Chapter 25: "The Return of the Author 2/2

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Blue: "You absolutely sure you want to do that?"

Grorr just tilted his had at the Holochess board, then pressed a button, which made one of the characters move.

Blue: "You did it. Alright."

Blue then pressed a button, and one of his characters killed Grorr's... which made the Wookie mad... y'know... the greatest mistake that can be made in Star Wars?


Blue: "Hey, you made the move. That's on you."

Striker, who was watching the whole thing from... a reasonable distance, put some input in the situation... whilst backing away slowly.

Striker: "Always let the Wookie win. No matter if you know that you were going to."

Blue: "I'm aware that he can kill me if I don't let him win. I can come back from that, remember?"

Striker: "I didn't say anything about your well-being. Because unlike some people I can't come back from the dead."

Blue: "... Can I at least let him kill David before calming him down?"

Striker: "What? No! We may all be working together out of sheer having to and/or force but you cannot just outright kill the man."

Blue: "Damn."

With David

It shows David walking around the ship as he past the medical wing the Captain then notice to see Cal looking sad and shock from what he see walking in the room David lends on the door frame and snaps his finger to Cal getting his attention.

David: "What's wrong?"

Cal: "*looks at David* I found something in the throne where the father used to be in."

David: "What's that?"

Cal: "While I was in the thorne room, I found a hologram recording of who he was talking to."

David: "What was he talking to?"

Cal: "He was talking to members of team RWBY, Weiss, Blake and Yang. But, I saw... her..."

Hearing that David felt his throat went dry as he looked at Cal with a concerned look and spoke up.

David: "You saw the Mother? Who is the Mother?"

Cal: "The Mother is... is... *slowly tearing up* Ruby...

The world then stop spinning for David as he heard that taking a few steps back David couldn't believe it all he thought that Ruby in this world was safe from all this but no... She became the thing that David feared for her to be a Killer like him.

Falling to his knees on the floor as tears were falling off his face pulling the photo of his daughter out of his uniform pocket David starts to cry while clutching the picture to his chest David then look up still crying as then call someone name.

David: *Crying* "Summer... Summer ....." *Trying his best to fight back the tears* "Summer our..... Daughter.... She's gone ..... She's gone ..... Why dammit..... Why her......"

As he cried to himself, Micheal walked into the room.

Micheal: "Captain? What's wrong?"

David then looked up to David, and he didn't know how he was going to explain this.

Back to the Authors.

It shows the battlefield empty as bullet shells and blood cover the field of snow as this area used to be the last location where the Author used to be before disappearing into the unknown realm in the last area it shows the Authors starting to fade in their last positions.

Alpha: *Looks around them* Um where are we?"

Cmonkey: "Da fuck happened here?"

Jay: "Well by the obvious scorch marks and...mud that was made from blood? Looks like a battlefield."

Cmonkey: "Well God dammit, a giant fucking battle happened and I didn't get to see it? Why the hell do all the cool things happen when I'm gone?!"

Jay: "We all weren't there. We all missed the fight."

Cmonkey: "I don't give a shit about what any of you missed! I didn't get to see the light leave their eyes."

Jay: "Can ya stop being all dark for five seconds and let's figure out what happened?"

Alpha: "*Mutters* Goodluck with that, we're barely holding together as we are."

Cmonkey: "Is it too much to ask for both?"

Divine: "Yeah, it is too much. Five bucks says he can't last two seconds!"

Cmonkey: "Five more says I don't know what that means."

Divine: "Dude that is an easy profit for me!"

Alpha: "Oh shut up!"

As they were trying to figure out what happened they were interrupted as they hear more sounds of engines hear it the author turn their attention to the sound of engines following where the sound is they found a mass Army of cultists as it shows them loading up with weapons and vehicles.

Seeing this it shows one of the Cultist yelling orders around as they were getting ready for their attack.

Cultist Commander: "Hurry my brother and sisters the Father needs us! The Sinners have taken him away from us and the mother!"

Divine: "Oh my god... They are somehow more cringy than Cmonkey!"

Cmonkey: "Say that again, and I will shove this katana up Divine's ass."

Divine: "Oh dang dude. I'm sorry, but you're going to need something bigger if you want me to feel it."

Cmonkey then pulls out a chainsword and revs it. Divine just smirks at him and moves his eyebrows up and down. Cmonkey bounces his eyebrows back while smirking.


