Prologue: (Y/n) Valkyrie's Day Off

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3rd POV:

It was a stormy and gloomy afternoon in Argus, the plan to commandeer one of Cordovin's airships was reviewed and all was set and ready for tomorrow, but today our young heroes were resting in the Cotta-Arc household, chilling and taking it easy.

(Y/n): "UGHHHH!! I'M BORED!!!" (Y/n) said out loud as he sat up from the sofa he was laying on, he was seen wearing a new outfit Terra unexpectedly bought him.

(Just pretend it's (Y/n) in this outfit, he still has his metal arm and eye patch.)

Though it wasn't really his style, he accepted them outta not being rude, especially since she opened her doors to him and the gang, but what he found a little odd was the fact that she knew his size in clothing and shoes, and what's more weirder was that after putting it on this morning she asked for a selfie with him again, only this time she wanted one with him and her holding her son, Adrian, after that she cooked him, Adrian, and herself a very nicely done breakfast while everyone else had to wait afterwards, heck even Saphron had to wait, so you could probably tell the day was going to be an odd one.

Nora: "Same!!" Nora said as she was laying on the other sofa.

Ren: "Nora, (Y/n), indoor voices." Ren said to them as they just stuck their tongues out at him.

Weiss: "He's right and if you two are that bored then find a way to entertain yourselves." Weiss said as she was seen sitting on the floor, she was cleaning her Myrtenaster on the coffee table.

Ruby: "You guys could play with us if you want." Ruby said also sitting by the coffee table while playing on her scroll with Yang and Jaune.

Blake: "Or you guys could read a book, Saphron and Terra have some good ones on their bookshelves." Blake said as she, Maria, Ren, and Nat were all seen reading.

(Y/n): "Ugh no thanks, I'm not in the mood for video games or books, I just wanna go out!" (Y/n) complained as he fell back and laid on the sofa with a bored expression.

Weiss: "(Y/n), for being an 18 year old, you sound way too much like a kid." Weiss stated as (Y/n) just gave her an annoyed expression.

(Y/n): "Okay first off, I may be 18 but I'm still a kid at heart, that's what makes me youthful and fun thank you very much Ice queen." (Y/n) said leaning over and pinching her cheek as she just slapped his hand away.

(Y/n): "And secondly, all we've done since we've been in Argus is gone to talk to Cordovin, looked around for Oscar, we...I mean I found Nat, and we've been cooped up in Saphron and Terra's house for most of it, no offense to them and their kind hospitality, but I just wanna go explore Argus a little before we do our big heist tomorrow!" (Y/n) said excitedly as he sat up again.

Yang: "Have to agree there, not that our mission shouldn't be our main priority, but personally I think we could all use a break, at least for the small time we have here." Yang said putting her scroll away and agreeing with (Y/n).

Blake: "I mean it wouldn't hurt to just have today off." Blake said also agreeing.

Jaune: "Their right, Argus is a big place, and we basically skipped most of it going on the trolley." Jaune said.

Nora: "Yesss! Our day off! What should we do?!" Nora said happily as she sat up and looked at everyone excitedly.

Nat: "Hold on, I completely understand where you're all coming from, but you can't." Nat said using her middle finger as a bookmark as she closed her book to talk with them.

(Y/n): "What? Why not?!" (Y/n) asked.

Nat: "Well for one thing it's raining like crazy outside, and adding to that it's dangerous." Nat stated giving him a certain look as (Y/n) understood the whole "It's dangerous" part was more to him than the others.

Maria: "She's right you could get struck by lightning." Maria said as (Y/n) and everyone just looked at her with "Are you serious?" Expressions as she didn't even noticed and continued reading her book.

(Y/n): "Okay I'm just going to ignore that was just said, but y'all forget! I'm (Y/n) freakin Valkyrie!" (Y/n) said as he stood up, picked up StromBreaker, went over to the front entrance, he grabbed an umbrella as he opened the door and stepped out into the rain, everyone but Maria and Nat we're curious as they all got up to see what he was up to.

Jaune: "(Y/n), What are you doing?" Jaune asked.

