Part 15

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Naira’s POV.
He had a nightmare about me ?!!

He sounded so worried. Was he going to be okay ?!! I didn’t think so. I knew he’d think about the nightmare all day. I was really worried about him now.

Just then when I was thinking about how to cheer him up, an idea crossed my mind. A Sleepover.
We could have a sleepover tonight. Mumma and papa were anyway out of town and it was only me,bhai and bhabi. Maybe it would help him out.

I immediately called bhabi, she had gone to krishna to help bhai since it was a festive season and the clients were coming in huge numbers. I loved how she always had the back of bhai. Though I didn’t remember their love story and wedding, I was now sure that she was perfect for my bhai !!

“Hello. How are you feeling now ?!! Did you have your lunch ?!! Have you taken the medicines ?!!”She said in her cheerful voice without giving me time to answer.

“Yeah. Yeah. Bhabi I have had my lunch and my medicines as well. Actually I needed some help !!” I said.

“Go on.” She said.

“Actually since mumma and papa are not in town I was thinking of planning a sleepover !! I wanted to invite Karthik !!” I said, and she gasped.

“Ooooh !! Then me and naksh would have dinner at a hotel. We don’t wanna be the third wheel.” She said. I smiled as I felt heat rising up my cheeks.

“No, it’s nothing like that. I want you guys to be there. Actually Karthik called this morning, and he was pretty frustrated because of some nightmare he had last night. I just want to make him feel better, you know ?!!” I said. Keerti bhabi laughed from the other side.

Was I being too weird ?!!

“Awww !! That’s so sweet of you. Don’t worry me and naksh would be home soon. Also Don’t stress yourself by making something to eat or by cleaning the house. I will do it after coming home.” She said.
“Yes, mam. Anyway I wouldn’t take the risk of entering the kitchen and making something as I know I can only create a mess out of it !!” I said and she laughed at my cooking skills.

“Okay, Bye. Come soon.” I said and hung up.

I couldn’t wait anymore. I hope my plan works out and he feels better…

Karthik’s POV.

The sun was shining bright outside. Last night was probably one of the best night I’d spent with Naira, but also it brought back the horrible nightmare which was haunting me since the morning.

It was terribly a long and tiring day, and the clock seemed to hate me now. I had nothing to do, but sit and wait for the day to pass.

As I sat in my room, taking out my anger, on anything and everything, my phone rang. I wasn’t in a mood to talk to anyone.

I picked up, only to be greeted by a cheerful voice.
“Hello !! What’s up ?!!” It was Naira.

“Nothing much. What’s up with you ?!!” I asked, trying not to be rude in anything. As she sounded happy and I didn’t want to make her feel bad by telling her I wasn’t in a mood to talk.

“What’s up is that, you have to come to my place tonight. It’s kind of a sleepover. Bhai and bhabi are going to be there as well. But no excuses, haan. You’ve to come.” She said.

Sleepover ?!! Isn’t it what kids do ?!! I smiled at the way she directly ordered me to come. She sounded like MY Naira now. All fiesty and stubborn !!

“Sleepover ?!! What’s so special tonight ?!!” I asked.

“You’ll see. But for that, you’ve to come.” She said.

“Okay, I’ll be there.” I said and I could picture her doing a happy dance. After that, she hung up in a hurry.

It’s funny, how irritated I was a few minutes ago, and how better I was feeling right now. Sometimes, just hearing someone’s voice can make you feel better, and here I was getting a ray of hope…….

Naira may not be remembering anything, but at least she was trying to make new memories. I hadn’t seen such a strong girl in my life. She was very different from others and that’s what I loved about her.

All the memories we had, she had, may have left her. But the positivity inside her, her strength, her perspective about living life had not left her and it’ll never leave her !!

Naira’s POV.

I and bhai sat in the living room between a bunch full of DVD’s selecting a movie to watch.Bhabi was making popcorn in the kitchen, and Karthik hadn’t arrived yet. He was late…

I don’t know why, but I was starting to feel nervous. What if he doesn’t come ?!! What if he’s really upset with whatever nightmare he had ?!! Will he be okay ?!! I started overthinking and didn’t even realize that I was pacing around the room in a very weird manner.