Cultist Commander: "KILL THEM!!! THEY ARE AFTER THE MOTHER!!!"

Cmonkey then pulls out a heavy flamer, and held the chainsword in his new tail.


Cmonkey then charged forward and commenced a bloodbath the likes of which the authors did not want to intervene, nor would they speak of it again.

Jay: "I have many questions but if he gets drenched in blood, well he is drenched in blood, all I will say is, not it."

Divine: "And who is this Mother we're after? I mean, I don't mind a milf or two."

Alpha: *Groans*

Ryan: "*slaps Divine on the back of the head* Go to horny jail."

Divine: "What was that for Ryan? Don't you know that milf stands for Mother I'd like to find?"

Ryan: "You're saying it the other way, and I know what you were saying in a horny way."

Cmonkey: *offscreen* "MY GUNS SHALL NOT FALL SILENT!!!"

Jay: "He'll run outta ammo eventually."


Ryan: "Cmonkey, stop talking like the Peggies in Far Cry 5! This is not the game! This is freaking real!

Jay: "Actually, he's talking in 40k terms, which is mu-hu-hu-ch worse. But, yeah, you're right, not the time."

Cmonkey then somehow one-hands the Heavy Flamer and pulls out a Bolt Pistol in the other.


The other authors say nothing more as he continued.

Jay: "... This is fine..."

Ryan: "No, this is not fine."

Jay: "Trust me. This is fine. Just don't get close and everybody lives. Let him get it out of his system. Be glad he's not a Blood Angel."

Cmonkey: "NO MERCY!!! NO RESPITE!!!"

Jay: "... I think..."

Ryan: "Yeah, there is something wrong with Cmonkey."

Alpha: "What do you mean? He's fine."

Jay: "Well... now that I think about it, even before we got Thanos'd into another dimension, I've heard him talking to himself. I thought he was calling somebody, until I walked in on him doing it and he didn't have any kind of phone near him. To be fair, I talk to myself sometimes as well but this was a whole different type of talking to yourself."

Ryan: "I was not talking to myself, nor was I going crazy in the different worlds of the multiverse."

Divine: "Yeah there's no saving him. Anyways you all want to get something to eat? I missed the restaurants here."

Ryan: "Do you think there is time to have food anywhere right now, Divine?!"

Divine: "There's always time for food. You can't fight on an empty stomach. Besides, Cmonkey looks like he's holding the line."


Ryan: "We need to see what these "Cultist" are up to. And we need to find Tom, and get outta here."

Divine: "Ugh! Fine! We'll do the boring stuff first!"

Ryan: "It's not boring when we are saving the world."

Alpha: "True that *Cocks M60* Lets do some more saving!"

Divine: "Yeah, boring."

Ryan: "Just shut up and let's go."

Cmonkey: "DEATH TO THE ENEMY!!!"

Back to the OC's

As they were slowly reaching to the hanger it shows Kahn's ship landing as Kahn, David, and Blue walked down from the ship ramp as some OC's limp down from the ship as they were wounded from the Father fight.

David: "Is that everyone?"

Kahn: "Here."

Blue: "Present!"

Denor: "All good!"

T3: "Screw you."

Grorr: "Raor."

Sero: "Just dandy."

After saying that, Sero then decided to sneak off when David wasn't looking.

Striker: "Here. Just sore."

Pyro: "Hi!"

Sky: "Yeah we're here too."

Natura: "We just got done checking up on Torn."

Meanwhile, aboard the Kom'rk

Ghost floated around the Kom'rk, which he had just landed. He decided to snoop around the ship to dig up any dirt he could use on Striker.

As he floated around, he bumped into Sero, who had come aboard the Kom'rk.

Ghost: "Oh. Sup? You're one of Kahn's pals, aren't you? Sero, right?"

Sero: "That's me!"

Ghost: "So what are you doing aboard here?"

Sero: "Eh, figured I'd take a look around and see what that Mandalorian friend of yours is into."

Ghost: "What, you into her or something?"

Sero: "Maybe. Though, if she's already in a relationship, then I won't get in the way of that."

Ghost: "Huh... I figured you for a homewrecker with the way Kahn described you."

Sero: "Eh, you wouldn't be the first."

Ghost: "So... wanna see what she's got around here?"

Sero: "Hell yes."

The two then wandered around the ship until they found a locked door. Sero then turned to Ghost with a mischievous grin on his face.

Sero: "Wonder what she's got in here?"

