Part 14

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Karthik’s POV.
Dammit Keerti.How could she even say such a thing at that time ?!!
No doubt she was drunk. I just felt so pissed off. I mean we were supposed to keep the truth away from Naira for a while. At least the truth that we were getting engaged !!

Naksh was still trying to get her down, while everyone just cheered on. I looked around and saw Naira, tears forming in her eyes. She kept on looking at the floor. I tried to say something, to think of some lie, but then she looked up at me, and again I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t lie to those eyes who were so innocently asking for the truth.

Before I could digest everything, Naira stormed outside. Seriously, what’s happening in my life ?!! I just followed her outside and decided to confront her.

‘Maybe this could change things.’ I thought.

“Naira !! stop !!” I said and she stopped immediately.
Her eyes were full of tears, confusion was written all over her face and I felt really bad for her. I couldn’t imagine myself in her shoes.

“Naira I’m really sorry about what happened in there. Keerti has the habit of talking rubbish at times.” I said laughing dryly so as to make the mood a little lighter.

“Was that true ?!!” She asked, her eyes not leaving mine even for a moment. It was impossible to lie to her, but at the same time, I didn’t want to put any kind of pressure on her.

“Was that true ?!!” She asked again, louder this time and my silence said everything. It was true. It is true.

She looked away. What have I done ?!! I had no clue about what was going to come next. How was she going to react ?!! Will she remember everything ?!!

“I don’t know what’s happening to me. I don’t remember anything !! I don’t know what to do and I feel so helpless !!” She cried. I felt broken. My heart ached at the site of her crying.

“I know. I understand…” I said, but she just cut me off.

“No, you don’t !! Nobody does !! It’s not easy to wake up one day and just forget who you are, your friends, your life, everything !! Everyday, every f**king day since I’ve come home, I’ve tried to remember things. But nothing comes to me. Everything is just blank !! And now bhabi tells me that a guy I hardly know is my fiancé ?!! How do you understand that ?!! Nobody can, because nobody here is in my shoes right now !!” She yelled.

I sighed as she broke down. I so wanted to go and hug her and comfort her and tell her that things are going to be okay. But at that time, staying away seemed like a right choice.

“It’s not your fault,Naira. I know you’re going through a lot and its hard for you to remember things, but I just want you to know that nobody’s going to force you into anything. If my staying away from you, makes you feel better, I’ll do that. I won’t come near you. Take all time you want, but I’ll always be there for you.” I said.

That was the best thing I could say at that time to make her feel better. She nodded a little, and wiped her tears.

“I need to go home,please.” She said.

“I’ll drive you home, alright ?!! Now c’mon !!” I said. She hesitated a bit at first but then started walking.

As I was driving her home she looked outside at the empty streets of Udaipur.

“Can I ask you something ?!!” She asked.

“Anything you want.” I replied with a smile. I felt a little relieved as she was at least on talking terms with me.

“How long,I mean how long we were like…you and me ?!!.” She asked and I understood what she meant. I wasn’t just sure was it the right time to tell her about us.

“Don’t worry. I’m okay. I just wanted to know.” She said, probably noticing my worried face.

I sighed. “Since we were eighteen.” I said and she gasped.

“What ?!! Eighteen ?!!” She asked, amused.

“Yup, in fact we were best friends before getting into a relationship.” I said as the conversation got a little lighter. I was no more worried about how would she react.

“Really ?!! I don’t remember anything.” She said.

“I want to know everything. What happened actually ?!!” She asked, curiously.

“We kinda started dating.” I said and stopped at that part. She looked confused as well as amused. Before she could ask me anymore questions, I stopped the car in front of her house.

“What are you thinking ?!!” I couldn’t help but just ask her.

“Nothing. It’s just that,I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier. I was just frustrated with everything going on and the engagement thing was a bonus.” She said.

“Don’t worry about anything. Just take care of yourself and don’t try to force yourself into remembering things. There’s no hurry.” I said. She nodded and gave a weak smile.

