Part 9

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Karthik's POV.

I started the engine. "Where are we going ?!!" Naira asked again. I was irritated with this question.

"Somewhere special." I smiled.

"Special ?!!" She asked frowning. I nodded and focussed on the road while Naira kept blabbering.

We reached our next destination. I parked my car outside the gate and took a glance at Naira who looked stunned. She was completely unaware what we are exactly doing 'there' after so many years.

By 'there' I mean the lakeside park. It was a beautiful park beside a small lake which was why it was named lakeside park. This park was special to us.

"Oh my God !! What are we doing here ?!!" Naira exclaimed.

"Refreshing old memories, I guess. Now come on don't you want to see how much this place has changed ?!!" I asked. She nodded. I held her hand and we walked inside.

"Nothing has changed. Everything is exactly like it was." I said.Naira nodded.

Naira's POV.

I still couldn't believe he had brought me to the park.All those memories came back flooding to my mind and I felt like I had gone back to the time when we were kids.
This park was a special place to us because during the primary phase of our relationship we used to meet here. This was our secret meeting place so that we won't get caught. We used to sneek here to spend time with each other.

I sat down with Karthik by my side. "The secret meeting place." I said and smiled.Those memories were hard to forget. I still remembered each and every one of them, it's just that they were buried somewhere deep inside me.

I looked at Karthik who was already looking at me admirably. I gave him a confused look. His hand was now placed on top of mine.

"What happened ?!!" I asked as his expression changed and he held onto my hand tighter. He didn't say anything and that was now worrying me. But before I could say or ask something he wrapped his arms around me. My body was pressed against his body and I could hardly breathe. I was taken a bit aback by his bold reaction.

"Karthik , what happened ?!!" I asked sounding worried as I tried to pull back. But he wouldn't just let go. I gently ran my hand in his hair and then I realized, that he was crying.

Suddenly, it all dawned upon me. Him taking me to eat Pani puris, we coming here and now this . He did this to convince me to stay !! I should've been happy that I was lucky enough that somebody loved me so much. But instead, I was heartbroken and guilty. I had made this guy go through so much in these two years, but he never stopped loving me and he still didn't give up.

"Karthik , are you crying ?!!" I asked stupidly even through I was pretty sure that he was.

"Don't go Naira. . .please." He said as his voice cracked. I felt like someone was stabbing my own heart. I couldn't tell him that I had to go. That would break him more. I gently broke the hug and he wiped those tears from his eyes.

"Are you okay ?!!" I asked.

"No. No I'm not okay damnit !!" He yelled and got up. I got up too. "How can you expect me to be okay when you're leaving ?!! You know Naira, I had convinced myself that I would stay strong, I would convince you to stay anyhow. But I can't do this. It kills me from inside when you keep this distance between us !! Like there was nothing before ." He said. He wasn't angry, he was hurt and I saw it in his eyes.

"You know, we have talked about this before. Please dont make this hard for me." I said almost crying.

"If its so hard for you why don't you stay ?!!" He asked me directly.

"You know why." I said. He sighed.

"I don't know what else I have to do to change your mind. All I can do now is to ask you to stay. Still if you don't want to stay I'm sorry because I think I'm giving up now." He said. His voice could barely be heard but his words broke me from inside.

I wanted to say yes, I'm staying. I'm staying because I love you so much to leave you alone. But I don't know what got over me. It was like somebody else was controlling me.

"I'm sorry but I think its better if you give up on me." I ended up saying. Of course the soft part of me was regretting those words.

I thought it was better if I left. At least he would give up on me and move on and with that thought and a heavy heart, I ran away from that place.....

Karthik's POV

I couldn't believe she just left. Left me there dumbfounded. All alone. I thought I was good enough to change her mind, but no. I wasn't. I failed.Again. The girl whom I gave my everything, the girl whom I loved with all my heart was weak and her love for me was weaker.

I wanted to escape from all this drama going on in my life. I felt like running away. But no matter where I went, what I did,Naira won't seem to leave my mind. She had me trapped in love and there was no way out.

I walked towards my car and secretly hoped to see Naira standing there waiting for me to come. Well, I wasn't surprised to see that she had left. She had told me to give up. I think I was now beginning to give up.