Ghost: "Won't be but a moment."

Ghost then fired blue lasers into the door. After a few laser beams, the door opened. The room was dark, but Sero turned on the light.

And there, lining the walls, were eight cocktail dresses of various colors.

Sero: "Well, well, well... I'd say we struck gold."

Ghost: "I didn't take her for that kind of woman."

Sero and Ghost then looked at each other for a brief moment. Then they rushed through the rest of the ship to see what they could find.

???: ".....Only you....Can make this world seem right.....Only you."

It shows a phantom walk past the two and steps outside where the others are as David was setting up the torture and interrogation room as he waits for his team to come..

With Blue

Blue was in another room, listening to music in his helmet. Currently he was listening to Shape of you... but, it was a woman's voice. And he wasn't dancing like he normally does when he listens to music. And he was holding the necklace that he had gotten off of his ship.

With Kahn

Meanwhile, Kahn went back into his ship and went to his meditation room, then closed the door. He then walked to the middle of the room, then placed down two holocrons, one Sith and the other Jedi. He then placed his lightsaber in between them. Kahn then sat down cross legged and closed his eyes.

Once focused, Kahn then began floating, and used the Force to open the holocrons and disassemble his lightsaber. The two holocrons floated beside him, as his lightsaber pieces began to orbit him.

After about five minutes of this, Kahn suddenly felt a familiar presence. He closed the holocrons and reassembled his lightsaber, then floated back down to the ground.

Kahn: "It's good to see you again... Master Si-Fu."

A small figure then emerged from the shadows of the meditation room.

The small alien then smiled at Kahn.

Si-Fu: "It is good to see you too, my old Padawan."

Si-Fu then sat down in front of Kahn.

Si-Fu: "So... what did I miss whilst I took a nap?"

Kahn sighed as a bead of sweat rolled down his head.

With Cal

Cal's right arm had a bandage in the lounge with BD-1 on the table in front of him. Cal held his bandaged and injured arm while recovering from what happened to him in the battle.

With Striker

At the time, Striker was sitting down with her back against a wall. Her head was tilted up and her helmet in her lap. Her still healing leg laying straight out while her perfectly fine one bent with her arm resting upon it. She didn't move far from the ship for the time being. The bacta was starting to wear off and so was the pain reducer. She had thoughts running through her head. Mainly one's about how she could have fought better. Which, was a possibility especially when growing up, she was always taught to be close if not perfect when she was. However, eversince her clan was whipped and she became a hunter, her fighting style changed and adapted. Going from swift, almost graceful, and precise to quick and even sometimes what her old trainer would consider chaotic.

However, her mind immediately went to something else as she saw Ghost and Sero exit her ship, the latter of which had a grin on his face.

Striker: "Oh manda help me so I don't kill at least one of them."

With Team PTNS

Pyro, Sky, and Natura are just sitting around, not really doing anything for the time being.

Pyro: "...I'm bored."

Natura: "Well do you want to do something so that you're not bored?"

Pyro laid down on the ground as he let out a sigh.

Pyro: "Too bored to."

Sky: "Oh I see it's a serious case."

Pyro: "...I'm going to see how long I can hold my breath for."

Sky: "Make sure not to have too much fun with that."

Sky and Natura just sat in silence for about a minute.

Natura: "Hey Pyro. I thought of something-"

She looked over and saw Pyro's face tomato red.

Natura: "Sky! You're the Pyro expert! Help!"

Sky looked over at Pyro and saw him. She got up next to him.

Sky: "Pyro! You can breathe now!"

Pyro just shook his head no. Sky and Natura tried to get him to breathe, but he would roll away from them. Pyro's face started to turn purple. Sky quickly thought of a way to get Pyro to breathe.

Sky: "Forgive me for this. Look over there!"

Sky pointed behind Pyro, making him look back. Sky quickly made an arrow of light in her hand and threw it right at Pyro. He looked at Sky and saw the arrow about to his his face.

Pyro: "AAHH!!"

He quickly dodged the arrow as he took several deep breaths.

Sky: "Phew. Crisis averted."

Pyro: "Did you guys keep track of how long that was?"

Natura: "Uh... no."

Pyro: "Doing it again."

Sky: "Let's do something else!"

Pyro: "Alright. Like what?"

Sky: "Um, let's go bother Striker."

Pyro: "That sounds like fun! Let's go bother mom!"

Pyro, Sky, and Natura all got up and went to find Striker, to annoy the crap out of her just for the fun of it.