(Y/n): "Relax Sugar Bear, I'm the Lightning baby." He said smirking as he held up StormBreaker to the sky.

Oscar: "Um are you posing or what's happening?" Oscar asked as everyone shrugged in confusion.

(Y/n): "Keep your shirt on, it just takes a minute." (Y/n) said as suddenly the rain ceased in a second.

Everyone looked around in amazement as they all held out their hands and felt no rain falling.

Ruby: "Whoa!!! Did you just stop the rain?!" Ruby asked flabbergasted.

(Y/n): "Yup, now that that's out of the way, imma go explore Argus." He said happily as he walked back in, put StormBreaker and the umbrella down, and was going to head out when suddenly someone grabbed his arm, he turned to see who it was as it was Nat.

Nat: "I swear you are one stubborn ass mule, if you're going to go out then I'm going with you." Nat said letting him go as she crossed her arms.

(Y/n): "You do know I can take care of myself right?"

Nat: "Yeah? you want a cookie or something tough guy." She said as she handed him his Reflecting Lotus.

(Y/n): "Why do I need my dagger for?" He asked.

Nat: "Just take it with you, dumbass." Nat told him.

Nora: "Ooo! I'll go too!!" Nora said stepping inbetween them as (Y/n) put his dagger away.

Ren: "I'll go as well." Ren said walking up to them.

(Y/n): "Ugh fine anyone else?" (Y/n) asked as suddenly team RWBY and Jaune zoomed right up to him.

(Y/n): "Right...Hey Oscar you wanna come too since apperently it's the kids field day." (Y/n) said as Nora and Nat pulled his ears.

Oscar: "Uh Yeah sure why not." Oscar said getting up and walking over to them.

Ruby: "Yay!! Let's go exploring!!" Ruby said excitedly as they all headed down the street, everyone felt relaxed and carefree for once, the thing is... they carried a burden, being the only ones who know the whole truth about Salem, Ozpin, the Relics, the Maidens, and about humanity's second time around, it was without a doubt too heavy to bear for anyone, (Y/n) knew that better than anyone, back then, before knowing about the Maidens, the Relics, and everything else, he was a just a kid who desired to make the world a better place by fighting monsters, and just like many others he was going to do it by becoming one of Remnant's protectors, a Huntsmen, he used to think that the Grimm were just naturally-made beasts who killed just because they could, beasts were beasts after all, they had no rules, no laws, no regulations, nothing that could hold them back but themselves, but after hearing and seeing all that Jin showed him, everything (Y/n) once thought went out the window, not his desire to be a hero and help of course, but rather the Grimm, they were now being made and controlled by Salem to destroy all that humanity had built, and as much as (Y/n) understood her anger and spite towards the Brother Gods, she now just wanted to kill and destroy all life in Remnant, and all because she hated everything, and (Y/n) being who he was just couldn't let that happen, it wasn't just cause he was a good person or a hero, but because of the people with him right now; Nora, Ren, Ruby, Nat, Jaune, Yang, Weiss, Blake, Oscar, and the so many others that he cared for, they were all his reason for being strong, they were all his reason to keep fighting for the greater good.

Yang: "HEY (Y/N)!!!" Yang shouted as (Y/n) suddenly snapped out of his daze.

(Y/n): "Huh? What? What's happening?" (Y/n) said confused.

Rudy: "I was asking what's the plan for today?" Ruby asked as they were all just standing there wondering what to do.

(Y/n): "Oh...uh...I don't know I was just planning on window shopping and checking out the place." (Y/n) said rubbing his head as everyone just sighed.

Weiss: "Well we're going to need to stock up on ammunition and supplies for tomorrow so I suggest we all get started with that." Weiss suggested.

Ruby: "Oo! Oo! We can get new outfits!" Ruby said as Yang came over and pulled her hood over her head.

Yang: "Let's save that for Vol. 7 Rubes." Yang said.

(Y/n): "Anyway I think we should all split up and go exploring different stores." (Y/n) suggested.

Nat: "You want us to split up?" Nat asked with a frown.

