In Which Shredder Plays Hide and Seek

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U/n= uncle's name

N/n= nickname

~Y/n's PoV~

A few weeks after finding the information about Uncle (U/N), you all were finally prepared to fulfill your plans. Since then, you and Raph had been constantly training, further preparing you for the battle that would most likely occur. Master Splinter had come a few times and guided and trained you separately from the others' training sessions. They all constantly warned you about what to expect. The Shredder was an evil master mind who would stop at nothing until you all were dead, you, of course, already knew this information. The more you heard this, the more worried you would become, but that worry would soon be replaced with courage and added persistence to accomplish the mission.

After discussing the situation, the next step was to break into Shredder's lair. You looked around from person to person. Everyone had looks of determination, but not Raph. His glance was different. You couldn't decipher his facial expression. He looked up at you and gave a small smile.

"Okay, Donnie and April will go around back and shut off the electricity, while Casey and Mikey distract Tiger Claw, Fishface, and Rahzar. Y/N, Raph and I will sneak in through the windows once the distraction is in play. Ready?" Leo concluded.

"Let's go kick some shell!" Raph smirked and punched his palm.

******************Short Time Skip******************

You sat by Raph in the Shellraiser, but your mind was far from your current location. After all of these years, could you finally find your uncle. Everyone assumed he was dead, and they left it at that, but now you had new-found hope. Uncle (U/N) will finally return home and the family will be complete.

"You ready for this (n/n)?" Mikey said, bringing you back to the moment at hand.

"As ready as I'll ever be," you smiled.

Raph put his arm around you, glancing into your eyes before looking away. In that short glance, you could see the fear in his eyes. He sighed and looked back at you. He sat quiet before he said anything. "(Y/n)?" you looked over at him, signaling him to continue,"I'm glad that I met you. I don't know why I'm saying this to you now of all times, but I feel like it will help me if I say it. I've changed since, well not so much changed, more of I've accepted the softer side of myself. I've hid it all this time, afraid of seeming weak, but I'm willing to show both sides if its for you."

You kissed him and smiled. You opened your mouth to respond, but the Shellraiser skidded to a stop, signaling that it was time to take action. Everyone hurriedly rushed out of the vehicle and took their positions. Donnie and April shut of the lights within a matter of minutes and everyone sprang into action. Donnie and April went around back, Casey and Mikey climbed up to the roof, and you, Leo, and Raph trailed behind them.

~Raph's PoV~

We quickly sneaked our way through the corridors after climbing in through the windows. Mikey and Casey purposely used a few flashlights to cast shadows and yelled random insults, which attracted Shredder's henchmen. We quietly waited as Y/N plugged in her phone into the security system, hacking the software and unlocking all of the doors and secret passage ways. Donnie sent the three of us a map of where the brainwashed soldiers were kept. Y/N was the first to find the underground headquarters that held the prisoners. She stuck her head past the wall we were hiding behind and quickly flung her head back to its original position. Her breath quickened and her eyes widened.

"What did you see?" Leo asked, attempting to look around the corner. Y/N quickly pulled him back against the wall.

"Don't make a sound. They might hear us," she pointed over her shoulder.

"Who will?" my brother and I inquired at the same time. She motioned for us to stay quiet once again and laid her head against the wall. Just then, all three of our phones buzzed to life, and of course my ringtone wasn't completely silenced.

Pink lasers started to shoot from behind the wall, through the open hall. Y/N lightly screamed and ducked out the way. I held her and the three of us moved out of the way.

"Kraang, the one known as the intruders must be captured for Shredder."

"The Kraang are here too?" she nodded her head at Leo's question. She unsheathed her (weapon) and charged down the opposite corridor.

"Is she crazy? She might get hurt!" Leo unsheathed his katanas.

"No she's simply amazing," I grabbed my sais and charged in after her. Leo muttered something under his breath, but I couldn't hear him due to the distance between us.

There were about thirty Kraang to take down, which didn't take long. Once that was finished, Y/N hacked into a computer that the Kraang had installed there the same way she previously did. I walked up to her, Leo trailing not too far behind. She carefully shut down the brainwashing program and opened the cells holding the inmates. All crept out with confusion plastered on their faces, except for one. He charged at us with his single katana raised.

"Uncle (U/N)?" Y/N stood dumbfounded as he continually closed the distance between us.

"Hold on (U/N). I want to take care of them myself," a voice boomed from behind us. We all turn around to find none other than the Shredder himself. (U/N) stopped charging and stood next to Shredder. "Y/N it's so nice to finally see you again."

"I don't understand. Shouldn't he have his memory back?" I muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Do you actually think I would only use a brainwashing chip on him? I knew you would come sooner or later which is one of the reasons I had Stockman whip up a few more of those brain worms. You have some personal experience in that field, Raphael." I shuddered at the memory.

"I've waited years to get my uncle back, and you won't stand in my way Shredder. I'm getting my uncle back," Y/N looked up with a hateful glare.

"Y/N what are you doing?" Leo grabbed her wrist. She pulled away and ran towards Shredder with her (weapon) raised.

"Y/N no don't!" I yelled after her.

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