Seeing the OC's are recovering from what just happened to them, everything froze in place as time froze. It shows a young boy wearing the same Knight uniform just like Tom and Samantha. Walking past the OC's, the young boy looks at the OC's and gave them a saddened look. The boy then continued to sing the song.

???: "Only you.... Can make the darkness bright.....Only you...."

He then walked towards Kahn's ship and enter it walking around the dirty mess ship the boy then starts to mess the power system and wiring of the ship after done doing that he then walked up to the carbonite frozen Knight Tom seeing him there the boy then starts to unlock the carbonite making the carbonite unfreeze Tom. While it starts to unfreeze the Father, the boy then walks to the Kom'rk to see Sero and Ghost scavenging Striker's ship.

Shaking his head in disgust he then grabbed one of the nearest Molotov Cocktails as he lights one up and threw one at Sero as the bottle was near to his leg and when he walked to Ghost he then rubs his chin and grabbed one of the data chip place it inside of Ghost only for the floating calculator have trouble getting it out.

Once he was done, the boy then walked towards the Father and smiled at him.

???: "It good to see you again.......Brother.....Only you.....Can make this world right only you....."

With the boy disappear he then snap his finger making time resume only thing get worse. As the Molotov hit the floor, burning Sero's leg and causing Ghost to malfunction. As the alarm started to blare as Tom hit the floor.

Ghost: "A~A~A~w~w s~s~shi~i~it, not ag~g~g~gain!"

As Sero kept in a cry of pain, he grabbed Ghost and tossed him to Blue, who had just ran into the room. Kahn also ran out of The Messenger and rushed to Sero's side.

Striker's reflexes and muscle memory hit before her brain and common sense could catch up. She threw her helmet on and then immediately popped up and came over to them. However, a wave of pain hit her at the wrong time. She soon fell down to one knee herself. Knowing she probably popped a stitch or two that has been placed into her thigh to help it heal.

Striker: "Kriff! Mistakes were made..."

David exited out of the room only to help Striker up as he looked around to see a small chaos that happened.

David: "What the hell happened here?!"

Striker: "I don't think anyone knows. One moment it was fine, the next Sero was on fire, Ghost got thrown somewhere, and an alarm is now blaring throughout the hanger."

Before David could say anything all the OC's hear footsteps walking down from the ship as they hear the humming from the Father...

Knight Tom: "Amazing Grace.....How sweet that sound.....That saved a wretch like me....I once was lost, but now I'm found......Was blind but now I see......"

As everyone watch the ship ramp it shows Tom walking down wearing his gear as he then smiled sinisterly and spoke up to the OC's who are confused about what is going on.

Knight Tom: "I knew there will be consequences for your guys action Bandits...."

Blue: "Dude, you lost the fight. There's no need to be a sore bitch about it. The only consequences we have to suffer is that this Mother wants us dead, which is a step above what you got going, what with you being her little bitch and all."

Knight Tom: "Well we both want you bandits dead plus Blue I think you like to see this."

Blue: "I mean seriously, do you do everything she wants you to at her back and call because you benefit from it?"

Knight Tom: "Yeah?"

Blue: "Then you the ho."

Tom then pulls out a small button out of his pocket and shows it to Blue with an evil smile.

Blue: "Oooh, you even run errands to pick up her vibrators for her. You really is a ho."

Knight Tom: "Then how about your little Ghost friend died with a press of this button that I'm holding?"

Blue: "Alright. Do it."

Ghost: "WHAT!?!?!"

Blue: "You heard me. Do it. I've been trying to get rid of him for years. You'd be doing me a favor."

Ghost: "Yeah, fuck you too!"

Blue: "Oh, like you haven't been a pain in my ass!"

Ghost: "Hey, you don't get to be mad at me for finding your misery fucking hilarious!"

Blue: "Watch me, bitch!"

With enough bickering Tom then grabbed one of his pistol from his hip and shot Blue in face two or three time as Blue is down David was about to get his pistol only for the Captain get shot in the knees as he fall to the floor covering the wound of his knee. Tom then turn to Striker and shot her in the thighs again slower her down.

As the other tries to rush towards the Father he raises the button and looks at them with a pissed off face.

Knight Tom: "Do anything funny, and I'll press this button and kill your friend which will be two birds and one stone."