I sat in my car and looked at the watch. It was 3:00 p.m. With her time flew so fast, I didn't feel like looking at that watch again. She was going to leave in an hour and with every minute passing by my heart was sinking.

I needed to go away from all the mess in my life. So, I decided to drive to some place away from the city where it could only be me.

I started the engine and drove off.

Naira's POV.

I burst open the door of my house and ran away straight to my room with tears flowing from my eyes like a river. I felt stupid, immature, b***c, cruel, crazy, abnormal, and what not. Infinite adjectives would also be less to describe how I was and what I felt at that time.

I knew he wouldn't understand the reason behind me leaving. He would find it stupid and childish. But for me, it mattered the most and the only reason I was leaving him was because I love him. More than anything else.

My bags were already packed. Only thing left was to check everything again, get ready and leave.

I went to the washroom to clean myself up. I was a complete mess from crying. I washed my face multiple times and came out only to see Bhai sitting on the bed.

He had this I'm-so-angry-and-hurt look on his face. I knew what was going to come next.

"I need to talk to you." He said coldly. There you go. I rolled my eyes and sat on the bed.

"Look I don't know what happened between you and Karthik right now. But let me tell you one thing very clear, if you leave today, that boy is going to suffer more than you. I also want you to stay, but I won't just stop you from going because I want you to stay. I'm not selfish. But today I'm asking you to stay for him. You don't know how heartless you're acting right now." He said in a high pitched voice like he was scolding me.

I sighed. "I'm not heartless. I wouldn't have loved him if I was." I said in a low tone.

"If you love him then don't go. Its simple Naira. You're not a five year old girl not to understand this simple thing." he said and sat down beside me. His high pitched voice turned suddenly into a comforting and soothing voice.

"Look Naira, you know very well that if you go from his life, you will not only spoil his life but also yours. I know very well that my sister is not heartless. I agree that the incident that happened a few days ago was a shocking one for you, but when two people love each other nobody has the power to separate them not even God." he said.

I kept looking at the floor and went into a deep thought. "Think about it. You still have time." Bhai said as he got up and left.

'Is he right ?!! I'm not heartless.Karthik loves me. I love Karthik. Then why am I running away from such a beautiful and perfect life ?!!' I thought.

When two people love each other, nobody has power to separate them.Bhai's words kept ringing in my head. And then he had also said. . .not even God.

I always thought that Karthik had those two accidents because of me. But I couldn't think the other way. Every coin has two sides. I always looked at the side where I was portrayed as the culprit. Maybe our love was the reason for his survival after two fatal accidents ?!! But then it was a 'maybe'.

I looked at the clock on the wall. It was 3:45 p.m. I still had fifteen minutes to make up my mind.

Yes, I was having second thoughts. I was trapped between 'going' and 'not going'. The clocks tik-tok made my heartbeat faster. There was pin drop silence in my room. Only the clock's tik-tok and my racing heartbeats were heard.

I have to make my choice. It's now or never..!!

Karthik's POV.

Screw my life, screw everything. That's exactly how I was feeling at that moment. I was driving to the place where I and Naira had been a day before the accident. When she said she loved me and that night we made love.

Anyone would think that I was stupid. Silly. Madly in love with the girl who left me. But I didn't care. I still went to the place which reminded me of Naira.

I stepped out of the car.I went to the spot where I had kissed her.That was it. I broke down.. But I didn't want to cry again.

Even though I was at top of my career my personal life was not so good. Everytime I got an award be it Youngest Executive of the year I always thanked everyone who supported me and stood by me no matter what. I couldn't thank Naira in public, but I surely thanked her in my mind because wherever I'm today is because of her love and support. She didn't stood by me physically. Somewhere in some corner of the world she was there, and that seemed to make me feel a bit better. But then again... I missed her.

Naira's POV.

'Oh God Naira !! What's taking you so long !! Stop having second thoughts and go to Karthik. Say you love him !! Dont run away from him !!' That's what my heart said.

'Shut up !! Don't listen to your heart. Go away from him if you truly love him. Stay away and let him be happy without you. You are not meant to be together.' That's what my brain said.

"Shut up !!" I yelled and held my head in hands. I realised there was nobody in the room except me. I let a tear slip from my eye and looked at the watch.

