Chapter Two: I Hope I'm Dreaming

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3rd POV:

(Y/n) was seen sleeping on a big white bed peacefully as he was all spread out and shirtless, the sound of waves and seagulls could be heard as (Y/n) began opening his eyes, blinking a bit as he sat up and yawned while stretching, he throw the blanket to the side as he stood up and rubbed his face to get rid of the drowsiness, once putting his hands down he took a good look around and realized he was wearing nothing but shorts and didn't know where he was.

(Y/n): "Uhh where the hell I'm I?" He asked himself confused as he walked up to the window and slid it open, he stepped out and looked on to the ocean as he was still confused as to where he was.

(Y/n): "What the heck, where am I?!" He asked again a little freaked out.

(Y/n): "Last thing I remember was me and Oscar looking for a place to sleep for the night, but I don't remember us coming here." (Y/n) said to himself as he walked off toward the ocean, he stopped where ocean meets the sand as he closed his eyes tightly and blinked a couple of time.

(Y/n): "Seriously where the hell...wait a eye!? My arm!?! Their-Their back!?!" He said realizing his right eye and arm were back to normal, he also realized he had no scars on his body too, it was completely unbelievable.

(Y/n): "Is this a dream?" He asked himself as suddenly something covered his eyes.

(Y/n): "What the h-"

??: "Upupup! Don't panic, It's just me." Someone all too familar said.

(Y/n): "B-Blake? Is that you?" (Y/n) asked wanting to see her as Blake grabbed his head firmly.

Blake: "Yeah it's me, I need you to keep the blindfold on, I have a surprise for you." Blake said as she grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the side.

(Y/n): "Whoa Where are we going?"

Blake: "You'll see." She said as they walked for a bit, they came to a stop as she turned him over and made him walk forward into the water.

(Y/n): "Blake you know I trust you and all but this is making me a bit nervous." He said honestly as he didn't want to go deeper, the water was only up to his ankles.

Blake: "Come on don't be such a baby it's not like I'm going to drown you." Blake said making him keep going as the water level was now up to his knees, well almost to his knees since he was pretty tall, he heard splashes but thought maybe it was just the waves.

Blake: "Okay stop! Now let's remove this blindfold." Blake said as she took it off and the sunlight blinded him a little, he sqinted to let his eyes adjust as he looked in front of him and saw Weiss and Ruby in bikinis.

His eyes were wide and his mouth was wide open in surprise as his whole face was blushing as red as Ruby's swimwear.

Ruby "Do we look okay?" Ruby asked him as he didn't know where to look.

Weiss: "Y-You better be grateful for this, not everyone gets to see me in a bathing suit you know." Weiss said pointing at him while blushing.

(Y/n): "Ah I um...I uh.."

Blake: "Heh, What's wrong (Y/n) cat got your tongue?" Blake said as she came over and stood next to Yang who surprisingly was kind of embarssed about being in a bikini.

Blake: "Yang what's wrong, you're usually the one who ain't so embarssed?"

Yang: "I-I know it's just...I thought I'd be more prepared for this espeacially with (Y/n), but I just can't help it." Yang said blushing.

Blake: "It's okay, I'm sure (Y/n)'s more freaked out about this then you are right now." Blake said with a smile.

(Y/n): "...Okay hold on I need a minute." (Y/n) said as he turned around, he cupped his hands and scooped up some water as he threw it onto his face.

(Y/n): "Ahh! The water's salty!" He said holding his eyes in pain.

Weiss: "You dolt what the heck are you doing!?" Weiss shouted at him as she came over to see if he was okay.

(Y/n): "Ahh! No! Please don't come any closer!" He said covering his eyes with one hand as he held out the other to keep her away, what he didn't expect was her coming so close so fast as he ended up grabbing her breast, they both completely paused, he looked over in shock as just to make sure this was actually happening he gave her a squeeze, Weiss slightly moaned as (Y/n) let her go and backed away, he tripped and fell into the water.

Ruby: "Whoa (Y/n) you alright?" Ruby asked as he stood up, wipped the water from his eyes, and spit out the saltiness from his mouth.

(Y/n): "Yeah yeah I'm fine, Weiss I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that!" (Y/n) said as he looked up and saw Weiss covering her chest with her arms as she was looking away and blushing.

Weiss: "I-I don't mind..." Weiss said as (Y/n) looked at her very surprised, this wasn't what he was expecting at all, he was expecting to get yelled at, kicked in the groin, or be sent off flying or something but that?

Yang: "Hahaha, Weiss I'm surprised, I was so sure you'd do something very painful to him." Yang said.

Blake: "To be honest so was I."

Ruby: "Yeah me too, you okay Weiss?" Ruby asked.

Weiss: "...He's...He's going to be my future husband one day, I'd be more insulted if he didn't even think of me at least once like that." Weiss said as everyone just stared at her surprised.