The button suddenly flew out of Tom's hand and into the hand and into Kahn's. Kahn, having already looked into Tom's mind, understood why Blue was calling Tom's bluff. Kahn then pressed the button... and the device started vibrating, much to Kahn's shock.

Kahn: "Holy shit, it's actually a vibrator..."

Seeing Kahn is distracted Tom then grabbed one of the molotov cocktails and threw it at the Jedi turned smuggler and shot the bottle causing the liquid to turn to fire and heads straight to Kahn.

Kahn then uses the Force to shield himself from the fire, whilst tossing the vibrator aside and shooting at Tom with his blaster.

Striker made a small yelp in paint before she let out a growl of annoyance. Before speaking in a loud pained voice. She was kneeling on the floor once more.

Striker: "Really?! Again?! What do you have against my thighs? Are you intimidated by them or something?!"

Meanwhile, Ghost was laughing mockingly at Blue's corpse.

Ghost: "Yeah! Suck a giant Grim Reaper dick!"

Diving for cover Tom fired back only to feel something in his pocket as it was another button thinking it was some other sex toy Tom press only for it caused a small explosion in the ship causing everything cover in smoke as Tom make his escape out of the hanger.

Tom walked out into the fire and flames. Everyone else was occupied by the fact that a pillar had fallen in the doorway, blocking them from getting in. Striker was shot, Kahn ran back inside The Messenger to check on Torn, David was a Captain like you until he took a bullet to the knee, and Blue... Blue was dead.

Tom then made his escape in a plane that was parked not too far from The Messenger.

After Kahn dragged an unconscious Torn out of the burning Messenger, and Ghost revived Blue, The Hanger was suddenly rushed by a fuck-ton of cultists.

They were surrounded, thousands of guns aimed at them.

Cultist Commissar: "You have been defeated by the might of the Mother's Army, sinners. And now, through the might of our blessed gunfire, you heathens shall be sent back to hell where you belong."

The Commissar then turned to his men.

Cultist Commissar: "MEN!!! TAKE AIM AT THE HERETICS!!!"

The cultists then readied their guns.



The cultists suddenly turned around as a large explosion wiped out a large amount of them, followed by the sound of gunfire, a flamethrower, and a chainsaw.


Suddenly, another woman in Mandalorian armor appears above them.

Jay: "We do! And if anyone is a heretic, it's you! Eat flames!"

Right on time, Jay started her flamethrower and made a rain of flame that hit the cultists. Some screamed as the hot flames hit their skin and burned their clothes, setting them ablaze.

Ryan: "BREACHING!!!!

Suddenly, the ceiling explodes above the cultist as some of the debris fell on most of them crushing them and just dead on the ground. Ryan rappels down from the hole with akimbo TAC 9's to spray some of the cultists all over them to drop down dead. As Ryan landed on the ground on his feet, he then sees a cultist next to him as he pulls out a musket from his back.

Ryan: "I own a musket for home defense since that's what the founding fathers intended."

Ryan then fired his musket for a golf ball-sized through the cultist and he's dead on the spot. Ryan equips a flintlock pistol on the second cultist and fires, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails one of the cultist's dog. He then resorted to the cannon that was on top of the stairs for unknown reasons loaded with grape shots.

Ryan: "TALLY HO, LADS!!!"

The grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound of extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charged the last terrified cultist and stabbed the cultist in the stomach. He bleeds out while he dabs multiple times on the cultist since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up.

Ryan: *holds musket with one hand on the shoulder* Ah, just as the founding fathers intended."

The remaining cultists tried to aim their guns at the people attacking them, but they all quickly got disarmed. They looked around, trying to find out what happened.

Divine: "You guys really need to stop with all the weird talk. I get enough of that from the people I hang out with."

Before the cultists could try to attack him, Divine kicked them down to the ground, the force knocking all of the cultists out except for one. Divine walked up to the one conscious cultist and kneeled down in front of him.

Divine: "I do want some questions answered and you are the lucky soul that can do that for me. Care to tell me why you guys are trying to kill everyone in your way? And what's up with this Father and Mother crap you guys spit out of your mouths?"

Cultist: "I won't te-"

Divine let out a sigh as he punched the cultist on the head, knocking him out. He stood up and cracked his neck.

Divine: "The moment I get to fight actual people, they're worse than those zombies in the other dimension. Incredibly rude too."

He looked down at the ground at all the guns. He smiled to himself as he grabbed a bunch of them. Divine checked the guns and saw that all of them were loaded.