(Y/n): "I mean we all don't really have to go to the same stores together, besides we cover more ground that way and then we all can regroup back at Saphron's place, whatcha think?" (Y/n) said as everyone just thought about it.

Nora: "I'm going with (Y/n)!!!" Nora said hugging her brother's arm as everyone just looked at her.

Nora: "What? Y'all got to have your moments with (Y/n), now it's my turn." Nora said firmly.

Ren: "Hehe yeah I'll go with you two, it's about time we had our bonding time." Ren said coming over as he ruffled both our heads.

Yang: "Hmm okay that's cool so Ren's going with the Valkyries, Ruby, Weiss, Oscar, and Jaune can go together, and Nat can hang with me and Blake." Yang said pairing everyone else.

Weiss: "Ugh seriously why put me with the immature ones?!" Weiss complained.

Ruby: "Geez Weiss will you ever stop being such a mean ol' Ice Queen?" Ruby asked as she pulled Weiss away, but not before she quickly went over and gave (Y/n) a kiss on the cheek.

Weiss: "Hey!" Weiss said as she pushed Ruby aside and gave (Y/n) an even bigger kiss on his other cheek.

Weiss: "Alright now we can go." Weiss said blushing but satisfied as she walked away and Ruby followed.

Oscar: "Do I count as one of the immature ones?" Oscar asked as he followed behind Ruby and Weiss.

Jaune: "Don't take it personally, she's that, it's why we call her Ice Queen." Jaune said as he stopped turned to Ren.

Jaune: "You guys think you'll be good without me?" Jaune asked as Nora smirked.

Nora: "No offense, but you're talking to the original trio before you and Pyrrah came along, so yeah we'll be better than good." Nora said proudly.

Jaune: "Well that didn't hit me in the feels at all but I gotcha, just stay safe." Jaune said walking away as he went to catch up to his group.

Nora: "You betcha!" Nora said as she smirked and held up her fingers that were crossed, Ren just looked at her unimpressed as he chuckled.

Nat: "Hey (Y/n) mind if I have a word with you, privately?" Nat asked as she pulled (Y/n) to the side.

Yang: "Hmm you know I never really thought about it much but don't you guys think those two are awfully close for her having been gone for so long?" Yang asked the rest of the group that remained.

Nora: "Well I mean they were close before, kind of like brother and sister if you ask me, but you don't think their together together, do you?" Nora asked suspiciously.

Blake: "Wouldn't surprise me if they were, I mean (Y/n)'s pretty much liked by basically everyone." Blake said honestly.

Yang: "That's true...but still I just can't shake the feeling that their closer than just the way we think." Yang said thinking about it more deeply.

Nora: "Wow never took you for the jealous type Yang." Nora said in a teasing manner.

Yang: "Hmm neither did I, but that's not important."

Nora: "You do know I was kidding right?"

Yang: "Huh? Oh yeah yeah me too." Yang said not even looking at her as Nora and Ren just stared at each other awkwardly.

Anywho over to (Y/n) and Nat.

(Y/n): "What's up Nat?"

Nat: "Your Bounty that's what's up, $25 million lien is no joke (Y/n), the only reason you're not being attacked as we speak is because, conveniently enough, not a lot of assassins come out to Argus, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be on your guard anyway, anyone who's anyone could be working for the High Order, they have spies and assassins everywhere, so I'm telling you now, don't get caught up in trying to have a normal day cause we both know a normal day for you always leads to something dangerous or chaotic happening." Nat said firmly.

(Y/n): "Well then at this point I should probably start thinking of adding Danger as my middle name huh?" (Y/n) said amusingly as Nat held an unimpressed expression for a moment till she just chuckled.

Nat: "I'm trying to be serious about this you doofus, I know you mourned for me when I died, and I know you are still mourning for Jenna and Kenny, heck even Pyrrah and Penny despite having already killed Cinder, you felt like our deaths were on you, and I can understand how painful that is, but I want you to understand that if you died, I'd feel like that's on me, and I don't really want that on my conscious, so do me and everyone else a favor and keep yourself alive alright?" She said caressing his cheek as he blushed, he couldn't help that she was giving him that cute and genuinely concerned expression, it was heartwarming yet strange just how close they were that he understood that expression so well.

