Part 7

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Naira’s POV.

Once we were out of the house Karthik locked the house and caught hold of my hand. It was unusual and a very good feeling. To hold hands like before. I could feel the butterflies in the pit of my stomach. Karthik was causing me to blush everytime we touched or even looked at each other. It was like relieving the first few days of our relationship all over again.
I expected him to get into his car but he didn’t. Instead he walked past it and lead me to his bike.There was no way I was going home on that. Neither was he. I backed out immediately.

“We are not going on that.” I stated.

“What ?!! But why ?!! I bought this one last week. I haven’t even taken a proper ride. Besides I wanted to take you with me.” Said Karthik. I rolled my eyes.

“No. Try to remember the last time we went on a bike ride together. I almost lost you, Karthik. That day you promised me that you would never ride a bike again. Then what is this ?!!” I was annoyed.

He sighed. “I know jaan. But that was just an accident. okay ?!! I was a careless teen back then. I promise I ll be careful this time.” He assured. I couldn’t buy it anyway.

“Its not about being careful. Its just, I dont know. I can’t forget that incident.” I said. I was too restless even to stand in a place. But Karthik caught a hold of me, grabbing me by my shoulders.

“Calm down Naira. That was two years ago. We are gonna be fine. Do you trust me ?!!” He asked.
“I do but..” I tried saying.

“Then its final. No buts. We are going on a ride. Now c’mon !!” He cut me off and hopped on the bike. My hands were as cold as ice. My whole body was numb as I debated whether I should join him or not. I had to. Still unsure, I sat beside him. My arms wrapped behind his back as I clutched on him tight.

“You better hold on tight babe. You are gonna have fun !!” He said putting on the helmet.
“I don’t think so.” I muttered barely above the whisper as he started the engine.
I just closed my eyes and buried my face in his shoulders. Soon we picked up speed and touched the highway. I could feel the wind on my face. It was so cold outside due to the sudden shower. I shivered and somehow dared to open my eyes. The road was empty. The sky was dark. I could feel the fresh air on my face. The smell of the wet soil. I was finding myself relaxing. Slowly, I let go of Karthik and spread my arms wide open. I felt like a free bird. It wasn’t as bad and scary as I had assumed. I shook my head and laughed at how silly I was, getting scared for no reason. Just like he had said Karthik dropped me outside my home safely. I got down with a smile on my face.

“How was it ?!!” He asked taking off his helmet.

“Not bad. I had fun.” I said.

“Told you. You should start listening to me now.” He chuckled.

“Whatever.Go now.” I said and headed inside when he grabbed my hand and spun me around. He planted a soft peck on my cheek which sent shivers down my spine. I flushed deep red.

“What are you doing ?!! Someone might see us.” I whispered trying to get out of his grip. But he only pulled me closer.

“I don’t care.” He said while I was smiling like a love struck teenager.

“There are people here, who know us. You just can’t kiss me like that in public.” I said.

“Am I allowed to do so in private ?!!” He asked innocently. But I knew he was already imagining scenarios in his little devil mind. I let out a giggle and nodded.

“Mendhak, please let me go.” I pleaded.

“I want my kiss first.” He said.

“You want it here ?!! In front of everyone ?!!” I asked, amused. He nodded at my question.

“No just go. Before anyone recognises you.” I laughed.

“But that’s not fair.” He protested.

“But everything is fair in love. Now go !!” I ushered him off. He narrowed his eyes and threw a look full of attitude.

“Whatever. Don’t call me later to say how much you miss me.” He huffed, putting his helmet on. He was so cute when he was angry. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“I love you.” I said. He shook his head with a smile.

“I hate you.” He said before starting his engine and taking a u-turn to his house. As I was about to head inside, I heard him call my name again from a distance.

“Naira. I love you too !!” He yelled, waving back at me. He was looking at me and not at the road ahead. I smiled and waved back at him. That’s when I noticed a car speeding in his direction.

“Karthik !!” I yelled causing him to look ahead. He was alarmed but before he could hit the brake or change the direction he was hit by the car from the side. A screeching sound filled my ears followed by a loud bang.

It took me a while to process what had happened. He had met with an accident. He was hit by a car. My heart had stopped beating for a split second as I ran across the road to him. A crowd gathered around him as he laid on the road, lifeless and bleeding.

