Chapter 2: Heartache

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Y/N was sitting on the floor playing with his toys he had a t Rex and Pteranodon destroying the city then there was a lightning strike Y/N screamed before running under Weiss bed Yang saw this then walk towards the bed and gets under the bed.

Yang: Baby what's wrong?

Y/N: Lighting scary. it's always scared me.

Yang: Aww sweet sweet thing. Come here let mommy protect you Yang put her hand out Y/N looks at it and takes it They crawl out of Weiss bed Yang picks Y/N up and she lays down with him on her bed.

Yang: Don't worry son I got you.

Y/N clung onto Yang Y/N wrapped his tail around Yangs leg still shaking a bit Yang finally got an idea.

Yang: Hey want me to read you a story.

Y/N: A story?

Yang: Yup I was reading this because it was one of my sisters favorites. It's called the Dragon king.

Y/N: Oooo sounds interesting read it read it.

Yang chuckles then kisses Y/N cheek and started reading few minutes later Y/N was asleep and hade his head rested on her chest She chuckles as she strokes his hair and kisses his forehead.

Blake:  He's really cute.

Yang looks at Blake then Y/N.

Yang: I know he is.

Blake: Are you going to give him your last name.

Yang looks at Blake.

Blake: Since he is your son. You should give him your last name.

Yang: Huh Guess your right.

Yang looks down at Y/N and starts stroking his hair again.

The next morning Y/N was sitting on Yangs lap watching the incredibles Y/N was bouncing up and down enjoying the movie.

Jaune: He really is enjoying that movie huh.

Yang: Yeah it was one of my favorite movies.

Y/N continued to enjoy the movie until he noticed the same guys who were bullying him were bullying Velvet Y/N growls and gets off of Yangs lap and starts walking to the bully's.

Y/N: Hey stop it right now!

They look were it came from and laugh.

Cardin: Look the freak is trying to save the other freak.

Velvet: Don't worry about me just run ow.

Cardin: Well blonde isn't here to save you this time.

Cardin starts to walk towards Y/N but Y/N shows no fear as his dorsal Finns starts to glow from his tail all the way up to his back.

Goon: Um Cardin.

Y/N mouth opens and shoots his blue atomic breath Cardin managed to move out the way Team WBY and JNPR all looked and Yang looks at Y/N with a stern look. Y/N stopped shooting and everyone looked up to see a giant hole in the roof Cardin and his team looked at Y/N in fear.

Cardin: Um sorry dude we'll Leave.

They all start running then Y/N puff out of his noise then looks at Velvet.

Y/N: Are you ok Velvet.

Velvet: Yeah I'm fine darling but that was dangerous you could have gotten hurt.

Y/N: I know but at least I managed to save you.
Then a shadow lingered over Y/N. 

Y/N turns around with a smile but his smile fades when he sees his mother's face isn't really happy.

Yang: Your in trouble.

Y/N wrapped his tail around his right leg.

Y/N: Uhh did I do something?

Yang: What do you think you did.

Y/N: Well I uhh just wanted to help Velvet.

Yang: Y/N you know it's dangerous to mess with Cardin!

Y/N: I know mommy but I just didn't like the fact that Cardin was messing with Velvet.

Yang: But you could've gotten hurt! What if he hit you or worse thank goodness you did... what ever that was! (Sighs) Y/N your grounded for one week do you understand my Son.

Y/N looks down disappointed that he got grounded and also disappointed in himself that he let Yang Down.

Y/N: Yes Mommy.

Yang: Good.

Yang grabs Y/N hand and was about to leave.

Velvet: Yang.

Yang stops then looks at Velvet

Velvet: Don't be too hard on him. He was just trying to do the right thing.

Yang: (Sighs) I know.

In team RWBY dorm Y/N was making small little Atomic circles Yang was watching him and Blake tapped her shoulder.

Blake: Yang a word.

Yang: What for?

Blake grabs Yang and drags her out of the dorm. Y/N was a bit confused so he leaned in to hear better. 