“Naira stop worrying about him, okay ?!! He said, he’ll come, right ?!! So he will.” Keerti bhabi said grabbing me by my shoulders.
I stopped pacing around and gave her a weak smile. But that didn’t seem to convince her that I was fine, because even she knew I wasn’t fine.

“Okay, so you don’t know how happy you made him when you called him over for tonight. Trust me Naira, he’s going to be here soon.” She said, assuring me, when suddenly, the bell rang. He’s here !!

“Told you.” Keerti bhabi mumbled and I walked away to open the door.

There he was, standing at the doorway, in his tracks and t-shirt along with a hoodie. How did he even manage to look so good in such simple clothes ?!!

“You’re late. I thought you’d never show up.” I said, leaning against the door.

He smiled. “But I did.”

“I’m glad that you did.” I said.
I hadn’t really told him about the actual reason behind this so-called sleepover. I just told him that mumma and papa were out of town and bhai and bhabi wanted to spend some time with him !!

Naira’s POV.

As me and Karthik walked inside the house. Bhai and bhabi were now fighting and yapping each other’s ears off about which movie to watch.Keerti bhabi suggested ‘DDLJ’, and bhai ofcourse denied.

“Do they fight like this, always ?!!” I asked Karthik who acted as if it was no big deal.

“All the time.” He replied.

Bhabi’s head shot up as she heard Karthik’s voice. She got up to greet him. Right now, I was surrounded by two cute boys and a mad girl !!

“Finally you showed up !! Naira was so nervous before you came. She must’ve asked me a hundred times – will he come ?!! When will he come ?!! What if he doesn’t come ?!!” Keerti bhabi said in an over dramatic tone. You weren’t supposed to say that !!

I sighed and looked around the room and everywhere but at Karthik. I knew he was already looking at me, making me more and more nervous.
He laughed once and asked, “Really ?!! Was I missed that much ?!!” I flushed red and punched his arm playfully.

“Missed ?!! Dude she planned this whole sleepover thing only for you. Only so that you won’t be anymore stressed out because of that nightmare you had.” She said waving her hand in air.
Karthik’s eyes widened and his jaw practically dropped after hearing that. I just wanted to go and hide myself underground !!

Keerti bhabi,who was obviously unaware of whatever was going on, went back to where bhai sat. I guess I knew this was gonna happen !!

“So you did all this for me ?!!” He asked. For no reason, my heart started thumping. I had nothing to say now.

Yes, I did it for him. But I didn’t have courage to speak up.

“Thank you.” He spoke, probably understanding my condition. The corners of his lips turned upwards, and he gave me the sweetest smile ever.

“No that’s fine !! I mean, you were there for me when I needed you last night, so I couldn’t really let you be alone when you needed someone.” I managed to say after gaining my voice back.

He nodded and just pulled me into a hug. A really warm, cosy and friendly hug. I could hold onto him forever, but that’s just impossible.

As soon as he released me, we heard loud noises. I rolled my eyes to look at the oh-so-perfect-couple, fighting.

“You don’t want to see ‘DDLJ’ because you know, Naksh you cry like a girl !!” Bhabi said. Bhai, who was so confident some time ago hesitated for a moment.

“I dont. It’s just a really,stupid film.” He said.
Bhabi smirked and snatched the DVD from him. Karthik and I sat on the sofa, waiting for the argument to end, as he put an arm around my shoulder. I smiled and snuggled up to him. We were clearly not interested in taking part in the conversation or the argument going on. But bhabi wasn’t going to let go so easily, was she ?!!

“Naira you tell me which one’s better –DDLJ or this rubbish !!” She said pointing at the two DVDs. One was DDLJ and the other was Dhoom !!

“Dhoom ?!! No way !! I better watch DDLJ” I said.

