Chapter One: What Awaits!?

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(Y/n)'s POV:

(Y/n): "Okay what!?" I shouted confused as Oscar was the one who stood in front of me instead of Ruby.

Oscar: "Whitley Schnee, the youngest of the Schnee Crime Family, I didn't expect to run into you." Oscar said pointing his cane at us.

Whitley: "Heh don't try any funny business Green Bean, otherwise I'll slice Carrot Top's throat!" Whitley said holding his cane blade tighter to my neck.

(Y/n): "Okay hold on, What is it with these vegetable nicknames?! Like seriously Carrot Top? Really? What happened to red-haired terminator?" I asked.

Whitley: "Shut the fuck up! Now here's what's gonna go down, me and my two boys are gonna walk outta here with the Dust, Carrot Top here is gonna come with me, you try anything or follow us he's dead!" Whitley said.

Oscar: "Alright I'll let you go just don't hurt him." Oscar said lowering his cane as Whitley's last two henchmen grabbed the bags full of Dust, Whitley walked over, still holding me, to the entrance.

Whitley: "Hehehe, so much for me not getting away with this." Whitley said to me as he kicked the doors open and his henchmen ran out.

(Y/n): "You know, when I say something like that to a criminal..." I said as I quickly grabbed Whitley's cane blade with my metal arm and headbutted Whitley with the back of my head, I then spin kicked him out of the store and right on to his henchmen outside.

(Y/n): "...I mean that shit." I stated.

Oscar: "Whoa didn't see that coming, you really took him by surprise." Oscar said as he came over to my side with his cane ready.

Whitley: "Ow! You fuckin bastard! Kill them!" Whitley ordered as he ran off with a bag of Dust as his two henchmen drew their katanas ready to attack.

(Y/n): "Alright Oscar, you think you can handle this?" I asked him as I wanted to go after Whitley.

Oscar: "How do you know my name?" Oscar asked.

(Y/n): "Uh I'll tell you later!" I said as I ran after Whitley.

As we ran Whitley stopped and pulled out a gun and started shooting at me, I held up my metal arm to block his bullets as I got close to him.

Whitley: "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!?!" He shouted angrily as I grabbed his gun and pointed it at him.

(Y/n): "I'm your worst nightmare, bitch." I told him as I knocked him out with the butt of the gun.

(Y/n): "Ha! I always wanted to do that." I said happily as I put the gun in my pocket, threw Whitley over my shoulder, grabbed the bag of dust and walked him back to the shop, once in the front I saw all Whitley's henchmen tied up together as Oscar and Shopkeep watch them.

Oscar: "Oh hey you caught him! Nice!"

(Y/n): "Y'all have any more ropes or chains to tie up this asshole too?" I said dropping Whitley on the ground.

Shopkeep: "I'll go check, I already called the police, their on the way." Shopkeep said as he stopped and walked over to me.

Shopkeep: "Look Carrot Top, I hate people and I'm not really thankful for a lot of things, but you're alright, thanks for saving my ass." He said walking into his store.

(Y/n): "Aww I knew he had a good side." I said with a smile.

Oscar: "So..mind telling me your name and how you know me?" Oscar asked as I hesitated to answer, I could tell him the truth but I was still skeptical about where and why that device transported me to Vale, but what really was boggling my mind was the fact that Beacon's tower and Beacon itself was still standing.

(Y/n): "Well let's just say we've met once before." I told him.

Oscar: "Really? I'm pretty sure I'd remember someone like you, so who are you?" He asked looking at me all suspiciously.

(Y/n): "Look Oscar it's best I-" before I could continue, a familar airship pulled up over us.

(Y/n): "What the?! Is that the police?"
I asked.

Oscar: "No the cops don't come by air." Oscar said as suddenly a side door from the ship opened and out jumped two individuals, they landed in front of us as we noticed one of them weren't even a human, it was a drone.

(Y/n): "Whoa! That's awesome, but uh Oscar get behind me." I said as in front of the drone landed someone I wasn't expecting.