Yang: "...(Y/n) touch my breasts." Yang said suddenly.

(Y/n): "What!?"

Ruby: "Yang what are you saying!?"

Yang: "I love him too, why can't he do the same to me too?" Yang asked blushing.

(Y/n): "Yang, that's not-" Before he could finish what he was going to say Yang came up, grabbed his hands, and made him grab both her breasts firmly, (Y/n) could not believe what was happening right now as his face was extremely red and steam was literally pouring out of his head.

Yang: "S-So whatcha think, Nice and pulp aren't they, yeah other than my hair and me being all edgy and cool, their my pride and joy." Yang said proudly as (Y/n)'s hands were shaking and he was unable to do anything out of shock.

Ruby: "T-T-That's not fair!!" Ruby said a bit angrily as she ran up, grabbed one of (Y/n)'s hands and put it on one of her breasts.

Yang: "Whoa well aren't you a brave one, lil sis." Yang said as Ruby blushed hard.

Ruby: "I'm-I'm his girlfriend, this is nothing." Ruby said as she grabbed his head and made him kiss her.

Yang: "Whoa..." Yang said surprised as Ruby pulled away.

Blake: " can I one up that?" Blake said thinking as she suddenly smirked and walked over to (Y/n), she pushed Yang and Ruby to the side as she grabbed both of (Y/n)'s hands and made him grab her butt firmly, the girls looked on in surprise as Blake then suddenly decided to take it further as she kissed (Y/n), but unlike Ruby Blake decided to spice it up a bit by her using her tongue as well.

(Y/n) at this point looked like his soul was sucked right out of him as he had no idea what to do, say, or even think, everything was happening so fast, Blake pulled away slowly as a string of saliva was seen connected between them.

Blake: "Mmm beat that." Blake said turning to face the rest of the team.

Yang: "Heh, impressive Belladonna, but there's only one way to top that, and I'm pretty sure none of you have the guts to do it, so I'll have to show you little girls what it means to make a man all yours." Yang said as she walked up to (Y/n) with a smirk.

Yang: "(Y/n) Valkyrie, as the obvious best girl and your physical equal in strength, power, and sexiness, I, Yang Xioa Long, offer you what all women hold most dear to them, my virginity, take me how ever you want and make me yours." Yang said holding out her hands openly as everyone stared at her like she was insane.

(Y/n): "Y-Y-You're what!?!" (Y/n) said blushing so hard his body was all red and the way around him was boiling.

Yang: "You heard me, take me (Y/n),  take me now and let us make many awesome, insanely strong, and attractive kids!" Yang said loudly with a determined expression.

Ruby: "No!!!" Ruby shouted as she came up and stood next to Yang.

Ruby: "If anyone is going to have his babies it's me!" Ruby stated pouting at Yang.

Weiss: "Hold on why you, if anyone should have his kids it should be me, the Schnee Dust Company needs heirs, unlike you two our family will be set for life, known for our wealth, power, and glory." Weiss stated coming inbetween them.

Yang: "Hey, are you suggesting that just because we ain't as rich as you that we can't reach that level?"

Ruby: "Yeah Ice Queen, just because we ain't rich like your family doesn't mean we can't get there!"

Weiss: "Oh please, by the time you get to my family's wealth level we'll be 100 times no 1000 times more wealthier than you so I'm obviously the better choice." Weiss stated.

Yang: "Why you cocky little-"

Blake: "Wait hold on, hold on, you aren't the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company anymore, so technically you have nothing to offer either." Blake said coming inbetween every one.

Yang: "She's right! Your dad cut you off and stripped you of your heiress title so ha!" Yang said as she and Ruby stuck their tougues at Weiss.

Blake: "However I on the other hand can offer more than they can." Blake said as Yang, Weiss, and Ruby gasped and looked at her.

Yang: "Blake!? What the heck!?"

Blake: "What? I love (Y/n) too, why can't I be the mother of his children, our babies would be beautiful, half Faunus and Half....Um Superhuman?" Blake asked (Y/n) as he was just looking down unable to answer her.

Ruby: "No! I'm his actual girlfriend, I have more claim to being the mother of his children than any of you, plus I'm his favorite so top that!" Ruby stated as she came over and hugged (Y/n) like a teddy bear, indicating he was hers.

Yang: "Hold your horses! He dumped you! So you have no such claim!" Yang stated.

Weiss: "Damn straight!"

Blake: "Sorry Ruby, but..." Blake came over and pushed Ruby off (Y/n) as she jumped high in the air and landed on (Y/n)'s shoulders.

(Y/n): "Whoa what the!?"

Blake: "...I have the high ground!" Blake stated with her arms crossed as (Y/n) held on to her thighs confused.

Yang: "...Oh Blake, you underestimate my powers." Yang said as she came up and grabbed his crotch, not too hard to hurt (Y/n) But not exactly gently either.