Divine: "Oooohhhh! I just found out how I'm going to entertain myself!"

A cultist regained consciousness and grabbed a nearby gun and pointed it at Divine. He fired the gun and as the bullet was about to hit the back of Divine's head, he vanished from sight. The cultist looked around and saw Divine standing above him.

Divine: "Man. Your aim sucks."

Divine kicked the cultist in the air at a high speed. He laughed a bit to himself as he started to shoot the random guns in his hands.

Alpha attacked the cultist head-on charging into the cultist formation of soldiers hip-firing his M60 mowing down cultists left and right of him. Getting up close and personal with the enemy he then smacked down one closest with the side of his M60 before swinging it into another cultist knocking him down as well. After that He saw another guy charging at him and with a quick reaction Alpha mowed the cultist down with his machine gun. Then hearing another guy coming up behind him he then smacked the cultist down on his back before unloading a burst of 7.62 x 51mm NATO bullets into his chest. Alpha then turned around and threw a punch at another cultist trying to take him out from behind him knocking him back a little bit. Alpha used this time to pull out his M1911A1 and blew a hole through the cultist's head killing him.

Alpha then held his M60 in his left hand as he held his M1911A1 in his right hand covering his flanks from the opposing enemy trying to push them back. But as he was killing the cultist left and right he then noticed that they were trying to encircle him to try and kill him.

Alpha: "I don't think so."

Alpha then put his pistol back into its holster before he started spinning in a circle firing his M60 at the cultist trying to gun him down. Tracer bullets fired from Alpha's M60 set the clothes that the cultists were wearing on fire causing them to lose focus at Alpha to try and put themselves out. No matter where the cultist ran or tried to get into cover they were cut down by Alpha's machine gun as he didn't let off the trigger as long as the bullets kept flying out of the barrel of the gun.


Alpha then let out a loud war cry as he relentlessly mowed down the cultist from all directions as they kept trying to hit him only to get a facefull of 7.62. As the last few around Alpha fell to the ground motionless around him he then fired the last few bullets on the chain into the air letting out an angry battle cry rambo style. The machine gun of the WW2 themed author then fell silent as he looked around at all the dead bodies around him.

Alpha: "Damn I really chewed them up good."

However, he said that another group of cultist soldiers then came up from over a hill charging at the WW2 themed author.

Alpha: "Okay I don't have time for this."

Dropping his M60 to the ground he then pulled out his Wunderwuffal DG-2 and aimed it at the group of cultists charging at him not knowing what the weapon was capable of.

Alpha: "SHOCK IT OFF!!"

Pulling the trigger on the wonder weapon let loose a long trail of blue lighting striking the first cultist in front in the chest. The shot spread to the rest of the cultists in the group, shocking them all to death falling flat on their faces. Seeing the whole group was down Alpha then looked at the wonder weapon in his hands as he smirked from side to side.

Alpha: "Oh man, where have you been my whole life?"

However one cultist lieutenant then approached him stopping about seven feet from where Alpha was standing.

Cultist lieutenant: "That's a pretty impressive weapon you have there, too bad your nothing without it."

Alpha then slowly turned his gaze to the Cultist lieutenant giving him a cold glare.

Alpha: "You want to bet your life on that?"

Cultist lieutenant: "That uniform you're wearing doesn't suit you either, you don't deserve it."

Alpha then strapped the Wunderwaffe DG-2 to his back before he started walking over to the cultist that dared to insult him and the uniform he wore.

Cultist lieutenant: "Oh what's this? Your approaching me, trying to prove a point?"

Alpha: "I can't beat the shit out of you with my fists without getting closer."

Cultist lieutenant: "Oh then come as close as you want."

The two then walked towards each other with Alpha giving the lieutenant the same icy cold glare he is known for beating up bullies while the cultist just smirked as the two closed the gap. The cultist lieutenant then made the first move as he tried throwing a punch at the authors face only for Alpha to dodge to the side throwing his own punch landing right in the cultist's face knocking him back a couple feet.

Cultist lieutenant: "Huh, almost hurt. *nose bleeds*"

Alpha: "There's more where that came from."

Alpha then made a (Matrix) Neo fighting pose and made a 'come on' motion with his hand beckoning the lieutenant to charge at him in rage. The lieutenant then started throwing punches left and right trying to land a hit on the WW2 themed author but to no avail. Alpha then started throwing off his attacks before throwing his own punches landing two more on the guys face and a few more on his chest knocking him back again. However, Alpha didn't stop there as he then started kicking the cultist's head repeatedly many times. Then with one finally hard kick to the face the cultist lieutenant finally went down with a bloody and bruised face. Alpha then stood over him and looked down.