Ten minutes,Naira. I said to myself. I pushed myself from the bed and walked towards the wardrobe. I pulled out my jeans and my t-shirt and set it on the bed. I grabbed my bag and put my passport.

I sighed and kept looking at it as if it was made of gold.Bhai's words were not leaving my mind. An image of Karthik and me kept on flashing in front me.

The way he held my hand, the way he said my name and made it sound so special, the way he looked into my eyes and complimented me, the way he played with my hair when he was bored, the way he cuddled me on cold winter nights, the way we spent our nights counting the stars together, our cute silly fights ... everything flashed in front of me.

'Am I really ready to let all this go ?!!' I asked myself. I closed my eyes and the immediate response that came out of my mind was -

"No" I said aloud. I can't live without him.

'Yes, I'd made my decision. Doesn't matter what happens next. Nobody knows the future. But I want to live my present. I want to live the happy and perfect life with him.' I thought.

I didn't realise that I was smiling to myself like an idiot. I'd let go off all the promises. There was nothing that could stop me from being with him, and that's because I love him . . .

I threw everything away and rushed downstairs to find my mumma first.

I burst open the door of her room and there she was. Her head snapped up as soon as I entered and she gave me a confused look.

"Naira ?!! Aren't we supposed to leave ?!! It's almost four !!" She exclaimed frowning.

"I'm not going mumma. I'm going to stay. I'm going to apologise to him for everything. I'm going to make up for the last two years now..." I said.

As soon as I said that, her frown turned into a warm big smile. "I'm so glad that you made the right choice. I'm happy that I finally got my daughter back..." She said pulling me into a hug.

The mother-daughter hug lasted for a while and then I pulled back. I need to meet Karthik . "I've to go and see him. Now !!" I said.

I almost jumped in excitement and gave my mom a small hug and flew downstairs, out towards my car.

Karthik's POV.

It was thundering. The bright blue morning sky was now dark grey. The wind was howling, the trees were looking as if they were dancing under the rain. It was getting cold outside...

And there I was. Standing alone under the dark sky, getting soaked in the rain. My perfectly set hair were wet and my shirt was sticking to my body.

I hated the rains and that day, the dark sky reminded me of myself. I was the sky and Naira was my sun. Now that she was gone, i was all alone. Like the grey sky was dark and sad without the sun,Karthik was incomplete without Naira.

Naira's POV.
I tried rubbing the tears brimming out from the corner of my eye with the sleeves of my t-shirt and hopped into the car.I closed my eyes and thought of all places where Karthik could have gone.

The first place that came to my mind was the one where we had gone a few days back. Where I had said that I loved him and it was raining that day as well.

My vision was blurry as I opened my eyes. I blinked a few times and prayed that Karthik was there and he was fine. l drove faster since there were not much cars on the road.

The viper was on and I was frustrated as I couldn't focus on the road because of the viper that moved in front of me. Anyway, I had almost reached my destination.....

I looked at both sides of the road. But no car or person was seen. And then suddenly, my eyes fell on a familiar car. It was a red coloured Audi R8. I heaved a sigh of relief as I saw that car....Karthik's car.

My heart was still beating loudly as I saw him in front of me, all alone. I took slow and nervous steps towards him. A part of me doubted whether he would forgive me or not, but I couldn't hide my feelings anymore.

"Karthik ?!!" I managed to say while keeping my voice steady. It was too cold outside, and the rain didn't seem to have a plan of stopping for another few hours.

He heard his name being called. He opened his eyes, which were closed as soon as he heard the voice.

"Karthik." I called out again. This time louder. Maybe he wasn't able to hear me, I thought.

Karthik took a deep breath and turned to his left from where the voice was coming
He scrunched up his brows in confusion and then his eyes grew wide as a soccer ball as he spotted me there all drenched in the rain.

"Naira ?!!" Was all he managed to say.
I took another step closer to him and now both of us were facing each other. It was thundering and it was difficult to hear the sound of anything except the howling wind.

"Hi." I said.

"Naira what are you...." He said but I cut him off.

"First listen to me." I said. He didn't say anything since he had no idea what was happening.

"Look. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. okay ?!! I acted like a b***c...." I said as the wind roared.