Yang: "(Y/n) If you do it with me just imagen how powerful are babies will be! They'll have the power to take damage and deal it back ten-fold, and mix it with your lightning there's no way anyone will be able to beat them!" Yang exclaimed.

(Y/n): "Okay Yang I see your point but do you have to grab my crotch?" He asked.

Weiss: "Yeah Yang, hands off!" Weiss said coming over and smacking Yang's hand away as Weiss grabbed his crotch instead.

(Y/n): "Why are you grabbing it now!?"

Ruby: "Yeah Weiss let him go!" Ruby said coming over and smacking her hand away, Ruby stared at (Y/n)'s crotch while blushing as she didn't know whether she should grab his crotch or not.

Blake: "Okay that's it." Blake said as she fell back and landed on her feet.

Blake: "Time to choose (Y/n), who are impregnanting?" Blake asked (Y/n).

(Y/n): "Huh!?"

Yang: "Ya (Y/n) hurry up and choose."

Weiss: "Think very wisely."

Ruby: "And carefully." Ruby added as (Y/n) didn't know who to choose, he couldn't even believe this was happening, the girls surrounded him lowering their bras a little to show more cleavage.

Yang: "So who's it going to be big boy?" Yang asked in a seductive tone as (Y/n) just didn't know.

??: "(Y/n)?"

(Y/n): "Huh did you guys hear that?"

Yang: "Dang it (Y/n) focus on us!" Yang shouted grabbing his head and making him look at her.

??: "Hey (Y/n) wake up."

(Y/n): "There right there! Did you here that voice?!" (Y/n) asked them looking around.

Ruby: "We don't hear anyone else! Stop dodging the question and choose!" Ruby shouted.

(Y/n): "I can't you're all too attractive right now!"

??: "(Y/n) man wake up!"

(Y/n): "Okay seriously how are you guys not hearing that voice!?!" He asked freaking out.

Blake: "Fine if he can't choose any of us then we'll have to share." Blake suggested as all the girls stared at each other silently, they looked at (Y/n) for a moment and smiled.

Yang: "I don't mind."

Blake: "Nor do I."

Ruby: "Same!"

Weiss: "Well that may be settled but now only one question stands...Who goes first?" Weiss asked as everyone stared at each other silently again.

(Y/n): "Um I need to uh go." (Y/n) said quickly running toward the shore as the girls called out to him but he needed to be alone for a moment, once on the beach he took off toward the house.

(Y/n): *Sighs in relief* "I swear to Oum I'm either losing my mind or those girls are." (Y/n) said closing the door behind him.

Nora: "(Y-Y/n) w-when did you get here?!"

(Y/n): "Nora? Oh thank Oum you're here, somethings wrong with-" He suddnely stopped as once looking over he saw Nora, Ren, and Jaune on the bed, Nora in the middle, Jaune on the right, and Ren on the left, all their clothes were on the ground as they were covered by a blanket.

(Y/n): "...W-What is happening?!" (Y/n) asked as everyone was silent.

Nora: "W-we were um...having se-"


Nora: "(Y/n) calm-"

(Y/n): "AAAAHHHHHHH!!! Uh No! Why!?! You! Him! And Him! And Here! Awww! I need a moment!" He shouted as everyone was silent, (Y/n) held a fist to his mouth as he took a minute to think turning away from them.

(Y/n): "Okay...I'm old enough, I can handle this....I'm Okay." He said took a deep breath and turning to look at the trio at the bed, Nora waved at him with a blush as Ren and Jaune looked away.

(Y/n): "NORA NOOOOO!!!" (Y/n) shouted looking away.

Ren: "Okay (Y/n), I get this is not exactly ideal to walk into but...please don't make it bigger than it has to be." Ren said as (Y/n) pouted at him.

(Y/n): "Ren...I don't see a single ring on you or Nora....If you were married this would probably not be something too bad...but you're obviously not and Jaune is here which makes this even worse, so right now....I'm not really ready to talk to you or Jaune." (Y/n) said sternly.

Blake: "What happened I heard screaming?!" Blake said coming in as She saw the scene.

Blake: "Oh."

(Y/n): "That's all you have to say!?!"

Blake: "What else can I say?" Blake said as Ruby walked in.

Ruby: "What's happening, are we having a slumber party, scoot over Jaune!" Ruby said excitedly as Blake stopped her.

Blake: "Ruby that's not a good idea." Blake said.

Weiss: "What's going on here?" Weiss asked coming in with Yang as they saw the scene in front of them.

Weiss: "...Ew." Weiss said disgusted.

Yang: "Ooo Hey~." Yang said actually looking like she likes what was going on.

(Y/n): "Okay that's enough of that! Girls please wait outside!" (Y/n) said sternly.

Yang: "Nah."

Ruby: "I don't wanna!"

Weiss: "The view is disgusting, but I don't want to leave either."

