Part 8

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Naira's POV
Four days more, and then, I was going to be back in London. Back to my old life. I had University to attend. I had friends back there. And I thought, maybe that life could take my mind off Karthik .

I would be a big fat liar if I say I wasn’t in pain. It was hurting. The fact that he thought of me as some stupid and immature girl wasn’t hidden from me. To him, I may be that girl. But to me, it all made sense.

Back home, I was sitting on the kitchen counter. Crying and hogging on little ‘Dairy Milks’. I was down with five already and was eating the sixth one. I hadn’t even bothered to switch the lights on. I had once read in the food magazine, for a girl in depression, chocolates act as best friends. It was true.

Suddenly lights in the kitchen were turned on. I looked back to see mumma standing in the doorway. She looked horrified as she eyed the kitchen area. There were wrappers of chocolates thrown carelessly all over the floor.

“What’s all this,Naira ?!!” She asked.
“Wrappers.” I shrugged, now munching on a caramel bar. I probably had chocolate all over my face. Mumma sighed and picked them up one by one as she knew I was not gonna do that.
“May I ask why are you eating chocolates at midnight ?!! You didn’t even have the dinner.” She stated, crossing her arms across her chest.
“I wasn’t hungry.” I replied getting down from the counter. This time I made sure to throw the wrapper in the bin. I opened the refrigerator, looking for any more sweets to dine.

“We dont have any more chocolates.” She said sternly. I groaned internally and slammed the door shut. I was craving for more and more. It was getting worse.

“Naira , I know you are worried about Karthik .” She said. Not again. I didn’t want to think about him. I wanted to pretend like I never met him. But every person and thing around me, reminded me of him.

“No not now mumma.” I tiredly replied, checking the drawers for some snacks.

“Naira, you have to understand that this stubborn behaviour of yours is gonna lead you nowhere. You are not only ruining your life, but also his.” She said. She already knew the real reason behind me leaving this place. She was the only person who knew. Apart from Karthik now, of course.

“Its not my stubbornness mumma. Its my belief. That if I stay with him any longer, something’s gonna happen to him !!” I exclaimed, dramatically throwing my hands in the air.

“How can you be so sure ?!!” She challenged.

“Him getting into an accident was not a coincidence. It was a freaking sign !! Why can’t you see that ?!!” I was so hyped.

“No I can’t. From where I can see all this, I know that you and him clearly love each other. And if two people love each other there is nothing that can stop them from being together.” She said. She sounded like a love expert.

Nevertheless, those words of her wanted me to change my decision of going back. Just for a split second, I thought that I was wrong. But then taking again this risk and putting Karthik’s life in danger would be the last thing I wanted to do.

“That’s rubbish, mumma. If I love him, I can love him from a distance. But you have to accept the fact that I m nothing but sheer bad luck for him. I have almost lost him once. I cant do that again.” I said.

She heaved a deep sigh. I sensed a mother- daughter heart to heart conversation coming up. She straightened her position before speaking up.

“I never told you but your papa and I too had our problems. We have gone through some really tough times. There was a time, when I was stupid enough to let go off your dad’s love. But soon I realised that surviving without him is not possible for me.Naitik is the man wo has accepted me the way I m. No matter how much ever we fight or argue, we ll always love each other. And there’s nothing that can keep me away from him.Today I can see myself in you. That look in your eyes say you are dying to be with him. But you can’t. I have gone through this same phase before,Naira. And trust me, it sucks. I dont want my daughter to go with same patch that I have gone through before. I want you to be happy.” She said.

“I m happy. I ll be at least.” I said bluntly.

“Dont let go off your love. Because I know God is not so cruel to separate two people in love. Please Naira don’t do this to him and to yourself.” She said, taking my cold hand in her warm one. I pulled back immediately.

“I m letting him go off because I love him. And I m not changing my mind.” I said and started off to my room.

I m sure nothing could change my mind…..

Karthik’s POV.