(Y/n): "Neptune!? Why is your hair red!?!" I said in surprise as suddenly he pointed his Tri-hard at me and it shot out an energy blast, I quickly grabbed Oscar and threw him out of the way as I got blasted through Shopkeep's store and all the way towards the back.

3rd POV:

Neptune: "Tch, no challenge what's so ever, how boring." Neptune said as he walked over and threw Whitley over his shoulder.

Neptune: "Yo Drone, execute everyone here." Neptune ordered as he took out a grapple-hook and shot it up to the ship.

Drones: "Affirmative." The drone said as it lifted it's arm and machine guns came out.

Henchmen: "Wait! What about us?!" One of Whitley's henchmen asked as they were still tied up.

Neptune: "Heh, sorry boys, your services are no longer needed, oh and uh, on behalf of The Schnee Crime Family we thank you for your services, peace out bro." Neptune said with a wink as he got pulled up to the airship and it took off.

Henchmen: "YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" He shouted as the drone open fired on them at close range.

Oscar looked on with horror as he quickly ran over and hid behind a car, the drone opened fire on the store as it turned and looked around for Oscar.

Oscar: "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" Oscar said freaking out as he didn't know what to do, he suddnely heard police sirens as he saw two cop cars closing in.

Oscar: "Oh thank God, the police!" Oscar said relieved as the drone held up it's arm and shot at the oncoming police cars and they exploded, much to Oscar's despair, it turned and spotted Oscar.

Oscar: "Oh shit!!" Oscar said as the drone started shooting and Oscar back flipped behind a building and fell to the ground holding his head.

(Y/n): "Yo you alright!?" (Y/n) said kneeling down to him as Oscar looked up at him in surprise.

Oscar: "What the! Am I alright?! What about you!?!" Oscar shouted as (Y/n) was seen with a big burnt hole on his shirt only, he went over to the corner to check on the drone who was just looking around.

(Y/n): "Oh I'm peachy mate, but im still surprised that was Neptune, and with red hair! But more importantly wasn't he suppose to appear in Vol 2?" (Y/n) asked himself aloud.

Oscar: "What?! Dude what are you even talking about!?!"

(Y/n): "Hmm then again don't I meet you till like Vol. 4 or 5?" He asked Oscar.

Oscar: "Dude I have no idea what you're talking about?!"

(Y/n): "Eh nevermind, breaking the forth wall and trying to keep track of things is more likely to give me a headache than anything, but anyway hears the plan bud, imma go fight that drone thing, and I need you to sneak into the store and check up on Shopkeep, cool?"

Oscar: "What are you crazy?! You can't beat that thing by yourself! It'll obliterate you!" Oscar said as (Y/n) flicked his nose.

Oscar: "Ow!"

(Y/n): "Wow thanks for vote of confidence guy, but anyways don't worry me, a hero's job is suppose to be protecting others, so i need you to go check if old Shopkeep is okay alright? Besides killing me is pretty hard to do." (Y/n) told him as he looked over and saw a parking meter, he went over and pulled it right out of the ground without breaking a sweat.

(Y/n): "It's not StormBreaker but it'll do." He said holding it with two hands.

Oscar: "Dude! What are you bionic!?" He asked.

(Y/n): "Huh? No I'm the descendent of a God from another world, his name was Thor, he's basically the God of Thunder, and lucky for you I can just fry that Drone's circuits or something, now go do what I told you to do while I fry this Drone's ass." (Y/n) told him as he walked out in the open with the parking meter over his soldier.

Oscar: "Wait! That thing has-"

(Y/n): "Hey! Over here metal douche!" (Y/n) said as the drone turned to him.

Drone: "Target located, execute previous order?" The drone asked.

(Meanwhile else where in a dark room filled with computer screens.)

??: "Hey boss! There's some hot guy with red hair, a metal arm, and an eye patch challenging the drone that idiot Neptune took!" A girl sitting in front of a bunch of computer screens shouted as someone in the shadows came out from behind her to see.

??: "Who is it?" They asked as whoever it was had a feminine voice and her eyes were glowing an amber color.