Blake: Yang was grounding him for one week really necessary?

Yang: Yes it was. It was for his own good.

Blake: Yang he just got himself into a little bit of trouble.

Yang: He could've gotten hurt.

Blake: The worse thing that could have happened was him getting hit and that's it.

Yang: Blake out of all people I thought you would understand.

Blake: Understand what?

Yang: That I'm just trying to protect him! I don't want to lose him like I lost Ruby. When I first laid eyes on him. I immediately wanted to love and protect him and seeing him in pain it's like a knife to the heart and if got hurt or died.

Then Yang starts to cry.

Yang: I wouldn't know what to do in life anymore.

Y/N heart started to break hearing his mother in such pain.

Weiss: Y/N Xiao Long should you be really listening to there conversation?

Y/N jumps as he turns around to look at Weiss who hade her arms crossed.

Y/N: Oh no I was just... (sighs) Ok I was listening.

Weiss just sighs and picks him up and puts him next to her on the bed.

Weiss: Sweetie you know you can't be doing that.

Y/N: I know but I was just worried for mommy she was just so sad and I want to make sure she was alright.

Weiss smiles and hugs him.

Weiss: Your to sweet.

Weiss starts to stoke his Hair The more Y/N started to lean back then he rested his head on Weiss lap and started to close his eyes.

Y/N: Is it ok if I call you Auntie Weiss.
Weiss eyes widened but then she smiled.

Weiss: Of course darling. So is Blake your aunt too?

Y/N: No she's mama.

Weiss: What do you mean isn't Yang your mom?

Y/N: Yes but Blake has feelings for Yang.

Weiss was shocked that Y/N said that.

Weiss: How do you know that?

Y/N: Just a feeling in my guts.

Y/N falls asleep and Weiss continues to stroke his hair Blake and Yang walk in and see that Y/N is asleep.

Yang: Looks like the little guy used up all of his energy.

Weiss: Yeah. He's adorable.

Yang: I know he was worth it.

Timeskip It was night Y/N woke up and saw that everyone was gone but heard someone crying in the bathroom Y/N woke up and walked into the bathroom and saw Yang crying looking at a photo Y/N grabbed her shirt and tugged on it Yang looks down eyes widened.

Yang: Oh your awake.

Y/N: Mommy why are you crying?

Yang: Oh it's nothing baby don't worry.

Y/N puff his cheeks then hugs onto Yang's leg and looks up at her.

Y/N: What's wrong?

Yang tried to ignore him but his puppy dog eyes got the better of her.

Yang: Alright wait for me on my bed.

Y/N nodded then ran up Yangs Bed waiting for her. Yang was in her pajamas finally got up and pulled Y/N close she pulled out a photo of her and Ruby.

Yang: You see the girl in red.

Y/N: Yes.

Yang: That's your aunt Ruby.

Y/N: Auntie Ruby?

Yang: Yes and I miss your Aunt very much.

Y/N: We're is she?

Yang: I don't know me and Velvet have been trying to find her but we haven't succeeded. Your aunt ran away.

Y/N: Oh no! Why?

Yang: Because we made a mistake a very bad one, and because of that mistake we lost her trust. I lost the person I swore to protect. Which is why I was so hard on you because I don't want to make the Same mistake if something happened to you I wouldn't forgive my self.

Y/N: But Mommy you made a mistake that's normal we learn from our mistakes and move on in life that's what makes us people.

Yang was shocked that Y/N said that she tears up at the heart warming comment and she hugs Y/N.

Yang: Since when did you learn those types of things.

Y/N: My dad told me.

Y/N eyes widened as he backs up.

Y/N: My dad?

Yang: Remembering some thing again?

Y/N: Yeah.

Y/N walks towards Yang then sits next to her and leans his head on her shoulder.

Y/N: but that doesn't matter right now, I love you mommy.

Yang: (Kisses Y/N forehead) I love you too.

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