“So go home now, and take some rest, okay ?!!” I said.

“Yeah I will.” She said and paused.
“We’ll meet again, right ?!!” She added. I smiled and nodded.

“Ofcourse. Give me a call whenever you want to and I’ll be there.” I said, assuring her.

“Okay. Goodnight.” She said and got out. As she went inside, I sighed and thanked God for not making things worse. All I could do now, was hope for her to get better soon…….

Even if she doesn’t remember a thing and has forgotten me completely I’ll keep reminding her every day. Every single day I’ll tell her how much I love her, and I’ll never lose hope.

Naira’s POV.
Everyone was moving on in life, trying to take out time for family as well as work. Everyone was busy with their own thing and here I was, trying to put my life back together. Trying to remember things.

I didn’t see or meet Karthik since that night which was three days ago. It looked like he just,disappeared. He said he would stay away from me if I say so. But I don’t think I said anything like that. Did I want him to stay away ?!!

Accept it or not, I was pretty sure that we did have something before. That night everybody at the party seemed familiar to me, but him, I felt like I had a deep connection with him. It was pretty hard to digest the fact that we were almost engaged but somewhere I was glad, I came to know about it.

Currently I sat in my room with a bunch of papers scattered on my desk. I kept playing with my table lamp, switching it on and off continuously. The rest of the room was dark and it was raining outside.

As I sat there staring into the dark and playing with the light switch, a sudden thought popped into my mind. ‘Call me whenever you need anything.’ He’d said.
Yes, I was thinking about Karthik and what he had said the other night. ‘Maybe he can help me out of this ?!!’ I thought.

I grabbed my phone from the desk. The phone which I had hardly used since the accident. I unlocked it and went straightway to contact list. I typed Karthik and his name flashed on the screen. I had saved it as ‘Heartbeat (Karthik)’
‘Heartbeat ?!!’ ‘
I loved him so much ?!!’ I wondered. But I was also a bit relieved I had his number. I pressed the contact number with trembling hands. I didn’t know whether this was the right thing to do or not, but I had to talk to him in order to feel better.

To my surprise, he picked up at the third ring itself. “Hello ?!!” I heard his voice and froze.

What to say now ?!! What is he going to think about me if I ask him about coming over ?!!

“Hello ?!! Naira ?!! Are you there?!!” He asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“hi.” I said in the smallest voice possible.

“Hi.Is everything okay ?!!” He asked.

“Oh yeah,everything’s cool” I said, nervously.

There was a long pause. Did he hang up ?!!

He laughed a little. “Okay okay. What do you want ?!!” He asked. He knew me so well.

I sighed. “Well I was just trying to figure out everything, you know ?!! But unfortunately I don’t remember anything. So I thought maybe you could help ?!!”

“Maybe ?!! Ofcourse I’ll help. Don’t worry. I’ll come over in around twenty minutes.” He said as shuffling was heard behind.

“It’s pouring outside. Don’t drive now,it’s dangerous.” I said.

“Don’t worry about that. I’m used to it. I’ll be there, okay. Bye.” He said and hung up.

Phew !! I sighed, knowing that it was over and hated myself for being so stupid in front of him.

Not more than twenty minutes had passed and the doorbell rang. I opened the door only to see Karthik a little drenched.

“I told you not to drive in the storm. Come in !!” I said leading him inside.

Knowing that he would be cold, because of driving all the way to my house, I had already prepared hot Tea for him. That was the least I could do for him.

“Drink it. Or else you are gonna catch cold.” I said handing him the cup.

He gave me a blank look for a second or so and gladly took it.

As we sat down, I can’t explain what I felt at that moment. There was silence. Nobody spoke, but that silence was comforting as well as awkward. I know I sound pathetic but that’s how I felt.!!

“So what do you want to know ?!!” He asked breaking the ice between us.

