Chapter 24: "The return of the Authors 1/2"

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So anyways, Alpha started blasting away at zombies. Along with the others authors as they were trapped in the corner killing the zombies that are coming towards them in every direction as they were running short of ammo.

Flat: "There just too many of them!"

Alpha: "Just keep killing!"

Meanwhile, with Ryan, Jay, and Cmonkey

Ryan and Jay were shooting at the increasing hordes of the undead. Ryan let out a haughty warcry as he continued to spray machine gun fire at the zombies. Jay had managed to find a flamethrower and was covering Ryan's six.

Jay: "Where the hell is Cmonkey?!"

Ryan: "I don't know!"

Just then, Cmonkey cleaved right through a large group of zombies with his sword, while letting out a battle cry mightier than Ryan's.

Under any other circumstance, the two would be glad to see him. However, at some point not too long ago, Cmonkey's sanity inexplicably and very suddenly snapped. Which would explain why he was going full Warhammer 40k Space Marine on the undead. Hell, he even made his own bolter... though the way it was constructed was more like a shoota.


Ryan: "About damn time, Cmonkey!"

Ryan then leans over to Jay and whispers to her so that Cmonkey could not hear.

Ryan: "Has he always been like this?"

Jay: "The current state of his sanity is definitely concerning. But, I don't ever remember him being this... well, pissed off, I guess is the best way to put it. Unless, you noticed something I didn't?"

Ryan: "I don't know. Just focus on surviving."

As they finish the round of killing the zombies they regroup with the other authors trying to figure out what to do next.

Hitman: "Ok I guess that's the last of them, what should we do now?"

Rubes: "I don't know anyone got a great idea?"

Before anyone could say anything they start to fade again as they start to panic once again thinking they are going to die in the new world they are going to.

Cmonkey: "Oh... I knew this day would come! The Lord is coming back for us! TAKE ME GOD!!!"

Ryan: "Oh, god, not again! WHY DID I HAVE TO BE LIKE PETER PARKER????!!!!"

Hitman: "Well I guess we are dying now."

Rubes: "We can't die like this! We just can't!"

Divine: "It could be worse. We could have been sent to a black void of nothingness."

Flat, at this point, just embraced the fact that he might be dying, and is now rejoicing that he might finally be free.


As soon as they continue to panic, the author then now fades away out of the realm they were in and travels back to the World they used to know...

Back to the OC's

On their way to the Hanger in Kahn's ship...

David: "So..... He froze right?"

It shows David looking at the frozen Knight Tom as the others OC are still recovering from the fight against the father.

Kahn: "Oh yeah. There's no way you can get out of carbonite once you're frozen. Now, other people can get you out, but there's nothing you yourself can do. Hell, not even Jedi can get out of that stuff."

David: "I see....Well we have the father, what do we do with him?"

The two then hear a camera click beside them. They look over and see Blue and Ghost standing next to them, with Blue holding a camera.

Blue: "And moment savored."

David: "Oh for fucksake!

David then walks over to Blue, rips the camera off his hand and throws it on the floor of the ship, breaking it as he turns to Blue and Ghost.

David: "This Mission is Classified, we can't be taking pictures like we are on some holiday or what!"

Blue just stares at David blankly for a minute, the Ghost turns and his eye flashes, accompanied by a camera click.

David just sighs as Blue holds out his fist to a passing-by Striker to fist bump. The Mando just walks right past him and into the bridge, where two of Kahn's four associates.

Striker: "Now, I need some more information on who the kriff you are."

David: "Yeah who the fuck are you four?"

The two in the cockpit, a four armed monkey-looking alien and a black kid the same age as Kahn, turned around in their chairs.

Kahn then walked into the bridge, and sat down in one of the chairs.

Kahn: "Allow me to introduce you to my crew. The little Ardennian here is Denor Kale, second best pilot aboard The Messenger and an exceptional mechanic... and has a bad habit of just taking anything that looks valuable without consulting us."