On that, Bhai snapped. “How boring. What about you, bro ?!!” He asked, looking at Karthik, who seemed least interested in the conversation. But now, I was kinda involved. I didn’t want to see Dhoom at any cost !!

Karthik looked at Bhai, then at Keerti bhabi and then at me. I don’t know what he saw but I was practically begging him with my eyes to say ‘DDLJ’.

He stared at me for a good five seconds and then looked back at Bhai.

“ I vote for DDLJ” He said. He looked at me at the last part and winked.

I blushed, as Bhai made a gagging sound. Bhabi did a little happy dance, and put the movie on.

Three hours and none of us had moved from our seats. I was snuggled up on the couch with Karthik, while Bhai and bhabi were snuggled up on the beanbag. I could hear faint sobs from there. No doubt it was Bhai. He was so adorable sometimes !! I felt sad for a moment that I had no memory of the last time when he had cried watching this movie.

As soon as the movie got over and the screen turned black, I sighed.

Eventually, we were back to normal – joking around and stuff. I came out of the washroom and ducked suddenly, as I saw a small cushion being thrown at my face. Thankfully, I ducked, but it hit Bhabi at her face.
oops !! And the person who threw it was bhai.

I laughed as bhabi looked at bhai with a what-the-hell expression. She picked up a pillow lying nearby, and aimed it at bhai. Karthik was nowhere around as they continued with their pillow-fight. It was fun !!

I sat aside, enjoying every bit of the fight. Bhai was continuously attacking bhabi with a pillow while she guarded herself with three little cushions.

Suddenly my eyes fell on a big fluffy pillow lying beside me. ‘Why not have some more fun ?!!’ I thought and picked up the pillow.

I aimed it at Keerti bhabi and threw it at her, but to my bad luck she didn’t even notice. How could she ?!! The pillow didn’t even hit her !!

Yes, it didn’t. In fact, it hit somebody else and that was none other than Karthik. He was standing in between Bhabi and me,with his back facing towards me. I gasped as soon as I realized what had happened.

He turned around and I actually froze on the spot. He was walking towards me slowly as he picked up a pillow and smirked.

“Oh no. No listen Karthik, I didn’t mean to hit you.” I tried convincing him to stop, but he just walked closer.

I took a step backwards and kept walking away from him, but he was only coming close.

” I’m sorry !!” I said walking backward until I felt something crash against my back ,a wall.

Great. I’m dead !!

Before I could say anything else, he stopped. He stopped a few feet away from me. I sighed with relief,but how wrong was I ?!!

He smirked, as I looked away and then suddenly threw a pillow right at my face. What. The. Hell.

“Hawww !! You’re so dead.” I said grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him. Well, he caught it. But I wasn’t giving up.

I threw another pillow at him. Poor Karthik failed to catch it and got hit on the face. I laughed harder as he almost jumped on me with a pillow.

Soon we were not only throwing pillow at each other but we’d also created a big mess in the house.

I don’t know for how long the pillow fight went on, but undoubtedly, I was having the time of my life. I felt alive and, hopeful. All was going to be okay soon or so I thought…….

Karthik’s POV.
I sighed and laid back on the couch. One problem hadn’t solved but another had come up now. I was going to New York for three weeks. I had to. As much as I dreaded going there, it was my dad’s dream deal. I couldn’t leave my dad’s dream. I loved him but I also loved Naira. It seemed really tough to leave her alone after the accident.
As I was thinking about how and when to tell Naira about it, my phones ringtone brought me back to life !!

‘Jaan’ calling.
I had to tell her that I was leaving which was really a difficult task. Really difficult.

“Hi listen, I need to talk to you.” I said as soon as I picked up. But I couldn’t hear her.All I heard was noises of car honking, people talking.

“Naira, are you there ?!!” I asked.

“Karthik !! Where are you ?!!” She asked and I could sense something was really wrong.

“I’m home. But wait, where are you ?!!” I asked.

“I dont know !! I came here to the… I don’t know what place this is but I’m lost !! I can’t find a way back and I don’t know what to do !!” She cried.

