Male Medusa x Blind Reader

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(just wanted to tell y'all, this will be a three part series with the third oneshot of this ending in a lemon, just letting y'all know.)

You were blind, but to counteract this, you had a special gift. The gift of echolocation, you could also sense heat. You clicked your tongue, trying to see the shapes around you as you navigated your way through the forest. Why were you in a forest? Well, you were abandoned there why your family. They didn't want you anymore and thought the quickest way to get rid of you was to abandoned you in the woods where Medusa lives and allow him to kill you.

You didn't know who Medusa was though, you never heard the stories of the deadly snake creature. Your parents never told you stories of the monsters that live din the forests, you only knew of the centaurs and the satyrs and that's it.

You didn't realize the pair of bright green eyes watching you from the shadows as it slowly slithered closer to you. Soon enough they were just behind you and hissed, causing you to turn around in fear, a cold sweat dripping down you. The creature was only shocked though to see two milky white eyes staring back at him. This creature was Medusa, the man that could turn people to stone. He was powerful, yet he did have a handsome face, but the snakes as hair and the lower body of a snake would turn anyone off.

You began to panic, feeling around the ground of the forest until you found a stick. You clutched it tightly before trying to attack him, yelling and cussing, but he just seemed abused by this, not budging an inch. You kept going though, trying your best and you soon began to pant, getting out of breath.

Soon enough, Medusa slaughtered away and up a tree, making you panic as you thought he was going to attack you. You frantically began to click your tongue and search for heat waves, but sadly found none. You could see the outline of a tree that held Medusa in it, but you only thought that he was part of the tree.

Finally sighing in relief, you began to walk away, clutching onto the stick and clicking your tongue to make your way around. You wouldn't lie, you were deathly afraid, you didn't want to die, you weren't ready to die.

Finally it was nightfall and you were sitting down, leaning against a tree as you shivered, the cold covering you like a blanket. Your breath could be seen as well, but of course you couldn't see it, you couldn't see at all. You could hear your stomach growl, but tried your best to ignore the painful hunger. You were too afraid of eating something poisonous or rotten flesh, this fear kept you from even moving.

You had been dependent your whole life on others, you didn't know how to hunt or even cook. Because of this people thought you were useless and think you were just a burden. This is why they decided to leave you out in the wild to die, so they wouldn't have to take care of you anymore.

Finally you decided to get up and began to walk once again, not noticing the creatures that followed you. They could smell your weakness and your fear, you would be an easy target for them. These creatures were wolves, and they were starving. You finally turned around when hearing a low growl from being you before a howl, signaling and they all pounced on you.

There were at least three or four of them, they all bit and clawed at you as you screamed for dear life, the pain was almost unbearable. You struggled and fought to get away, but then something happened. They all stopped, almost like they ran away. You felt around you, only to feel cold things surrounding you, realizing the wolves had turned to stones.

You couldn't move anymore, you had lost too much blood. Groaning it pain you fought against the sleep that pulled at you. You couldn't stop it though, it engulfed you right when someone picked you up....

When you woke up you could furs underneath you and the warmth of a fire beside you. Confused, you felt around, making sure you didn't go near the fire. You began to click your tongue, couldn't detect any other creatures in the room.

You smelt cooking fish though, making your mouth water. You realiz d it was just above the fire, making you a bit hesitant, but you snatched the fish anyways. You dug in, taking out huge chunks at a time and swallowing with barely chewing. You couldn't help it, you were starving.

Soon you looked around before standing up and deciding to go and leave before whoever it was came back. You didn't know what they wanted, you didn't want to know. Right before you left the room, you halted when hearing a voice.

"And where to you think you're going?" A masculine voice hissed as you heard the slithering of whoever it was coming closer. "Not even a "thank you"." he hissed, glaring down at you as you cowered away. "I-I need to go home...My family must-" Before you could finish your sentence, the male began to speak again.

"Go where? To the family that left you to starve!" he growled, his muscles tensing up before he laughed. "Please, me not killing you is a blessing on itself." He said, circling around you as you kept cowering away. Soon you let out sobs as teats fell down your cheeks, trying to wipe them away but more came tumbling down.

You felt useless, worthless, like a burden to everyone that met you. Why couldn't you have been born with the gist of sight? You didn't want to be a burden.

Medusa wasn't really moved by the tears, but decided to speak up and comfort you anyways, but his words were empty. "I'm sorry for what your family did." He muttered, staring down at you with emotionless eyes.

An idea popped in his head at that moment, making him stop circling around you and watch you closely. "How about I make a deal with you." He muttered, causing you to stop crying for a moment, sniffling and keeping your head down. "What's the deal?" You asked as he spoke up once again. "You will be my hunting toy, and in return I give you food and shelter. Sound good?" He said, raising an eyebrow. You silently nodded, wiping the rest of your tears away then smiling up at him. "Thank you...."

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