I pushed away the people and crouched down next to him. I put his head on my lap trying to wake him up. My heart was beating at an abnormal pace.

“Karthik ?!! Can you hear me ?!! Please wake up.” I cried in a horribly cracking voice as I shook him frantically. He wasn’t responding. He just lied unconscious in my arms. I had to get help.

“Call an ambulance.Please someone ?!!” I pleaded. I cried a river as someone from the crowd called up an ambulance.Karthik was soon rushed to the hospital.

I sat on one of those little hospital chairs ,waiting for an update on Karthik . I couldn’t stop my tears. I was still shivering at the memory of the accident. A male voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

“Miss ?!!” I looked up to see a doctor.

“How is he ?!!” I asked.

“He’s fine. Just a few bruises here and there. But he has a hairline fracture in his left wrist. He needs to rest for a couple of weeks to be okay. Thankfully he was wearing a helmet or else it could have been a serious head injury.” The doctor said.

I heaved a sigh of relief. My pacing heart seemed to calm down a little. Hearing that he was fine was like giving water to a lost man in a desert. I sunk back on the seat.

“He ll be okay miss. You can meet him in the evening. He’s still unconscious due to anaesthesia.” He informed me and left.

All I could do was to curse myself. It was all my fault. I was a fool to come back into his life. I was selfish to see nothing beyond my happiness. How could I break my promise and put his life in danger ?!!

I closed my eyes and went back to the day when all of it happened for the very first time. The day when I chose to leave him, two years ago. . . . . .

“Karthik. Can you go a little slower ?!! You are already touching hundred !!” I exclaimed over the howling wind. I knew he barely heard me.

“But I am already going slow for you. .” He answered in the same tone.

“No !! Just slow down more.” I said. But alas. The speed increased every minute.

“Okay baba. I will take a u-turn once we reach 120.” He said. I pulled a little away from him to look at the road ahead. It looked beautiful. Greenery everywhere. That was the first time I had dared to look up from his back.

“You looked !!” He chuckled and tilted his head a little to meet his eyes with mine.

“Shut up. Just look ahead !!” I said, still scared. Just as he was about to say something my eyes landed on a car speeding towards us from the opposite direction.

“Watch out !!” I exclaimed and shut my eyes in fear. Within moments we had skid down the road with a thud.

I could hear no sound. My vision was hazy as I felt the hard and rocky ground beneath me. A sharp killing pain shot through my arm. I had no clue what was going on. All I knew was that, we were hit. I tried to get up. But failed at every attempt. The pain was too much to bear. My mind thought of only one person, Karthik. My eyelids began to drop as I found myself falling into a deep slumber.

I woke up to a beeping sound. It was an IV monitor. I gazed at the very unfamiliar surroundings ,the white walls, a little couch and a small window across the room. I tried to get up but I couldn’t. My hand was put up in a cast and I was hooked to many machines. I was in a hospital.

My eyes landed on mumma sitting beside me, smiling at me. She had tears in her eyes though. The memories of the accident came flooding to my mind. The first person that crossed my mind was Karthik. where was he ?!!

“Thank god you are okay, Naira. How are you feeling ?!!” Mumma asked scooping me in her arms.

“Not so good.” I answered. “Where is he ?!! Where is Karthik ?!!” I asked. She just looked too worried. Like she didn’t have an answer to my question. I on the other hand was tearing up because of her silence.

“Mumma ?!! Where is he ?!! I want to meet him.” I cried. I had lost my voice. I sounded horrible. But unfortunately I didn’t get any answer to my question. Various inappropriate thoughts crossed my mind.Where was he ?!! Was he okay ?!! Why is he not with me ?!!

Before I could interrogate more the door of the room cracked open revealing a man in his late 30s. Along with him came papa.He smiled at me before checking some papers clipped to his writing pad.

“Miss Naira.Its good to see you awake !! How are you feeling ?!!” He asked in a husky voice.

“Not good. Not unless you tell me how my friend is. Where is he ?!!” I demanded to know.

“You need to take some rest young lady. You can meet your friend later.” He said. How was I gonna take rest when I had no clue where and how Karthik was ?!!

“To hell with that !! I want to know where he is. I want to meet him !!” I cried. The doctor sighed and looked at papa. I swapped hopeful gazes between the two. Mumma and papa gave him a little nod, approving my request.