Alpha: "I don't need a weapon to beat you... my whole body is a weapon."

Alpha then turned to rejoin the others not knowing that the cultist behind him was pulling out a pistol to shoot at the leaving author. However almost on instinct Alpha then turned back around and the cultist fired with the bullet barely missing the WW2 themed author by an inch. While he was turning around Alpha pulled out his M1911A1 and fired one .45 ACP bullet and it found its way through the cultist's head killing him.

Alpha: "Huh, I guess all those shooting classes and time at the gun range paid off."

Cultist: "Fall back! Fall back!"

Cultist Commissar: "STOP!!! COME BACK HERE COWARDS!!!"

Suddenly, the Commissar turned around as he heard the sound of a chainsaw behind him. When he turned around, he saw Cmonkey carving through the cultists.

Cmonkey then charged forward, bashing one cultist with his shoulder, then using the chainsword to cleave through four others, the blood splattering on the ground around them. One cultist charged at Cmonkey, but he embedded the sword in the cultist's head before revving the sword and splitting the cultist in half.

Cmonkey: "DIE, HERETICS!!!"

Cmonkey then looked up as he saw the Commissar rev up a chain axe.

Cultist Commissar: "The only heretics here are the filthy heathens in front of me."

Cmonkey just stares the Commissar down as he shot another cultist with his Bolt Pistol, before tossing it away.

The two then walk towards each other as the battle unfolds around them.

Cultist Commissar: "You people have been chosen to reveal my existence to the world. They will witness what happens here today, and they will tell of it later."

The two then rushed towards each other and swung at each other, the two weapons clashing, both revved up and grinding against each other.

Cultist Commissar: "Now you will receive me!"

Cmonkey: "I do not want your poor, or your hungry!"

The two then pushed away from each other, before the Commissar swung down at Cmonkey. Cmonkey dodged the attack before swinging at the Commissar, who caught and held Cmonkey's arm.

Cultist Commissar: "I do not want your tired and sick!"

Cmonkey: "It is your corrupt I claim!"

Cmonkey then headbutted the Commissar, then kicked him in the chest, causing the Commissar to stumble backwards. Cmonkey then swings at the Commissar, but the Commissar deflects the attack, then backhands Cmonkey.

The two then look at each other.

Cultist Commissar: "It is your evil that shall be sought by me!"

Cmonkey: "With every breath, I shall hunt them down!"

The Commissar then swings at Cmonkey again. Cmonkey manages to parry it, only for the Commissar to swing right back down. Cmonkey blocks the attack, and again the two weapons grind against each other as the chains spin.

Cultist Commissar: "Each day, I shall spill their blood, 'till it rains down from the skies!"

Cmonkey: "Do not kill, do not [CENSORED WORD THAT RHYMES WITH GRAPE], do not steal! These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace!"

The two then pushed away from each other once again. Cmonkey then spun around to add more power to his strike, but the Commissar deflected the attack, then swung down at Cmonkey. Cmonkey dodged, then the Commissar swung again, which Cmonkey also dodged.

Cultist Commissar: "These are not polite suggestions! These are codes of behavior! And those of you that ignore them shall pay the dearest cost!"

Cmonkey: "There are varying degrees of evil! I urge these lesser forms of filth, not to push the bounds and cross over into true corruption, into my domain!"

One last time, the two clashed.

Cultist Commissar: "For if you do, one day you will look behind you and see me, and on that day you will reap it!"

Cmonkey: "And I will send you to whatever God you wish!"

The two then pushed against each other.

The Commissar then swung at Cmonkey one last time. But Cmonkey managed to deflect the attack using the katana that was held by his tail. Cmonkey then stabbed the Commissar in the chest with the chainsword, leaving the weapon in his chest, before using the katana to behead the Commissar.

Cmonkey then turned around to see the other authors were giving him an unamused look.

Suddenly, one last cultist charged towards Cmonkey with a knife, but got his head blown off by Flat, who was holding a sniper rifle.

A few moments earlier

Cmonkey: "Hey guys! I found a thing!"

The authors had just got done fighting the cultists that attacked them... and by fighting, I mean letting Cmonkey get his bloodlust out of his system and doing all the work.