It has been a whole day since I had last seen Naira. Spoken to her, heard from her or felt her. I was missing her too badly. Some part of me was hating her for being so immature. But the other part of me, which was dominant, urged me to forgive her. I loved her, after all, how was I supposed to let her go ?!!

‘But was forgiving and forgetting going to help ?!!’ I asked myself. The only answer I got was,no. It wasn’t gonna help. She was stubborn. She wasn’t going to stay, no matter what I did.

I had spent my whole day playing Xbox and eating junk.Nothing seemed to distract me from Naira ’s thoughts that day. To double up my frustration, was the headache I had caused myself due to lack of sleep.

I tossed and turned in the huge bean bag in my room. Nothing seems to calm down the throbbing pain in my head. I had to do something. I looked for painkillers in my room but could find one. I was barely at home, due to my work. So I had no idea where they are kept.

Asking mom for them was another option. But waking her up at midnight was not right. On top of that, her overprotective motherly nature was gonna earn me a long lecture of how I should not torture myself and what not. It was then, finally, when I decided to head out to the pharmacy myself.

Groaning and cursing, I drove my car to the nearest pharmacy.

“Thank god.” I mumbled spotting the pharmacy. I walked in, and was about to ask for what I wanted.

“What do you want ?!!” The shopkeeper snapped in a really bored tone. He eyed me like I was a guilty criminal out of jail. I instantly looked away from him.

“I need a Crocine for headache.” I said.

“Twenty bucks.” The shopkeeper announced sounding least interested. I checked my wallet and damn. . .there were no notes of ten or twenty bucks. All I had was five hundred bucks. I handed it to shopkeeper.

“Don’t fool around, man. I don’t have change for this.” He said. I guess, I knew it. I sighed, not knowing what to do. I had to head back home or buy something worth five hundred bucks. Shit. Who was gonna do that ?!!

Just as I was about to turn back to leave, someone stepped in and placed a twenty rupees note on the counter. It was Naira’s papa,Naitik sir.

“Sir,why did you pay ?!!” I asked astounded to see him there at such an odd timing. His lips curved into a polite smile which instantly reminded me of Naira.

“Its okay beta.” He exclaimed.

“Anyway, what are you doing here this late ?!! All okay ?!!” I asked, concerned.

“Yeah. Just Naira’s a little sick since morning.” He said. Suddenly, I could feel a deep knot in my stomach. I wondered what must have happened.

“What happened to her ?!! Is she okay ?!!” I asked showing my overprotective side. Sir shook his head in denial.

“No she’s been living on chocolates and candies and all the junk since yesterday. Now she’s not been able to digest it all. That’s what has caused the pains. And you know that this city sleeps by ten. No doctors are available at this time.” He said.

It struck me then, that Naira was stressed out. She had this bad habit of eating anything anytime whenever she was tensed or stressed about something. I just hoped she was okay.

“Stress. She’s still not gotten rid of that habit.” I sighed.

“No.” Her papa smiled weakly.

“Just put her to sleep. If she doesn’t, show her some of her fav melodramatic movies.Also, try to ease her out. Tell her, there is no need to stress about anything. Why am I telling this to you ?!! You are her papa.” I rambled nervously, while He just smiled at me.

“Karthik.Hey, its okay son. I know my daughter the best. But you know, who’s the closest to her after me ?!! It’s you. She loves you like anything.” He said. I nodded. But I couldn’t even deny the fact, that her love for me was separating us in the worst way.

“Look Karthik. I know its wrong of me to interfere between the two of you. But you both are my babies. I want the best for you both. I’m not saying you that you should forgive her. That’s your choice, and you are hundred percent correct on your part. But as a father I cannot see my daughter suffering so much. Neither can I see you like this.” He said.

“I’m fine Sir. Really. I’ll be okay.” I assured, even though I was myself not sure of it. I knew, I would never be the same person without Naira.

“See Karthik. You and I we both know how stubborn Naira is. She’s a little immature sometimes and makes wrong choices. She has already made one. As far as I can see, she is regretting it. But she won’t change her mind. I’m tired of convincing her now. You are the only one who can break the chains. She only listens to you. I’m asking you to help me there, because I want my daughter back. And I guess you are the only one who can help me with that.” he said.

