Chapter 1: First day in beacon

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Yang was asleep on her bed but then eventually started to wake up but she felt something wrapped around her leg when she looked down she saw Y/N she smiled remembering that she allowed him to sleep next to her last night Yang strokes his hair again and slowly gets out of bed She goes in the bathroom and takes a shower brushes her teeth and puts on her uniform then Blake and Weiss wakes up to see Yang up very early.

Weiss: Your up early. I never really expected you to be a morning person.

Yang: Things change when you have a kid to take care of.

Blake: But what about classes. We don't have anyone to baby sit him.

Yang: Hmm well I'll just take him. There's no way I'll let him stay in this Dorm alone. not until he is healed.

Blake and Weiss looked at each other other unsure but then they both nodded Yang walked up to Y/N and tapped him a bit to wake up.

Yang: Hey come on little guy. Wake up.

Y/N wakes up then yawns and stretch's.

Y/N: Good morning.

Yang: Good morning. Come on we need you to get dressed.

Y/N: Yeah but how?

Yang: Well by putting some clothes on.

Y/N: Yeah but.

Y/N then points at his back Yang then notices.

Yang: Oh right.

Weiss: Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I asked Coco to make a pair of clothes for Y/N. You'll find them in on the desk.

Yang: Thanks Weiss.

Yang then Grabs a pair of clothes.

Yang: Alright let's get you dressed up.

Few minutes later They we're in class Y/N was dressed up in clothing sitting on Yangs lap and well surprisingly all of her teachers were allowing him to stay in class as long as he wasn't interrupting In ports class Yang was bored but she heard a soft snoring she looks down to see Y/N asleep Yang smiles then the bell goes off Every one gets up to the cafeteria Yang softly shakes Y/N.

Yang: Hey Y/N it's time to wake up.

Y/N then wakes up.

Y/N: I'm sorry it just got so boring and—

Yang: Don't be. I don't blame you it's a very boring class but now it's time to get you something to eat.

Y/N: Food?

Yang: Yes food come on.

Few minutes later Y/N and Yang were in the cafeteria Yang got a tray of food and fed it to Y/N.

Yang: Is it good.

Y/N nodded his head.

Nora: (gasp) He's. So. Cute!

Nora tried to run and hug him but Ren quickly grabbed her.

Ren: We don't want to scare him Nora.

Jaune: Who's the kid?

Yang: This is Y/N.

Y/N: Hellooooo!

Jaune: Hey the names Jaune arc and this my team.

Pyrrha: Hello my name is Pyrrha.

Ren: Ren.

Nora: Noraaaaa!

Y/N: Hello everyone.

Yang smiled seeing Y/N was opening up to everyone a little but then Y/N let out a painful scream. Everyone looked at who was responsible and saw Cardin stepping on Y/N tail Cardin every let his foot go and Y/N grabbed his tail and started rubbing it.

Jaune: What the hell is your problem?!

Cardin: What the freak can't defend it's self? He's an animal, Animals eat outside Yang glared at Cardin and looked at Y/N and saw he was on the verge of of tears Yang then got up walked towards Cardin.

Yang: I will only give you one chance... Leave.

Cardin: (scoffs) And what are you going to d—

Then Yang punches him in the face and he starts bouncing off each wall and ceiling then he landed in front of Yang who's hair was on fire and eyes were glowing red Cardin tried to run but Yang grabbed him and pinned him to the wall.

Yang: Listen here and listen good if you ever hurt Y/N again I will make sure you never walk again. Do I make myself clear?

Cardin nods his head yes Yang then let's him go and Cardin starts to run Yang then walks towards Y/N sits next to him and puts him on her lap and holds him.

Jaune: Wow that was—

Weiss: Scary.

Blake: I never seen you like that.

Yang: Cardin bullying people is bad enough but bullying a child is crossing the line!

Pyrrha: You care about him very deeply huh.

Yang: Of course.

Ren: You are very good with Kids.