“Everything. Like what did I do ?!! What were my likes and dislikes ?!! “I said. He nodded understanding.

“well you liked listening to music and Dancing. I still remember when we were going shopping and there was a traffic jam on the road because of a Barrat. You had gotten out of car and started dancing with the baratis as well !!” He said and laughed at the last part.
Did I really do that ?!! I also laughed along, as I got more comfortable. When he told about that day, I felt like I wanted to know more. I wanted to know more about us, I guess.

“I’m sure it must have been a funny day. What else did we do ?!!” I asked. He smiled like he had been expecting me to ask that question since forever.

“A lot of things !! It’s hard to remember one day with you which wasn’t eventful. Once we had gone to see this action flick, and during the climax when the hero started beating up the bad guy. You got up from your seat and started whistling. It was so embarassing as well as hilarious.” He said as if remembering a very forlon memory !!

He told me alot about the funny and embarrassing moment we had. I almost died laughing when he explained me everything.

Soon the laughter died down and slowly I felt tears forming in my eyes. I wish I could remember everything. I wish I knew about my old life, about every person in my life. Not wanting to be noticed, I wiped the tears with my sleeve, before they could fall down. But unfortunately I was noticed, and in the next moment, Karthik was sitting beside me.

I don’t know what got into me but I just wanted to be held. I wanted someone to tell that it’s all going to be okay and then, as if God had heard my prayers, I felt two strong arms wrapping me in a warm and comfortable hug.

“Hey,it’s okay, babe. Dont cry. Everything’s gonna be okay. I promise.” He said rocking me back and forth.

“I feel so alone. Like you remember everything we did, everywhere we went, but when I try to remember.It’s all gone !! There’s nothing.” I said holding onto him tighter. I felt so safe and protected. Like this was where I belonged.

“I know, jaan. But I also know you’re strong. You’re my brave girl, alright. And you’re gonna fight through this. And remember one thing,you’re not alone. Even if I’m not with you, I’ll always be by your side. No matter what !!” He said. His words just melted my heart instantly.

How can somebody love someone so much ?!! Specially when they know they’re forgotten !!

I nodded and cried into his chest for the next few minutes. I felt good to be in his arms, but I also felt bad for him. I knew the smile he had put on was just a show off. I knew he wasn’t happy with the way things were turning out to be. He was sad and the reason behind his sadness was ME.

I slowly, let him go, breaking the hug.
“Don’t cry babe.Be strong. I know you and I do have faith in you. This is just a bad patch in our lives,you know like these dark rainy days. But soon it’s gonna fade away. There will be light and we are gonna find a way through dark. All we have to do, is not lose hope.” He said wiping my face. I muttered a thank you and he smiled in return.

Being with him, laughing, having fun even on this dark and depressing rainy day, I felt alive. I felt like this life, which I was living, was one more chance I had gotten. One more opportunity which knocked my door. What mattered was the present, and in this present, I knew I was getting attracted towards him.

After the laughter died down.There was only sound of wind and rain pouring outside. I looked at him only to realize that he was already looking at me.

I don’t know what got over me, and my hand automatically made it’s way towards his hand. He locked his fingers with mine and I was moving closer towards him. I could feel fireworks going on around me. I was robbed out of sound and sight. All I could hear was my heart beating like a drum and all I could see was Karthik. His beautiful eyes locked with mine, making me numb. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t speak and this feeling it was familiar !!

He broke his gaze and looked away. I inched a little closer to him and smashed my lips on his. He didn’t hesitate and kissed me back. I didn’t want to forget this one thing..this one person..Karthik !!

I got goosebumps as he parted away. He looked back at me, his eyes not leaving me for a moment and said,

“I love you..”

I didn’t know what to say ?!! Do I love him ?!! I liked him. I was attracted towards him, but I wasn’t in love with him. I stayed quite and waited for him to speak up.

He smiled.