(Y/n): "Geez Nat...if I didn't know any better I'd say you were in love with me too." (Y/n) said still blushing.

Nat: "Heh Who knows tough guy...I just might be." She said giving him a quick pinch on the cheek as she walked away and left him blushing.

Yang: "What were you guys talkin about~?" Yang asked with a teasing tone.

Nat: "Oh you know, just about how I'm more qualified to be his future wife than any of you." Nat said with a smirk as she walked passed her and Blake who were left dumbfounded for a second.

Yang: "Wait what?!" Yang asked confused.

Blake: "Wait..."more qualified" how?" Blake asked as she and Yang followed after her.

Nora: "Oh my God...she does like (Y/n)!?! I knew it!!!" Nora said walking up to her brother as she pinched both his cheeks.

Nora: "Oh my gosh, (Y/n) you sly dog you." Nora said teasingly as (Y/n) slapped her hands away and turned away not wanting her to see his blushing face anymore.

Ren: "Hehe alright Nora don't tease him, let's just go see some stores." Ren said patting (Y/n)'s back.

Nora: "Awe but he's so cute when he's emabaressed, eh fine let's go but I want a piggyback ride!" Nora shouted as she jump on (Y/n)'s back.

(Y/n): "What the, why me!?"

Nora: "You're the strongest stead I know, so let's get a move on noble stead!" Nora said as (Y/n) just rolled his eyes and smiled as they walked off.

(A few moments later.)

(Y/n): "Man it's so crazy just thinking about how time has passed since Kuroyuri." (Y/n) said as Nora and Ren just looked at him surprised for a second as they smiled.

Ren: "Yeah we've gone through a bunch haven't we." Ren said.

Nora: "Heh we still are going through a bunch." Nora said ruffling her brother's hair as they all laughed together happily, it was moments like these that (Y/n) loved the most, being with the two people who have always been with him since the beginning, he could never imagen, think, or see a world without these two especially.

Nora: "Hey look! This place looks fancy!" Nora pointed out as (Y/n) turned to see a tall building, probably one the tallest in Argus, it was six stories tall and looked fancy almost like a hotel of sorts, but what really caught his attention was the store's name.

(Y/n): "Wait a minute? That's the name of the store I met Ruby in when we stopped Torchwick and Ozpin enrolled us early to Beacon! Well if you take out the "Thes" but yeah." (Y/n) said surprised.

Nora: "Let's go check it out!" Nora suggested as they all went in and saw it was huge!

(Y/n)/Nora/Ren: "WWWWWHHHHOOOOAAAA!!!!" They said together in complete amazement as they looked around in Awe.

??: "Hello welcome to the biggest, bestest shopping joint in all of Argus! Where if others don't have it, we always do! Welcome to- wait a minute don't I know you three?" Someone asked as the trio turned and went wide eyed in shock at who they saw.

(Y/n)/Nora/Ren: "OLD MAN SHOPKEEP!?!?!" The trio shouted in shock.

Shopkeep: "Oh no... I remember you three!!! You're the brats who always ended up destroying all the shops I opened in Vale." He said angrily.

(Y/n): "Allegedly!"

Shopkeep: "Whatever, now listen here you brats, this is the grandest store I have in Argus, and if y'all so much as dare break one little thing in my store!! I'll have the three of you banned from all the stores in Argus!!!" He shouted with flames in his eyes as he walked away leaving the trio wide eyed.

(Y/n): "Wow...he must really hate us."

Ren: "Well he's not wrong, all of us basically recked all or most of his shops." Ren stated.

(Y/n): "Allegedly Ren, Allegedly."

Ren: "No I'm pretty sure we did, there was his; dust shop, his arcade..."

Nora: "...His bakery, his other dust shop.."

Ren: "His clothes shop, his food stands, his-"

(Y/n): "Alright fine yes we pretty much ruined most of his financial businesses, but from the looks of this place, he had insurance for most of them." (Y/n) said impressed.

Nora: "You think he has insurance for this place too?" Nora asked.