??: "I don't know, there's no data the drone can read off him, but he got shot with Neptune's Tri-hard and he's still standing, either his aura is that durable or Neptune's weapon sucks ass as much as he does."

??: "Ugh that idiot, who gave him permission to take one of the drones, their still in the prototype stage."

??: "It was Jacques, he sent Neptune to save that other idiot Whitley, Ha! That's funny, send one idiot to save another idiot, that Jacques is really scraping from the bottom of his barrel, anyways I don't know why Neptune decided to take that drone though, that's only a Brute Drone, their ammunition is extremely limited but their more for up close and personal type of fighting, and it already used up it's ammunition, killing some witnesses and cops, so whatcha want me to make it do?"

??: "Ugh damn that Jacques, I swear if it weren't for the fact that he has a seat at the table, I'd cut ties with him, but unfortunately he keeps us supplied with great resorces so I can't, but if he can't keep that brat of his under control I swaer I'll kill him myself, this is completely unprofessional! anyways we don't have a choice, make it kill whoever that is and once it's done make it self-destruct, we can afford to have it be traced back to us." The lady in shadows said walking away.

??: "Damn what a shame, he's really hot, but oh well you win some you lose some." He said as she started typing on her computer.

Back with the drone, it stood there as it's orders came in.

Eliminate Target.

Drone: "New orders confirmed, Eliminate Target." It said walking over to (Y/n) menacingly.

(Y/n): "Well, time the bring the pain!" (Y/n) shouted as he tried activating Odin's Force, but only a couple of sparkles of lightning emitted from his hands.

Oscar: "What the hell was that!?" Oscar asked.

(Y/n): "I...I don't know it usually activates at will..." He said confused.

Oscar: "Well whatever your gonna do you better do it quick! That things coming at you!!" Oscar shouted.

(Y/n): "Eh fuck it, I'll just do this the old fashion way, with a blunt weapon and a whole lot of smashing." He said with a smirk as he charged at the drone and swung at it's head with the parking meter, but suddenly to (Y/n)'s surprise it caught it.

(Y/n): "Oh wow...they usually don't catch sorry?" He said as it threw the parking meter to the side and grabbed (Y/n) by the throat.

(Y/n): "Oh...God...Come on...use your words!" (Y/n) said as he tried loosening it's grip on him, a scratchy radio like sound emitted from the drone as suddenly a voice said something to him.

Drone?: "Sorry Hot stuff this ain't personal." The "drone" said as it started tightening it's grip and (Y/n) couldn't breath, he felt himself close to blacking out as suddenly an explosive shot was fired at it's head, it made the drone fall over as it let (Y/n) go.

(Y/n): *Cough* *Cough* "What the *Cough* hell?!" He said grabbing his throat in pain as suddenly someone landed next to him.

??: "Oh wow I didn't think that would hit at all! Are you alright?!" Someone with a squeaky voice said as (Y/n) looked up and went wide eyed in surprise at who he was looking at.

(Y/n): "Uhh...who are you?" He asked confused.

??: "O-oh r-right Intros, mama always said those are important Ahem! I'm uh I'm Yang, Yang Xiao Long, future Huntress Extraordinaire!" She said as (Y/n) was even more in shock hearing that it was Yang, but why was she younger looking!? And did she just steal his catchphrase?

(Y/n): "Wait!? You're Yang!? How old are you!?" He asked confused.

Yang: "Y-you know me already? Oh wow! I'm not even a Huntress yet and I'm already known by a cute guy like you?! That's insane! I guess being the daughter of Raven and Taiyang Xiao Long really does a lot for me huh?" She said with a blush as she nervously rubbed the back of her head.

(Y/n): "Wait! Did you just say Raven-" He was stopped as suddenly the drone charged and punched (Y/n) away.

Yang: "Whoa!! Hey! I was about to start flirting with that guy!" Yang said angrily as she pulled out a big sword.

(I don't own nor did I make this, credits to it's maker,  whoever that is.)

Yang started trying to slash it with her sword as surprisingly the Drone was pretty quick at dodging.