"I'm so sorry. I acted so stupid two years ago and left you !! You probably don't even want to see me again. But all I can do is to apologise !! Even after how I acted and even after seeing me with Rithvik,you loved me.. I thought you must've forgotten me completely in these two must've given up !! But I realized you never did !! You never gave up on me, on our love. It's just that your love was stronger than mine. I was too weak.I should have realised that staying away from you would only make me weaker." I continued and took one step closer.

"But they say it's better late than never. And now I've realized that you make me strong. I don't exist if I dont have you.Ah !! I know I must've lost all my chances and you must have given up on me now but still I don't want to live in a guilt that I broke your heart because of my I'm sorry !! I'm sorry for everything." I said.

He was taken aback for a while after my long speech. He didn't know what to say. Of course, he was happy,but it was like a sudden change for him. One moment his life was miserable, the next moment everything falls back into place.

"Say something." I cried. My voice was cracking due to the cold.

"What ?!! " He kept on looking blankly at me.

"Anything. Just say that you forgive me. I love you and I also know that you don't -" I started but he cut off me in between.

"I love you." He blurted out.

"I love you,Naira. I always have and I always will" He said.

"I love you too, forever" I said.

The rain didn't seemed to stop. We kissed in the rain. Our lips moved in sync as Karthik smiled in the kiss. He tried to pull back but I only held on to him tighter. Finally, he gave up and grabbed my waist. He couldn't stop himself from wanting me more.

Finally we broke the kiss and looked into each other's eyes.

"Now what ?!!" I asked.

"Now we go home and continue what we have just left incomplete." Karthik said.

"And what exactly is that ?!!" I asked.

"You'll see when we get home." He said cheekily.

"Acha. Well, then I'm eager to see." I said as we both burst out laughing.

Naira's POV.
Without Karthik the whole house feels so silent and lonely. After the night when we confessed our love to each other and promised to be together no matter what happens, he had to go to Delhi for an impaortant work. He was the entrepreneaur of the year afterall. I didn't even get to see him off. He called me to inform me and assured me to be back soon. Its been three days since then.

As I was missing him I thought about what did I actually miss about him ?!! There's no one to crack silly joke with me. There's no one to call me 'babe' after every five minutes. There's no one to cuddle with me in the cold nights.

I sit on my bed in the room and all of a sudden feel lonely. The moments me and Karthik had spent together come flashing in my mind.I am missing him way too much.

My eyes start to water even by thought of him. He is miles away.

I let out a loud sob, and clutch the pillow tightly against my chest. As soon as my eyes land on a hoodie kept near the bed, I grab it too, holding it too tight.

It's Karthik's hoodie which I had lend from him. It somehow makes me feel better. Like I am holding Karthik in my arms.

But that's not enough, isn't it ?!! I start crying and curl up on the bed hugging and crumbling the hoodie with my arms.

Meanwhile, there's a slight knock on the Window. I obviously don't hear it between all the crying.
After about five minutes, the window is opened from outside and the person hanging from the window is none other than Karthik !!

His eyes widen with shock as he sees me curled up on the bed with a hoodie.His hoodie. He is speechless. His heart breaks to see me like that.

Immediately, he rushes to my side and scoops me in his arms.

"I missed you !!" I say.

"Aww. Jaan, I missed you too much !!" He says, engulfing me in his arms. I can feel his warmth and scent again. And its helping me heal. I am comfortable again.

I smile slightly burying my face in his chest. He rocks me back and forth. Its all like a dream come true for him as well as me.

"Thank you for coming." I say.

"How could I leave you alone ?!! I was missing you like hell, you know that ?!!" He asks pulling back and cupping my tear stained face.
" I love you." I say.

"Yeah, well. I love 'me' too. But just look here. What you've done to my hoodie !!" He exclaims in pure horror, taking his hoodie in his hands.

"Yeah, I mean miss me, Naira, but don't kill my hoodie by crumbling it. That's why I wasn't ready to give you this !!"He adds.

I shake my head as he holds his hoodie in his hands like its a person who is dead.

"Stop it now !! And cuddle with me." I say.

He looks up at me and flashes a smile like he's been longing to hear what I had just said.

"Anytime ma'am." He says and opens his arms, inviting me in. I hold onto him tighter as he plants a kiss on my forehead.

I finally feel completely happy. All that matters is that one Kaira moment of love and togetherness......

Precap : The missing london factor.Naira's wish Karthik's command.Snow world !!

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