Chapter 3: Hang out with team JNPR

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Y/N woke up very early In the morning he looks at the calendar and saw it was Friday he gasp in excitement as it was the weekend and he would be able to play with his mom all day Y/N got up and started shacking Yang.

Y/N: Mommy mommy wake up!

Yang: (Growns) Sweetie do you have to wake me up?

Y/N: Come on Mommy it's Friday it's been sooooooo long since we played together.

Yang opens her eyes to look at Y/N She sighs but then smiles and ruffles his hair.

Yang: (Sighs) Alright kiddo let me get dressed first ok.

Y/N nodded his head really fast Yang ruffles his hair again and got down from the bed to get to the bathroom. Then the rest of the team started to wake up.

Y/N: Morning Auntie Weiss morning Blake.

Weiss: Good morning Y/N.

Blake: Morning lizard boy.

Blake then ruffles Y/N hair.

Weiss: Since when did you started giving Nick names?

Blake: Just now.

Blake stretch's as both Blake and Weiss go in to the bathroom to brush there teeth few minutes later when each of them finish getting in the shower they put there clothes on Yang then put Y/N in a bath tub then after he was done he got dressed up he jumped up and down when Weiss got a notification on her scroll.

Weiss: Um Yang I hate to burst your bubble but we're needed on a mission.

Y/N and Yang smiles faded.

Yang: Is it really that important.

Weiss: Yes apparently.

Yang looks at Y/N who looks down Yang gets on his level and hugs him.

Yang: I'm sorry sweetie but mommy has to go on very important mission.

Y/N: I understand.

Blake: Well who's going to babysit?

Yang thought for a minute but then a lightbulb appeared above Yangs head.

In team JNPR dorm Pyrrha was studying with Jaune while Nora was listening to music and Ren was making pancakes then there's a knock on the door.

Jaune: I'll get it.

Jaune gets up and opens it to see Yang holding Y/N hand.

Jaune: Oh hey Yang hey fire breather what brings you here today?

Yang: Me and my team are going out on a mission we need someone to watch Y/N do you think you can do that for me?

Jaune: Sure thing.

Yang: But just so we're clear the day he called me mommy was the day I became his mother. So if anything should happen to him.

Yang crack her knuckles Jaune nervously gulped.

Jaune: Understood.

Yang: Great. (Looks at Y/N) Be good ok.

Y/N: Yes mommy.

Y/N walks in and Nora gasp before running towards Y/N and picking him up.

Nora: Hey there cutie how have you been today!?

Y/N: Great I guess. Your very strong and pretty too.

Nora: Aww your so sweet.

Jaune: So I have to ask that thing you did. Is that your semblance.

Y/N: No it's part of me being a Godzilla Faunus.

Pyrrha: A Godzilla what?

Y/N: (Excitedly) I'm a Titan!

Everyone in the room laughs

Ren: Pancakes are done.

Nora squeals in excitement as she dashed to the table with Y/N still in her arms. everyone sits at the table ready to eat Pyrrha helps cut Y/N pancakes Y/N took one bite and loved it immediately and started to chow down his food.

Pyrrha: Careful now we don't want you choking on your food.

Ren: So we've heard you've been gaining more of your memories.

Y/N: Yeah it's weird I feel this connection like there's somewhere I need to be. Maybe I can find my memory's there.

Everyone looked at Y/N.

Jaune: Well we'll be right behind you every step of the way.

Y/N looked at team JNPR who all hade smiles on there faces and Y/N smiled back.

Y/N: Thanks guys.

Jaune: Any time kid.

Jaune pats his back but forgot about his dorsal Finns when his hand hits the dorsal Finns his eyes widened as he slowly moves his hand as it turns red.

Pyrrha: So since we're babysitting you what do you feel like doing today?

Nora then pushes Pyrrha out the chair and sits next to Y/N.

Nora: There's all sorts of stuff we can do! We
can go to the carnival arcade there's a lot of places we can go to.

Y/N: Hmmm.

Y/N then got an idea:

Y/N: How about the beach!

Jaune: Good choice what do you say team.

Pyrrha: Sure why not.

Nora: Yes!

Ren: No objection here.

Jaune: Alright the beach we go we just need get some trunks.

Nora: And bikinis too!

Timeskip they were in the beach Y/N felt the sand under his feet and the sun on his skin it was very relaxing Y/N runs into the water and jumps in.

Jaune: Y/N!

Everyone got worried until they see Y/N dorsal Finns hanging out of the water moving around Y/N lifts his head up and smiles everyone smiles Y/N dives in the water while Nora Jaune and Pyrrha run into the water while Ren Sits under a umbrella. Y/N was exploring the underwater he saw many creatures Fishes Sea turtles and so on he also noticed that he could breathe under water so he didn't really have to worry about drowning. Then he heard Pyrrha calling his name. Y/N quickly swam up to her he then finally appeared scarring Nora Pyrrha and Jaune Y/N laugh Nora and Pyrrha get a little upset until the both smile and splash water at the boys both of the girls laugh before Y/N and Jaune start splashing back the boys & girls started to splash each other with water then Y/N finally got and idea he turns around and lifts his tail.

Y/N: Jaune move!

Jaune turns around to look at Y/N and sees what he's about to do He moves out Y/N slams his tail making a huge wave of water hitting Pyrrha and Nora.

Jaune: Great job Y/N!

Jaune lifts his hand up for a High five Y/N then high fives him back. Y/N swims out of the water and sits next to Ren.

Ren: Had fun.

Y/N: Yup I even discovered that I can breath underwater.

Ren: A great discovery indeed. Tell me did you know how to swim by yourself?

Y/N grunts then a small glimpse of his memories were he sees he's in some type of lake swimming.

Y/N: No my dad taught me. I'm getting all theses old memories but yet it's so blank gosh this so frustrating!

Ren: I hade a feeling it was an old memory but don't worry you'll get back all of your memories. I know you will.

Y/N smiles until he grunts again and sees a vortex.

Y/N: Hold on Ren I'll be right back.

Y/N goes running into to water and dives in this time a super fast speed he looks around then he final finds it.

Y/N: (thinking) Please don't kill me.

Y/N swims in and closes his eyes. there was no impact he open his eyes to see that he's in a new location he continues to swim until he reaches a dead end but what Y/N saw amazed him. It was a cave painting of other Godzilla Faunus swimming or traveling to places and this makes Y/N smile he turns around and swims back into the vortex.

Jaune: Y/N! Y/N! Oh god Yang's Going to kill me.

Ren: Don't worry he'll be back.

Jaune looks at the ocean still a little worried but then he sees Y/N dorsal Finns and he comes out of the water and walks towards the group.

Jaune: Thank goodness your ok where were you?

Y/N: I think I know were I can find my memories.

Timeskip back at Team JNPR dorm Y/N finished his bath and told team JNPR were he thinks he can find his old memories then there was a knock on the door Jaune opens it to see Yang.

Yang: Hellooo everyone.

Pyrrha: Hello

Nora: Hey!

Ren: Greetings.

Jaune: Hey came for your son.

Yang: Yup how was he?

Jaune: He was great. You have a great son.

Yang: I know, come on sweetie time for bed.

Y/N grabs Yangs Hand and walks away he then waved at Team JNPR.

Y/N: Bye bye.

They wave back with big smiles on there faces.

Pyrrha: I want us to have a kid like that.

Jaune : What was that?

Pyrrha: (Chuckles) Nothing.

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