Blake: "Same I rather fact why don't we join?" Blake asked as everyone looked at her.

(Y/n): "...You say what now?" He asked looking at her like she was crazy, everyone was silent and staring at each other.

Yang: "I don't mind."

Ruby: "Wait join what?"

Weiss: "Fine, but (Y/n)'s the only guy touching me."

(Y/n): "What?!"

Jaune: "Yeah what Weiss, don't be so exclusive!"

Ren: "Jaune you sound way too desperate."

Nora: "Yeah let's not hold back everybody!" Nora said about to get up and expose herself.

(Y/n): "Wait Nora NOOOO!!!" (Y/n) shouted as everything went black.

Oscar: "(Y/n)! Wake up!!" Oscar shouted as (Y/n) was wide eyed as he was looking up at a ceiling and then  looked over at Oscar, who was to the side him.

(Y/n): "...Oscar? Is that really you? Like really you?" (Y/n) asked.

Oscar: "Yeah it's me, we got this hotel together remember?" Oscar asked as (Y/n) sat up and looked around and saw he was on a couch in a hotel room.

(Y/n): "...Oh right, why do I feel like I forgot?" (Y/n) asked rubbing his head in pain and trying to get all his senses together.

Oscar:  "Um you kind of got drunk last night, but don't worry I managed to get you back safe and sound, also I got us breakfast, you better eat before we go, the airship will be arriving at the station soon." Oscar said as (Y/n) sat up, he looked over and saw a plate of pancakes, eggs, beacon, and a cup of orange juice on the table next to him.

(Y/n): "...You bought me food? Wait I got drunk last night how!?"

Oscar: "Huh oh well before we got this room you suggested we go eat so we did, you ordered us two cheese burgers with fries along with two sodas, however the waitress accidentally brought you a large cup of very strong vodka, you gulped it down in one go and the next thing I know you're getting all emotional and being weirdly nice to people, and yeah I brought you breakfast."

(Y/n): "...You're taking all this unusually calm, for all you know I could actually be crazy, so why so trustful?" (Y/n) asked as Oscar sat on the bed and thought about it.

Oscar: "Believe it or not, I'm not too exactly sure why I'm going along with you but for some reason I just feel like it's right, I mean you did beat a killer robot and you also captured Whitley, sort of, not really but still that just means you ain't a bad guy in my book, however I do have one question." Oscar said.

(Y/n): "Okay go ahead."

Oscar: "You say you're from another world right, like that's not a lie, at all?"

(Y/n): "Yeah it's not, why?"

Oscar: "Is that how you know me, cause there's another me from your world?" Oscar asked.

(Y/n): "Umm Yeah."

Oscar: "Wow that's insane, there's actually a multiverse! I thought that was just theoretical, I mean that completely changes how we understand the initial singularity, we're talking about an eternal inflaction system, I mean how does that even work with all the quantum!? It's insan-"

(Y/n): "Oscar bud, you're losing me with all this science." (Y/n) stated.

Oscar: "I'm sorry but that's just completely insane and awesome!  What's the other me like?" Oscar asked.

(Y/n): "Well honestly he's not too different from you, he's kind, brave, curious, good-hearted, and younger, 14 years old maybe 15 now, but he's just not that expirenced at fighting as you are I'm sure, but he does share his body with this guy named Ozpin, who basically was the headmaster at Beacon but he technically died and his soul was reincarnated into Oscar's body, so now they just share and stuff." (Y/n) explained as Oscar was silent.

Oscar: "...So you're saying your world's Oscar shares his body with the soul of the dead headmaster of Beacon, that sounds sick, how did that happen? How does that even work?"

(Y/n): "Trust me bud you don't wanna know, all I can say is my world's Oscar is a good kid trying his best to do what he can to help and grow, obviously still has a bunch to learn but he's strong and brave, and that's all that matters, he's earned my respect."

Oscar: "I see, are you guys friends? Or like brothers?"

(Y/n): "Yeah, he's like a little brother I want to protect and help grow..." (Y/n) admited as his expression saddened, the thing that came to mind was that Ozpin would eventually take total control of Oscar's body at some point.

Oscar: "What's wrong?"

(Y/n): "Huh oh um nothing I guess I'm just a little homesick is all." (Y/n) lied.

Oscar: "I see, well I'm not your world's Oscar but I'm happy to help you however I can to get you home." Oscar said.

(Y/n): "...Thanks Oscar, I don't know how I'm going to repay you for you're kindness but I will." (Y/n) said picking up his food and eating it quickly.

Oscar: "Don't mention it, my Uncle always said that if you show kindness to others, one day that act of kindness could get you anywhere, but just to make sure, can you confirm that you ain't actually crazy or trying to get me involved in anything life threatening,  cause I may want to be Huntmen but I ain't exactly looking to die anytime soon." Oscar said as (Y/n) put the empty plate down and chugged his orange juice in one go, which wow'd Oscar.

