Chapter 7:Y/N vs Overhaul

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Previously on "Y/N Sparda vs Union"

Y/N was walking around town with one of his
girlfriends Helena has they hold hands while walking on the side walk passing people

Y/N:So the mission wasn't so hard

Helena:No it's just it was to far away from you guys

Y/N:Hey you guys were only gone for about a four days so it wants that long of trip

Helena:*giggles*You do it and then tell me how it felt

Y/N:*chuckles*Maybe I will

But then out of nowhere a little girl comes running out the alleyway has she bumps into Y/N making her fall down to her butt this gets the couples attention has they turn towards the girl who is revealed to be


There eyes widen has they see that both her arms and legs a strap with a put off bandages Y/N crouches down to her level

Y/N:*worried*Hey kid you okay

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Kneeling down in front the young girl with long white hair, red eyes and horn on forehead this was Eri a young quirk user Y/N had a worried look and so did Helena has they stare at Eri who had tears

Y/N:Hey kid you still with me?

Eri:*crying while looking down*

Y/N:Hey come on don't cry on me*wipes her tears*whats wrong kid who did this to you?

Eri looks up at and sees Y/N smiling down at her has she out of nowhere hugs Y/N which his taken back by this but returns the hug to comfort her so he rubs her hair

Y/N:Sshh sshh everything okay whoever hurt you is not here so everything gonna be okay*mind*was this girl abused or something she's trembling a lot*



Y/N looks up at Helena who has a serious look has she motions him towards the alleyway Eri came from has they see a male figure come out one wearing a bird like mask and business/casual clothing Y/N stands up has the man appears out the shadows and reveals himself to be 

Overhaul can't go around causing trouble for the heroes

Y/N looks at him neutrally and so those Helena but Eri she is glancing back at him with a look of fear like she's seeing something horrific like a monster

Y/N:Eri huh this wouldn't happen to be your daughter

Overhaul:Yes she is I am sorry about my daughter mister.....?

Y/N:Y/N and this Helena

Overhaul:It is nice to meet you both but again I'm sorry about Eri*puts on a happy expression*she just likes to play around a lot and keeps getting hurt for some reason

Y/N:*chuckles*Really? she reminds me of myself when I was much younger

Overhaul:Really then your parents has to have they're hands busy dealing with you

Y/N:Hehe you could say that

Helena:Yes he is quite the handful now a days to but why does Eri have so many bandages?

Overhaul:Oh those? Eri just a bit to clumsy for her nature it sometimes worries me seen's she's a had a few accidents around the stairs

Y/N:Hmm is that so? well I most also apologize for bumping into her I should have had my eyes trained on the alleyway and not my beautiful girlfriend over here

Helena:Oh stop it you~

Overhaul:Oh it's no problem at all but may I ask do you to happen to be heroes

Y/N:No actually just your regular long biding citizens taking a stroll around town you know but what about you are you a hero

Overhaul:I was but I've decided to retire and take care of Eri speaking of her I think it's time we leave this lovely couple come on Eri

Overhaul was waiting for Eri who was still holding onto you in the hug you were about to place her down on the ground so she could go to her "father"

Y/N:Yes it was nice meeting you two alright Eri I think it's time I set you down

Before Y/N could let her go Eri had tighten her grin on him which surprised him but his suspicions grew bigger when he heard her mumbling

Eri:*with tears*Please......don't...go

Y/N:*mind*Don't worry kid I'm not letting go until I beat this bastard to the ground*out loud*I think Eri has grown a but attached to me*chuckles*would be possible for us to accompany you to your home maybe there Eri will let go

Overhaul:Yes..............that doesn't sound like a bad idea*turns around and towards the alleyway*please follow me

Overhaul enters the alleyway has both Y/N and Helena look each other and nod has they follow behind the villain in disguise has they walk deeper in the alleyway has Y/N could feel Eri's body trembling a lot more has they continued to walk with Overhaul

Overhaul:You know......recently I've been having a lot problems with Eri for some reason she just keeps defying what I tell her to do no matter what I say

Y/N:Is that so have you taken her to therapist maybe they'll find something

Overhaul:Oh I thought of it but maybe it wasn't such a good idea considering her bandages they might think I did something bad to her

Helena:Well have you done something to her

Overhaul:I don't know*stops and places his right hand on the left glove almost revealing it*tell me Eri have I done something bad*glances back at Eri with a glare*