“Okay. You can see him.” He sighed. “But he’s still unconscious. If he doesn’t wake up in the next couple of hours, I m afraid he will go into coma.” He said.

My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. I felt dizzy hearing the words like coma for the first time because it was now related to Karthik. I was escorted to the room where Karthik was admitted. He was in the ICU. His mother who paced in the corridor hugged me tight. She too was in tears.

“Do you need me inside ?!!” Papa asked. I shook my head. I wanted to go alone. I wanted some moments with him . . . alone. I opened the door and walked in.

There he was. Lying on the cold bed, unconscious and lifeless. He had a leg in the cast and a bandaid on his head. He always looked so peaceful when he slept. But at that moment he looked lifeless and pale. I took a seat beside him. I couldn’t hold back anymore as I clutched his hand.

“Please wake up mendhak. I miss you. I can’t believe what just happened. But I want you back. With me, in my arms, loving me again. Me, your mom all of us are dying to see you awake. Please come back.” I cried. I don’t know whether he could hear me or not but he was showing no signs of improvement.

“Please just come back. I know how much you like to surprise people. So why don’t you open those beautiful eyes of yours and surprise us all.Cause outside they are all saying that you won’t wake up anytime soon. But they are wrong, right ?!! You are here with me.” I cried. At that time, I was ready to trade anything to bring him back to life...
Seeing him giving no response I came out of the room and directly went to the temple near hospital to pray for him....
I never believed much in God. But that day, I was helpless. I was no magician to make all his pain to go away. All I could do is pray for him. And thus, I did.

’Please God. Please help me out. I love him. Please save him. I promise to trade anything for it.'
There Pandit ji saw me,he was familiar to my and kartik's family....he came to me and asked the reason about my crying....I told him....he just daid every thing will be alright and went from there....Later...he again came to me and asked me about my and Kartik's relationship....

I told him that we love each other....what he told me next was a little weird for me....he said that he checked mine and Kartik's kundli...and my kundli has dosh....I asked him about it....

He simply said that if I will stay near kartik his life would get in danger...I didn't believe in such things so I went from there .....

Back at the hospital....

Doctor"If patient does not gain conciousness in some time his life can be in real danger"....

Hearing to the doctor...I was broken...I again started thinking about what pandit ji said to me....I ran to the mandir in the hospital...And
said while joining hands

"Please god please save my Kartik....I will not stay near him after he will be all okay...I will leave him... please make him back to  normal please"

Saying this I went to meet Kartik again....

I was clutching onto him tight. My eyes were still closed shut, as tears rolled down from them. Just then a miracle had taken place, I heard his voice. At first, I shook it off as a hallucination. But then he called my name again.

“Naira ” Just listening to his voice again calmed me down. I was relieved. I opened my eyes to be blurred by the tears. He gently wiped them off with his thumb. “Are you okay ?!!” He asked me in his drowsy voice. I nodded and smiled at him.

“Yes, we are okay.” I assured. His gaze shifted to the plaster in my hand. “Your hand.Is it okay ?!! I m sorry jaan. Its all my fault. I shouldn’t have taken you out. I feel terrible ” He said. He was getting too worked up. I had to calm him down.

“No Karthik. Its not your fault. Forget the past, okay ?!! You are fine. You ll be fine. I promise.” I said stroking his hair. He sighed and closed his eyes shut.

“I don’t know what to say. I feel terrible. I m sorry. ” He said.

“Shh. Don’t be. Don’t stress yourself so much. You need rest. I should leave now.” I said. It had already dawned upon me that THIS WAS THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF OUR RELATIONSHIP. I had to stay true to my words and let him go. Unwillingly I untangled my hand from his and rose to my feet.

“You ll be back, right ?!!” He asked hopefully. I smiled.

“Yes.” I said.

My last word was a big fat lie. I didn’t go back to him. I didn’t visit him till he was healed completely. And when I did, it was only to officially break all ties.

I opened my eyes. I had a blurred vision due to my tears. I knew that this accident was some kind of warning. It meant, I couldn’t break my promise again about what I have said to god before.

