Aphrodite x Female Reader

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You were a player as they would say. You loved to party and to have fun, especially with women. You were a college student for now, getting your degree in history to become a historian. You had (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and an athletic build. You were known for being the female fuckboy. You never really wanted to settle down with a girl, instead you mostly just had one night stands or friends with benefits. Most girls didn't mind though, they just wanted to fuck you since you were really cute. You could turn a straight girl gay with just a certain look.

What you didn't realize is that your looks caught the attention of a certain goddess, Aphrodite. Of course with how she is, she wanted to see how good you were in bed. So she went down to the mortal realm disguised as one of them. She never really took female lovers, but when she did they were always the cutest, none of been amazing in bed though, but maybe you will change that.

After a long day of classes, you made your way to your apartment, putting one a black button up shirt, rolling the sleeves to your elbows. You then put on black pants and some leather shoes. You were going to go to the club tonight in hopes of finding a new partner.

You ran a hand through your hair, looking at yourself in the mirror and smirking before heading out the door to meet with your friends. Of course you went to a gay club. This club was where you always went, it was called the Drag Queen's Ball. It was a pretty cool place and was always packed with people. You made your way inside, the guards already knowing who you were and happily greeting you.

When inside you walked over to the bar, your friends calling for you with bright, happy smiles.they all greeted you and you all began to drink. After a few beers and a couple shots you decided to go on the dance floor.

You looked around at everyone as they danced and grinded against eachother, looking for a girl that wasn't dancing with anyone. You finally saw a girl at a booth on the side of the dance for, drinking a cup of vodka as she watched everyone. Soon your eyes locked with her, making a smirk appear on your face.

You took this as an opportunity and walks over to her, sitting down in front of her. "Why aren't you dancing with anyone? You are very beautiful I don't see why anyone wouldn't want to have a dance." You said, looking her up and down, taking in her looks.

She was very pretty, she had an hourglass figure, one of the best you've seen. She had beautiful amber eyes and long brown hair. You couldn't help but blush when looking at her.

She smiled at you, looking down at her drink. "I just don't see anyone that interests me." She said, her voice seductive and enough to arouse anyone, no matter the gender. You grinned, leaning against the table and towards her. "Well, I hope you don't mind if we dance?" You asked, holding a hand out to her.

She smiled and nodded, taking your hand and letting you lead her out to the dance floor. You two danced the night away, but you never realized this girl was Aphrodite. And Aphrodite won't lie, you were a pretty good dancer, she enjoyed it more than any she's had.

Finally when it was time for you to go home, Aphrodite asked if she could go home with you. This made you smirk and nod, wrapping an arm around her waist and taking her out to the Uber you called. The ride was mostly with you two talking about random stuff and flirting as well, enjoying each other's company until you made to to your apartment. You took her up, excitement boiling inside you as you unlocked the door and brought her inside.

Almost instantly she kissed you, shutting the door with her foot as she wrapped her around around your neck. You kissed her back just as passionately, running your hands all over her body which sparked excitement and heat inside her like she never felt before. Now she realizes it, you weren't like most girls when it comes to this, you could make anyone melt with just a touch, even a look and they would be wrapped around your finger. And she wouldn't lie, she was already wrapped around your finger.

You picked her up, making her wrap her legs around your waist as you dragged her back to your bed, shoving her on it and crawling on top of her. She didn't have time to respond as you kissed her once again, growling slightly and grinding against her. She just allowed you to, enjoying each touch and each kiss. All night you two were tangle, enjoying eachother like it would be the last time.

You woke up the next morning with a slight headache. You turned around to see her beside you, sleeping with no clothing on. That's when you realized, you didn't even know this girl's name. You didn't mind though, you were just happy for a good night last night.

Soon enough Aphrodite woke up and looked at you with a smile. "Good morning." She said, looking up at you. "Good morning." You muttered, sitting up and getting out of bed. "So, I was thinking we could hang out for today, it is Saturday after all." Aphrodite said, getting up and walking over to you.

She tried to hug you, but you gently pushed her away so you could put clothes on. "I have work today, but maybe I can have your number." You said, smiling at her. Aphrodite's heart sank, but lifted slightly when hearing the last part. She nodded, grabbing her phone and letting you type in her number as a contact.

"I can't wait." She said, putting on her clothes and hesitantly leaving the apartment. You smirked when she left, to be honest, you had no work today, you had plans with another girl though. You were going to hang out with her, kind of like a date. You just wanted to take her back to your bed was all.

Finally you made it to the cafe that you and the girl were supposed to meet at. You smiled when seeing her, giving her a quick kiss on the lips before sitting down. You didn't realize that Aphrodite was watching you from Olympus. She could feel her heart break when you kissed this girl, knowing she was played, but she loved you too much to hurt you. How could she already be this much in love?

After the date, you brought her back to your apartment. You unlocked the door, opening it only to see Aphrodite in the living room in some lingerie. Your eyes widened in shock as you looked at the girl you were with who was also shocked yet heartbroken. "How did you get in here?! You aren't supposed to be here!" You yelled! Storming over to Aphrodite.

She just smiled at you, standing up and placing a hand on your chest. "I love you, please come to Olympus with me!" She said, wrapping her arms around you. You looked at her before shoving her away. "No! What are you crazy!? What do you mean Olympus!?" You yelled, backing away from her. She looked at you as tears sprung in her eyes before she tore at her skin, making you run to her to stop.

She kicked you to the ground, her skin splitting in half to show her in her true form, glowing and even more beautiful than she was before. You watched her with slight fear, yelling at the girl you brought her to leave. Just as she turned around, Aphrodite lifted a finger, shocking her and killing her.

Teats sprang in your eyes as you tried running to her, but Aphrodite forced you back to her with a smile. "You're coming to Olympus with me whether you like it or not, and I'm not letting you fuck anyone else but me." She said, smirking down at you. You didn't know how to respond, only laying there in silence as she stated into your fear stricken eyes. She was obsessed, you couldn't believe you have gotten the goddess of love to be obsessed with you....

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