Yang: "Stay still you tin can!!" Yang shouted angrily as she managed to slash one of it's arms off.

Yang: "Yeah!! How'd you like them apples robot!?" Yang shouted proudly, the drone looked over and picked up the parking meter (Y/n) used before as it charged at Yang quickly and managed to smack her sword away.

Yang: "Oh shot!" Yang said as it started swing trying to hit her as Yang was dodging the best she could.

Yang(Mentally): "Alright Yang, member what dad said: only use this as a last resort but might as well!" Yang thought as she reached around, pulled out her Ember Celicas, put them on, and activated her Semblance while punching her fists together.

The drone swung again as Yang caught it with one arm and she smirked.

Yang: "Get wreak!!" Yang shouted as she pulled the parking meter and punched it really hard in the stomach, the drone was thrown at a car as once making contact, the car exploded.

Yang stood there with a smirk as her semblance deactivated and she fell to her knees exhausted.

Yang: "Ahh! *Huff* *Huff* gosh it's getting hard to use that!" Yang said breathing roughly as suddenly her sword was stabbed on the ground next to her, it spooked her as she looked over and saw (Y/n) sit down next to her.

(Y/n): "Gosh..and here I was thinking I'd need to step in and save you." (Y/n) said holding his stomach in pain.

Yang: "Heh, nah I'm a lot stronger than I look." Yang said proudly.

(Y/n): "You don't have to tell me." (Y/n) said with a smile as he ruffled her hair a little as he suddenly stopped and remembered that Yang didn't like her hair being touched.

(Y/n): "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to touch your hair!" (Y/n) apologized to her as she looked at him confused.

Yang: "I'm-I'm okay with it.." Yang said with a blush as (Y/n) looked at her surprised.

(Y/n): "Are you really Yang Xioa Long?" He asked her confused.

Yang: "Yeah I am, wait I forgot what's your name?" She asked.

(Y/n): "Well it's uh..(Y/n)." He said rubbing his neck nervously.

Yang: "(Y/n) what?"

(Y/n): "(Y/n) Val...Val-entine?" He said a little uncertain with coming up with a last name.

Yang: "Valentine? Like Valentine's Day?" She asked.

(Y/n): "Uhhh sure yeah."

Yang: "Hehe that's funny." Yang said giggling.

(Y/n): "You think?" He asked as suddenly he looked over and saw the drone stand up, it was damaged obviously, but not by the explosion of the car.

(Y/n): "Oh great." (Y/n) said standing up.

Yang: "Aw man that's one tough robot." Yang said as she grabbed her sword but could barely hold it.

(Y/n): "You okay?" He asked.

Yang: "Huh? Oh yeah I'm-i'm cool, activating my semblance just takes a lot out of me but I can still move normally."

(Y/n): "Uh okay mind if I borrow your sword?" He asked.

Yang: "Mmm I don't know, I'm very protective on who I lend my baby, Embered Nebula, to." Yang said.

(Y/n): "Okay first of all that's a cool sword name, and two I'm gonna give it back I just need to finish off the drone, plus you can barely hold it as you are." (Y/n) told her.

Yang: "Ugh fine but if you steal it I'm gonna be very mad at you." Yang said handing her sword to him.

(Y/n): "Well I wouldn't want that on my conscious." (Y/n) said ruffling her hair as he held the sword up.

Oscar: "Hey!" Oscar shouted as he ran over to (Y/n)'s side holding his cane up.

(Y/n): "Oh good you're alive, is Shopkeep alive too?"

Oscar: "Oh yeah he's fine, he just got shot in the knee." Oscar said as (Y/n) looked at him like he was crazy.

(Y/n): "Uh how is that him being fine?!"

Oscar: "What he has life insurance!" Oscar said.

(Y/n): "...How does that--you know what fine, let's finish this." (Y/n) said as he ran up to the drone, it went for a punch as (Y/n) dodged and slashed the remaining arm off, Oscar and Yang ran up to it's sides as they both hit the back of it's knees and it fell to it's knees, (Y/n) came up and made it look at him directly.