(Y/n): "Probably, why?" (Y/n) asked as
Nora suddenly jumped off His back.

Nora: "Because we're going to have a lot of fun!" Nora said excitedly as she brought (Y/n) and Ren's face close to her's, for the next how many hours the trio spent it doing all kinds of wacky things like:

Nora and Ren on a shopping cart doing the titanic hold as (Y/n) happily pushed the cart.

Nora and (Y/n) finding Mario and Luigi costumes as they used the handicapped carts to do real-life Mario Kart using the shop's bananas for real-life items.

(Y/n) finding a manachin head as he used it with a hoodie and glasses to dance around in the store while Nora used her scroll to record and played a song.

And finally (Y/n) finding a big fur coat and wearing it as Old Man Shopkeep saw him and started chasing him with a broom in his hand.

Old Man Shopkeep: "Hey! Get over here you brat!!"

(Y/n): "Nope!"

After losing Old Man Shopkeep on the fifth floor, (Y/n) found Ren and Nora as they plopped on the sofas to relax.

(Y/n): "Man this place has everything!" (Y/n) said happily as he laid down peacefully.

Nora: "You said it lil bro, this place is a paradise for both paying customers and window shoppers!" Nora said.

Ren: "Yup this place has everything you could ask for, anyway let's just hope Old Man Shopkeep doesn't find us." Ren added.

(Y/n): "You said it, we should definitely call the rest of the gang here and chill together." (Y/n) suggested.

Nora: "Oooo! Yes the more the merrier!!" Nora said excitedly.

Ren: "Yeah alright I'll call Jaune, but first I have to go find some pancake mix." Ren said.

(Y/n): "Why?" (Y/n) asked as Ren only smirked and Nora knew exactly what that meant.

Nora: *Gasps!* "Really?!" Nora asked excitedly.

Ren: "Yup, nothing says a chill day like pancakes, whipped cream, strawberries, and some good ol Syrup in the afternoon." Ren said happily as he looked over and saw Nora drooling.

Nora: "Let's go right now!!!" Nora said excitedly pulling Ren's arm to go find the ingredients needed.

Ren: "Now? What about our plan to hang with everyone here?" Ren asked.

Nora: "I want pancakes!!!" Nora shouted as Ren just smiled.

Ren: "What are you going to do (Y/n)?" Ren asked.

(Y/n): "Hmm Imma go apologize to Old Man Shopkeep just so when the rest of the gang come he doesn't kick us out." (Y/n) said getting up as he stretched his arms and left the fur coat on the sofa.

Ren: "Well that's very mature of you, I'll go get the ingredients and call Jaune afterward." Ren said.

Nora: "Pancakes, pancakes!" Nora said happily.

Ren: "Alright alright let's go." Ren said as they walked off.

(Y/n): "Welp time to take the heat." (Y/n) said as he walked over to an elevator.

(Y/n): "Oh! I should call Nat." (Y/n) said to himself as he took out his scroll as suddenly he looked over and noticed there was a basement button.

(Y/n): "There's a basement? Oooo curious!" (Y/n) said as he pushed the basement button, as the elevator's lights started flickering as it didn't move.

(Y/n): "Um that's not frieghting at all." (Y/n) said pushing the basement button a couple more times as still nothing happened.

(Y/n): "What the freak man! I'm I stuck!?!" (Y/n) said freaking out as he started pushing the button a bit more harder, when it still didn't work he instead punched the button really hard with his metal arm as suddenly the whole elector shook and it started dropping really fast!

(Y/n): " OH MY GODDDDD!!!!" He shouted scared out of his mind as it dropped really hard as it made (Y/n) hit the ceiling and drop to the ground as the elevator doors opened.

(Y/n): "Ow...Imma feel that tommorrow for sure.." (Y/n) said as he slowly rose up and looked at the basement.

(Y/n): "W-what the hell?" He said standing up as he walked out of the elevator and looked around confused.

(Y/n): "What kind of place is this?" (Y/n) asked himself as he saw a door at the end of the corridor, he walked and open it to find a old untouched lab, it had chemicals, science beakers, and other weird technical and science stuff.