The four armed alien, Denor, turned to Kahn with a mischievous grin on his face.

Denor: "Hey, come on. I told you, that little misadventure we had on Naar Shada wasn't completely my fault. That Togruta sleemo was cheating and had it coming."

David: "...Ok..... And the other one?"

Striker then looked to the other kid, who was giving her a look that she was all too familiar with.

Striker: "And you would be?"

Sero: "Sero Calrissian, me'vaar ti gar~?"

Sero gave a little bow and a wink as he said this.

Striker: "Gedet'ye. Ni kar'taylir ibac jorad. Ni cuy'beroya." (TRANSLATION: Please. I know that voice. I am a bounty hunter.)

Sero just shrugged and went back to what he was doing.

Kahn: "Sero here... he's an old friend of mine. If some of our jobs take us to places of higher class, he helps get us... well, helps me get in... aside from that, he doesn't really have a specific job around here. He just kinda helps out when needed. And, as you just saw, he's a bit of a ladies man."

David: "Ok."

Striker looked out the windows of the bridge, and was currently wishing that she was in her ship right now. She tried to get in her ship, but she had been held down by giant hairy arms, then passed out from blood loss. When she woke up, they were already in the air.

She decided to take a look around Kahn's ship since there wasn't anything to do. She knew that it was bigger than her ship (which is pretty big), but... that was the only part of this ship that impressed her. Now that she was inside and could get close looks at everything, she came to a conclusion.

This ship was a piece of junk.

Striker: "Osik. Where's my ship?"

Then, as if on cue, the Kom'rk flies into view.

Striker: "How-wh- How in the old gods did that even get here? Who got it here?"

The Mandalorian ship then flew close enough for her to see into the pilots seat... and saw Ghost hovering above the console.

Striker: *turns on the comm to Ghost* "Ghost, you better not place a scratch on her."

To her side, Kahn and Sero's heads perked up as they were hit with Deja vu.

Meanwhile, in a galactic rebel base

Han suddenly sneezed. The Wookie beside him looked to him and growled inquisitively.

Han: "Ah, nothing Chewie... just suddenly got some Deja vu for a minute."

Back to the OC's

Striker: "It has autopilot ya know."

Ghost: "Yes, I am aware. But I want to drive, so fuck you."

Ghost then cuts off the comms.

Striker then sighs.

Striker: "I'd feel a lot safer in the Kom'rk."

Kahn then turned around and looked at her with an unamused face.

Kahn: "Is there something dissatisfactory about my ship?"

Striker: "Kahn, no offense... but this ship is a piece of junk. I am a bounty huntress, I rarely clear my floors and I am saying this."

The Mandalorian then turned around to leave the bridge... only to bump into something big and hairy. She then looked up and saw a pissed off Wookie standing in the doorway.


Striker: "I didn't mean it I swear!"

David: "What the hell is that? Is that your dog?"

Kahn: "That, my edgy-as-a-Sith-friend, is our good friend Grorr. As you can probably guess, he is our muscle."

David: "So....Basically he's a dog. Can he fetch a newspaper?"

Kahn: "He sure can... he, and his race, are also known for ripping people's arms out of their sockets when they get pissed off."

David: "Just like the dogs..."

Grorr then grabs David by the arms and begins to pull.

Kahn: "Hey, hey! What do we say about that?"

Grorr: "Rowr roar."

Kahn: "You don't need to remind me."

Grorr: "Rawr."

Sero: "Yeah, we know."

Denor: "We're not saying you can't be. Just don't rip his arms off... though, if you want to punch him, feel free."

The Wookie then smacked David upside the head with enough force to knock the Captain out.

Striker: "And that! Is why I don't piss off Wookies."

Kahn: "Then you are smarter than most other bounty hunters we come across."

Kahn then goes back to whatever he was doing, and Groor wanders off to another part of the ship.

Striker just kinda wanders off as well, now aware of the fact that Kahn and his crew were... a little off, if she were to put it lightly.