(Y/n): "I don't really know much about drones, but I do know most of the time their being controlled by someone elsewhere." (Y/n) said as Yang and Oscar came up to his side.

Oscar: "Well the one who shot you was Red-haired Neptune, he's a known associate of the Schnee Crime Family." Oscar informed him.

Yang: "Ugh those baddies, my dad's been working on capturing them but they've managed to avoid capture for a long time." Yang added.

(Y/n): "Wait hold on, you guys keep mentioning the Schnee family, aren't they like a rich dust company family?" He asked confused.

Oscar: "What? No, their a crime family that operate all over Remnant, they steal, kill, smuggle, sell illegal drugs and weaponry, and their lead by Jacques Schnee, who's notoriously known to make all evidence and witnesses tied to him vanish into thin air." Oscar informed.

Yang: "I hate Jacques, my dad suspects that he's the one who sent these guys to kill him not too long ago." Yang said.

(Y/n)(Mentally): "Oh God, does this mean the Schnees are evil? Wait hold on! Does this mean...I was transported into another world?" (Y/n) thought as suddenly he looked over and he saw that the drone began beeping loudly and it's chest piece was blinking red, (Y/n) quickly went wide eyed.

(Y/n): "EVERYBODY GET AWAY FROM THE DRONE!!!" He shouted as he grabbed Yang and Oscar and ran as fast as he could, as the drone self-destructed, the explosion wasn't too big but it sure as hell messed up the street.

(Y/n): *Coughs* "Ugh, you guys alright?" (Y/n) asked.

Oscar: "Ugh yeah...I'll be fine." Oscar said laying on the floor.

(Y/n): "Yang?" (Y/n) called out as Yang quickly sat up.

Yang: "THAT WAS AWESOME!!!" Yang shouted excitedly.

Yang: "That was just like in the movies!" Yang shouted getting up.

(Y/n): "Heh yeah it was, Imma go check on Shopkeep." (Y/n) said getting up as he ran over and checked on Shopkeep.

(Y/n): "Yo Shopkeep! You good in here?" (Y/n) asked as he looked over the counter and saw Shopkeep holding his knee.

Shopkeep: "Huh? Oh yeah I'm good just got shot in the knee." He said standing up.

(Y/n): "You sure you should be standing?" He asked.

Shopkeep: "I said I'll be fine, this ain't the first time I've been shot." He said.

(Y/n): "Do I even want to know how many times you-"

Shopkeep: "Ten times, five of which were at the same time, by a shotgun."

(Y/n): "Dude! How the hell are you alive?" He asked.

Shopkeep: "I don't know cause I don't care if I die, but I guess the world still wants me around so I end up surviving." He said taking out a cigarette and smoking it.

(Y/n): "Alrighty then, I'll just be outside." He said walking away.

Oscar: "Hey is he okay?" Oscar asked coming over with Yang.

(Y/n): "He'll live but something tells me he doesn't like it." (Y/n) said.

Oscar: "Oh yeah, he's fine." Oscar said.

Yang: "I wonder why he doesn't like being alive?" Yang asked as suddenly a bunch of cop cars came driving in as one was a normal black car that did a drift right up the the trio.

??: "Alright Bitches! I heard my lil dragon is here and If she's hurt I'm going to shoot somebody or everybody!!" Someone shouted as out of the black car stepped out Taiyang himself.

(Y/n): "...I really don't know what to say right now." (Y/n) said a bit surprised to see Taiyang.

Yang: "Daddy! Watch your language! You know Mom doesn't like when you cuss!" Yang shouted at her dad angrily.

Taiyang: "Ugh sorry Lil dragon, but I'm on the job let me have this!" He shouted.

Yang: "Fine! But you owe some strawberry sundaes!" Yang said.

Taiyang: "Yes!" He shouted happily as he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and composed himself.

Taiyang: "Alright I want all the de--wait where'd they go?" Taiyang asked as Yang looked over and saw that both (Y/n) and Oscar were no gone.

Yang: "Whoa! They disappeared!" Yang said looking around confused.