I didn’t know what to say. How was I supposed to help ?!! Hadn’t I tried too much already ?!!
“I don’t think I can. Since, the day we have met again I have done every thing possible to convince her to stay back. Now when I know the reason of her leaving, I feel it was all very immature of her. Honestly Sir, I’m now trying to accept the fact that I have already lost her. Because that’s what she wants.” I said.

He laughed inwardly. “No.” He said. “Naira wants you.Naira wants her family, her friends. But she’s not able to see anything in front of the vow she had taken two years ago. As a father I can only do this much. But as a friend, and as a man who has always loved her, you can cross all the limits to make her realize the path she’s walking on is wrong. It’s superstitious. Please, don’t turn your face from her.Change her mind.” he concluded.

His words touched my heart and I couldn’t see my life falling apart. I couldn’t see my love going away from me.I had to do something.

“Okay.” I said.He smiled at me with a lot of hope in his eyes.

“Okay. I’ll do everything I can do to change her mind. I promise you Sir,that you’ll get your old Naira back.” I smiled.He nodded.

“Alright then !! I’ll take your leave now.Naira must be waiting.” He said.He hopped in his car and drove away.

Now all I had to do was stay strong. This was it. I had to do everything,that I could to make Naira realize that what she was doing was wrong. That we can write our own destinies. I had to win her back. For myself, and most importantly for us.

Naira’s POV.

Why don’t I call him ?!!

How was I supposed to call him ?!! I was sure that he wasn’t going to answer any of my calls. Yet my worries made me pick up my phone. My finger hovered over his name in the contact list. I had to know whether he was fine or not.

What do I do ?!! Call ?!! Text ?!! Or just do nothing ?!!

Ugh !!

After a lot of debates with myself, I decided to call him. f**k the consequences. I had to know whether he was doing okay. But just as I was about to hit the green button my phone started ringing in my hands.

Heartbeat calling . . . . Yeah, he is my heartbeat !!
Now I was confused again, whether to answer or just reject. Finally, before he could end the call, I swiped the green button and answered the call.

I pressed the phone against my ear waiting for him to say something. But the other end of the line was blank. All I could hear were unsteady breaths. He was there, listening to me.even though I hadn’t said a word.

Unknowingly a tear slipped down my eye and soon I was crying a river. I’m sure, my terrible sobs weren’t unheard by him. I didn’t know why but I just felt like crying.

“Are you okay ?!!” He asked softly. I nodded vigorously even though he couldn’t see me. And who was I kidding ?!! I wasn’t even a bit okay.

“I’m sorry.” He said. Why is he sorry ?!! I broke up with him. I played with his heart.
“No.please don’t. I’m already drowning in a pool of guilt. Don’t add to it by apologising.” I said. My voice broke with every word I spoke. He sighed deeply.

“I’m sorry for whatever I said to you yesterday. I didn’t mean it. Sometimes I just lose control over things when I’m angry. But you should know that I still love you.” He said.

“Why ?!! How could you still love me, Karthik ?!! Even after what I did to you.” My cries were cut off by him.

“I don’t know.This is how it is, I guess. I mean I tried, Naira. But I cannot stop loving you.never. And no matter how much you deny, you are the one who’s made for me. No one has the right to come in between us. Not even this shitty destiny.” He said.

My heart ached after hearing that. Yes, he was right. I was made for him. I was born to be his. But I couldn’t agree to it after nearly losing him twice. What kind of love was it ?!! We had nothing, but pains and cries.

“Anyway. You shouldn’t be shedding those tears. You have to smile. For me, okay ?!! Cause things are going to go your way.I’ll not force you into anything. No one will.” I could make out that he was saying all this with a heavy heart.

“You are leaving tomorrow, right ?!!” His voice shivered. He was keeping himself from breaking down. I only hummed in response. I was too broken to say anything.