Shit. . .

I quickly got up and grabbed the car keys.

“Naira,just calm down.okay ?!! Don’t worry, I’m coming !! Just tell me, where are you ?!!” I spoke, as calmly as possible, while wearing my shoes.

“I don’t know !!” She yelled.

“Okay, okay. Listen. Just tell me the landmark like a store nearby, or a café, a mall or anything you see.” I said, rushing out.

She paused for a moment and I guessed she was looking around.

“Yeah, yeah there’s a park over her. Lakeside park !!” She said.

I let out a sigh of relief, as I realized that it was the same park where Naira and I used to meet before.Where I had taken her before she was supposed to go to london. It’s sad, that she didn’t remember it but all I could see now was her. She was probably freaking out there alone and I had to go and find her.

“Okay, I know that place. Don’t worry, okay ?!! I’ll be there in fifteen minutes, maximum. Just stay there and wait for me !!” I said as I drove to the Lakeside park.

It was almost 10:30 pm.I looked at both the sides of road, for Naira.

I parked my car outside the park,which was closed, but Naira was nowhere to be seen.
‘I told her to wait here.’ I thought.
Just then I heard some noise !!

The sound which seemed like someone was sobbing. I followed it and there I was near a small, dark bench.I could easily see a girl, sitting on the ground, holding her knees to her chest and crying. It wasn’t too difficult to guess who it was.

“Naira ?!!” I said slowly. I didn’t want to scare her or startle her !!

She snapped her head up as soon as she heard my voice. Her eyes were red and puffy because of crying. She quickly got up as I opened my arms a little, as if inviting her in. She ran and just held on to me tight.

“I’m sorry.I don’t know how I got lost. It’s just that I came out for a walk and forgot the way back home. I didn’t know whom to call.I’m sorry !!” She cried. She looked really scared.

“Hey, it’s okay. It happens. You’re okay now, I’m here and you’re safe. Don’t worry.Relax.” I said, rubbing her head, trying to calm her down. But she just held on and cried.

I let her do so. Because, sometimes when you cry, you let all your worries and pain and suffering flow away with the tears. You feel lighter. You feel good. Like a huge burden has been taken away from your shoulders. So this is nothing to be embarrassed about this is nothing to feel bad about. This is something to feel proud about – that you’re strong enough to cry your heart out, let the tears carry away your pain, and then move on with life.

Naira had calmed down after a while. She cried, I held her. I didn’t say anything. I knew she only wanted to be comforted and I did that.

“I’m sorry. I must’ve freaked you out. I’m sorry for the trouble.” She said, looking at me.

“I understand and there’s nothing to be sorry about. You just got lost and asked for help. That’s it. It’s okay.” I said putting an arm around her shoulder and leading her back to the car.

As we stood outside, I opened the door for her. She didn’t go in, she stopped and looked at me. For a moment,Just for a moment, I thought my old Naira was back.

“I never thanked you, Karthik. I’m just so grateful to have you.” She said.

A smile formed on my lips as she continued.

“I say it all the time that it’s hard for me to cope up with this situation, but I never thought how hard it is for you. I mean just knowing the fact that the person you love doesn’t remember anything about you. I don’t know how you deal with it.” She said. I didn’t know what to say to her now.

Naira came a little closer, closing the gap between us. Resting her hand on my cheek she said,

“Those eyes of yours,they’re so beautiful. But they’re not happy. That smile of yours,it could light anybody’s world. But it’s just a show off. A mask that you’re wearing and I don’t want that. I may not remember anything about you,about us,but that look in your eyes,its like you’re always searching for those lost memories in my eyes.And when you don’t find them,you hide it with a smile saying its okay. Why would you do that ?!!” she asked.

My heart just skipped a beat after hearing those words. She knew me so well !!

