Male Medusa x Reader (Part 2)

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You were running away from something, panting and clicking your tongue so you wouldn't knock into a tree. You could hear the creature gaining up on you though, making you quicken your pace, but it did nothing. Soon enough the creature pouncing on you, grabbing you by your clothes and smirking. "Looks like I caught you...again." He muttered, letting you go and slithering a short distance away.

This creature Medusa. He was a Gorgon with snakes for hair and the lower half of his body being that of a snake. He watched you closely as you stood up and huffed. "You're mean." You said playfully, making him chuckle. He felt accomplished that he had caught you once again, he was always happy in your presence. You always cheered him up, even on his bad days.

"Well it's not my fault you're easy to catch." He said, smirking slightly. You looked at him like you were offended, but of course it was just an act. "How dare you, I'm not easy to catch." You muttered, crossing your arms and smiling. He only rolled his eyes with a playful smile. He stopped though when seeing you were getting lost in thoughts. "What's wrong?" He asked, but you shrugged him off. "It's just, I don't even know what you look like, you've never even touched me, you would only touch my clothes." You said, walking up to him. He signed and shrugged you off, turning around. "Come, let's go." He muttered.

The next day, you two started up again with him hunting you as you ran away. You didn't notice the hill though and basically jumped off it be accident, sending you to tumble down and hit your side on a tree. You groaned in pain, about to get up when you heard some voices.

"She's pretty cute, I think you guys know what to do." A male voice said, you could almost feel the smirk on his face. You them felt someone straddle you as they tried to take your clothes off, making you thrash around in fear. "I think after this we can make some money, sell her into slavery." One of the other men said, there were three there.

All of a sudden you felt the weight of the man straddling off of you. You could hear the screamed and ripping of flesh, filling you up with fear. You could then hear stone tumbling over and soon enough you heard a familiar voice. "It's okay, your safe." Medusa said, gripping onto your clothes, but you wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling the slithering of his snake hair on your arm.

This surprised you, but you didn't didn't show it. Suddenly Medusa shoved you away, he felt ashamed of what he was, he never wanted you to feel him for what he was. He felt ugly, yet he loved your warm touch. He enjoyed the feeling of the contact that he hasn't had in so long.

You looked at him, a bit surprised before smiling. "You know, you don't have to be this ashamed of what you are, I think you're beautiful." You said softly, making the male brush and looked at you, his eyes loving and surprised. "Really?" He said, biting his lip. You nodded, taking his hand in yours. "I don't mind the way you look anyways, I can't see so I look for the beauty inside." You said, blushing a little as well. He could feel his heart beating faster the more he stared at you. He slightly smiled, pulling you into a tight hug to which you hugged him back.

During this, you didn't realize that there were more bandits, they had watched the whole seen and ran back to the city. They called for help and people around the city gathered around them as they told their story, some even going to alert the king. That's when the king decided to send soldiers, he needed Medusa dead.

The soldiers marched through the forest as you and Medusa were walking back home. Medusa stopped when hearing there footsteps, alerting you and telling you to get back to the cave. You refused though, staying by his side.

Soon enough the soldiers appeared, their eyes widened when seeing Medusa and you together. They pointed their spears and swords at the monstrous male, but he didn't seem to care, he was only focused on presenting you. They charged, but he was able turn some of them to stone then grad the others, ripping their arms off and smashing their heads in.

He was soon able to kill them all, blood splattered all over you and him as a sadistic grin grew on his face. You seemed more shocked and scared than anything, taking his hand and placing a hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at you. "Please, never kill like this again. I don't want anymore lives taken." You said, your voice desperate and shaky as tears poured down your cheeks.

He frowned when seeing this, hesitantly nodding. "Okay, just for you." He said softly then picking you up, taking you back to the cave and laying you on the fur bed, pulling the blanket over you. "I'll be back soon, you just go to sleep and once I'm back you can go and clean." He whispered. You nodded, snuggling under the covers and falling asleep.

He sighed and slithered away and to the city, a scowl on his face. He wasn't done yet, he wanted to kill them all. He wanted to spill their blood for even daring to take you away from him. They needed to pay.

After a few hours, he came back to the den, going and washing the blood off him before getting under the covers with you. He noticed that you had already washed and was now just sleeping. He wrapped his arms around you, but soon his arms began to wander around your body, causing you to slowly stir and brush. "What are you-" You started, but was cut off by his husky voice. "Hush now little one, just enjoy what's about to happen...."

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