Eri look back and saw that look and while she was planning to jump off Y/N's arms he prevent her from doing that making her look at him and see him smiling at her

Y/N:Don't worry kid I'll handle this*hands Eri to Helena*keep her safe while I deal with this bastard

Helena:*nods*Okay be careful

Y/N:Don't worry*kisses her head*I'll be fine you just make sure she's nice and comfy

Helena turns the other way to leave the alleyway and Y/N turns to Overhaul who turns around to face him has he takes of his left glove

Y/N:Your a really hard man to find mister Overhaul

Overhaul:So are you mister Sparda.........tell me who send you that request to kill me

Y/N:Guy didn't have a name only gave me the money and your picture which I had perfectly placed on jobs board so tell me*glares at him with his eyes glowing a bit red*what the he*l did you do to Eri

Overhaul:Oh her well you see she a really really important part in my plans her quirk is called Rewind she can basically reverse a living being's body to previous state

Y/N:*whistles*Not bad quirk with sone training she could be a force to be reckoned with

Overhaul:Indeed but I'm not interest with the girl I'm interested with the power with her ability I could turn anyone back to what they used to be and what they fear to be powerless

Y/N:Hmm I see but sadly I won't let you hurt her anymore

Overhaul:Many have tried to get in my way but they made the same fate that you will face!

Overhaul placed his hand on the ground and everything just instantly disintegrated the ground and the wall beside him expanded Y/N jump back dodging what was happening has Overhaul basically made a small battlefield for them to fight has he looks up at Y/N

Overhaul:You won't survive!

Overhaul raised up his hand and launched a bunch of spikes that headed straight towards Y/N who stood they're has one's they got close enough he smirk

Y/N:This won't be boring after all good

Has then in an instant a glowing light covered Y/N has the spikes were quickly destroyed has the light went down Y/N stood there with a no weapon to show GILGAMESH

Y/N:Shall we begin

Overhaul:That won't change anything

Y/N:Oh but I beg to differ

Overhaul seem irritated by this so he launches a bunch of spikes that start to surround Y/N but he starts destroying the spike with very fast kicks and shops has he goes right,left and up has he back flip kicks the spike the cane from a above has he then dashes towards Overhaul who appears a wall that reaches the height of the buildings that are beside the alleyway in front of him stoping Y/N that sees spikes coming from the sides being send towards him in pillars

Y/N:This might take a bit

Overhaul un the other side stood up and waited for his spikes to end Y/N but just to make sure he's ready he takes off his other glove but one's he took it off

Y/N comes bursting in has he spun and went for kicked that Overhaul blocks with his arms but that was mistake has the kicks literally breaks his defense and kicks Y/N in the head which leads to him to lands face forward on the ground very strongly

Y/N:Don't tell me that already took you down

Overhaul:Hmph! fat chance

His hands placed on the ground he appears four spikes two that appear from the ground and two from the right the left taking this a chance to move back Overhaul does that and gains some distance has Y/N simply stomps on the spikes that come from the ground and blocks the one that come from the side's breaking them

Y/N:You might want to get more serious because all your showing me is a waste of time

Overhaul:Tsk! I have also found this to be useless I expected more from you Mercenary or were all those rumors of finishing fights in just se bids a lie

Y/N:Oh they are very true it's just your not given me a reason to finish this but seeing that your not going to face me seriously then I guess I'll have to finish this

Overhaul:You stole my line because I'll be winning this fight Sparda

Y/N dashes towards Overhaul who crouches down and launches a bunch of spike pillars and wall spikes has they go straight towards Y/N who stops in his tracks and gets in fighting stand

Y/N:Alright he wants all of me then I'll give him a beat down he won't forget*smirks*

Moving his right leg forward then does a hand motion that makes him extend his arm has his left arm curls up has he waits for the spikes the one in the middle was going to reach him so seeing our time he makes his hand a fist and extends his body a little forward showing the strength he gains from Gilgamesh has not just the spikes in front him break but all other spikes break and are destroyed has the shockwave made by the single strike reaches Overhaul making his eyes widen has his pushed back


Y/N:Oh Overhaul didn't you know*teleports in front of Overhaul*I make the impossible possible

Overhaul is surprise has he moves back but he's not given any time to react has Y/N lunges towards and lands a hard punch too on his gut but he doesn't stop has Y/N kicks Overhaul sending him to side making him crash into the wall beside him has Y/N continues his assault

Overhaul gets overwhelmed by a bunch of kicks being send at him has Y/N doesn't seem to be stomping has his kicks continue and continue to strike at Overhaul

Y/N:This what you get for abusing Eri!!*quickly changes to spin kick*

From a bunch of quick kicks to a strong spin kick that sends Ovethaul flying back has he falls onto his back his face having a very noticeable red foot mark

Overhaul:H-How?*weakly his eyes look in front of him*

Y/N:Don't know*un-summons Gilgamesh*but what I do know is that you are beaten and*takes Ibory and aims it at Overhaul's face*your going to die

???:Sadly that's not gonna happen!