Yang: Well comes with experience when you're the oldest sibling.

Nora: Well ones thing for sure you'd be a great mother.

Those Words Nora said repeated in Y/N head.

Few minutes later Y/N was holding Yangs hand as they were in the elevator.

Y/N: Yang were are we going?

Yang: We're going to see the headmaster.

Y/N: Why?

Yang: Well to see what type of Faunus you are.

Y/N: Oh ok!

Y/N smiled and Yang smiled back they finally got to the top to see Ironwood and Oobleck talking.

Oobleck: Look James I don't know if you noticed but I'm trying my very best to keep this kingdom and this Academy safe from the chaos that happened few months ago!

Ironwood: Doctor with the many reports of Giant monster roaming Around we need to take action now!

Oobleck: General the people of Vale are still scared from the last giant monster they saw! And beacon hasn't been the same ever since we found out who Ozpin really was! And your bright idea is to bring all of you fleet here!

Ironwood: We need to be prepared!

Oobleck: What we need is—

Oobleck then noticed Yang standing there watching the two of them arguing.

Oobleck: Oh sorry miss Xiao long.

Ironwood turns around to see Yang.

Ironwood: Yang.

Yang: Doctor. General.

Oobleck: What brings you here?

Yang: Well I wanted to ask what type of Faunus is Y/N is.

Ironwood: Who?

Yang then looked to her side to see Y/N was gone and was hiding behind her.

Yang: It's ok. You don't have to hide from them.

Y/N then slowly cam out from hiding.

Oobleck: Oh. who is this little one?

Yang: This is Y/N I decided to take him in. And well Y/N has some features me Weiss and even Blake have never seen and we were hoping you could solve it.

Oobleck: Hmm child please let me see you.

Y/N still stayed behind Yang.

Oobleck: I'm not going to hurt you little one. I just want to observe you.

Oobleck took a ship of his cup of coffee It took him some time but eventually Y/N came out and showed off his tail and his Dorsal Finns Oobleck jaw dropped and so did his mug.

Oobleck: Oh my oum Yang do you realize what you just found.

Yang: What?

Oobleck: You have found the most powerful Faunus ever to be known. A Godzilla Faunus.

Ironwood: What?!

Oobleck: He has all of the features The Dorsal Finns and the tail. And his kind are the only ones to transform into there Titan form.

Yang then looks at Y/N and smiles.

Yang: You hear that your a very special boy.

Oobleck: Indeed he is.

Y/N: Thank you mr Headmaster.

Oobleck: Please call me Oobleck.

Y/N smiles.

Y/N: I'm a Godzilla!

Yang then picks up Y/N.

Yang: Yes you are.

Yang walks to the elevator and Y/N waves the two goodbye as the door closes Oobleck smiles.

Oobleck: Cute kid.

Ironwood: You said that he was a Godzilla Faunus right. And he could transform into his Titan form.

Oobleck: If your asking me to let you use that boy to fight off those Monsters then you should already know my answer.

Ironwood: He might be our only chance at survival.

Oobleck: He's a child James! (Sighs) Look you have nothing to offer me so I think it's time for you to go.

Ironwood: As much I hate to say this. Ozpin wouldn't approve of this.

Oobleck: He's not here... Is he.

Ironwood: You will regret this.

Ironwood walks out of the office.

In team RWBY's dorm Yang was setting up Y/N pajamas getting him ready for bed.

Yang: Ready for bed?

Y/N: Yes Mommy.

Everyone was shocked to hear him say that.

Yang: What did you call me?

Y/N: Well I thought about what Nora said and well I see you as my mommy. I can stop if—

Yang smiles and kneels to Y/N level of height.

Yang: No it's ok. I'll happily be your mother. I would love for you to be my son.

Y/N tears up a bit then hugs Yang.

Y/N: I love you.

Yang Teas up bit and Hugs him back Weiss and Blake watch in the back with big smiles on there faces.

Yang: I love you too. My little Titan.

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