezu:It's the same has before but different but why

Hanzo:I believe it may have to do something with his weapon has unlike the big sword he used before this time is a katana

With Y/N he takes a stance and his free hand grabs Yamato's handle

Y/N(Yamato D.T):This won't even last a minute


Trihexa has a giant ball of energy aim at Y/N and Union has they ready themselves for the blast Y/N just stand there in his battle stance has Trihexa was about to fire Y/N takes out a little of Yamato and in the blink of a eye he disappears


Trihexa head is then split in two has the energy ball is also destroyed and behind the creatures sliced head is Yamato Devil trigger Y/N Sparda

Y/N(Yamato D.T):Slay All.......Yamato

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Devil trigger Y/N appears in front of Union who are shocked at what happened Trihexa has now multiple red lined cuts all over its body Y/N has Yamato on its sheath but it's not yet closed has then he slowly sheath his blade has when he closed it Trihexa is literally gone with no trace of it

Ozpin:*amazed*Such power*mind*maybe with him by our side we could finally defeat Salem

Ironwood:Incredible*mind*Those weapons of his I must have them with them nothing could stop us

The headmaster and teachers all have almost the same thoughts has them the bullies are shocked and anger on how there "punching bag" got this strong his former friends are amazed by his power and his three female friends are shocked and amazed Y/N then turns back to normal and un summons Yamato

Charlotte:Y/N you did it!!

Charlotte un summon her IS and runs towards Y/N Midnight helps M.T lady up and they walk towards them

Homura:*shock scared*bu-but how his just a weakling

Yang:*shock scared*I-Its a fluck that was just a fluck

Shitsei:*nervous mind*We can do that right Draig Draig

Draig:Well if you stop being pervert and actually focus on training maybe we could*mind*God I wish Y/N was my host unlike this pervert who ruins my title and power for his own selfish reasons

Back with Y/N he sees Charlotte running towards him he smiles and opens his arms has they both hug

Y/N:So good to see you Charles

Charlotte:I missed you so much you know that

Y/N:That I do but have you gotten my latter

Charlotte:Uh hu I always get them and read them

Midnight:Aww~you send her matters but not me I'm hurt Y/N

Y/N:Hehehe sorry it's just seen your very busy with work I didn't want t bother you

Midnight:Oh you silly boy~ I would literally stop that stupid class to see your writing

Y/N:Well I'll send you a letter more often

M.T Lady:And what about me~

Y/N:Well if I'm right you still have my number so you can call me through that

Charlotte:Wait you didn't change your phone number?


Nezu:Mister L/N

The reunion is stop Y/N frowns has he looks behind his friends and sees Union approaching him

Y/N:What the you want a**h***s

Hanzo:*glare*You better watch your tone young man

Y/N:Hmph! Like I'll ever listen to you old man but I got to ask how's your shoulder*smirk*

Hanzo is irritated by this and was about to fight him but was stop by Sirezch who shakes his head Hanzo understands and stands down

Ozpin:Look Y/N we have now seen are mistake and we would like for you to join Union again



Former friends(mostly the girls):*mind*YES!!!

Former teammates:*mind*Please accept

Y/N:Hmm let me

Ironwood:Great now com—wait what!!??

Y/N:Like I said no I'm not going to place filled with a bunch of fakes who only train there for the fame money and women in my personal opinion this schools shouldn't have been formed in the first place

Sirezch:Y/N I know that what with done in the past is un forgivable but with your powers they could help us win this war

Y/N:Oh I know about the war between good and evil and I seek to end it my way

Ironwood had enough and took out his gun and pointed at Y/N and he does the same and takes out Ebony and Ivory the bullies readies themselves to fight and Charlotte and Midnight ready themselves to help Y/N

Ironwood:Y/N L/N you will come with us now and you will hand over your weapons this instant!!!


Y/N:Like he*l I'll do that Ironprick

Laura:Surrender now!!

Charlotte:You ain't touching him Laura!!

But then out of nowhere s blast comes from behind Y/N and goes pass him an hits Ironwood sending him flying towards the ruble everyone looks at the direction where the blast came from and figure emerges from the smokescreen

Trihexa(Human form)

Trihexa appears ones again without everyone knowing that she looks around spotted Hanzo Mineta and Shitsei drooling over her boobs she then sees some of the boys look at her with lust and then sees the girls that have a flat chest are jealous but then she spotted Y/N who's looking at her suspiciously Charlotte notices the look and summon her I.S right arm with a knife

Y/N:Who are yo—

Shitsei:Hey there beautiful~

Shitsei is walking over to her with pervert look on his face has he stands three feet away from her with cocky smile

Shitsei:Names Issei (A/N:I don't know how to say his last name and I don't care)and I'm the red dragon emperor so~ how about you and I go somewhere and have some fun~

Trihexa:...........not interested

Trihexa b***h slap Shitsei and sends him flying away


Rias and her peerage go check on Shitsei Trihexa then looks at Y/N again and teleports in front of him which surprises the ones near him but not him

Y/N:Who are you

Trihexa:Oh~ you know who I I'm~after all your the one who slayed me~

Y/N:*realization*Your Trihexa

Trihexa:That I am Master~

Y/N:*mind*Not again

Union boys:Trihexa??!!

Union girls:Master??!!?

Trihexa:I believe we should move somewhere else master away from this....ants

Y/N:Okay?....well I'll call you three later and also tell granny I said hi*he says that to his friends*and to the rest of Union all of you rot in he*l because you all suck and are total failures

And with that Y/N grabs Trihexa hand and uses trickster has they teleport back to Devil May Cry and unknown to them someone was taking a video of the fight and the talk they had

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