“Because I love you. I always have. I can accept the fact that you don’t remember me. But I can never accept the fact that your heart doesn’t remember me. I know, it does, because there was a time you loved me. And I believe, there will be a time, when you’ll love me again.” I said. I didn’t even realize that a tear had slipped down my eye. She smiled and wiped it off with her sleeve.

“I really hope that time comes soon.” She said.
I kissed the top of her head and she hopped inside. So did I, as I drove her back home.

We stood outside her house as suddenly something struck me. The trip !! Dammit. I hadn’t yet told her about the trip, and now, after what happened today, I felt even more miserable. More irresponsible and heartless to leave her alone again.

“Naira ?!!” I stopped her midway as she was walking in her house. I guess I knew what was going to happen next.

“I need to tell you something.” I started. She nodded as I took a deep breath. Here I go.

“I’m going to New York for three weeks.” I said hoping she wouldn’t hear the last part. But as I saw her face, it was blank.

“When ?!!”She asked bluntly.

“Tomorrow.” I said trying to make out whatever she was thinking. But it only came harder to me as her expression changed from blank, to sad, to angry. Yeah, she was angry !!

She turned her back without saying anything and started walking back.

“Naira,stop please.I’m sorry, okay ?!! I should’ve told you before…”I said but she cut me off.

“Did I say anything ?!!” She asked again in the same blunt tone. But she was clearly not okay.

“No.” I said.

“No. I didn’t. Because you’ve already made your decision.” She said. It had started, She was angry now and I couldn’t see anything good ahead of this.

“It’s not like that !! I’ve to go because it’s my job !! I’ve to attend this meeting. I hate to leave you but I can’t stay back.” I said.

She sighed.

“Fine.You know for those last twenty minutes back in the car, I felt like I was getting hope. I was so sure that you were not leaving me alone,never. But guess what ?!! You just did !!” She said, while I just stood there, trying to explain myself. There was no use anyways, because somewhere she was right.

“Jaan, don’t say that. I haven’t left you. I never will. I’m just away for a few days.” I said.

“Three weeks is not a few days !! Just go Karthik.I guess I was wrong in trusting you. Just go !!” She said. My heart ached after hearing that. She was pushing me away !!

“I can’t leave like this. I need to make sure you’d be okay.” I said.

She laughed lightly, like sarcastically and said,

“You would be leaving me, and you really want me to be okay ?!! because I won’t be okay !! I just need you, okay ?!! Please, just stay.” She pleaded.

“I’m always there for you.” I said holding her hand. But she pushed me away.

“No !! Not like this !! I want you here, with me. You promised you’d always be there and now you’re breaking that promise !!” She cried.

And before I could speak, she wiped her tears, brimming from the corner of her eye, and composed herself.

“You said you love me right ?!! Then you’ll have to choose it’s either me or this work.” She said.

Oh God, why ?!! It’s impossible to chose. What do I say to her ?!! It’s my dad’s last dream. What do I do to make her realize how much I love her ?!!

I kept quiet, while she just looked away, probably realizing what my silence meant. It meant, I’m going to fulfil my dad’s last wish, and I’m not leaving it. But why she couldn’t understand that I love her, and I would never even think about leaving her.

“See ?!! I knew that. So don’t worry. Go. But don’t you ever dare talk to me again. I thought we had something. I thought maybe we could just work things out but I dont think that’s gonna happen.” She said.

No way. No. She can’t just leave me !! What is wrong with her !! I love her for God’s sake.She should see that too.

“Please don’t say that.Don’t do this to me again. I can’t live without you, Naira. I love you.” I said. She gave me a hard and cold look, which hurt me like a thousand knives stabbing my heart.

“It’s ended this before it started. Goodbye Karthik.” She said and turned her back, walking away.

I stood there like a statue, frozen, yet numb and weak. I didn’t know what to do, where to go.
I was just lost.

Precap :Miserable and angry Naira. Sad and heartbroken Karthik. Naksh cheering up his best friend. Naira meeting Rithvik. Rithvik messing up Naira’s Mind. Kartik coming back after three weeks!! Kartik calling naira; Kartik meeting  changed naira!!!

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