(Y/n): "Alright I'll level with you, I really don't wanna die too, but if it happens then I can assure you it's gonna be epic and heroic."

Oscar: "What? That's not what I'm-"

(Y/n): "I'm kidding in all seriousness, I won't let this get any wilder than it has to be, we're just gonna go to Beacon, find anyone who can help us fix that teleporting doohicky, and then I can go home, but not before paying you back of course, sound good?" (Y/n) asked.

Oscar: "Hmm well yeah it sounds simple enough, but I can't help but feel slightly scared and worried." Oscar stated.

(Y/n): "Oscar, no matter what goes down I won't let you die or get you into any trouble, I just really need someone I can trust and help me, so what do you say, partners?" (Y/n) said holding his hand out to Oscar, he was understandably hesitate to shake (Y/n)'s hand, but the thought of having a new friend and helping someone in need made him shake (Y/n)'s hand wholeheartedly.

Oscar: "Alright we're partners."

(Y/n): "Cool beans, now where's my clothes?" (Y/n) said as he realised he was in nothing but boxers.

Oscar: "Um about that, when I was helping you get to the hotel, along the way you gave this hobo you're leather jacket, then you proceeded to throw everything but your boxers into a trashcan that was on fire." Oscar explained.

(Y/n): "What!? And you didn't stop me!?!"

Oscar: "I was going to but you said it was to help the homeless, the only thing I managed to save was your lien and the teleporting thing." Oscar said throwing a pouch of lien and the damaged teleporter to him.

(Y/n): "Wait that's all you saved!?! What about my dagger! And the gun I stole from Whitley!?!"

Oscar: "You didn't have any dagger on you! And you sold the gun why do you think you have that pouch of lien?" Oscar said as (Y/n) groaned and fell back in the couch.

(Y/n): "Damn it!! I lost Reflecting Lotus!?! That dagger is my greatest treasure!!" (Y/n) shouted.

Oscar: "Why is it so special?"

(Y/n): "My future brother in law gave it to me, that dagger means more to me than most things." (Y/n) stated.

Oscar: "I see, well...I'm sorry for your loss." Oscar said as (Y/n) sat up again.

(Y/n): "...Well I won't think about it for now, look let's just go to the nearest store buy me some clothes and then we head to the station and catch us that airship to Beacon." (Y/n) suggested as he stood up.

Oscar: "You're gonna go out without pants, don't you think you'll get arrested for public nudity?" Oscar asked.

(Y/n): "Do you have any extra pants?"

Oscar: "Actually I do." Oscar said grabbing a backpack from under the bed and taking out a pair of sweatpants.

(Y/n): "...I don't remember you having a backpack."

Oscar: "Is that really important right now, just take the pants and let's go." Oscar said putting on his backpack and (Y/n) putting on the pants.

(Y/n): "You wouldn't happen to have a shirt too?"

Oscar: " you're fine, it is hot out anyway." Oscar said leaving to the door as (Y/n) followed.

(A Few moments later.)

Oscar: *Breathing Roughly* "W-We...We made it!" Oscar said catching his breath as he slid down the wall, they had just caught the airship before it was gonna leave to Beacon.

(Y/n): "Yes we did, and in style if I may add." (Y/n) said coming over and sitting beside Oscar in a new outfit.

Oscar: "Yeah...question why the cape?"

(Y/n): "I don't know, It was just calling to me you know."

Oscar: "I see, well it doesn't look bad."

(Y/n): "Thanks." (Y/n) said as he started writing something down on his small notebook and looking around the airship.

Oscar: "Who you looking for?" Oscar asked.

(Y/n): "Uhh well anyone I may know from my world, you don't mind if I go looking around do you?" (Y/n) asked as Oscar looked over and saw that (Y/n) had written
"People I Know and Found"
at the top of the first page, Oscar looked down and saw his name crossed out as he also saw a few more names under his, like a list.

Oscar: "You're making a list of people you know from your world and looking for them here?" Oscar asked.

(Y/n): "Well yeah, for the time being that I'm stuck in this world, I at least want to see what everyone else is like in this world, things are different here so I wanna see them." (Y/n) informed.

Oscar: "Hmm well okay you can go look around, I'll just be here, but wait for me when we get there, I don't wanna walk in alone." Oscar said.

(Y/n): "Dude I'm pretty sure if I didn't show up you'd still be walking in alone." (Y/n) said.

Oscar: "Well yeah but not anymore just wait for me will ya?"

(Y/n): "Ugh fine." (Y/n) said as he walked off to find anyone that may look familiar, as he walked through the airship the news came on.

News Anchor: "Good morning people of Vale, This your News Anchor, Lisa Lavender, reporting from VNN Live studios, here to address to you all the latest news, gossip and more, starting with the most recent news, of a late night robbery gone wild, more with Cyril live at the scene." Lisa Lavender, Vale's most famous News Anchor announced as the scene changed over to News Reporter Cyril Ian on the scene.

