Poseidon x Reader x Amphitrite

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(The white haired girl is Lynn.)

You seemed to have a gift, a gift of the sea. What exactly does this mean? It means you could tame the animals in the ocean and waters. It was an extraordinary gift that you were praised for. Because of this gift, you had dedicated your life to learning about the creatures of the sea. You were even asked to go on a mission. Some scientists had built a building under the sea that is supposed to help them study and calculate the wildlife. Each time they had gotten a new animal, they always brought it to you first to help calm it so they could research the animal.

Today was like any other day though, happy and enjoyable. You were walking through the glass halls that let you look into the ocean, it always made you happy. The only thing you had to complain about down here was that you always felt watched. By what, you didn't know. Maybe it was just paranoia.

As you walked through the hall, you noticed a whale swimming towards you. It was  a Dwarf Sperm Whale, it seemed pretty happy to see you. It began to swim in circles and Ley out playful noises. This made you giggle and smile. "Hello to you too, Dinny." You said, placing a hand on the glass. He pressed his nose up against where your hand was, you two stayed like this for a minute or two before you took your hand off.

"I hope you have been doing well, I haven't seen you in a few days." You said, clutching onto your clipboard. He just let out some whale noises, swimming upside down before right side up. "It seems you have been doing well." You giggled, kissing the glass where his nose was and waving goodbye then making your way to a door.

Dinny watched you leave and once the door closed behind you, he left and swam to a man hiding behind some coral.

The room you walked in to was the cafeteria. It was morning time, and you hadn't eaten yet. You got some food and sat down at a table, a girl sitting beside you. "Hey (y/n)! Did you see Dinny this morning? He was searching for you not too long ago." The girl said, making you nod. "Yes Lynn, I just saw him, he did seem pretty happy." You said softly, smiling slightly.

She nodded, taking a sip of her coffee and speaking up once again. "So, how are all the other animals? Are they doing good?" She asked, to which you nodded, tapping your foot out of habit. "Yes, they are all in good health." You said as you quickly ate the rest of your food, Lynn doing the same.

You and Lynn were lab buddies, you two always studied the animals together, and you aren't gonna lie, Lynn was very beautiful, you had a big crush on her already.

Once you two were finished eating, you two walked together to the lab you both worked in. She worked on studying the plants, you the animals. As you two made your way to the lab, you both talked about what you dreamed and your lives back home. Lynn and you were both single, deciding to get stable income before loving someone. But now that you two had steady income, you two were thinking of finding a date.

What you didn't know was that Lynn wanted to date you, she was thinking of asking you out today, she was nervous about it, but she knew you liked her too. You wouldn't, you COULDN'T refuse her, and she knew this.

After a few hours of working, you decided to take a break. You sighed and leaned back in your chair, rolling your shoulders and Lynn noticed. She took the opportunity, standing up and walking over. "Here, let me help." She said softly, massaging your shoulders gently which made you relax and blush. "Th-thanks." You muttered, leaning into her touch. She nodded, leaning closer to you, making her head go between her breasts. "(y/n)? I have something to tell you...." She whispered, spinning your chair around to face you.

"I know you love me, and I feel the same way. I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date tonight?" She asked, a blush on her face as she smiled lovingly at you. Your heart raced as your body filled with heat. Slowly nodding you pulled her close. She got into your lap, kissing you passionately as you kissed her back just as passionately. You two didn't go all the way though, you two just kissed and held each other until it was time to go back to work....

Apparently the whole science team was in on making the date happen. They had decorated the cafeteria as the lunch ladies created a nice fancy dinner, well, as fancy as they could get anyways.

Once you walked inside, you smiled when seeing Lynn at the now only table in the cafeteria. Some candles lit up the table as the lights were dimmed dramatically. Lynn blushed when seeing you in your dress.

It was a dark purple with a cut out at the chest, showing some of your breasts. The dress hugged your curves, going down to your knees.

Lynn couldn't help the blush that formed on her face. She watched as you made your way to the table, sitting down in the chair and front of hers. "You look beautiful tonight." She said, taking your hand in hers. "Thank you." You said, looking down with a blush and smile.

You two began to eat, talking and flirting with each other. You had drank two cups of wine and ate all your food before Lynn decided it was time to go back to her room. This made you blush, but you didn't object. She took your hand and brought you through the halls and to the sleeping quarters. She unlocked her room, letting you in first.

You looked around at everything inside. It was a beautiful room, very clean as well. Lynn smiled and led you to her bed, laying you down and crawling on top of you. She kissed you lovingly over and over, you returning each kiss. Soon she leaned back though, looking down at you and smiling. "I'm sorry." She said softly, confusing you.

That's when you felt a sharp pain in your shoulder, causing tears to form on your eyes. You turned to see a need in your shoulder, what she injected, you didn't know, and it scared you.

You tried to fight back the sleepiness that was overtaking you, but you couldn't. After a few minutes of struggling you closed your eyes, going limp.

You groaned, opening your eyes, but everything was blurry. Your head pounded, your ear rung. You could hear two voices though, although they were muffled, you could hear that one was male and one was female.

Soon your eyes began to adjust, showing you were in a room. The room was filled with gray, blues, and greens. The walls were a light blue with the bed being a light green. The furniture was gray with some ocean decorations here and there. You furrowed your eyebrows slightly confused.

You groaned, holding your head, this made the two voices stop and look over at you. "Oh good, you're finally awake." A man said with a soft smile. The man had tan skin with long dark hair and a beard. He had a strong build with some tattoos. He had beautiful blue eyes and was holding a Trident.

You looked over at the woman to see it was Lynn. You furrowed your eyebrows, confuse by all this. "Wh-what's going on?" You asked, fear taking hold of you. "Calm down, you are safe. I am Poseidon, god of the sea." The man said as he walked up to you with a soft smile on his face. You frowned, sitting up a little. "That can't be true, this isn't real...." You muttered, making Poseidon chuckle. He took your hand, Lynn taking your other and kissing your neck. "My dear, this is real. I am Poseidon, and this is my wife, Amphitrite. You will become our new wife." He said, caressing your cheek.

You shook your head, pulling away from them both and curling up. "I can't be, what about all my work? I'll never see my family again...." You said with soft sobs. Poseidon sighed, about to speak up when Amphitrite did. "My love, this id your home now. We will start a family of our own, do not worry." She said in a soft and comforting tone. For some reason this did actually comfort you.

They told you about what was happening, about how since you were born with these powers, that you belonged to the ocean. You were destined to marry Poseidon. At first Amphitrite didn't like this, but soon enough fell in love with you, deciding she would marry you as well. Once talk was finished and you finally accepted this, they made love to you, making sure it lasted all night. In a month or two you found out you were pregnant.

Now today was the day of your wedding with them. It was in Olympus where all the gods watched, silently cheering. As you stood at the alter with them, holding each of their hand, a smile on your face, you exchanged threw words with them. "I love you...."

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