I had to confront him and end this once and for all. For the sake of his life. Our lives were connected and so were our destinies, if something happened to him, I couldn’t imagine myself living in this world either…

Kartik's POV

Two days had passed by since the accident. To say that I was okay, would be an understatement. I was scared. I couldn’t forget what had happened two years ago. That incident was fixed in my mind. Even slightest memory of it made me shiver.

Thankfully, I was out of the depressing hospital within a day with some bruises and a hairline fractured wrist. There was nothing to be worried about. But the only thing that bugged me, was Naira. There was no trace of her since that accident. No calls, no messages, nothing. I just felt time was repeating itself. It reminds me of what happened two years ago. I was in the hospital waiting for her but she never came and when she did, it was only to break my heart…..

I sat alone in my room. My finger hovered over the green button over my phone’s screen. I debated whether to call Naira or not. She had her phone switched off. I was afraid that she might have gone back to London. So,I asked my mom about it. All she said was that Naira was in Udaipur itself. I was relieved. As I finally decided to give it a go and call her once again, the door cracked open. Mom stood outside.

“Hey,Naira is here !!” She said and moved out only to reveal a very pale looking Naira. “I ll leave you two alone. I m gonna get some snacks for you.” Mom said and left the room, shutting the door behind.

Naira smiled at me which I didn’t return. “How are you feeling ?!!” She asked.

“Top of the world.” I replied. She rolled her eyes and poked me to scoot over. I did so,as she made herself comfortable beside me.

“Hey I m sorry, okay ?!! I missed you.” She said and traced her fingers over my slight stubble which had grown as I had not shaved since two days.

“Why were you avoiding me ?!!” I asked.

“I wasn’t.” She snapped causing me to raise my brows. “I was just busy with some stuff.” She said and she was expecting me to buy that.

“Why don’t you tell me the truth for a change ?!!” I asked. She hesitated for a second and untangled her arm from mine. I wished I could guess what was going in her mind. It was just too hard to figure out.

“What is it ?!!” I asked. She shook her head and looked away. “Naira, jaan. You cannot keep everything buried inside you. I can see something’s troubling you. Just let it out for once. What are you afraid of ?!!” I asked.

“I m afraid of losing you,Karthik.” She said. Her voice cracked at the end. I knew she was crying but somehow her words relieved me. I engulfed her in my arms and let her sob.

“You are never gonna lose me, jaan. Even if I m gone, you’ll always be a part of me. What makes you think that you’ll lose me ?!! I m right here. with you.” I rocked her back and forth.

“Its not that easy. I have lost you once. I can’t do it again.” She said.

“What do you mean ?!!” I asked. She didn’t respond. Instead clung on to me and cried. Her behaviour was unusual and confusing.

“Just hold me Karthik . I need you right now.” She cried.

“Naira what’s wrong ?!!” she cut me off.

“Please please.” She pleaded. I wrapped my arms around her at once.

Naira was the kind of girl who would never bow down in front of anyone for help. She would do anything to make it on her own. Hearing her, begging me to hold her, told me how broken she was. That broke me too. She cried in my arms for a while and then pulled back.

“Are you okay ?!!” I asked, wiping her tears off my thumb. She nodded slightly. Her hands ruffled my hair before tugging on the collar of my shirt. She inched closer to me and was about to kiss me, when I interrupted.

“Naira Just relax, I want to kiss you too. But I just want to know what’s wrong. Please tell me jaan.” I said. She took a deep and unsteady breath.

"Wait a minute... why are you so desperate...You are not leaving. Are you ?!!” I asked. My heart was thumping out of my chest. I was longing to hear her answer, which I was 99% sure, was a no. But still I held on to that 1%. She looked up at me. Her eyes glistening in tears.

“I was going to tell you but….” I cut her off in middle. I was pissed off. I felt cheated. She had played with my heart ruthlessly. She was leaving me alone…again.

“Tell me when ?!! After kissing me ?!! After leading me on till here !!!” I asked and got out of bed. “Why Naira ?!! Why are you doing this to me ?!! What have I done to deserve this from you ?!! Answer me.” I said. She got up.

“I m sorry. Its not your fault.” She sobbed.

“I said answer me. Damn it !!” I yelled. I could feel the anger boiling inside me. I couldn’t contain it anymore. It had to come out someday. And that day, it just did. She was startled by the sudden outburst.

