Chapter 2

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After Y/N got been raped by the 20 girls and he lived with them forever

The next day

Y/N is sleeping and Asuka pour the water at him and he's awake

Asuka:Wakey,wakey slave~

Y/N:*sigh*Hi Asuka.

Asuka:Hello darling~

Y/N:*thoughts*I need to escape from the girls because they killed my first girlfriend F/N i will avenge her.*sniff*

Katsuragi came in and cuddles Y/N

Katsuragi:Hello baby~

Y/N:Please not again.

Katsuragi:Fufufu~*rubbing her breasts on his face*

Y/N:*sigh*I wanna go home please.

Asuka:No this is your home understand you belong us now~

Yagyuu came in

Yagyuu:And Y/N here.*put on the collar in his neck*

Yagyuu:Now be a good boy and don't run away understand.

Y/N:*sigh*Yes Yagyuu.*pouts*


Asuka:Now,now slave we are gonna to protect you.

Y/N:I don't wanna.

Asuka grab his shirt and she blank space

Asuka:No we are not letting you go understand or else we rape you.

Y/N gulp and shivers

Y/N:Y-y-yes Asuka i understand!*shivers*

Asuka:Good.*let him go*

Y/N:*thoughts*Someone please help me from this nightmare.*sniff*

Yumi:*offscreen*Y/N breakfast is ready.

Asuka:Let's go slave.

Katsuragi drag him out of his room and they went to the kitchen and Y/N sit down and Yumi place his food on the table

Y/N:*sigh*Thanks Yumi.

Yumi:Anytime my love enjoy.

Y/N start eating gently

Miyabi:Hey girls we have school trip today.

Asuka:Oh ok Miyabi.

Y/N is excited because the girls are leaving to the school trip

Minori:Let's go.

Yomi:Hold on how about Y/N he will escape and running away from us?

Homura:I know let's take him to Team Leo and Team Hyoki for a babysitting.

Y/N:I'm not a baby.

Homura:Yes you are my sweet little cute boy~

Asuka:Let's go.

Y/N:Oh no.

SK girls and Y/N went to Leo and Hyoki mansion and Asuka knock the door

Leo:Who's at the door?

Ginrei:It's Asuka and the girls with Y/N.

Leo:Y/N~ my darling~ ok bring them here.

Ginrei:Yes ma'am.

Ginrei went to the door and open it


Leo:Hello Asuka what's brings you here?

Mirai:Well we want to babysitting Y/N here.

Yomi:Yea we are leaving for the school trip.

Shiki:Can you take care of him?

Leo:Oh sure.

Y/N enters

Asuka:And don't let Y/N escapes ok.


Asuka:Bye my darling~

SK girls kiss Y/N and they left while leaving Y/N along with Leo and her teammates

Leo:My,my look at you're so cute i think my body is heated my up~

Y/ not toaday Leo.*blushes and back away but then he bump to her sister name Hyoki*

Hyoki:*hug him tightly* adorable little Y/N later we are gonna married you and fuck us now~

Leo:Yea we are sharing with you~

Y/N:No.*let go off her and run off the hallway and hide behind the wall panting breathing*I hate the girls flirting me.*sniff*I wanna go home.

Maki and Aimu saw Y/N and he saw them and their eyes turn into hearts he eye wided and start running and Maki and Aumi chase him and caught him and pin him on the wall

Maki and Aimu:Our senpai~😍

Y/N:*blushes*Let me go please i beg you.*sniff*

Maki and Aimu kiss you

Maki:You're ours senpai.

Y/N:No.*let go and running away and went in the room and close the door and start breathing*I think i lost them.*phew*

???:Oh my look who's here~

Y/N:*shocked and turn around and saw Miki and Syuri are fully naked and he's blushing*Gah! I'm sorry!*try to leave room but Miki grab him and cuddles*

Miki:*giggles*You like seeing us naked don't you~

Y/*blush madly and cover his eyes*

Syuri:Aww....what's the matter don't you like our breasts~

Y/N:Umm...umm...*blushing,let go off her ane run out of the room and hide beside the wall and start panicking*No i don't want that.*shivers*I gotta get outta here.*he saw an open window*Aha!

Leo:*offscreen*Y/N where are you my love~

Hyoki:*offscreen*We want to have fun with you darling~

Y/N:Oh no.*he jump the window and running away but then he bump a strange girl name Ashley(OC)*I-i-i'm so sorry ma'am.

Ashley:It's ok what's you're name?

Y/N:Y-y-y/N ma'am.*blushing and shy*

Ashley:Cute name i'm Ashley.

Y/N hug her and he's crying

Ashley:Are you ok Y/N?

Y/N:No because the girls killed my girlfriend and then they raped me.*sobs*

Ashley:*pat his back*There,there Y/N i will protect you i'm promise.

Y/N:You will?


Y/N:Thank you.*sniff*

Ashley wipe off the tears and kiss him

Ashley:Feels better now?


Ashley giggles and cuddles him but then Leo team and Hyoki team saw him with another girl and they are anger jealous





Hyoki:Sis let's kill her and take our Y/N.


Ashley and Y/N hang out at the restaurant but then Senki Shu kill all the waitresses behind the restaurant and they wear a maid outfits

Leo:Girls let's go to Y/N and the slut table and kill her for good.

Hyoki:Maki will kill her.

Maki:Indeed.*she has a knife behind her back*

Aimu:Maki kill that slut.

Maki:I will.


Ashley:So you and me alone right.

Y/N:Yea with no girls here.

Ashley giggles

Maki approach to them

Maki:Hello may i take your order?

Y/N shocked hear her voice and Maki yandere grin

Y/N:Ashley it's a....

Maki stab Ashley



Y/N back away but then Leo team and Hyoki team caught him

Y/N:What are you doing this to Ashley?*sniff*

Leo:Oh Y/N that slut steal you~

Hyoki:You been a naughty boy Y/N~

Reki and Ginrei pull out their weapons

Ashley:Y/N.....i'm sorry......goodbye.*tears come out her eyes*

Y/N:Ashley don't leave me.*tears come out his eyes*

Kurohoro:Kill her.

Reki stab her and Ginrei decipline her head came off

Y/N:No! Ashley!*sobs*

Aimu:Don't cry Y/N that slut steals you.

Leo:This is your punishment Y/N for running away from us and dating with a slut you ard naughty boy~

Miki knocked him down

Meanwhile at Leo basement

Y/N awake and he was lock up with the chain both hands and legs and Leo team and Hyoki team came in

Y/N:*sobs*I wanna go home please i begging to leave me here.*sobs*

Leo:Ah,ah,ah no one leave this mansion you belong to us now along with 20 girls~

Hyoki:Mhm...we tell Asuka that we are sharing with you~*giggles*

Leo team and Hyoki team take off here clothes

Y/N:Somebody save me.*shivers and sobs*

They start raping him

The next day

someone knock the door


Ginrei:I get it.*open the door it was Asuka team,Homura team,Yumi team and Miyabi team*

Asuka:We're back.

Leo:Hey Asuka how was the school trip?


Homura:So how was Y/N?

Leo:Oh you know~

Hyoki carry sleeping Y/N like a baby cute.


Yumi:We should live here Asuka.

Asuka:Good idea Yumi.

Miyabi:We decided stay here Leo.

Leo:Of course.

Asuka:We won't let those other girls take our Y/N away from us.

Leo:Oh yes we gonna be with him forever~

All SK girls:Hehehe...*turn into yandere eyes*

Y/N:*thoughts*This is worst day of my life.*sobs*

Y/N tears come out his eyes while sleeping

The End

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