Chapter 1

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At the Y/N house

Y/N is awake on the bed

Y/N:Another day of school.

Y/N went out the bed,take a bath,put on his clothes,eat his food,grab his stuffs and the bag and went to Shinobi Academy and he is shy imagine the girls are flirting with you

Y/N:*blushing*Just focus yourself Y/N.*enters while look down shyness*

Y/N walk down the hallway but then a blonde girl was running at you and tackle you it was Katsuragi

Y/N:*blushing madly*K-k-katsuragi what are you doing!?

Katsuragi:Oh Y/N-kun you're so cute*giggles*Or i can show me naked body infront with you~

Y/N:*blush*W-w-what no i don't want that.*shy*

Katsuragi:Aww...why not sweetie~

Katsuragi teasing her breasts rubbing his head

Katsuragi:You like this don't you~

Y/N:I-i-i....*let go off her and start running away from her while he's blushing*

Katsuragi:Oh Y/N-kun you will fuck me later soon~*lick her lips*

Y/N:Damn that perverted girl.*continue running away but then he bump to the leader of the Crimson Squad named Homura and Y/N accidently touch her breasts*

Homura:Oh my~

Y/N:*let go his hands out of her breasts while blushing*Gah! I'm sorry!*Homura grab his head and put on her breasts*

Homura:Oh Y/N-kun you touch me i feel so horny now~😍

Y/N:Gah! No can do!*let go off her and start running away from her while blushing*

Homura:I will find you Y/N-kun~

Y/N hide behind the wall and start panicking

Y/N:This is my worst day of my life.

Y/N heard someone in the Hebijo class and you put his ear on the wall it was Ryouna was masturbate and calling your name

Ryouna:Master~ please fuck me master i need this~ oh yes punish me more master~*moans*

Y/N:Ok that was weird i need to escape without she sees me.

Y/N tip toe slowly but then her hand grab his arm

Y/N:Oh shit.*she drag you in and pin you*


Y/N:*blushing*Ryouna please let me go.*shy*Ryouna please?

Ryouna ignore his words and she goes down to his rod

Ryouna:I'm gonna to lick ya~

Y/N is screaming,let go off her and start running away from her

Ryouna:Master~ I will find you~*giggles*

Y/N tired and lean down the wall and got scared

Y/N:Oh grandpa i'm scared of those girls flirting with me,i wanna go home.*hug his knees*

But then a girl came in saw Y/N

F/N:Hey are you ok?

Y/N:No i got scared.*shivers*

F/N:*pat his back*There,there Y/N it's ok i always be with you.

Y/N:You will?


Y/N:Oh ok.

F/N:By the way you are cute person i ever met.

Y/N:*blushing*Y-y-you mean it?

F/N:Yea because i have feelings with you Y/N.*blushing*

Y/N:Me too i have feelings with you.*blushing*

F/N:May i be your girlfriend?


F/N kiss Y/N

Y/N:My first kiss.

F/N giggles but then at the far distance Asuka team,Homura team,Yumi team and Miyabi are enrage saw Y/N got his first kiss by F/N

Asuka:How dare she!!!

Ikagura:She stole our first kiss with our love!!!

Yumi:We gonna kill her and Y/N-kun will be ours~

SK girls:Agree.

Y/N and F/N went out on the date at the park and the SK girls spying them

Minori:I hate that girl!

Mirai:He should be us not that stupid slut!

Ryoubi:I....gonna....kill her.

Miyabi:Later Ryoubi.


Asuka:Ok here's the plan.

Asuka tell the girls to her plans and they agreed

Haruka:Y/N-kun you belong to us now~

SK girls:*turned into yandere eyes*Fufufu...~

Y/N:F/N i will get some ice cream ok.

F/N:Sure i will wait here.

Y/N left leaving F/N alone

Homura:Now girls.

SK girls caught her and they pull out their weapons

Murakumo:*grab her head*No one stealing our love Y/N-kun you bitch.

F/N:Please i'm sorry ok,don't let me die.*sobs*

Yomi:No! You stole our Y/N you slut!

Homura:Stay away from him he is ours!

F/N:Please don't....*Asuka stab her on the guts*

Ikagura:Kill her!!

SK girls start killing her and Homura dicipline her head off

Murasaki:There she dead.

Y/N came in but he saw F/N killed by SK girls

Y/N:What are you doing to F/N.*back away*

SK girls start approaching to Y/N

Asuka:Oh because she steals you away from us~

Imu:And now we decided to kill her to take you away from us~

Y/N:No.*back away more*

Yumi:You are ours now no one will steals you~

Y/N try to running away but Shiki knocked him down and he is unconscious

Yomi:Aww he is so cute i feels so horny now~

Asuka:Indeed let's take him to our private room nihihi~

meanwhile at the unknown room

Y/N awake and he was tied up on the bed

Y/N:W-w-where am i?*shivers*

???:Oh it's seem you awake our love~

They came out the shadows it was the SK girls

Asuka:You been a bad boy Y/N for running away from us~

Homura:We gonna have some fun~

Yumi:Oh yes~

Miyabi:And you belong to us~

All SK girls take off their clothes while Y/N was scared and shivers

Y/N:Oh grandpa i'm sorry i getting raped by the girls*sniff*please save me.*sobs*

All SK girls start raping Y/N


Asuka:This is our home Y/N-kun~

Yagyuu:And remember~

All SK girls:You belong to us now Y/N~

Y/N have no choice he decided stay with the SK girls

The End

Request by SeanNakamura529

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