“So whatever time is left with you,with us.I want to spend it with you. I want to take you out for the last time.” He breathed out.

Why is he making it more and more difficult for me ?

I was sure to cross all my limits, if I had accepted his proposal. My mind was battling with my heart. I wanted to be with him for whatever time that was left in our hands.

Screw it. Last day and I’m spending it with the man I love !!

I don’t know what came over me but I just made up my mind in a couple of seconds.

“Okay as you wish.” I said.

After that one statement of mine, I pictured him smiling from the other end. The visual melted my heart in an instant. His smile.I wish I could see him.

“That’s awesome. I promise that you won’t regret the day.” He said. I smiled. “So anyway you’re not well. You should get some sleep. And no more chocolates for you, young lady.” He added the past part sternly. I chuckled.

“Good night.” I rolled my eyes.

“Good night.” He said and hung up.

That day I slept peacefully looking forward to the last yet probably my best day with Karthik

Karthik’s POV.

I stood at her doorstep, thinking whether I should ring the doorbell or not. It was quite possibly Naira’s last day in town. I was sure to do everything I could, to change her mind. But all I could think of, was her decision at the end of the day.

I found some courage and rung the doorbell. No one answered. My impatience started to kick in, as I rung it again and again. I could hear some shuffling from inside, soon, the door opened.

“Hi !!” Naira said. She was in her old baggy pyjamas and an oversized tee which happened to be mine. I remembered her burrowing it on the day of the accident. Her hair was tied in a messy bun. It looked like she was just out of bed.

“Hi. How are you ?!!” I asked pulling her in a hug. She embraced me back and smiled.

“Better. Please come in.” She said and moved out of my way. Her mumma was sitting on the couch talking to someone over the phone. I waved at her who gave me a smile and I walked upstairs with Naira.

“Do we have to go ?!! I mean can’t we stay back and chill.” She said. I kinda saw this coming. This lazy bum was never going to take any efforts.

“Yes we have to go.” I replied folding my arms across the chest. Her pout became cuter as I started melting even more. I knew her tricks and I kept myself from falling. But what do I do ?!! She was capable of making me fall in love with her again and again.

I suppressed my smile which was creeping up my face. “Please ?!! I’m tired.” She whined batting her perfect eyelashes. I chuckled and looked away shaking my head.

“No.” I said. She frowned.”Go get changed.” I concluded.

“You are so mean !!” She pushed me gently.

“Well you’re meaner !!” I pushed her back. “Please go now. You look horrible.” I teased. She huffed and playfully hit my chest, before walking in the bathroom to change.

It didn’t take even whole ten minutes for Naira to come out.As she came out wearing a ripped jeans and a casual tee I couldn’t help but admire her chic style. No make up, no high heels. She wore sneakers instead. She took zero efforts yet looked beautiful. ‘Now thats my Naira.’ I thought.

“Let’s go ?!!” She asked. I nodded and hopped inside the car after her.Naira kept on bugging me with her questions. “Where are we going ?!!.” She asked.
“It’s a surprise.” I replied.

“But at least tell me what’s the surprise !!” She whined like a five year old kid. I chuckled.

“What’s left in the surprise if I reveal it to you now ?!!” I said and switched on the radio. I didn’t say a word about where I was taking her. I just wanted to make the day memorable for her. I had to win her back. No matter what.

Naira’s POV.

Oh how I dreaded surprises.

Karthik hadn’t said a word about where he was planning to take me. Being a curious person I’m, I must have asked a thousand times. But all he said that it was a surprise I was going to like. But he had a point. Surprises aren’t meant to reveal.

Suddenly the car came to a halt. I looked outside the window to see a market.
“What are we doing here ?!!” I asked.

“You’ll see.” He smiled and got out of the car. I followed him.

As I got down I took in the amazing aroma of aloo vadi that were being fried in a shop. There were so many little roadside stalls lined up, all of them specialised in different food items. Somewhere, a group of friends hung out at a tea stall. Somewhere there were old women bargaining with the vendors for vegetables.

