Chapter 3

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After Team Zodiac and Team Senki Shu already raped Y/N and the 20 girls were moved on to Leo and Hyoki Mansion

At Y/N room

Y/N:*wake up*Huh what happened? Oh yea Ashley killed by Leo and Hyoki team and i got raped second time.*sigh*I wish to get away from the girls.*look down and sniff*

Y/N get out of his bed and went out the room and saw no girls here

Y/N:That's odd no girls here.*he saw a note he grab it and read it*

Asuka:Dear Y/N today me and the girls went to mall for buying some swimsuits for the beach tomorrow and we will have sex with you if you won't run away with us,oh by the way Ginrei already cook your food is on the table we will be back soon our love~ Sincerly Asuka and P.S. New Hanzo and New Hebijo are here as well to protect you and we invite them to sharing with you~

Y/N:*gulp*Oh no.

New Hanzo and New Hebijo appears behind Y/N

Ayame:Oh yes~

Y/N:Is she behind me isn't she?*gulp and shivers*

Chitose:Oh yes we did our love~*giggles*

Seimei is sleeping and dreaming of Y/N sex with her lovely Y/N.....zzz.

Y/N:*sigh*What did you want now?

Ayame:Did you read the letter well Asuka hired us to watching you~

Ibuki:And remember you belong to us  and don't you ever run away with us understand!

Y/N:Y-y-yes Ibuki.*shivers*


Seimei:*sleep talking* bitch stay away my Y/N....Zzz.

Ayame:Ok then...moving on.

Y/N:Well i gonna eat my food.


Y/N went to the kitchen sit down the chair on the table and eat his food gentle while depressed

Meanwhile at the mall

Asuka and the girls buy some swimsuits

Asuka:Ok pick one swimsuits for tomorrow.

All the girls:Ok.

Ryoubi saw Ryouna is missing

Ryoubi:What the...

Ryouna already buy 50 swimsuits for her


Ryouna:Yes insult me more~

Asuka:Oh Ryouna.*sigh*


Y/N look at the window and sigh sadly

Y/N:I wanna go home and leave this place.*sniff*

Ayame:Oh Y/N~

Y/N:What is it?

Ayame:Wanna have some fun~


Ayame:*giggles*Come on Y/N stop pretending yourself~*show her breasts infront of him*I know you love these don't you~*jiggles her breasts*

Y/N:*blushes and shy*I...i...i...

Ayame:*cuddles him behind and her breasts start grinding on his back*Fufufu~

Y/N:*shocked and blushing madly*W-w-what are you doing!?

Ayame:Flirting with you~*start rubbing his back on her breasts*

Y/N:*blushing more*P-p-please stop it already.

Ayame smirk and push her breasts more at his back

Y/N:I-i-i....*let go of her and start running*

Ayame:I will find you my love~

Y/N went to his room and start panicking

Y/N:I don't want those girls flirting me,maybe i will sleep.*lay down the bed but the someone cuddles him it was Seimei*

Y/N:Seimei what are you doing in my room!?*blushing*

Seimei:*giggles*Sleep with you and no one leave me behind,so we can spend time together with you Y/N.*cuddles tightly and his face touch her breasts while blushing madly*

Y/N:*thoughts*Oh god her breasts is touching my face i need get outta here.

Seimei:*lustfully moan*Oh my you like my breasts are you~

Y/,no,no i never do that.*blush*

Seimei:It's fine you can touch me if you want to~

Y/N:Umm...*get off the bed*I should take a shower now.

Seimei:Ok hurry and get back i be waiting for you~*wink at you and sleeping*

later at the bathroom

Y/N clean his body

Y/N:Finally peace and quiet.

But then someone enter the bathroom it was Souji and Ashiya while they both naked

Souji:Hey Y/N~

Y/N:*shocked and blush*S-souji and Ashiya what are you doing here!?*cover his eyes*

Ashiya:Oh we decided to help wash your back.

Y/N:*blush and shy* thanks i can do this by myself.

Souji:Come on just one time please~


Souji and Ashiya start washing his back

Y/N:*sigh*Feels nice.

Souji and Ashiya are smirking and they put their breasts on his backand start rubbing it

Y/N:*shocked and blush panicking*W-w-what are you doing!?

