Chapter 5

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After Y/N got raped again for the 4th time in a row by Milky Pop and ARC Angels and now they lived with Asuka and the girls

At Y/N room

Y/N slowly wake up

Y/N:*look at the the window*I got raped for the 4th time.*sniff and look down*I wish get away from those girls but i'm shy and innocent boy i can't fight those girls because they will kill me and use me as a toy.*sobs*Granpa avenge for me.

Y/N let go off the bed and open the door slowly and tip toe the hallway without making a sound and hide behind the wall and peak at the living room saw all the girls having a meeting conservation

Y/N:*quietly*What should i do,i can't pass the other side they will see me but how? Ok just tip toe without seeing me i can do this.*start tip toe slowly but hear squeaky sound he stop moving while the girls still talking their conservation and he continue to the other side and bend on the wall*Phew that was a close one maybe i should take a bath now.*went to the bathroom and take a bath himself*

Meanwhile now what we gonna do?

Ryouna:How about flirting master~

Ryoubi:No you always flirting with Y/N Ryouna.

Hyoki:I know let's go to the spa.

Asuka:Go idea Hyoki.

Hyoki:Well me and my teammates already built our hot spa.

Leo:Wow that's great news sis.


Asuka:Well let's go.

Ayame:What about Y/N?

Asuka:I know.


Asuka invite Kagura,Fubuki,Senko and Gekko

Fubuki:Why we here Asuka?

Asuka:Well i want you 4 to take care Y/N for us and you can have with him if you want to.

Kagura:Oh i can't wait my little snuggie plushie boy~*daydreaming*

Senko:We on it.

Gekko:Me too.

Asuka:Good we see you later bye.

The girls are left leaving Kagura,Fubuki,Senko and Gekko along with Y/N

Fubuki:*grin*Now i can enjoy with my Y/N~


Y/N:Umm...*try to walk away but Fubuki grab him*

Fubuki:Where did you think you're going~

Y/N:Umm...going somewhere.*blushes and shy*

Kagura:No we gonna have some fun~


Gekko:Fufufu well shall we~

Y/N:*shocked*NNNOOOO!!!!!*start running away*

Fubuki:Get him!!!

The girls chase him

Y/N:OH SHIT,OH SHIT,OH SHIT,OH SHIT!!!!!*went out the mansion and start running*

Kagura and Fubuki start flying to find Y/N while Senko and Gekko start running to find him,Y/N keep running and he bump a girl it was Samantha(OC)

Y/N:Oops i'm so sorry i didn't to hurt you.

Samantha:It's ok.*stand up*

Y/N:Well my name is Y/N nice to meet you.

Samantha:My name is Samantha nice to meet you too.

Y/N look down and sadly

Samantha:What's the matter Y/N?

Y/N:Because all my previous girlfriends got killed by all Senran Kagura girls and then they rape me.*sobs*

Samantha:*hug him*It's ok don't cry i be your girlfriend.

Y/N:Are you sure?

Samantha:Yes cross my heart.

Y/N:Ok Samantha cross my heart.

Samantha kiss Y/N but then above in the sky Kagura and Fubuki saw Y/N with another girl

Kagura:THAT BITCH!!!!


Kagura:Let's go Senko and Gekko.


they fly back to Senko and Gekko

Senko:Kagura and Fubuki did you found Y/N?

Kagura:Yes but his with another girl.

Senko and Gekko gasps



Fubuki:I have a plan.*yandere smirk*

Meanwhile with Asuka and the girls

Asuka:Ahhh...this is relax~

Katsuragi:Hey Asuka what if all of us are going to do with Y/N~

Asuka:Well let's make him mind break,forget anything besides us,won't run away from us and we gonna married him to have babies~

Homura:Oooh i like that~

Yumi:So do i~

Miyabi:We can't wait for it~

Asuka:Oh we will girls~


Ryoubi:Oh shut up Ryouna.

Leo:It's ok Ryoubi let her go of excitement for her.

Ryoubi:Ok Leo.

Meanwhile back to Y/N

Y/N and Samantha sit on the edge of the cliff and look of the view in Shinobi Academy

Samantha:Thanks for taking me out Y/N you are a cute person.

Y/N:*blush and shy*W-w-why thank you Samantha.

Samantha cuddles him and kiss him on the cheek meanwhile the 4 girls saw Y/N and Samantha kissing Y/N cheek

Fubuki:That bitch!!!!

Gekko and Senko pull out their weapons and Fubuki and Kagura transform their awakening form

Fubuki:Must kill that slut.

Samantha:Y/N let get some drinks ok.

Y/N:Sure Samantha.

Y/N and Samantha and walk back but then Kagura teleport behind her and claw slash her back

Samantha:AAAHHH!!!*fall down*

Y/N:Kagura what are you doing!?

Kagura:Don't realize that bitch steal you.

Y/N:B-b-but she my girlfriend.

Kagura:I don't care! You belong to us now~!

Fubuki attack her,Senko and Gekko stab her and decapitate her head off

Y/N:What did you kill her...*sobs*

Senko:No one any girl will taken from you.

Gekko:This is your punishment Y/N~

Y/N:Please don't do this for me please i beg you.*sobs*

Fubuki:Too late for begging us,you are ours now~

Kagura knock him out

Meanwhile at the basement

Y/N wake up and he already chain up on the bed

Y/ please....i wanna go home from this nightmare...*sobs*

Kagura,Fubuki,Senko and Gekko came in

Kagura:There,there don't cry we want to have fun with you~

Y/N:Please not again.*tears come out his eyes*

Fubuki,Kagura,Senko and Gekko take off their clothes

Y/N:Help...*close his eyes*

They start rape him

Later that night

Asuka and the girls came in

Yumi:Hey sis.

Fubuki:Oh Yumi so how was the spa.

Yumi:It was great.

Asuka:How was Y/N?

Fubuki:He will be fine Asuka.

Asuka:Good,everyone if all of us can have Y/N we have to mind break,forget everything besides us,won't run away from and we can married and make babies with win~

Fubuki:Oooh i can wait he gonna pregnant me~

Kagura:Me too~

Katsuragi:Later just couple of girls left.


Hyoki:So what's next Asuka?

Asuka:We have go to Hawaii.

Katsuragi:That sound great.

Asuka:Later on tomorrow.


Gekko:And no one taken our Y/N~

Asuka:Oh yes~

All the girls turn into yandere eyes

meanwhile at Y/N room

Y/N cover his blanket himself while he  is scared

Y/N:*sobs*Grandpa....i need escape...from the girls.*sobs*

the end

So pick a request for the next chapter

Tengu Squad

Dance fan Squad

Municipal Squad

Thousand-year Festival Executives

Rin and Daidouji

Hakuoh Squad

Industrial Squad

Reika,Hiroko and Naraku

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