“Why did you lead me on ?!! Why did you give me hope ?!! For once,Naira , once in the past two years I felt happy. I felt complete. Then why are you so keen to ruin it again ?!! This is not some soccer ball you are playing with Naira .its my heart.” I said.

“That’s why I came here. To tell you the truth. The truth about why I left.” She said. “Do you remember the accident that happened two years ago ?!!” She asked. I nodded.

“It was after that. I found myself in the hospital. You were there too. The doctors had almost given up on you. Even I could see you going away from me. I was devastated. I didn’t want to lose you. So that night, in the hospital, I vowed. In return of your life, I sacrificed something that I loved the most,you… I vowed to never meet you or see you again. Two years, that was me, keeping my promise. But when I came back to India I didn’t expect to see you at all. Those memories started haunting me again. I couldn’t stay away from you. Every moment spent with you was magical. You brought me back to life ” She said.

I was stunned. I didn’t know how to react. She left me only because of that silly vow ?!! Wow. How ironic. I let her continue.

“I had almost changed my mind. I convinced myself to stop being immature and stay back with you and Bhai and mumma and papa. But it all changed two days back. It was a close save and then I realised that I had almost lost you . . . .again. It was some kind of a warning. I know it,Karthik. That’s why I chose to stay away from you.” She said.

I didn’t understand whether I had to be happy,that she loved me so much or I had to curse my fate, that the girl whom I loved so much was so stupid. I ended up staying in the middle. I loved her too much. But I also dreaded her for making me suffer for two long years.

“Say something !!” She cried.

“What do you want me to say ?!! Do you want me to say ‘Its okay Naira. What you did to me was completely justified. You are not wrong. You are just stupid and f**king immature.’ Do you want me to say that ?!!” I yelled.
I myself had no idea what I was going to do. In every human being there is a limit. A limit to stay calm. A limit to stay patient. And that day,Naira had caused me to cross all the possible limits. All the anger, the frustrations, the doubts and the insecurities and what not, was coming out of me that day. I couldn’t hold back.

“How can you be so…. I don’t even have a word for that. You are so so so stupid !! Why do I even love you so much ?!!” I cried.

“I know you’ll think of me as someone whose immature and silly to have believed in this. But I really do,Karthik.And I believe that, whatever happened two days ago was because of me. Its my deeds that you have been punished for. And I can’t let anything happen to you. I love you.” She said.

I let out a sarcastic dry laugh. What kind of ‘love’ was this ?!! Where I could call her mine, but never be with her.

“Really ?!! I don’t call this love. This is nothing but bullshit. The truth is, that, you are very timid, Naira. You are too scared to do anything. You can’t even love anyone. That’s what you are, a coward. You run away from things. You disgrace yourself. You are nothing but a screwed up mess.” I said.

She was blank for a moment. Both of our eyes were filled with tears. “I m sorry. I m doing this for you. I don’t want to lose you.” She cried.

“You have already lost me !! There’s nothing left between us. Two years ago you broke up with me. But today I’m breaking up with you. It’s over. I m done dealing with you and your shit.” I spat.

She tried to hold a catch of my hand but I pulled back. She took a few steps away from me. I didn’t dare look at her again. She made me feel ‘used’. She made me look ‘dumb’ in this whole situation. I turned my face away from her.

“You will never understand,mendhak. But I still love you. And I always will.” She said.

My heart screamed provoking me to tell her how much I loved her. I knew I did. I was going to love her till the end. For me she is the only one…..

As she started walking out of my room, I caught hold of her hand and spun her around. She was startled by the sudden reaction as I pinned her against the opposite wall.

“Don’t ever show me your face again."

A weird feeling of disgust and pain washed over me. I couldn’t believe those words that had escaped my mouth. But somewhere I actually meant them.

She didn’t say anything. She let a few tears slip her eye as she sprinted out of my room.

I sighed. Once she was gone. Two years ago, she had left me here, in the same room. And now again we were separated in the same place.

I realized.The pain of separation is immense. Falling in love is beautiful. Is easy. But falling out of love is painful. Is difficult. Sometimes even impossible. In my case it was the later. It was like walking on a road of thorns for my entire life lonely and forever.

Precap : The maa-beti talk between Naira and akshara. Karthik meeting Naitik. Naitik convincing Karthik to not let go off Naira. Our mendhak deciding to prove Naira that they are meant to be together !!

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