As she wandered through the ship, she came across a droid who was just sitting on the couch, just chillin'.

Striker, wanting to get on good terms with at least one of them in order to make up for pissing off a Wookie, decides to introduce herself... which as always, was really awkward for her.

Striker: "Ya know what...ok. Hello. I am Striker. Who might you be?"

T3: "Bite my shiny metal ass, meat bag."

Kahn: *From offscreen* "T3! What did we say about meeting new people?! Be nice!"

T3: "Eh, blow it out your actuator, wizard!"

Striker then noticed that Blue was sitting next to T3... which, she was genuinely surprised that she hadn't noticed him before.

Blue: "Nice."

He and T3 then clink beers before Blue starts drinking and T3 just tosses his... because... y'know... droid.


Striker then nodded and decided to leave it be. Walking somewhere else and sitting down. She looked down at her leg and then sighed softly. She had to teach herself how to sew and things like that because of her job. Things tore quite often. However, as she was sitting there, she then had a moment of realization that made her eyes widen under her helmet. Ghost was on her ship. He can basically open almost anything, if not everything on board. And, he is alone to his own devices.

The Huntress looked down to her gauntlet and tried to close the door to her quarters but something was down in the ship. That, that was not good. Things that no one other than herself knew about. However, she would deal with that, when it came time. Striker got up and then walked back toward the bridge.

Striker: "Kahn! Do you by chance have anything I can use to fix the gaping hole in my flight suit?"

There was a few seconds of silence before Kahn showed up... and didn't say a word as he walked past her and into another room. He then came back almost immediately with a small crate of various clots and silks. The Mandalorian noticed the small blush on Kahn's face as he looked at the crate and its contents, though Striker said nothing.

Kahn then placed the crate down on a bed in a room.

Kahn: "Alright, let's get your suit fixed."

Striker: "Um... right... so... you can go now."

Kahn: "What?"

Striker: "Ever seen a female mandalorian without her armor?"

Kahn: "Oh! Right, sorry. I just got so used to girls not minding when they-... uh, n-nevermind."

Striker: "I'll call you back in if I need anything."

Striker then processed what was just said fully and paused before speaking once more.

Striker: "Wait. What?"

Kahn: "Uh... you remember how I said that I was friends with a group of ninja girls, right?"

Striker: "Yeahhhh...What are you getting at?"

Striker then looked back to the crate and noticed a few articles of women's clothing. Skirts, tights, shirts... though she was thrown off when she noticed that there was also a bunch of women's underwear in it.

Kahn: "Y-yeah... long story short, clothing getting... 'torn' in battle is a very common thing with them... and what's even weirder is that most of them don't really seem to care about it or the fact that I'm around."

Striker: "I-part of me wants to question. The other part, wants to leave it alone. I am going to follow the side that is going to leave it alone."

Kahn: "Y-yeah... I kinda also stopped questioning it after a while."

And now that... that awkward as hell interaction was over, Kahn left Striker to do her thing.

As the door closed, Striker turned around to fix her flight suit, but noticed something beside the bed.

It was a picture of Kahn and a girl watching the Tattooine sunset together. Striker was kinda heartwarmed by the picture... until she noticed the swords on the girl's back, which meant that she was one of these ninja girls that Kahn was talking about... needless to say, she kinda felt awkward again.

Meanwhile, Kahn stood outside the room, sorta embarrassed by that whole thing. He sighed as he put his face in his hands.

Blue: "I hear you. I know what it's like to work with girls who can't stay dressed for five minutes."

Kahn then looked to Blue with a face of surprise and curiosity.

Kahn: "You work with shinobi girls too?"

A bead of sweat rolled down Blue's head as the Warlock slightly hunched over and wore a face of annoyance.

Blue: "Demon girls, actually."

Suddenly however, there was a very loud crash sound that came from the room. Before another one followed shortly after that.