Jay: "Cmonkey, what did you fi- OH! That is... definitely a thing..."

The thing that Cmonkey had found was the Father's crashed jet.

Alpha: "This thing looks like it's been through hell... though it might still fly if we could get the damaged engine replaced with a working one."

Cmonkey: "Like this one?"

Cmonkey was suddenly standing next to a jet engine.

Alpha: "What the-! Where did you-?"

Cmonkey: "I found it back at that destroyed place we were just at."

Ryan: "How did you manage to get that over here so quickly?"

Cmonkey: "Yes."

Divine: "Welp, that's a good 'nough answer for me."

The authors (except for Cmonkey) then looked to each other, all thinking the same thing.

Flat: "I guess now the only thing we have to worry about is finding someone who can install it into this jet."

Jay: "Which is a good idea and all, but slight problem... none of us know anyone who can do that."

Cmonkey: "Done."

Jay: "What?"

Cmonkey: "Engine is installed."

The authors then looked over, and not only was the engine replaced, but any and all other damage was gone.

Jay: "Wha-... how did... HUH?!"

Cmonkey: "We needed it installed, right?"

Jay: "Yeah, but... how did you-?"

Cmonkey: "Jay, all I'll say about that is... Emperor bless the Schola Progenium."

Jay: "... Y'know what? I'm just not gonna question it."

Cmonkey: "Good. Then let's stop twiddling around with our thumbs up our asses."


Flat: "Cmonkey... really? Boondock Saints?"

Cmonkey: "What? It's a good movie."

Jay: "But why were the both of you quoting it?"

Cmonkey: "I don't know, I just did it because it sounded cool as shit."

Alpha: "Whatever..."

They then heard a click behind them.

The authors then immediately spun around and aimed their weapons at the OCs, who were aiming their weapons at the authors... well... at least, doing their best to, given their condition. Thankfully, Ghost revived Blue and they all managed to get that giant pillar out of the way.

David: "You better tell us who you are and where you came from."

Flat: "My guy, you and your group don't look like you're in any shape to hold us at gunpoint and make demands."

Micheal: "No, but I am in a position to blow off your head."

Alpha: "Go ahead and try it, I dare you."

Striker: "Pull that trigger, and I roast you alive."

Jay: "You wouldn't try it."

Blue: "Hey! Get that thing away from my bestie!"

Cmonkey: "Then get yours away from mine!"

However, after taking a second to register what was in front of them, all of the authors suddenly stiffened and went wide eyed.

Jay: "Wait a minute... you... you're..."

Alpha: "You're here... how are you here?"

David: "I'm sorry, do we know each other? Who are you?"

Suddenly, a bright light appeared next to them. Then a familiar voice spoke from it.

???: "To put it simply, David..."

The bright light then rescinded, and from it stepped...

David: "...Samantha?"

Samantha then looked to the authors.

Samantha: "They are your creators..."

Blue: "I fucking knew she shadow clone jutsu'd that shit!"

Meanwhile, with Tom

After making his escape Tom got far from the OC's but the plane he was flying was out of Gas, so he made a force landing in the snow field as the father walks in the empty snow field he tries to warm himself by rubbing his hand together still traveling in the snow field Tom then see's a small shack that he entered and see a bed and a heater walking towards the heater Tom turns it on and starts to warm himself up.

As when Tom start to relax he then slowly sits down in the chair and then-

Knight Tom: "GOD FUCK!!!"

Tom then fall to the floor as he starts to bleed from his nose as the pain in his head starts to get worse clutching his head Tom only starts to groan and whimper in pain as blood continue to drip to the floor from his nose.

Knight Tom: "No!"

Antagonize in pain Tom then sees the music box that he kept and starts rewinding it and starts playing it again hearing the music plays Tom then hears the echos of his scream making him curl in the ball clutching his head.


It shows Tom strapped down to a chair as it shows Ruby placing something inside of Tom head as blood is everywhere on the floor and on the body of Ruby after placing something inside of Tom head she then grabs some electric rod and slowly turns the volt up torturing Tom as his screams echo in the bunker they were in.

End of Flashback

Still in the floor Tom managed to stop his nose bleeding as he lays in the floor still feels the pain from electric stun rod torture when he was in the bunker.

And that is it for Season 4 guys thank you all for reading the story will resume in Season 5 that all I have to say and I'll talk to you guy later 

-Tom out

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