Avoidance (Kokona x Saki)

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Saki has been miserable lately and it was driving Yui crazy. Normally Saki could have gone to Kokona and complained about it, but Kokona has been distant lately, too.

Kokona was a good friend of Saki and Yui's, but all of a sudden she stopped hanging around them. The three of them haven’t spoken in at least a week and Yui had a feeling that was why Saki was in such a bad mood.

Yui watched irritatedly as Saki poked at her bento, eating none of it.

“You want to prank the gym teacher or something?” Yui suggested trying to get her friend to at least crack a smile.

“No.” Saki muttered in response. Yuu grumbled to herself.

“How about we go watch that new movie we were talking about the other night?”

“Not feeling up to it today, Yui.”

“You haven’t been up to doing anything fun all week, Saki!” Yui said throwing her hands in the air in frustration. Saki only frowned.

“Hey, Kokona.”

Yui turned to see Kokona had entered the courtyard. Fantastic, now was a good time to get to the bottom of this. Yui jumped to her feet and began to walk toward Kokona. She was about to sit down by herself, but Yui grabbed her arm first and started to drag her away.

“Yui, what…?”

“What’s going on with you?” Yui demanded once she had brought Kokona over to where she and Saki were sitting. "You just sort disappeared on us.”

Saki was now looking up seeming desperate for Kokona to answer the question as well.

“Nothing I’ve just, er… been busy is all.” Kokona said. God, she was practically sweating. Yui opened her mouth to point this out, but Kokona stopped her. “Listen I’m not really hungry anymore. I have to go.”

With that, Kokona pulled away from her friend's grasp and exited the yard. Kokona had only just got here. Yui knew the only reason Kokona was leaving is because she wanted to avoid them.

"She doesn’t want to see us, Yui.” Saki mumbled, sadly. "Just drop it, will you?”

But Yui wasn’t finished. Ignoring her friend, Yui went after Kokona. Saki didn’t bother coming with her. Maybe she just wanted to leave Kokona be. Yui wasn’t going to give up so easily however. She needed her fun friend back.

“Kokona.” Yui had caught up to her in no time "Tell me the truth why are you avoiding us."

“I’m not avoiding…” Yui gave Kokona a look and the purple-haired girl seemed to think twice about finishing that sentence. She sighed “Alright, alright. Truthfully, I’m not avoiding you guys… I’m avoiding Saki."

Yui was ten times more confused than before. “What are you talking about?”.

“I sort of kind of well…”

“Spit it out, woman!”

“I like Saki!” Kokona blurted out,  turning bright red as her confession escaped her.

Yui blinked. “Are you serious?”

“Of course I am! I’m been avoiding her because I don’t know what to do about it!”

“Well, here’s a crazy idea. Tell her!”

“I can’t just tell her...”

“And why not?” Kokona opened her mouth to continue to argue, but didn’t seem able to think of anything. “Kokona, this is ridiculous. Let me tell you something…”

“What the hell are you two yelling about?” They both turned to see that Saki had decided to show up.

“Thought you were going to stay in the courtyard?” Yui said, raising a brow.

“I was actually just heading to class when I heard you two yelling.” Saki explained. “Thought you might have started something. Look, Yui, if she doesn’t want to talk to us…”

“This is stupid. Saki, for Pete's sake, she likes you. That’s why she’s avoiding us."


“Kokona, it's fine. Saki likes you, too. She has for a long time."

Kokona and Saki looked equally embarrassed. Yui would have preferred that the two have told each other on their own, but that obviously wasn’t going to happen. So she took matters into her own hands.

“Do you really?” Kokona asked, bright red.

“Well, ah...”


“Yes, yes! Okay, I do."

Kokona and Saki just stared at each blankly, making Yui become irritated again.

“Alright. Now that that’s done and over with, can we go prank the coach now or not?”

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