Ashiya:Washing your back with our breasts~

Souji:Yea to make you feels so good~*lick her lips*

Y/N:*stand up*I...i...i finshed showering.*run,grab the towel,wrapped it around his waist and exit the bathroom and he trip and crash at Fuuma and Hijikata they fall on the floor*Ouch!*he accidently touch their breasts and he shocked and look up saw Fuuma and Hijikata and let go his hands*Gah i'm sorry!*let go and start run away*

Fuuma:He touch me i'm feel so horny~😍

Hijikata:My body is heated i want him to fuck me~😍

Y/N run to his room and open the closet

Muramasa:Y/N-kun~*tackle him*

Y/N:M-m-muramasa what did you want?*blush*

Muramasa drooling and crazy emotion

Muramasa:I want you to fuck me~

Y/N:Oh hell no!*let go off her,grab his clothes and start running away from the girls*

Ayame:*offscreen*Y/N-kun we gonna have some fun~

Ashiya:*offscreen*We are spending time with you Y/N~

Y/N:No!!!*went out the house and hide behind the tree and put his clothes on and continue running away and he bump another girl name Jessica(OC)*Oh sorry ma'am i didn't see you.

Jessica:It's ok so what's your name?

Y/N:Y-y-y/N.*blushing and shy*

Jessica:I'm Jessica and you so cute when your shy.

Y/N:Why thank you.*look down*

Jessica:Are you ok Y/N?

Y/N:No because F/N and Ashley are killed by 30 girls and then they raped me.*hug her and sobs*

Jessica:*pat his back*It's ok Y/N i will be your girlfriend.

Y/N:You will?


Y/N:Thanks Jessica.

Jessica kiss him to make him blush ans she giggles but then Ayame and Ashiya team saw Y/N with another girl




Bashou:Let's kill her and get Y/N.


Seimei:I hate her when she kiss my body pillow.*glare at Jessica*

Ayame:Girls we have a plan.

New Hanzo and New Hebijo:Ok.*turn into yandere eyes and they yandere smirk*

Jessica:Let's go on the date.


Y/N and Jessica hold hands each others and they left


Meawhile at the amusement park

Jessica:Wow this place is awesome.


Jessica:Let's go my love.


New Hanzo and New Hebijo spying at them and pull out their weapons

Y/N:Oops my shoe is untied can you wait a moment.


Y/N turn around and start her shoe,but the New Hanzo and Hebijo sneak behind her and caught her

Ayame:Well,well,well is the stealing Y/N slut.

Jessica:What did you want for me!?

Y/N:Huh?*turn around*Oh no Ayame please don't kill her.

Ayame:No you're ours now and we gonna kill her.

Y/N:Ayame please stop it.*sniff*

Souji:It's too late.

Bashou stab her

Ayame:You like it did you~


Ayame:What's that you want more ok.

Y/N:No stop...

Souji slice her

Y/N:Please enough.*sobs*

Ayame:No we don't want to stop.*blank space*You belong to us now now kill her.

New Hebijo stab her,Seimei fire her rocket launcher and Hijikata smash her body into pieces leave her head decipline


Ayame:Now time for punishment~

Y/N:I don't wanna.*sobs and start to running away but Muramasa knock him out*

Muramasa:Ah,ah,ah you bad boy,you are get punish hehehe...

New Hanzo and New Hebijo carry Y/N

Meanwhile at the basement

Y/N awake and he was tied up on the bed

Y/N:I wanna go home from this nightmare.*sobs*

New Hanzo and New Hebijo came in with the yandere grin

Ashiya:Now time to punish Y/N~*giggles*

They start take off their clothes

Y/*tears come out of his eyes*

They start rape him

Later at night the 30 girls are arrive at the mansion

Asuka:We're back.

Ayame:Hey Asuka how was the mall?

Asuka:Oh we buy the swimsuits for tomorrow at the beach.

Ayame:I see can we come to.

Asuka:Sure Ayame.

Miyabi:So how was Y/N?

Ashiya:Oh he will be fine.


Ryoubi:Even i carry 50 swimsuits to bitch slave girl.

Leo:It's ok Ryoubi.

Asuka:Let's take Y/N at the beach tomorrow.

All the girls:Oh yes~*turn into yandere eyes*

At Y/N room

Y/N was crying at the corner and hug his legs

Y/N:Grandpa....*sniff*i wish.....the girls will be gone....forever.*sobs*

The End

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