(Y/n): "Whoa! What kind of lab is this? Oh god...I really hope this isn't one of those labs..." (Y/n) said to himself concerned, he looked around and saw everything was either old or worn out, but why was there a lab down here he thought as suddenly his scroll started buzzing as he picked it up.

(Y/n): "Hello?"

Nat: "Hey (Y/n) just checkin if you're not dead."

(Y/n): "Ha! Haha yup...still alive."

Nat: "That's good so whatcha up to?" She asked.

(Y/n): "Umm just at this store...lookin around." (Y/n) lied as he looked around the lab and noticed something under a cloth.

Nat: "At what? clothes? Cause you seriously need to buy new ones, or at least change back to your old ones cause no offense but the outfit Terra bought you makes you look like a too comfortable stepdad." Nat said as she giggled.

(Y/n): "Hey I look good, thank you very much." (Y/n) said as he pulled the cloth off and saw some weird device.

(Pretend the blue energy isn't there, for now.)

(Y/n): "What the freak is that?"

Nat: "What's what?"

(Y/n): "Huh..oh Um nothing just found something cool." (Y/n) said as he picked up the strange device with his metal arm.

Nat: "What the cool thing?" Nat asked.

(Y/n): "I don't know, some weird tech mine looking thing." (Y/n) said describing it as he rotated it around to analyze.

Nat: "Tech Mine? (Y/n) don't start messing around with tech stuff, you don't even know what it can do, for all you know it could be an actual mine bomb." Nat said.

(Y/n): "Maybe..but it doesn't look like it works, maybe it needs some juice to turn on." (Y/n) said as held his scroll between his shoulder and head.

Nat: "(Y/n) Im serious whatever it is leave it alone, you don't know if it's dangerous or not!" Nat said concerned.

(Y/n): "Relax Nat, I'm not Thor's descendent for nothing you know, I seriously doubt whatever it does could kill me." (Y/n) said as he pointed at it with his finger and a mini lightning bolt shot out to power it up as suddenly the device started glowing as light blue as his aura infused arm.

(Y/n): "Whoa! It's on!" (Y/n) said excitedly as it started pumping out bluish energy as a beam shot up to the ceiling and opened some kind of huge space like portal.

(Y/n): "Jesus!! What the hell!?!" (Y/n) said shocked as he wanted to throw the device away but for some reason he couldn't.

Nat: "(Y/n)!?! What the hell is going on?!" Nat shouted through the phone scared as the blue energy suddenly started covering his whole body as it started to burn off his clothes, he felt himself get shot up into the portal.

As he was shot up into the portal everything went dark, he felt himself floating in complete darkness, like there was no gravity.

(Y/n): "What the hell!?! Where am I?!" (Y/n) shouted freaked out as his voice echoed in the darkness, he looked over at the device he still had in hand as he tried to let it go but still his hand wouldn't budge, it was like his hand was glued to it, his dagger was floating about as (Y/n) grabbed it, suddenly the device started pumping energy as (Y/n) felt his body being pulled slowly backwards, when all of a sudden in the flash of an eye, he was shot off traveling through space.

(Y/n) was beyond freaked out mentally as he started screaming and wanting it all to stop as suddenly another portal opened up and (Y/n) fell right through it.

(Y/n) felt gravity coming back as he felt himself falling, he felt himself losing consciousness as he managed to at least get a good look at where he was falling, which was on land, specifically about to fall where some buildings were, he closed his eyes as his body started spinning and out of some miracle his body instinctively activated his aura, he suddenly crashed through the roof of some building.

He crashed through at least three floors till he reached the ground level, his aura started flickering as it disputed completely, leaving a naked and unconsciousness (Y/n) in a small crater somewhere.


(Y/n) began to wake up as a he blinked a couple of times to adjust his vision for his good eye, he rubbed his eye as he sat up to get a sense of things, his body felt cold as he realized he was completely naked.

(Y/n): "Holy Oum!! What the fuck just happened?! Where the hell am I?!" He asked himself as he stood up and stepped on something, he looked down and saw it was the device from before, he took his foot off as he picked it up and examed it, it was broken and a bit burned.

