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  Y/n is a high school student who worked part-time at a coffee shop along with other jobs she found. Life was tough for Y/n as her father left her with a younger brother and her sick mother at a very young age. Growing up, Y/n knows nothing but to study hard and make money so that she could find a way to cure her mother's sickness as well as paying the tuition fee for her brother.
Even though Y/n's manager treated her badly, she couldn't complain one word cause she wanted to keep this job. Anywhere else wouldn't take a student like her in. Also because the money she was paid is higher than most employees here.

Haru: Let's take a break, I'm exhausted...

Daisuke: Sure.

Haru: How about I pay for the drinks?

Daisuke: You sure?

Daisuke gave Haru that 'I know how much you earned for a salary so stop being nice' look.

Haru: Come on.. It's your first time drinking at that place.

   Haru pointed at the coffee shop they are standing next to, begging Daisuke to go with him since he hasn't been able to drink with someone for awhile. Especially Daisuke Kambe, the well-known partner who always act like he's on top of them all. Daisuke raised an eyebrow in doubt.

Haru: Pretty please!!

Daisuke: You owe me this time.

Haru: Ugh...

   The moment when Daisuke stepped inside the coffee shop, he knew that this was a bad idea. Despite the nice aroma of freshly brewed coffee, a loud noise got everyone's attention. Daisuke hates getting himself into such mess, it's bothersome. The manager was loudly scolding one of the employees for having broken a cup while doing the dishes. None of the other workers dare to say a word cause they knew what the consequence is. Especially Y/n, she wouldn't want to interrupt when the manager went mad. Unlike many people, Y/n's manager is short-tempered, anyone can see that to the point they are sick of him and quit their job.

 One thing Daisuke knows well, Haru wouldn't stand here looking. Right before the manager slapped his employee, he was held back.

Manager: The hell do you think you are?

Haru: I'm a police officer.

Manager: And what is wrong with me showing my employee the proper working manner?

Haru: You're committing a violence act, you moron.

Manager: Since when such brats like you get to work as a policeman? 

Haru: And since when a middle-aged man has the right to hit someone?

 Haru quickly pressed him onto the cold floor. The employees were satisfied seeing him like that. Daisuke still has his cool face staring at what Haru did. He takes a good look around the shop, it was a small coffee shop comparing to all places he has ever came to. Daisuke was about to take his leave when he noticed a young woman behind the counter.

Manager: You won't get away with this! 

Daisuke: HEUSC, purchase this place.

Manager: Haha, just who do you think you are?

   <Purchase completed. Balance, unlimited.> 

Manager: Is this some kind of joke?

Haru:  Showing off as usual...

  Y/n was shocked to actually see something like that happening. This means she would have a new boss, judging at how Daisuke look, she supposed that he was indisposed, cocky and nothing more than a bossy man. 
'Do I really have to work for this man?' But she realized that she has no choice, it's hard to find job nowadays. 

Daisuke: You, what's your name?

Y/n: It's Y/n L/n sir.

Daisuke: Except for that girl, the others can go home.

While the others were cherring, Y/n and Haru were left in confusion.

Haru: What about me? And this man?

Daisuke: You can do anything to him, just go. 

Haru: But-

Daisuke: You owe me a favor, remember? Now go.

Haru was speechless. He knew Daisuke wouldn't be convinced that easy, so he gave up and pulled the manager outside by his two legs. Now there's only two of them, Y/n didn't know what to say so she remained silence. Making his way to the counter, he leaned against it.

Daisuke: How much?

Y/n: Huh?

Daisuke: How much do you want me to pay you?

Y/n, taken aback by Daisuke's audacity, looked at him with a mixture of surprise and skepticism. She knew the intentions of wealthy men like him, always seeking to possess rather than truly connect.

Y/n: I didn't quite catch that.

She avoided his gaze. 

Daisuke: Be mine, I'd pay whatever the price is.

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