Inside the room, Striker groaned as she layed in the ground. Half out of her armor. She layed there for a moment, and felt awkward as she noticed that a pair of panties fell on her head. She then slowly got up and picked up the cloth that had fallen. Yes the bacta and bandages helped but her balance was still...iffy.

Striker: "I'm fine! I swear!"

She then took the panties off of her head and shoved it into the crate. Striker then shifted and continued to remove her armor and suit as she started to fix up the hole. However, she had to use two different pieces of fabric and not one.

Meanwhile, with Team PTNS

Pyro, Sky, and Natura sat in the medical bay of The Messenger, and watched as an armless Torn floated in the bacta tank.

Pyro: "He doesn't have an arm."

Natura: "Yeah, that is the current state of his condition."

Pyro looked down at the floor and took a deep breath, taking blame for the current state of his teammate, Torn.

Pyro: "Why? Why did I let that happen?"

Sky put her hand on Pyro's shoulder, trying to comfort him.

Sky: "It's not your fault."

Pyro: "I'm the leader of this team. I should take responsibility for anything that happens to my teammates."

Natura: "You may be our leader, but that doesn't mean you get to take blame for our mistakes."

Pyro: "Then I should be a better team leader and make sure you don't make mistakes."

Pyro sat down on the ground and rested his head on his hand. Sky sighed as she sat down next to Pyro.

Sky: "Stop beating yourself down. I know that this looks bad, but it could be a lot worse."

Natura: "Torn could've been killed, but he's... Recovering."

Pyro: "I guess... It just feels like I failed as a team leader."

Sky: "No one's perfect. How can you improve if you keep worrying over every little thing? You'll just drive yourself crazy doing that."

Pyro: "...Yeah, I should take this as a moment to learn from my mistakes."

Natura: "I know we all should do that as well."

Sky: "Plus Pyro, I heard a lot of people get robotic limbs to replace lost ones. So maybe we can get Torn a replacement arm."

Pyro: "People get robot parts?!"

Natura: "Numerous hunters and huntresses get them. They do cost a lot though."

Pyro: "I want a robot arm."

Sky smacked Pyro on his head.

Sky: "You are not getting rid of your arm!"

Pyro: "Ow! Alright, what about just a hand?"

Sky smacked Pyro's head again. Pyro groaned and looked down, sighing and crossing his arms.

Pyro: "Torn gets a cool arm!"

Sky: "I prefer my team leaders in one piece thank you!"

Natura: "You two should keep it down. You don't want to bother Torn while he's recovering."

T3: "Actually, he's still unconscious, and even if he wasn't, bacta tanks are soundproof."

Natura: "Huh. Never mind then. Be as loud as you want."

Pyro and Sky: "Yes!"

Pyro: "Now give me my robot arm!"

Sky: "What did I just say?!"

A loud smack could be heard from miles away. Pyro was laying on the ground with a bump on his head and smoke coming from it. He groaned in pain as his aura tried its best to heal him of his injury. Sky's hand also has smoke coming from it just by how fast she moved it, almost catching fire.

Pyro: "Ok... No robot parts."

Sky: "Good."

Sky started to shake her hand, getting rid of the smoke as she just realized that her hand was hurting from her slap. She grabbed her hand and tried to soothe the pain.

Natura: "You know, I'm surprised with how long I've survived with you guys."

Pyro: "Sky. Is that a compliment?"

Sky: "Let's just take it as such."

Meanwhile, with the Villains

It shows the body of Henry there with his neck twisted in the crater where Arthur and Henry made during their fight but before any of the Villans get to Henry body it shows an woman and a man wearing the same armor just like Henry standing over the Dark King body the woman kneel beside the King and spoke into a language that the Knights Bloodline only understands

???: "Riuke faavhas our work iukn'av done yeav"

Henry: "Jiak'm alreadausan up mausan milambak"

Henry slowly move his arm to his head snapping his head back in place as he stand infront of the two Dark Knights as they got to their knees and bow to Henry.

Henry: "Raiuke mausan milambak iav iuk greaav avo ukee mausan new commanderuk ayh doaumn na"

??? 2: "Auk nalal avo lat faavhas."

