Chapter 6

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Rin and Daidouji won the vote

The next day Y/N got rape again by Fubuki,Kagura,Senko and Gekko and they live with Asuka and the girls

Y/N awake

Y/N:Another worst day with the girls*sigh*i need to escape from all the Senran Kagura girls they always rape me everyday.*sobs*

Asuka came in

Asuka:Oh Y/N~

Y/N:*sigh sadly*What did you want Asuka?

Asuka:It's time for go to school~*grab the leash and drag him out of his room*

Y/N:No i don't wanna go to school Asuka those 2 girls wants me please i beg you.*try to crawl away*

Asuka:No you hangout with our teachers~

Y/N:Nnnoooo.*close his eyes*

Katsuragi:Hehehe do you want to raped again Y/N~*yandere smirk*

Y/N:Eek! Ok,ok,ok i go to school please no raping me.*shivers*

Asuka:That's more like it~

Leo:Ok let's go girls.

All the girls:Yea!!!

Y/N sighed

At the Shimobi Academy

Asuka:Here we are Y/N~

Rin:Oh hello Asuka.

Asuka:Hi sensei.

Rin:So what's bring you here?

Asuka:Oh we want you teach Y/N some lessons.

Rin:Oh really~

Asuka:Yep because me and the girls are going to Hawaii.

Homura:Can you take care of Y/N.

Yumi:You can shared with him~

Rin:Oh yes~ ok i will.


Asuka:Bye darling~*kiss Y/N*

Asuka and the girls are left leaving to Y/N,Rin and Daidouji

Rin:Well time to class Y/N~

Y/N:Ok.*went to classroom*

Later at the classroom

Rin:Ok Y/N page 35 there's a project on that.

Y/N:Ok.*turn the page 35 and he shocked*

Daidoiji:Your project is to fuck me and Rin that's final~

Rin:Deadline will be right now~

Y/N:B-b-but i can't accept that.*blush and shy*

Daidouji:Are you sure,well then~

Rin pinned him on the floor

Y/N:What the...LET ME GO PLEASE!!!!

Daidouji:No one leave this class until you finish this project~

Rin:Oh yes let's have some fun~


Y/N:May i go to the restroom?

Rin:No do it now~

Y/N went out the classroom and start running away

Daidouji:GET HIM~!!!

Daidouji and Rin chase him

Y/N:HELP ME!!!!*still running*

Y/N hide behind the wall

Rin:Darling where are you~

Daidoiji:Come out,came out where you are~

Rin:We want to have fun with you~

Y/N went out the school and keep running away suddenly he bump a strange girl name Alexa(OC)

Y/N:Oops i'm so sorry.

Alexa:It's ok what's your name?

Y/N:N-n-n-name is Y/N.*blushes* cute name my name is Alexa nice to meet you.

Y/N look at her and he is blushing

Alexa:*smile and blushing*You like me don't you?*giggles*

Y/N:Y-y-yes Alexa.*blush madly*

Alexa:Good.*cuddles and kiss him*I love you Y/N.

Y/N:I love you too Alexa.*hug her back*

But then at the far distance Rin and Daidoiji saw him with along another girl



Rin:Let's kill her~


Meanwhile with Asuka and the girls are relaxing at the beach

Asuka:It's so relaxing day right girls~

All the girls:Yep.

Katsuragi:How many girls left to in love with Y/N?

Asuka:Hmm...let's a halfway left to go~

Miyabi:Including our teachers right Asuka.

Asuka:Yes it is Miyabi.

Katsugari:I can't wait for having a baby with our Y/N~

Asuka:Ok calm Katsu don't be such a rush right now.

Katsuragi:Ok Asuka.

Back to Y/N

Y/N and Alexa go to the coffee shop and they took a seat and sit in the table but then Rin and Daidouji saw him at the coffee with Alexa

Rin:That's it i gonna kill her now!!!*pull out her weapon*

Daidouji:Wait Rin,wait for Y/N left and kill her.


Y/N:Alexa i need go to the restroom ok.

Alexa:Ok Y/N.

Y/N go to the restroom and Alexa was humming herself but then Rin and Daidoiji went in the coffee shop went to Alexa and Rin pinned her

Alexa:What the...LET ME GO!!!

Rin:No you bitch you steal our Y/N and you gonna pay for that!!!

Alexa:What are you talking about...

Daidouji attack her

Daidouji:Don't say to us you bitch he is our!!!*brutallize Alexa*

Alexa:*sobs*Stop it...*sobs*

Y/N came in saw Rin and Daidouji attack Alexa

Y/N:Sensei why are you attack my girlfriend...*tear come out his eyes*

Rin:Don't you see this bitch steal from you~

Y/N:Please stop it i beg you.*sobs*

Daidouji:No you are ours~

Rin:Oh yes~


Rin:*pull out her weapon*Goodbye bitch!!!*slice her head off her body*

Y/N:Alexa!!!*sobs*How could you.*sobs*

Rin:Because no one will take you except Asuka and the girls~

Daidouji:You belong to us~

Y/N:Please no.

Daidouji:Too late~*knocked him out*

Meanwhile at the classroom

Y/N wake up and he already tied on the teacher desk

Y/N:Anyone please help me...*sobs*

Rin and Daidoiji came in

Y/N:Sensei please don't do this...

Rin:No this is your detention punishment darling~

Daidouji:Now call us our name instead~

Y/N:Please i don't want that...*sobs*

Rin and Daidouji are smirk and take off their clothes off

Rin:Let's have some fun~


Later at night

Asuka and the girls arrive at school

Rin:Oh hello Asuka how was the Hawaii?

Asuka:So much relaxing Sensei.

Rin:No,no just call our names Asuka.

Asuka:Ok,how was Y/N~?

Rin:He is fine Asuka~

Daidouji carry sleeping Y/N

Leo:Let's go to our mansion.

Daidouji:Oh yes~

Rin:I can't wait my favorite student to pregnant me~

Daidouji:Me too~

Asuka:We will Rin and Daidouji~

Homura:Onward girls.


Asuka and the went girls went to their mansion while they turn into yandere eyes

Asuka:Y/N will be ours~

All the girls:Oh yes~

Y/N:*his thoughts*I wish transfer to another location but i trapped by all Senran Kagura girls.*tears come out of his eyes*

The end

Next request for the next chapter

Tengu Squad

Dance Fan Squad

Municipal Squad

Thousand-Year Festival Executive

Industrial Squad

Hakuoh Squad

Reika,Hiroko and Naraku

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