Cyril: "Thank you Lis, chaos erupted last night when a local dust shop, known as From Dust Till Dawn, was in the midst of being robbed by nefarious criminal, Whitley Schnee of the Schnee Crime Family, Footage shows them holding the Cashier/Owner and a customer at gunpoint." Cyril announced as it showed what happened inside Young Shopkeep's dust store.

(Y/n): "...You have got to be kidding me! Here I am trying to keep a low profile and their showing this off on the news! How did they even get it!?" (Y/n) asked confused.

Cyril: "Here with us now we have the owner um...what's your name?" Cyril asked as Young Shopkeep was shown on TV.

Young Shopkeep: "None of your *BEEP*-ing business, people just call me Shopkeep."

Cyril: "R-right, mind telling us what went down here last night?"

Young Shopkeep: "But you already said what happened so what's the *Beep*-ing point?"

Cyril: "...I mean from your perspective Mr. Shopkeep."

Young Shopkeep: *Sighs* "Fine whatever, Whitley Baby D*ck Schnee came into my shop trying to rob me with his useless henchmen, but my store got "saved" by two customers, who's name I don't know and don't care for, the fight got taken outside, the henchmen got tied up and Whitley got his *Beep* kicked in, the next thing I know a big *Beep* robot falls from the skies and sends one of the customers flying through my store, I had never been more worried in my life." Shopkeep said.

Cyril: "About the customer?"

Young Shopkeep: "What? Oh no not him my shop Dumb*Beep*, he came out fine and beat the *Beep* out of that robot in the end, but my *Beep*-ing shop got *Beep* up, yeah it was a typical night in Vale."

Cyril: "So you're saying Vale is or has become more dangerous?"

Young Shopkeep: "Oh no, this city is so nice you can litrally leave your door wide open at night, tch of course this place is dangerous you *Beep*- ing dip*Beep* You know I can't stand dumb*Beep*-es like you, go on get the *Beep* out of here you *Beep*-ing moron!" Young Shopkeep said kicking them out of his destroyed store.

Cyril: "Oh alright looks like we're out, back to you Lis!" Cyril said as the scene went back to Lisa at the studio.

Lisa: "Oh my um thank you Cyril, anyways a little more of this incident, the local Vale Police asks for anyone to step up and give information should they know any whereabouts of Whitley Schnee, more on this after these messages." Lisa announced as the screen cut to commercials.

(Y/n): "Well at least they didn't ask about us and Shopkeep didn't tell them anything either so that's good." (Y/n) said to himself.

??: "You know even though it's scientifically proven that talking to yourself makes you smarter it's still kind of weird to witness." Someone said as (Y/n) looked over and saw a girl with white hair standing next to him with a smile, one long look at her and he could the girl was a Faunus, obviously.

??: "Hello." She said making a pose and winking at him.

(Y/n): "Uh...Do I know you?" He asked confused.

??: "Oh right sorry I keep forgetting to introduce myself, my master saids it's a bad habit of mine, my name's Fiona, Fiona Thyme, wanna be friends?" She asked as (Y/n) just looked at her a little confused.

(Y/n): "Gosh I swear there is something about you that's so familiar yet I really can't put my finger on it...which Volume did you appear in?"

Fiona: "Seven actually, I'm a minor character, but for some reason people seem to like me right away, probably cause of my cute appearance or so I'm told."

(Y/n): "Ah I see...wait what?"

Fiona: "Nothing just breaking the forth wall, but anyways what's your name?" She asked.

(Y/n): "Oh it's (Y/n), (Y/n) Val...entine?" He said carefully using his Alias.

Fiona: "Ooo that's a cute last name, you must get a lot of chocolates on Valentine's Day don't you?" She said giggling all cutely as that made (Y/n)'s heart skip a beat.

(Y/n)(Mentally): "Oh god! She's too cute!!!" (Y/n) mentally shouted.

Fiona: "So you coming to Beacon too, wait what I'm I asking of course you are, why would you be here if you weren't hahaha, oh gosh I'm sorry I'm originally from Mantle so being far from home and not knowing anyone is making me very socially awkward." Fiona said honestly as she rubbed her head in embarrassment.

(Y/n): "N-no it's fine, I'm sort of new here myself, technically."

Fiona: "Ooo really, where do you haul from?"

(Y/n): "Oh um I'm from a small village in Mistral called Kuroyuri."

Fiona: "Oh my gosh! My master recently went there last month, she said it's so beautiful and majestic, I wish I could see it one day." Fiona said as (Y/n) looked at her confused.

(Y/n): "Last month? But wasn't... Kuroyuri destroyed?" He asked remembering the Nuckelavee that attacked it.