Shopkeep: "Yo! Anybody gonna get me an amberlamps or what?" Shopkeep called out as he was seen hopping out of his store.

Taiyang: "Oh yeah sorry." He said taking out a radio.

Taiyang: "This is Detective Xioa Long, Imma need some medical assistance over." He said calling in as he went over to help Shopkeep, Yang continued looking around as she saw (Y/n)'s Reflecting Lotus on the ground, she picked it up and walked over to Shopkeep who was sitting in Tai's car with the door open.

Yang: "Is this yours?" Yang asked.

Shopkeep: "Oh that's the redhead's dagger, you gonna give it to your dad?" He asked as Yang just stared at the dagger in her hand.

Yang: "Nah, something tells me I'm gonna see him again, hopefully soon." Yang said with a smile as she looked up in the sky.

(Meanwhile back in the darkroom with the computer screens.)

??: "Well shit..." The girl in front of the computer screens said as she scoot back and put on some roller blades, she turned the chair around as it was none other than Neon Katts.

She got up and skated out of the room as she was seen in a giant storage place, many White Fang members were seen walking about doing their own thing, but these White Fang members were different from the ones from (Y/n)'s world, specifically by their uniforms and masks.

Neon skated by as she got to an elevator and went up many floors till she reached her floor, the doors opened as Neon skated out into a longish hallway, once reaching the end it, she stopped at double doors as she opened both wide and went in, it was a huge office room.

Neon: "Hey boss I've got something to tell you." Neon said as she jumped from the small stairs and skated over to one of the chairs, someone was seen sitting on the boss chair as whoever it was just looked out the huge window.

??: "What is it?"

Neon: "Well the Brawler Drone got defeated by that guy you told me to eliminate, I did make the drone self-destruct like you said but first it got beat up by that Redhaired guy and two others, one was some kid wearing a green outfit and the other was Yang Xioa Long." Neon informed.

??: "Thee Yang Xiao Long? As in Raven and Detective Xiao Long?"

Neon: "Yup, those ones exactly." Neon said.

??: "I we know who the other two are?"

Neon: "No, but I have their faces scanned already in case you want people to look for them." Neon said.

??: "Good, give Sienna Khan a call, Imma gonna need her to track them." The person said as whoever it was grabbed a White Fang mask from the desk and they stood up.

Neon: "Right away...Next High Leader, Blake."

(Meanwhile back in Vale.)

(Y/n) was seen jumping roof to roof holding Oscar over his shoulder.

Oscar: "Okay remind me again why you're running away? And why you took me with you!?" Oscar said as (Y/n) landed on a roof and he put Oscar down.

(Y/n): "Look, what I'm about to tell you is gonna sound crazy and unbelievable but I need you to hear me out without interruption can you do that?" He asked.

Oscar: "Uh yeah sure." Oscar said.

(Y/n): "Okay, so I was a shop in Argus, and I was fucking around with my sister and our childhood friend, when I went into a elevator, I looked at the buttons and I saw a basement button, which i decided to press because I was curious, the elevator got stuck so I punched it hard and then I fell down to the basement which turned out to have this crazy lab of some kind, there I found his device which I powered up and it teleported me through space and then into this warehouse not too far from here, while traveling my clothes were burned up and I needed to improvise so I used newspapers to make shorts or boxer which worked but I decided to rob a store to get the clothes I'm wearing now and I needed to see a familar place so I went to Shopkeep's dust shop and you know what happened after." (Y/n) said very detailed as Oscar just stared at him confused.

Oscar: "Okay who we talkin bout?" He asked as (Y/n) facepalmed as he grabbed Oscar's face with both hands.

(Y/n): "I THINK I GOT TELEPORTED INTO A DIFFERENT WORLD!!!" (Y/n) shouted as he let Oscar go.

Oscar: "Uh...I don't know how to respond to that...are you sure you're not crazy?" Oscar asked.

(Y/n): "I don't know! I don't think so, I mean that whole situation that transpired back at Shopkeep's store, literally happened already in my world but all the characters were different." (Y/n) said walking back and forth.