Henry: "Very well....Tell me have you found your cousin yet?"

???: "Yes we have..."

Henry: "And you want to challenge him to see he can live up to our legend like your Uncle?"

The two nod their heads as Henry turn his back to them having his right hand rubbing his chin and watch the ruins of Atlas.

Henry: "Very well you can fight him...But remember don't kill him yet he not ready just yet."

???: "Thank you my King."

The two Dark Knights then finally disappear with the dark shadow smoke leaving in their place that they were standing as Henry stood there and smile making his Dark Silver eye's glow a little a bit of bright.

Meanwhile, in the Knight's Void.

Raul: "Wait we have an Uncle?"

It shows Phantom Spirits of the Previous Knights leaders sitting together discussing a big issue of Henry presence in this world they are in.

Arthur: "Yes my children you do have an Uncle..."

Josh: "Then how come this is the first time that you mention him when we are all dead expected our Grandson who got knocked out by giant damn bear."

James: "A giant bear?! Please I would have killed it with my hunting knife and my bare hands with it guts and blood cover on me and I will- [CENSORED THIS WHOLE SENTENCE BECAUSE HE'S DONE A LOT OF CRAZY FUCKED UP SHIT]

Theodor: ".....Father....."

Downey: "JAMES! Watch that mouth of yours!"

Raul: "No wonder I do those things."

James: "See at least one of our grandchildren has done something that I did.... Where you caused mass genocide?"

Raul: "Oh Grandfather James let me tell you a story where we- [CENSORED AGAIN]



Arthur: "....Sometimes I regret my decision on having this meeting with my Grandchildren...."

Back to the Villains

It shows Henry still looking at the ruins of the Kingdom of Atlas with his armor gone. Henry then closes his eyes and tries to relax his both eyes for using too much power and magic.

Henry: "Koth....I see you're Champion wasn't here am I right?"

Koth: "No, he was not."

Henry: "I also understand that Second Sister's fought you... and got away."

Koth: "I want to see what the boy is capable of."

Henry: "The young Jedi?"

Koth: "For someone who is connected to the Force, he did not seem to call upon it often. Why?"

Henry: "Because it was fear that was holding him back.... Fear is a great tool for us humans. The reason that he didn't call upon it is that he was afraid that he would end up like someone special to him."

Koth: "Perhaps. Or could it possibly be that he simply is too blinded by his fanatical adherence to the Jedi Code? Or could he simply be hiding his true potential so that we may underestimate him later? Maybe. But unlike you, I do not gamble with maybes. I will not be brought down because I chose to overlook a possible threat. If you choose to do so, then by all means, be my guest."

Henry: "You still don't get it..... Listen I never underestimate my enemies but I study them carefully there something you don't understand about me and my brother bloodline for centuries in our world me and my brother were born with these eyes that were given to us our mother and father didn't know who give us these wonderful powers beside I don't gamble with maybe either the reason that you failed to kill the young Jedi is that you held back so that why you couldn't destroy him you held back from achieving your goal."

Koth: "Bloodlines do not guarantee power and greatness. Nitis and two of my disciples taught me that. As for why I held back, it is because I do not play my strongest cards the moment I arrive. Should they fail, I will have exposed my strongest assets, and my enemies would take time to plan countermeasures. In addition, should they come into contact with another party who is also looking to defeat me, they would converse about what they know about me. Instead, my best hands should be played at moments of strategic value. But it would seem that you cannot grasp such a concept, blinded as you are by arrogance."

Henry: *Chuckles* "Still going by your code Koth I get that but what I could tell you that your code is a lie.....You see in my world there was one Household Clan goes by that code that you say 'Peace is a lie there is passion' There is no such thing of passion without Peace with Peace and Passion there will be Strength to protect it and with Strength you gain Power with Victory but for the Household Clan that follow your code only kill themselves over power and greed."