Gun shots are heard has Y/N is forced to jump back and dodge the incoming bullets has he takes his secondary handgun Ebony and aims both guns at his new opponents which seem to be members of Overhaul's group

Hair Kurono

Rikiya Katsukame

Y/N:Weird for the boss's henchmen ti appear when he's already defeated don't you think

Hari:Sadly we just arrived now but know this we will go after the girl and she will be back with us

Y/N:Huh that's weird I was going to leave you guys with the same warning so remember this*eyes turn completely red*go after the girl and hurt her plus harm anyone I care about not just you three but anyone else in your group will experience a fate worse than death

With those words said the two quickly ran off with they're leaving Y/N alone has he turns and begins to walk of the alleyway

Ddraig:*in Y/N's mind*You handled that quite well

Y/N:What you think I was going to do just let that bastard take such and innocent little girl to harm her even more what kind of girl Dior would just allow that

Y/N walks out of the alleyway has he sees Helena and Eri talking to two familiar individuals Y/N knows to well he whistles and the girls turn around to see Y/N there

Eri:*shocked*He actually........survived

Helena:You see Eri nothing to worry about

Y/N:*walks up to them*Sorry for the delay kid that man really knew how to fight so it took a little while to defeat him but just know*places his hand on Eri's head and pats it*just safe now he's not gonna hurt you anymore

Eri:*with tears starting to appear*Thank you......thank you*she jumps him and hugs him very tightly*

Y/N:Wow there*chuckles has he hugs back*don't worry Eri your fine now


Y/N:Leave is he Midoriya can't you see I'm having a moment here*turns to the two individuals*oh hey Mirio

In front him were two quirk users that come from Union one was kid who was first said to be quirkless but is now a quirk user for sone reason Izuku Midoriya a.k.a Deku beside him was a good friend of Y/N's Mirio a.k.a La million both were wearing they're hero suits

Mirio:Sup Y/N seen what you've been doing man! you have grown strong

Y/N:*chuckles*You could say that is good to see you dude but why is broken arms doing with you


Mirio:His joining me in sir's internship we're actually trying to look for a villain

Y/N:Would that villain  happen to be Overhaul by any chance

Deku:Yes actually wait how do you know about Overhaul?

Y/N:Because I just fought him like a few minutes ago in that alleyway right there*looks at the alleyway where he had his fight*

Mirio/Deku:Wait what!

Both ran towards the alleyway leaving Eri,Y/N and Helena to just turn around and leave the area

Helena:So what now

Y/N:We get Eri check up and then take around town you know maybe get her sone clothes

Helena:Oh that sounds nice is it okay if I call some of the girls

Y/N:Well I am thinking of taking in Eri so meeting the others would be nice

Eri:*looks up surprise*Wait really?

Y/N:*looks down at Eri with a smile*That's right kiddo from now on to make sure your safe you'll be sticking with us

Eri felt happy because that has a small smiles appears on her face which makes Y/N and Helena happy seeing the kid smile after surviving for so long the pain Overhaul inflected on her—

—Back with Deku and Mirio they were now standing in the area where Y/N and Overhaul fought has the see how destroyed the alleyway is

Mirio:Wow they really went at it

Deku:I'm still surprise he was able to beat Overhaul without a scratch on him

Mirio:Considering how he took down Trihexa and Rias Peerage so easily I'm starting to not be surprise seen's at this point I think Y/N can beat anyone*smiles*but even so I still want to fight him to see if he can beat me

Deku:Wait weren't we*realizes*we forgot to bring Y/N back to Union!

Mirio:Meh he's fine where he is I really don't see why the headmasters want to force him to come back I mean it's his decision if he wants to come back also he's not a villain his actually helping people so—

Mirio turn to Izuku and he saw him freak out mumbling has he says random words which makes Mirio sweat drop at this has he shakes his head and begins to leave the alleyway

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