Chapter 6:Target for Union and a little girl

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Previously on "Y/N Sparda vs Union" a week passes after Union saw the tremendous power Y/N wield in his hands and the appearance of female Trihexa has the headmasters of Union talk amongst each other and one of those members was Olga with her servant Lancelot who believe in Y/N strength but was forced to stay away has before they could discuss a plan against to gain Y/N back it was interrupted by the alarm of Grimm attacking a village but that call did not just go to them has it also got to Y/N who accepted and took some of his girls with him has they arrive quickly and destroyed all Grimm and what would be a happy moment was ruined by the appearance of Rias and her peerage plus Irina has Y/N fought them alone he easily felt with them has he even went Nevan devil trigger defeating and humiliating Shitsei and Rias has that's not all after defeating them he took Draigg and added him to his wide reach of forms but before they could leave Rias tried to stop them but was knock out by Lucia and Helena has they walk away from them
Back at Union the headmasters received a call from the village that was attacked saying that the problem was felt with by Y/N which hurt there pride then said "come pick up your trash" which got then confused until they remembered Rias team was sent there so they send two teams to pick them up has they brought them back to Union abs are now in the infirmary has the headmasters are standing outside

Sirezch:How could they have returned like this all of them even Shitsei it doesn't make sense

Olga:Yeah!weren't they just dealing with just simple Grimm

Ozpin:It would seem that the Grimm were to much for them and Y/N had to save them from there troubles I don't think is that

Ozpin:What do you mean?

Nezu:The bruises and the scars they're specific areas they were hit in this was not the work of a Grimm this could have been Y/N doing


Ironwood:I get what your saying Nezu but all we can do is wait for now

Hanzo:Looks like not for long

Right on cue the new nurse of the school came out


This is Alexa Union's new nurse and we'll you could say that's she's wwweeeellll a slut(A/N:She did it with five guys already after being brought to Union one those five being a headmaster) ...........and what happened to Recovery girl well she quit after seeing more of Union's corruption and is now working for hospital that helps very sick kids now back to Alexa and the headmasters who are blushing except Olga and Nezu

Alexa:You students are okay headmasters!

Olga:Yes thank you Alexa you may return to your office

Alexa:With pleasure miss Animusphere*she winks at the male headmasters*

Alexa walks away back towards where she came has Olga and Nezu push the other headmasters in the room has they see inside they see the students still unconscious all but Rossweisse who's sitting on her bed looking down


Rossweisse jumps in surprise

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

She turns around and sees the headmasters there has she foams down and gets off the bed has she faces the headmasters


Olga:So then tell us what happened in the village

Rossweisse:*sigh*After Sirezch told Rias where we needed to go we quickly grab everyone and flew over there on the bullhead but ones we got there are eyes looked surprised at what was happening

Ironwood:And so tell us was Y/N there?

Rossweisse:....yes he was there with a group of his own we decided to stay back and see how he dealt with the Grimm and to our surprise the he had ended the situation quicker then expected

Ozpin:He has allies?

Rossweisse:Yes two girls and three heroic spirits


Olga:But - but that's impossible! how could he have spirits!? he's not even a magus!!

Rossweisse:I am as surprised has you are Olga we couldn't identify who they were but continuing the story we decided to confront him and gain his trust but Rias had other plans and so she tried to get him in her peerage but that failed miserably so he decided to battle us

Nezu:I knew it

Hanzo:So it was his group versus yours

Rossweisse:No it was him all alone with no help and no support and has you can see he defeat it us all


Sirezch:*mind*Rias you idiot!!

Ozpin:But what about mister Hyoudou

Rossweisse:That I don—

???:He took it

Everyone turns towards the voice and sees Rias awake and looking down defeated

Rias:Y/N took Shitsei sacred gear


Sirezch:Rias how could you let this happened!!

Rias:All I did was tried and get him back!!

Sirezch:Yes but have you not forgotten the things you've done to him your are not and are not supposed to be the right person for the job!!

Rias:But I!-

Sirezch:Silence!!we will deal punishment to you later now we need think of a way to both get Draigg and Y/N

Ozpin:But first we must also see what happened in that village

Ironwood:I'll see if my world wide surveillance can allow us to see what happened

Olga:I will join you

And with that those two leaving the other headmasters with awoken Rossweisse and Rias who is now looking down at her bed with anger in her eyes

Time Skip brought to you by Frieza race author using Hit's time Skip to beat up Mira had he moves around him until he stands to the side of Mira has he falls to the ground and author poses like Akuma finishing his ultimate

Still in Union the headmasters gathered there students and staff members in in the main room where they do the entrance speech for new students has everyone is there talking to one another has we go to a specific group that cause there destruction 

Yang:So what you guys think this is all about

Weiss:For the last time Yang! we don't know but were about to find out!!

Yang:Geez calm down ice queen it's just a simple question

Blake:A question you have been asking for about ten minutes

Yang:Okay I'm bored!what you want me to do


Yang comically lowers her head then turns towards her sister Ruby who's looking down at the ground right now has Yang then places her hand on her shoulder getting her attention

Yang:You okay there Rubs?

Ruby:Yeah yeah! I'm perfectly fine why you asking?

Yang:Because you don't look fine are you thinking about him?