Koth: "Perhaps you are right... after all, a lust for power and greed are the only things that we know for certain an individual has. Even you are guilty of this. However... it seems that you do not truly understand passion. If you are at peace, then what need would you have for passion? And if you feel that you must protect the peace you have gained, are you truly at peace?"

Henry: "Yes....I was in Peace when I was young with my family in our kingdom our mother taught us passion when we were in peace we truly kept our word of protecting our peace besides my young servent your order never have seen peace what your order have done is destroy Peace and Passion and all you lust for greed yet even though you aged I lived longer with the curse that my old mentor given me so Koth tell me have you ever felt in peace."

Koth: "Yes... I once felt the illusion known as peace. And when I learned that it chained me down, it disgusted me... tell me, why do you wish to remain shackled?"

Henry: "Because there's something that my mother told me and brother about peace it's something in our soul that where our Bloodline came in we fight until we show our world our peace."

After Henry said that he then opened his eyes showing a bit of darkness of his Silver eyes as he then walks away passing to Koth shoulder."

Koth: "Have you ever considered what would happen if you were to succeed in your life's mission?"

Henry: "Then I will rest...and watch the sunset on the peace that I created."

Koth: "It is such a shame that you wish to be so blinded by arrogance and ignorance. Your goal will only bring about more turmoil, and the only unity that will come of it will be trying to defeat you. And when they succeed, one of your own students will try to succeed where you failed, and the cycle shall repeat itself. And if you were to choose the option of genocide to avoid this... well... do you think your mother would be proud? If her message was peace, then I can say with utmost certainty that she would be disgusted... and considering how dear she was to you, her disgust with you will destroy any attempt of peace within yourself, as would the realization that you disgrace her memory after you promised her at her grave that you would bring peace. These are the chains of peace. I have given up on such fruitless endeavors. I realize that peace is only an illusion that keeps us from gaining the power we desire to bring about the change that we desire."

Henry: "And that why you never founded Peace.....All you ever think it illusion but it is not beside even if my mother would see what I have done she can't disagree with me......With the power that I have gained even if she would be disgusted with me she will be dead along with my Father that I killed for peace but for my younger Brother we both dream about peace but in the end we both have different goal. Beside Koth the strongest choice require the strongest will and you don't have that will."

Koth: "For someone who claims to know me, you seem to know nothing of the choices I have made in my pursuit of power..."

Henry: "By Killing people that is closest to you? Believe me you will gain no power if you kill people that you know or serve with you get you nothing.....Remember that...."

Koth: "It seems that knowledge is lost on you... such potential wasted... all because of your fool of a mother."

Henry: "Watch your tone servant be glad that I spared you."

Koth: "I have told you, boy, I serve no one. I had hoped to gain yet another student to aid me, but I have seen that you are too short sighted to comprehend truth... something I assume you get from your mother."

Henry: "Ul tug avruavh iuk avhaav your bajrak agh ordas iuk vadokan"

Henry then show Koth the burned flag of the Sith Empire that his two Knights brought to him giving the burnt flag to Koth Henry then walks away.

However, he stops when he hears Koth laughing behind him.

Henry: "What funny?"

Koth: "You think the Sith matter to me? To any of us? It is a means to an end. It was formed because we saw the power that it would bring us. The Sith are not an empire. The Sith are the Dark Side. Even when our Empire falls, we always return to bend the galaxy to our will. The Sith Empire, The Galactic Empire, the First Order. I have seen them. Even after we are weakened by that damnable Bane, we endure because of our hatred, rage, and passion."

Henry: "And yet you seen the future but in end you know your kind have already lost....Not by me but by the light...Remember that..."

Koth: "I know full well that the Light prevails over us in the far future... and we shall return always. You would do well to remember, cretin, that light always casts shadow."

Henry: "True only the Ghost of evil still haunts them like me and my brother."

Meanwhile, back to the OC's

Still on their way heading to the hangers David was awake after getting knocked out by a the wookie before David could rub his head he then got a radio call as he answer it.