(Y/n): "What the hell are you, some kind of teleporter?" (Y/n) asked as he looked around and saw he was in a crater, which was inside a building, he looked up and saw the sky was dark, as well as three floors with holes through them, which made him come to the conclusion that he had somehow fallen from the sky, but the real questions was:

Where was he?

(Y/n) looked around as he saw his dagger, Reflecting Lotus, on the ground, he picked it up as he climbed out of the crater and walked out of the building.

(Y/n): "Alright first things first, I need some clothes, because I am not about to walk around naked." (Y/n) said looking around for some form of clothes, he walked over to a trash can as he saw it was full of newspapers.

(Y/n): *Sighs Deeply* "Well use what you can right?" He said to himself as pulled out a couple and started making what he could, once he finished he held up his creation and looked at it.

(Y/n): "Well it's not Gucci, but it's better than streaking." He said putting it on, it was pretty uncomfortable but it was better than nothing, he managed to make an extra strap to hold his dagger so he didn't have to.

(Y/n): "Now time to get a good look at where I am." He said to himself as he held out his hand and expected StormBreaker to come flying to his hand, nothing came as he just looked around with confusion, instead he decided to walk down the street where some stores were seen but most of them closed, it was night time after all, he kept walking for how long he didn't know but as soon as he got to a good tall building he climbed up to get a good vantage point, but once he got a good look around he realized it all looked way familar to him and that's because it was.

It was Vale, and in the distance, Beacon Academy.

(Y/n): "Oh Gods...Please don't tell me I traveled back in time or something!" (Y/n) said in shock as he sat down and took a second to take everything in, he looked up and took a really good look at Beacon, how was it possible that it was still standing? Did he really travel back in time? He didn't know what to think, whatever that device did, wherever it took him, why was it back in Vale?

(Y/n): "Gods what do I do?" He asked himself as he looked down at his newspaper shorts, whatever he was going to do he definitely needed better clothes before anything.

(Y/n): "Lets see; I have no Lien, no clothes, and I'm pretty sure I traveled back in time or something, but what I do have is my dagger, these uncomfortable newspaper shorts I made, a broken device thingy, and I still have my pride and dignity, so now what do I do?" He asked himself as he started thinking deeply.

(Y/n): "Hmm well if this was a movie, I'd have to go find someone who can fix this thing, however if I did go back in time then I have to make sure to not run into anyone I know otherwise I'm gonna end up fucking up the timeline, alright time to go look for some clothes and disguise myself as someone else." He said getting up as he jumped off the building and did a superhero landing.

(Y/n): "Ow fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, that is so not practical." He said as he stood up slowly as he walked with a limp, he looked over and saw a clothes store, and in the front he saw a manachin wearing an outfit that looked just his size.

(Y/n): "Well you gotta do what you gotta do." He said to himself as he broke the window and the alarm started ringing, he quickly took the outfit as he decided to rip the sleeve off his metal arm.

(Y/n): "Now this is more like it." He said wiping his shoulders as he walked off.

Vale didn't even look any different, it was all the same as before, just how far back in time did he go?

(Y/n): "Hmm I could go to Beacon and see but that's risky, hmm wait I know!" He said as he remembered there was one place he knew pretty well, he ran over as he finally reached his destination.

(Y/n): "Wow it's still the same as before too!" He said gladly as he took a breather and went in, as he did he saw a guy at the cash register, he was down getting something behind the counter.

(Y/n): "Oh my God...Old man Shopkeep!?" (Y/n) said happily as he walked up to the register.

??: "Who the hell are you calling Old Man?! I'm in my thirties you fuckin brat!" The guy said as (Y/n)'s eye went wide in shock as who he saw wasn't Old Man Shopkeep but rather...

(Y/n): "Who...who the hell are you!?!" (Y/n) asked.

??: "Who am I? I'm the fuckin owner of this joint what do you think! Who the fuck are you?" He asked.

(Y/n): "I'm...I'm Just a customer here?" (Y/n) said.