“It’s okay. Take your time.” He said and kissed my forehead. I puked him in for a hug. I don’t know how long we sat there, hugging each other, but it felt good……..

Karthik’s POV.

She sat beside me, head on my shoulders, while I wrapped my arms around her.

“I’m cold.” She complained. I smiled and pulled her close.

“Are you now ?!!” I asked. She shook her head and laughed.

I dont know for how long we sat there, cuddling with each other. But it seemed like world outside didnt exist. It was just me and her. We were inside my house, in the living room and it was raining outside.

“I love you.” She blurted out all of a sudden. I kissed the top of her head.

“I know. I love you too,Naira.” I said.

Just as she was about to say something, the front door burst open, revealing a dark shadowy figure.

We got up as the shadow approached us. Naira grabbed my hand, and I gave it a squeeze saying everything’s gonna be okay, and that there was nothing to be afraid of.

As the figure came close, under the lights, we could see his face. His dark, black eyes, were full of anger, and it seemed as if he was going to kill somebody. He walked towards us, and the moment I saw his face, I froze.

Rithvik !!

It was Him standing there like some serial killer from a movie. There was pin-drop silence in the whole house. All we could hear was the sound of the rain along with the thundering.

Rithvik smirked and looked at Naira. She was confused. Just like me.

“Say your goodbyes,Naira.You won’t be seeing him anymore.” Rithvik said as he removed a gun from the back, and pointed it towards me.

“Rithvik !! No !! please don’t do this.” Naira begged, while I stood there frozen. Rithvik was going to kill me ?!! For what ?!!

“I should’ve done this long before. But they say ‘Its never too late.’ Goodbye Karthik !!” He said, before pulling the trigger.

A loud banging, deafening sound surrounded me. I couldn’t hear a single thing, and also, I couldn’t feel any pain in my body. Is this how it feels when you’re shot ?!!

I opened my eyes, which were closed only to see something I never wanted to see…

She was lying on the floor, lifeless, in a pool of blood.

I cried. ” Naira ?!! No, no, please, get up, babe. Please don’t do this, please get up.”

And she laid in my arms lifeless. Her body was ice cold and pale. I cried, holding her against my body…..

I shot my eyes open only to be surrounded by an unfamiliar atmosphere. I wasn’t in my living room. It wasn’t raining outside. Rithvik wasn’t here. Naira wasnt here too !!

That was a dream. I sighed and sat up straight, trying to process everything. I saw Rithvik. Rithvik tried to kill me. But Naira died.Wait, she DIED ?!!

I panicked. What if it was all real ?!! I quickly grabbed my phone, and dialled Naira’s number. I didn’t even care whether she was awake or not. I just needed to listen to her voice.

It rang. C’mon, pick up. I mumbled, biting my nails, but her phone kept on ringing. She wasn’t answering !!

What the hell. She never ignored my call. Worried enough, I was about to call her again, but my phone started ringing itself.

Jaan calling…

“Naira, are you okay ?!! Why can’t you just pick up your phone when it rings ?!!” I exclaimed angrily.

“Whoa. Chill, are you okay ?!!” She asked and I felt relief wash over me after hearing her voice again. I sighed.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have,I just had a bad dream. But are you sure, you’re okay ?!!” I asked, once again to confirm that what I saw was only a dream.

“Hey, dont worry. I’m fine. What could possibly happen to me after surviving such a terrible accident ?!!” She said.

“Okay, good. I’ll talk to you later, okay ?!! I need to clear my head. I’m sorry.” I said and hung up.

What a scary dream that was. It was really hard to get it out of my head.

“Don’t think about it, Karthik. Its just a nightmare. Forget it.” I said to myself and decided to keep myself busy and not think about that nightmare. I mean, the important thing was Naira was alive and fine, right ?!! Nothing else mattered….

Precap : Naira worried about Karthik. Naira planning a sleepover with Keerti’s help to distract Karthik . Everything is ready but there’s no sign of Karthik. Will he come ?!!

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