David: "David here."

Nick: "Captain we need a sit rep of what happened?"

David: "Well the factory of the chemical that the Father and his followers were making is destroyed which also we managed to captured the Father he was a hard bastard but for Blue let be honest we both know how he going to brag at to us."

Nick: "Noted and where are you guys taking the father?"

David: "To the Hanger I'll send you guy's coordinates to it, and also I suggest you bring the others something is bound to happened I don't know what it is but all I could say watch each others back I fear we may put a target behind our back." 

Nick: "Copy that." 

It then cut back to Nick Carter Big Boss after finished talking to David on the radio Nick then change the channel for the Knights pravite radios and spoke on the radio that the remaining the Knights are on. 

Nick: "All Knights Code Blue....I say again Code Blue."

Ten Mintues later.

The Command Center 

It shows the members of the Knights together as Sarah, William, Razor, and Ramriez standing wearing their gear while William British squad wait outside from the command center as they were waiting for Nick.

Ramirez: "Why are we here again?"

Sarah: "You know why are we here it something important that Carter called us."

Razor: "I know that but where Zemo and Louis they are part of this team."

William: "Chap all I know Zemo is in the secure area hidden from us including Louis." 

Before the Knights could continue talk they all see Nick enter the room and see's the remaining Knights are present in the room. 

Nick: "Everyone here?"

Razor: "Yeah expcet Zemo and Louis-"

Nick: "That good enough listen I just got off the radio with David."

William: "Did he and the group of misfit caputred the bastard that attack my country." 

Nick: "Yes he did right now they are on their way to the coordinates that he gave to me where they will be questioning the Father and also he said to watch each others back." 

Ramirez: "Why?"

Nick: "I don't know he have feeling that something bad is going to happened."

William: "Carter we are standing in the Military base do you think those crazy cultist will try and attack us? Hmmm~ No I think not I highly doubt they will attack us knowing we will easily kill them with our guns."

Sarah: "Guy's"

Razor: "William have point."

Sarah: "Guy's."

Ramirez: "So Nick calm down nothing bad going to happened."

 Sarah: "Guy's!"

Nick: "You're probably right I don't know what I'm thinking pretty sure David want us to be-"

Sarah: "GUY'S!"

Knights: "What!"

Sarah: "Do you hear something?"

When Sarah said that the Knights then hear faint of music playing as they hearing a loud groaning outside from the command center confused on this the Knights exited out the buidling and sees every Soldiers in the base clutching their head in pain as the music plays again the Soldier then stops clutching their heads as they stood up straight holding thier weapons on their hands. 

William: "Mate what bloody hell is happeneing?"

Nick: "I don't know...." 

Sarah: "I think we should let David know what going on." 

Ramirez: "I agree with my sister."

As before Nick could call David on his radio one of William squad turn to the Knights along with every U.S Soldiers looking at them with a stare as the Knights loaded their weapon Nick was about to get on the radio to David only to hear one of the Soldiers spoke up.

U.S Soldier: "Cull the herd..."

Razor: "What the fuck is going on here-"

Right before Razor said that one of their Soldier shot at Razor right shoulder making him fall back to the ground as William got one of his Soldier on his arm as Sarah sees one tries to shoot her as she pulls out her knife stabbing one in the neck and killed another one when she threw the knife. 

As Nick quickly went to Razor side and start dragging him to cover as William got an hold on of his men as he grabbed his pistol out of his holdster from his hip and start shooting at the corruption Soldiers as they began to attack the Knights. 

Nick: "All Knights Fall back! FALL BACK!!!"

U.S Soldier: "KILL THE WEAK!!!"

U.S Soldier 2: "CULL THE HERD!!!"

Back on the ship

As the OC's were minding their business it shows the equipment of Knight Tom hidden so that no one can touch it but along the belong to the father shows a small music box as it began to play the same song that corrupted the Soldiers in the base. 

....Only You....

Can make all this world seem right.

Only you.

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