Fiona: "Huh? Destroyed? What are you talking about?  That's not possible, that place is very protected by the Ren Ninja Clan." Fiona informed (Y/n) as he went wide eyed.

(Y/n): "You say what now? Ren Ninja Clan?"

Fiona: "Yeah, you know the Ninja Clan that has been defending Kuroyuri for decades, come on you have to know them if you're from there, unless you were lying to look cool." Fiona said giving him a suspicious look.

(Y/n): "N-no sorry I am from there technically, it's parents are...nomads?" He said hoping that wouldn't blow his cover or anything.

Fiona: "Hmm that sounds...awesome! So you and your parents travel alot? That's so cool I bet you've seen all kinds of places!" Fiona said actually buying his background.

(Y/n): "Not as much as my parents, but yeah I've seen some-" Before he could go on (Y/n) suddenly heard someone throwing up near by.

Fiona: "Oh man that sounds nasty." Fiona said as (Y/n) walked over to see who it was, a bit of hope and excitement crept into his heart as he only ever heard of one person who gained an infamous nickname cause of motion sickness, Jaune Arc AKA Vomit Boy.

(Y/n) pushed people out of the way to get through as he saw a tall individual with their head stuffed in a trash can, the person wore a black short sleeved hoodie, with a white chest plate, two white shoulder plates, blue jeans, and with a pair of black high tops, no doubt the classic Jaune Arc look.

(Y/n): "Oh my God! Sugar Bear!!!" (Y/n) shouted happily as he went over and hugged Jaune from behind, but as soon as (Y/n) did that something immideitly was off, not only did (Y/n) forget he was in another world where no one knew him, but another thing that currently had his attention, was something that (Y/n) knew, for a fact, wasn't right, you see (Y/n) always knew that Jaune had a somewhat average build to him, which has leaned more on the muscular side since Beacon, but what was bothering (Y/n) was the fact that whoever he was hugging, actually had a small build to them, like a very womanly built body.

(Y/n): "...J-Jaune?" (Y/n) asked as whoever the person was, pulled their head out of the trash can slowly, as soon as their head was out (Y/n)'s only eye went very wide and his face was completely red out of embarrassment.

??: "U-um m-my name's not Jaune." The very female looking version of Jaune said as (Y/n) let her body go.

(Y/n): "...I AM SO SORRY!!!" (Y/n) shouted as he dropped to his knees and held his head down.

??: "I-it's okay, please stand up you don't have to-"

??: "No Joann, let him keep this up a little longer, he should know better than to just randomly touch someone."

??: "Yeah what a perv!" Two people said as (Y/n) sat up and looked over.

Joann: "Joanna(Left), Joan(Right) seriously it's okay I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose, he probably mistook me for someone else...right?" Joann asked (Y/n) as he stood up.

(Y/n): "Yeah again I'm sorry, I'm not a pervert at all please believe me! It's-it's just that I have a friend who actually has the exact hoodie, his name is Jaune." (Y/n) explained.

Joann: "See he's not a pervert."

Joan: "Pfft yeah right, all guys are perverts deep down, I bet he low-key enjoyed copping a feel didn't you?!" Joan said to (Y/n) as he took that to offense.

(Y/n): "Alright I can understand being upset about someone randomly copping a feel without consent, it's rude and plain inappropriate, and I won't deny that we men have needs like wanting to feel a women's touch and wanting to touch women themselves, but do not call me a pervert! I already apologized and explained myself to her, and she forgave me, there's no need to blow it out of proportion little girl!" (Y/n) said defending himself.

Joan: "L-little girl!?! How dare you speak to me that way you jerk!"

(Y/n): "Oh which is it then?! I'm I a jerk or a pervert make up your mind!!"

Joan: "Oh I am so gonna-"

Joann: "Alright that's enough you two you're causing a scene!" Joann said getting inbetween Joan and (Y/n).

(Y/n)/Joan: "He/She started it!!" They both shouted at the same time.

Fiona: "She's right you guys, we shouldn't fight!" Fiona said coming up and grabbing (Y/n)'s arm.

Joan: "Who is she?!"

Fiona: "Hi I'm Fiona Thyme, I'm a Faunus and I'm trying to become a Huntress, wanna be friends?"

Joanna: "Awe she's so cute!"

Joann: "Okay seriously can we all please take a second!?!" Joann asked as everyone fell silent.

Joann: "Alright good now obviously we got off to a bad start, so let's start over, I'm Joann Arc and these are my sisters, Joanna and Joan Arc, we're triplets." Joann informed.

(Y/n): "Arc? Wait do you know Jaune Arc?"

Joan: "Huh? You know our brother Jaune?"

(Y/n): "Yeah that's the friend I got her mixed up with." (Y/n) said pointing at Joann.

Joann: "Well that makes sense now, Jaune's our older brother, he's a second-year in Beacon." Joann informed with a smile.