The whole scene was so familiar to me. The place used to be like our adda, where Karthik, bhai and I hung out. My eyes automatically looked for that one little shop which sold my favourite pani puri. I couldn’t spot it anywhere though.

“What are you thinking ?!!” Karthik asked me and nudged me, snapping out of my thoughts.

“This is amazing !! I missed this place.” I smiled.

“Me too.” He replied.

I looked around once again for the pani puri shop. But since I couldn’t find the shop anywhere, I assumed, that it must’ve closed down.

“So don’t you want to eat your favourite pani puri ?!!” Karthik asked. My eyes beamed at the mention of the delicious food. I nodded vigorously causing Karthik to laugh. I tugged to his arm, as he led me a little far away, at the end of the road. That’s when I realized that the shop hadn’t shut after all.

We sat in front of this little shop. Now you don’t really get Pani puri in London. And even if somewhere, you find it in a restaurant, where the taste of it sucks. No one and absolutely no one could beat the taste of Indian pani puri .Just as I was about to eat it,Karthik stopped me.

“How can you forget everything ?!! That’s not the way we eat Pani puri.” He said with a tinge of disappointment. I was confused. “This, my love, calls for a competition.” He added.

Ah. . .no way. . .

I sighed and smiled lightly. “Nope, just eat it.” I said.

“Why are you scared Miss Naira ?!!” He smirked raising his eyebrows up and down. I wasn’t scared. I wasn’t just sure whether I’d be able to eat even a plate. But obviously his words stabbed my ego and I couldn’t say a no to him.

“Alright !! Let’s do this.” I said as he provoked me even more.Karthik flashed a smile, raising his brows in amusement.

“That’s the spirit !! Ready ?!!” He asked. I nodded as he counted one to three.

As soon as he said three the both of us attacked the plate and started eating like we were starving since ages. The Pani puris never tasted so good. I had almost forgotten the taste of it. And oh that spice. . .my mouth was on fire. But nevertheless, I was not the one to give up. I ate as much as I could.

Soon I was done with one plate. So was Karthik. No words were needed to say how we felt. I was just craving for more and I guess, so was he. We asked for one more plate and ate in the same speed. In no time we had finished that as well.

As the number of plates increased on the table our speed decreased. I was staring to feel the grumbling in my stomach, which indicated that I was full. Nine plates of pani puri.that’s how much I had consumed. I was currently eating the tenth one with the speed of a turtle. My eyes watered due to the spice. And I could see Karthik’s condition was no different.

I stared at the one last Pani puri on my plate. I could see Karthik too also had just one left. If I ate it before him, I would win. If I failed, I would lose. It was a do or die situation. I wanted to win so badly. But I was full. Stuffed. I felt heavy and I could barely move. Still being the stubborn one I had to pick up the last one from the plate.

I stared at it disgustingly, not wanting to put that in my mouth. No matter, however yummy it was I just couldn’t. As I was about to eat the last Panu puri, I had a nauseating feeling washed over me. It was clear, I couldn’t eat. I heaved a deep sigh and kept the Pani puri back on the plate. Meanwhile,Karthik ate his very easily

I lost to him.

“I can’t eat anymore.” I said.

“So you lose ?!!” He asked. I nodded unwillingly. That moment he cheered and got up from the seat to do a little victory dance. It caused him to get weird stares from the people around. I quietly giggled to myself.

“Okay. Now stop dancing. what are you, ten ?!!” I asked pulling him down.

“Maybe. But you lost and that’s something to celebrate.” He said.

“Yeah. Yeah.” I muttered as he led me to the car. Just when I thought that we would head home he surprised me by saying that there was another surprise waiting for me.

I was excited. But I was also scared.He was too much into thrilling stuff. I just buckled up and let him take me to ‘wherever he had planned’. . .

Precap :Karthik taking Naira to their special place. Karthik crying and Naira running away. Naksh scolding Naira for her childish behaviour. Naira realising that she has to make a decission !!Naira’s decision!!

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