Ruby:Yea it's just that—

We move towards another group that cause Y/N pain and that is class 1a has Jirou us talking to Momo with Mina close by too also feeling sad

Jirou:—All the things that we did to him are just wrong abs I can't live without still feeling this guilt in me

Momo:*sigh*I know you are sad fue what you've done but your not the only one I am also in regret and guilt send I hurt him

Mina:Has am I just wish—

We move to another group that cause Y/N pain and it was the ninja girls who are discussing about his power were mostly the power hungry ones while others are trying to confront Asuka

Asuka:—I could see him again and tell him how I feel for him and say that I'm sorry

Hibari:Don't worry Asuka you might get that hands now that his back

And while Hibari,Fuuma and Ikagura talk to Asuka the others girls are thinking of something else

Miyabi:It's not fare how can someone like him have that much power!

Homura:Right how's he get that and we don't


Yumi:Do not worry girls ones the time comes we shall show him where he belongs and then we will take what's rightfully ours

Miyabi,Homura and the other girls nod in agreement has we move now to another group that involves Ichika's small fam girls has Houki and Laura are talking about how Y/N easily knock out Ichika has with them were



Houki:Next time I see Y/N I'll teach him a lesson for what he did to my Ichika

Cecilia:You mean our Ichika

Rin:Yeah right! your not the only one wanting revenge on that bastard

Laura:He shall pay for what he did to my bride

Ichika:*mind*How just how one hit and I'm already on the ground just how strong have you gotten Y/N

People keep taking amongst eachother until the headmasters arrive at the scene has everyone then started shutting up has Ozpin approached the mic has he taps it getting the attention of everyone

Ozpin:I thank you all for coming has fast had you could today my we have an announcement to make*people started murmuring*You see years ago ago we had a student here who was prove to be weakest out everyone here someone who did not have any sort of power I'm pretty sure you know who I speak off Y/N L/N*some students started laughing quietly hearing his name*Well it would seem that we have underestimated mister L/N power so much has this is what happens two years later

Screen started appearing around the giant room has everyone could see Y/N power from the day he unleashed it to the battle against Trihexa heck even the battle against Rias group was there they all look dumbfounded,Shocked,surprised and some are even scared seeing him like that has we see two teachers looking very surprised



Port:To think that boy had this much in him

Oobleck:Yes it is truly astonishing to say the least

We move from the two teachers too members of class 1b had they are revealed to be


Kendo:*surprised*It's that really Y/N


Tetsutetsu:*shocked*This can't be right it just can't! how did he become so strong!!

And from those two stundents we move to elite students like members of


Coco:What the heck!!

Velvet:*mind*Y/N what have you become

Yatsuhashi:Impressive I can't believe he has grown so strong

Fox was clueless seen he could not see what the image showed but he just shrugged it off and heard abs felt the others thoughts and words has then we move to one the school greatest students "the Big three"

Mirin:Wow! look at him go I wi see how strong he really is

Tamaki:What you mean Mirio Y/N has strong at us here*points at the video showing him beating Koneko*

Mirio:I know but I feel like he's not going all out in neither of this fights like his holding back

Nejire:*mind*You did it Y/N you've become strong*smiles*I can't wait to see you again maybe I can finally confess my feelings towards you

And in the school president room there three people sitting in the room watching the videos through a giant TV screen two of those people are




Tsubaki:*surprise*Such power

And sitting on her chair drinking some tea is Ryuko older sister and leader of the elite four

Satsuki:*takes a glance at the screen*Hmmm

Back to school entrance room they all keep looking at the videos but they were more surprised when they saw him in his balance breaker has all were deleted and only left Y/N in his balance breaker video has Sirezch walks up to the mic

Sirezch:Has you can see here it would seem that mister L/N has taken the powers of the red dragon emperor and then made it parts of his own abilities we do not know how he did this but right now he is much more powerful

He hands the mic back to Ozpin

Ozpin:That is why we need your help in finding mister L/N because he may hold the key for us to finally end this war of good and evil so please if you ever spot him reasoned with him try getting him to come back

He then gets rudely pushed by Olga has she takes the mic and looks at the crowed of students abs teachers

Olga:But if he does not comply your are allowed to bring him by force

Olga drops the mic and started waking away but was stop by Ozpin who turns her around

Ozpin:What do you think your doing?!

Olga:Just giving them more inspiration

Ozpin:Inspiration of what to get themselves hurt to come back with broken bones and lost of power

Olga:*laughs*Oh please Ozpin you worry to much there's no way Y/N can defeat all of them

And with that she walks away has her servant Lancelot see her walk away has he has a smug look on his face

Lancelot:*mind*Oh she's gonna regret saying does words after at least a few month or so it could be even a week*turns towards the students who are leaving*this kids may have power and potential but a lot of them wast there power and don't even use it properly unlike Y/N who does the right thing and knows fully well his power

And with said person Y/N was walking around town with one of his girlfriends Helena has they hold hands while walking on the side walk passing people

Y/N:So the mission wasn't so hard

Helena:No it's just it was to far away from you guys

Y/N:Hey you guys were only gone for about a four days so it wants that long of trip

Helena:*giggles*You do it and then tell me how it felt

Y/N:*chuckles*Maybe I will

But then out of nowhere a little girl comes running out the alleyway has she bumps into Y/N making her fall down to her butt this gets the couples attention has they turn towards the girl who is revealed to be


There eyes widen has they see that both her arms and legs a strap with a put off bandages Y/N crouches down to her level

Y/N:*worried*Hey kid you okay

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