(Y/n): "Wait a second-year? As in he was already going to Beacon?"

Joann: "Yeah and this year we get to join him but we're first-years, like you I'm sure." Joann said as (Y/n) started thinking to himself.

(Y/n)(Mentally): "...So Jaune's a second-year student in Beacon in this world? This is all so crazy to believe, I still haven't even met Ruby, Weiss, or Blake yet, nor Nora or Ren! God what are they?!" He thought.

Oscar: "Yo (Y/n) you alright?" Oscar said grabbing (Y/n)'s shoulder as he turned to look at him.

(Y/n): "Oscar...Yeah I'm fine I'm just processing some news." (Y/n) said.

Fiona: "Ooo another cute guy, hi I'm Fiona Thyme, I'm a Faunus and I'm going to be a Huntress, wanna be friends?" Fiona said holding out her hand to Oscar.

Oscar: "Huh Oscar Pine nice to meet you." Oscar said shaking her hand.

(Y/n): "Okay I'm good, I've processed everything I needed, Oscar this is Joann, Joan, and Joanna Arc, their triplets, and I KNOW their brother Jaune." (Y/n) said exaggerating the KNOW part to let Oscar know what he meant.

Oscar: "Oh! I see well it's a pleasure ladies, Oscar Pine at your service."

Joanna: "Awe he's cute too, I just wanna hug him till he pops!" Joanna said as she grabbed Oscar into a hug and stuffing his face in her breasts.

Joan: "Joanna stop hugging people so instantly you don't even know if he's a pervert too." Joan said as she pushed Oscar away and (Y/n) caught him.

Oscar: "I can die happy now." Oscar said happily while his nose bleed a little.

Joann: "N-nice to meet you, I'm sorry about my sisters." Joann said.

(Y/n): "It's fine, it was nice meeting you Joann but we're gonna go have a talk before we get to Beacon so I'll see you around." (Y/n) said grabbing Oscar and walking off, while Fiona followed behind them.

Joann: "O-oh okay see you around!" Joann said waving them off.

Oscar: "Why'd you drag us off?"

(Y/n): "Sorry I just needed a moment, Jaune told me about his sisters, but in my world I've only ever meet one, and her names Saphron, so just please understand when I say this is a little overwhelming to deal with right now." (Y/n) said taking a seat.

Oscar: "I gotcha just take your time." Oscar said.

Fiona: "So you've met another one of his sisters?" Fiona asked popping out of nowhere and spooking the boys.

(Y/n): "Holy sweet buttery biscuits where did you come from?!"

Fiona: "I followed you duh, so what's wrong bestie?"

(Y/n): "Uh nothing just gonna chill here a bit."

Fiona: "Cool same here, mind if I listen to some music?"

(Y/n): "Nah go for it." (Y/n) said as Fiona took out her scroll and a pair of headphones.

Oscar: "So I'mma be real with you she's kind of weird."

(Y/n): "Eh I don't mind, she's cute and she's friendly and I rather have that than an enemy."

Oscar: "I guess, but you gonna tell her about you not being apart of this world?"

(Y/n): "No, the less people know about that the better, for now until we find someone to fix this device to get me home, I'm (Y/n) Valentine, 17 year old joining Beacon to be a Huntsmen."

Oscar: "Alright, but let's just hope things don't get wild when we get to Beacon." Oscar said.

(Y/n): "Agreed, I'm gonna take a quick nap, wake me up when we get there?"

Oscar: "Sure."

(Y/n): "Ugh man, learning about everyone I know from my world being very different in this world is making me really hope that this is all a dream." (Y/n) said to himself as he took out the notebook and started writing a few important notes.

The Major differences in this world:

Oscar is 17 and more skilled and experienced at combat, also has Ozpin's cane, need more info on why, overall still kind and I can trust him.

Yang is 15 in this world and behaves like Ruby, uses her Ember Celicas and a sword, saids Raven is still around? And Taiyang is a Detective?

Jaune apparently is a Second-year in Beacon and his triplet sisters are joining as First-years, getting close to them could be helpful.

Neptune is evil apperently and he has red hair, need to look more into that maybe, still curious to know if this Neptune is afraid of water too.

Old Man Shopkeep is young in this world, and is a bit of an asshole.

This world's Weiss I still haven't met but apperently her family are criminals in this world, need to look into that.

I still can't put my finger on it but Fiona looks familiar but still can't seem to recall meeting her from my world, still she's cute and friendly could use another friend, but I'll hold off on telling her I'm from another world.

I still have yet to meet this world's Nora, Ruby, Ren, Blake and many others, I just hope I can handle it, cause it's still crazy to think I'm in another world, hopefully I can find someone to fix this device thingy to get me back home, in conclusion I'll stay optimistic and try to avoid so much attention and people knowing I'm from another world, but can't help but have this weird feeling that I'm going to end up jinxing myself, let's hope not.

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