??: "Uh okay, do you some Dust or some shit?" He asked.

(Y/n): "Uhh um no...I'm Just...looking around." He said walking off to see the rest of the store.

??: "Okay whatever, fuckin weirdo."

(Y/n)(Mentally): "Holy shit I really did travel back in time!! That was a younger Old Man Shopkeep for sure!!" He thought as he was mind blown, suddenly he heard someone else come into the store.

??: "Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Dust shop open this late?" The person who walked in said as suddenly some guns being cocked was heard.

Young Shopkeep: "Oh great, Whitley Fuckin Schnee, the wannabe, pimp-looking criminal douche of the Schnee Crime Family." Young Shopkeep said as he put his hands up and had a look of annoyence on his face.

Whitley: "Wow are you really going to talk to your best customer like that?" Whitley said sarcastically as his henchmen had red katanas and Uzis pointed at Young Shopkeep.

Young Shopkeep: "Trust me kid, my best customer is this prostitute who likes giving me BJs as a form of IOUs, only way you can bet that is being a hot women with much bigger tits who does more or less of the same." He explained.

Whitley: "Ugh whatever, you know the drill, give me all your Lien and all the Dust you've got in this joint." He said.

Young Shopkeep: "Sure, would you like a back rub with that? Or maybe a good store credit? Or hey I have an idea why don't I wrap it all up with a bow and a thank you letter that says "fuck you!" Written on it." Young Shopkeep said.

Whitley: "Do you wanna die!?!" Whitley asked angrily as he held up his cane blade to Young Shopkeep's throat.

Young Shopkeep: "I honestly don't care but do me the favor of at least having one of your guys do it, being killed by you is surely worse than hell." He said honestly.

Whitley: "Oh you are so fuckin-"

(Y/n): "Hey! Whoa! Whoa! No one needs to die!" (Y/n) shouted as He walked with his hands up and suddenly Whitley's henchmen pointed their guns at him instead.

Young Shopkeep: "Oh great going dipshit, you fucked us both."

(Y/n): "And You're not helping!"

Whitley: "Well well, a mysterious figure with a metal arm, a leather jacket, and an eye patch, you the terminator or somethin?" Whitley asked pointing his cane blade at him.

(Y/n): "What? No! But listen I heard Your a Schnee, right?"

Whitley: "Yeah And? What's it to you red-haired terminator?"

(Y/n): "I know Weiss, and Winter! I'm a friend of theirs!"

Whitley: "Oh really? My my what am I doing, sorry can we start over?" He asked.

(Y/n): "Wow really?"

Whitley: "Pfft! No what are you stupid!? I hate those stupid bitches! You being their friend matters to me as much as poor people, in other words I don't give a flying fuck! Now boys go get the Dust." Whitley ordered as his men began packing and taking all the dust.

(Y/n): "You are not going to get away with this." (Y/n) told him.

Whitley: "Bitch I pretty much am, so be a nice terminator-looking hostage and shut the fuck up will ya?" He said as one of Whitley's henchmen noticed someone over by the magazines in the back.

Henchmen: "Hey you in the back, put your hands up where I can see them!" He shouted as whoever he was talking to didn't answer, (Y/n) turned around curiously as this situation was giving him some major Daja vù.

(Y/n): "This it couldn't be." He said as he was going to walk over till Whitley came up and held his cane blade up to his throat.

Whitley: "And just where do you think you are going? Don't you know not to make a move in a shake down?"

Henchmen: "Oh my God, does this fool has some airpods on? Yo! I said put your fuckin hands up!" The henchmen said as he walked over to the person, suddenly to both (Y/n) and Whitley's surprise that henchmen was sent flying out of the store front.

Whitley: "Yo what the fuck!? Somebody go check who that is!" Whitley ordered as another henchmen ran over, some kind of bottle was thrown at his head as that henchmen fell to the floor unconscious.

Whitley: "What the hell!?! Who's back there!?" Whitley shouted as someone walked over, once (Y/n) saw who it was, it made him question his time travel situation, mainly for one reason:

Oscar Pine was the one who stood in front of him.

(Y/n): "Holy shit..."

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