Oscar: "Okay let's say I do believe you, what device brought you here?" Oscar asked as (Y/n) pulled out the device from his pocket and showed it to Oscar.

Oscar: "Hmm this is some high tech stuff, looks military grade." Oscar said.

(Y/n): "Do you happen to know anyone who knows tech stuff or how to fix stuff?" (Y/n) asked.

Oscar: "Sorry no I don't, I grew up on a farm, my Uncle was the one who taught me how to fight and stuff." Oscar said.

(Y/n): "Damn it! What the hell I'm I going to do?!" (Y/n) said as he fell to the floor unsure of what to do.

Oscar: "What if...we go to Beacon?" Oscar asked.

(Y/n): "Beacon? Who can possibly help me th....THAT'S IT!!!" (Y/n) said excitedly as he stood up.

(Y/n): "I'll ask Ozpin!!"

Oscar: "Who's Ozpin?" Oscar asked confused.

(Y/n): "Um he's the headmaster of Beacon! Duh!" (Y/n) told him.

Oscar: "Headmaster? I was told the one in charge was a headmistress." Oscar said as (Y/n) looked at him confused.

(Y/n): "Headmistress? You're telling me whoever you heard was in charge was a women?" (Y/n) asked.

Oscar: "Yeah, at least that's what my Uncle told me." Oscar said as (Y/n) looked away.

(Y/n)(Mentally): "Could it be possible that instead of Ozpin there's...someone else?" (Y/n) thought.

Oscar: "Hey just so you know we're gonna have to wait till tommorrow for an airship to come and take us to Beacon if we're going." Oscar informed.

(Y/n): "Hmm well okay but where are we gonna stay?" (Y/n) asked.

Oscar: "I'll check how much lien I have but hopefully we can get a hotel or motel room." Oscar said taking put his wallet as he checked.

(Y/n): "How much you got?" He asked.

Oscar: "Hmm 3,000 lien." Oscar said.

(Y/n): "Alright that will do I hope, come on it's gonna rain soon." (Y/n) said as Oscar and him jumped off the building and landed safely on the sidewalk.

(Y/n): "Let's hope tomorrow things get better." (Y/n) said.

Oscar: "Hmm I doubt it." Oscar said.

(Y/n): "Me too." He said as they walked off to find a safe and warm place to sleep.

Tomorrow would come another day in the Alternate universe, and without a doubt things were only going to get more confusing for (Y/n).


Yang was sitting on the passenger seat of her dad's car as she was getting a call on her scroll.

Yang: "Hello?"

??(On Scroll): "Hey I heard what happened! your dad called my dad and he texted me, are you okay?!"

Yang: "Oh yeah I'm fine, but I've got so much to tell you! You think Uncle Qrow would let me sleep over?" Yang asked.

??: "I'm sure he would, the night is young and I'm here alone tonight while he works, I should be able to have one last sleepover with my favorite little cousin before I leave to Beacon tomorrow morning."

Yang: "Awesome I'll just tell my dad." Yang said as she opened the door.

Yang: "Hey dad! Can I sleepover at Uncle Qrow's tonight!?" She shouted at her dad who was still at the crime scene.

Taiyang: "Sure sweetie! I'll tell mom!" Tai said as Yang got back in the car.

Yang: "Its official, I'm permitted to sleepover tonight!" Yang said excitedly.

??: "Awesome! And I'll prepare the house for the best sleepover ever!"

Yang: "Cool beans, I'll see you then!" Yang said hanging up as she got a tap on the window, which spooked her, and saw it was her dad.

Yang: "Geez dad don't scare me like that!" Yang told him.

Taiyang: "Sorry sweetie, but I just got a call and we might have to go to HQ first, someone wants to speak to you." Tai told her.

Yang: "Who? Investigators?" She asked as Tai came around and got into the car.

Taiyang: "Nope, it's the headmistress of Beacon Academy." He said.

Yang: "What!? Why would she want to talk to me?!" Yang asked.

Taiyang: "Heh let's just say this is a surprise." He said as he started the car and they drove off.

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